The future of Javascript

After almost 20 years, JavaScript is still growing by all measures: deployed apps, github usage, framework innovation, and of course standardized language evolution. The 6th Edition of the ECMAScript standard, ES6, is all but done. ES7, the next edition, is under parallel construction in order to be finalized a year after ES6. Check out what to expect from them by watching ES6 and ES7 the future of Javascript video:

Classes, modules, arrow functions, destructuring, lexical binding, rest and default parameters, promises, generators, proxies and more are coming to browser-based JS Virtual Machines soon, and of course to Node.js via V8. Async functions, async generators, typed objects, value objects, SIMD intrinsics, and more are likely in ES7 or a follow-on release.

Most new features can be used now, via compilers such as Traceur, 6to5, and esnext.

1 Comment

  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    WebAssembly and the Future of JavaScript

    WebAssembly is the next stage in the evolution of client-side scripting. In theory, it will improve on JavaScript’s speed. That’s not to say that JavaScript is a slowpoke: Incremental speed improvements have included the rollout of asm.js (an optimized subset) in 2013. But WebAssembly—while not a replacement for JavaScript—is intended as a “cure” for a variety of issues where JavaScript isn’t always a perfect fit, including video editing, encryption, peer-to-peer, and more.

    will WebAssembly actually become something big, or is it ultimately doomed to suffer the fate of other hyped JavaScript-related platforms

    Is WebAssembly the Future of JavaScript?


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