Raspberry Pi B+ price drops to $25 | Chips | Geek.com


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1 Comment

  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Raspberry Pi Model B+ sales rocket after price-cut to $25
    CEO expects to sell a million units this year

    SALES OF THE RASPBERRY PI MODEL B+ have “spiked hard” over the last week following a price-cut from $35 to $25, about £16.

    In a tweet, the foundation’s CEO, Eben Upton – who won Tech Champion at the first ever INQUIRER Tech Hero Awards on Tuesday – said the firm is expecting to see a million sales of B+ units this year alone.

    The price of the Raspberry Pi Model B+ was slashed by about £6.50 last week. In what could possibly be just a coincidence, the price cut came mere days after a rival $9 microcomputer named CHIP made waves in the developer sphere when it hit Kickstarter.

    Nevertheless, Raspberry Pi said that the Model B+ has continued to sell very well, despite costing $35 and being overshadowed by its new and improved sibling, the Raspberry Pi 2, which arrived in February and has so far sold over a million units.


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