Arduino robot ideas

Here are some ideas for Arduiono based DIY robots building:


HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor – object avoiding Arduino robot. – ClusterBot



4WD Arduino Sonar and IR Robot Test Run


Arduino Robot Tank – Stage 1 – NAV System








  1. Tomi Engdahl says:


    RoboRemo is a Bluetooth / Internet / WiFi remote control app for Arduino, PIC, AVR, etc.

    A remote device compatible with RoboRemo must contain a Bluetooth / Internet / WiFi adapter and a microcontroller programmed to interpret commands from RoboRemo.

    Bluetooth to Serial adapter examples: BlueSMiRF, HC-05, HC-06, BTM-222, etc.
    WiFi adapter examples: Arduino WiFi Shield, ESP8266, etc.
    Ethernet adapter examples: Arduino Ethernet Shield, etc.
    Microcontroller examples: Arduino, PIC16F84A, PIC16F628A, PIC16F877A, PIC18F4550, ATMEGA328, ATMEGA2560, etc.

    UDP TCP Server – Free

    Ever needed to send a UDP/TCP commands from your Android device to a UDP/TCP enabled device on your WiFi or Cellular network?
    Now you can!

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Simplest Quadrupedal Robot Ever

    Wheeled and tracked robots are easy mode, and thanks to some helpful online tutorials for inverse kinematics, building quadruped, hexapod, and octopod robots is getting easier and easier. [deshipu] came up with what is probably the simplest quadruped robot ever. It’s designed to be a walking robot that’s as cheap and as simple to build as possible.

    The biggest problem with walking robots is simply the frame. Where a wheeled robot is basically a model car, a walking robot needs legs, joints, and a sturdy frame to attach everything to. While there are laser cut hexapod frames out there, [deshipu]’s Tote robot uses servos for most of the skeleton. The servos are connected to each other by servo horns and screws.

    The electronics are based on an Arduino Pro Mini, with a PCB for turning the Arduino’s pins into servo headers. Other than that, a 1000uF cap keeps brownouts from happening, and a 1S LiPo cell provides the power.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Simplest Quadrupedal Robot Ever

    Wheeled and tracked robots are easy mode, and thanks to some helpful online tutorials for inverse kinematics, building quadruped, hexapod, and octopod robots is getting easier and easier. [deshipu] came up with what is probably the simplest quadruped robot ever. It’s designed to be a walking robot that’s as cheap and as simple to build as possible.

    The electronics are based on an Arduino Pro Mini, with a PCB for turning the Arduino’s pins into servo headers. Other than that, a 1000uF cap keeps brownouts from happening, and a 1S LiPo cell provides the power.


    What is Tote?

    It’s a small walking robot, designed to be as cheap and simple to build as possible, while at the same time serving as a starting point for more complex projects and for teaching. In its basic form it just walks around and turns, controlled by a TV remote, but it can be easily extended by adding sensors and more interesting behaviors.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Here is Arduino and lots of other stuff:

    SPARC: A Voice Controlled Robot Sings Sweetly in DTMF

    One of the recurring themes of science fiction is the robot. From such icons as C-3PO and R2D2 in Star Wars to WALL-E and Eve, robots have always had a certain appeal. Inexpensive microcontrollers like the Arduino have opened up the world of robotics to more people.

    It began when he received a robotic arm for Christmas and was disappointed by it. Instead of simply building a better arm, he got “carried away” and built an entire robot instead.

    SPARC has three sonar sensors for detecting obstacles and movement, an arm and a couple of interchangeable hands for holding objects, and an EasyVR Arduino Shield for the voice control. The robot’s “eyes” are an LED ‘KITT’ scanner and an AN6884 VU meter chip that flashes the “eyes” when the robot speaks. It carries an onboard smartphone to look up weather, play music from the phone’s SD card, and GPS functions.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tiny Robot Shakes Head At You In Dissaproval

    If you don’t have enough things staring at you and shaking their head in frustration, [Sheerforce] has a neat project for you. It’s a small Arduino-powered robot that uses an ultrasonic distance finder to keep pointing towards the closest thing it can find. Generally, that would be you.

    When it finds something, it tries to track it by constantly rotating the distance finder slightly and retesting the distance, giving the impression of constantly shaking its head at you in disappointment.

    you should read [Sheerforce]’s code first: it’s a great example of documenting this for experimenters who want to build something

    Tiny Robot Shakes Head At You In Dissaproval


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