Sailfish OS To Become Russia’s Official Operating System for Mobile | Jolla Users Blog

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  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jolla’s Sailfish trip around the world with the support of Russia to Africa

    Russia is said to be interested Jolla Sailfish operating system. Now, sailfish and its ecosystem is being taken in Africa.

    Jolla tells the person who undertakes to build the ecosystem-based Sailfish OS, Africa’s needs. Decide opened in South Africa, which created Sailfish Africa business alliances.

    The aim is to bring together African investors to create a basis for open Sailfish mobile ecosystem.

    tells the person who undertakes to build the ecosystem-based Sailfish OS, Africa’s needs. Decide opened in South Africa, which created Sailfish Africa business alliances.

    The aim is to bring together African investors to create a basis for open Sailfish mobile ecosystem.

    “This is a logical extension of Russia’s recent announcement Sailfish cooperation. Africa deserves its own mobile ecosystem.”


  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Raspberry Pi Tablet Based on Sailfish OS

    There are so many hacks in this project it’s hard to know where to start. So let’s start at the SailPi tablet which is a Raspberry Pi running the Sailfish OS on an LCD touch screen powered by a cell phone battery pack. The design looks more like a high-tech sandwich with the Pi in the middle than a tablet. Despite the appearance it works, at that’s what counts. COs98UBWsAAQNh5The creator, [Aleksi Suomalainen] expended a lot of effort pulling all the pieces together on this project.

    Deployment and use of the SailPi tablet as real standalone tablet.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Russia’s bid for mobile self-sufficiency may be the saviour of Sailfish
    Comrades: We present your official alternative to Android

    The quest for freedom from US technologies and patent fees has been a persistent theme in China and has helped shape the new mobile landscape, in which Baidu and Alibaba, not Google and Amazon, dominate the user experience. Less is heard about another massive market, Russia, but here too, the push for technology self-sufficiency is gathering momentum, creating opportunities for alternatives to Android and iOS.

    The Russian government has chosen Sailfish – a Finnish Linux-based mobile operating system created by start-up Jolla – as the basis of its own mobile software platform, which will be developed by new venture Open Mobile Platform (OMP) and will be adopted by government agencies and state-owned corporations.

    Russia chooses Jolla over homegrown effort

    Russia’s Ministry of Communications assessed various alternatives, according to local reports, and in particular, chose Sailfish over Tizen OS for its greater openness and security. Jolla chairman Antti Saarnio told TechCrunch that the selection process had started back in spring 2015. He added: “It started with the IT Ministry of Russia long-listing available alternative mobile operating systems. They ended up doing a technical analysis of two OSs: one was Tizen, the other was us, Sailfish OS.”

    He explained: “After a couple of months very thorough technical evaluation they selected our OS for further collaboration. What we then started was a joint R&D project with a local Russian organization to build an OS version of Sailfish into Russia so that government will have an independent OS but it’s supported by our overall code base. The Russian government has a list of software which can be seen as a national software and which are audited and certified, and in this list of software, our software is the only mobile OS software — currently.”

    It seems that there were no credible Russian-developed alternatives to Android, though Jolla is working with Open Mobile to integrate Sailfish code with a Russian services platform.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jolla operating in China – including Sony’s mobile devices

    Jolla announced the launch of the Barcelona Mobile Fair to build Sailfish operating system its own version of the Chinese market. A similar project in Russia is already long. Which told the Barcelona also take advantage of Sony’s collaboration with Sailfish OS.

    Jolla has given Sailfish China consortium exclusive license Sailfish OS operating system in China. The aim is to build a Sailfish OS-based, independent and tailored to the mobile operating system in the Chinese market. inter alia, data security, smart phones, automotive industry, as well as TV, IOT and smart watch.

    Sailfish China consortium aims to invest $ 250 million for the development of solutions in China. The consortium is led by Shan Li, one of China’s leading private venture investors.
    “Multi major Chinese company is already very interested in our project, “Shan Li says.

    Jolla told the Barcelona also support Sony’s Open Device Program. Company Licensing Customers and community members will have the opportunity to take advantage of Sony’s Sailfish OS platform.
    The first is coming Xpreria X with Sailfish OS version is available on the Jolla Mobile World Congress 2017 Booth. Development project aims to provide Sailfish OS device by the end of 2017 to the second quarter.


  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jollan Aurora-käyttöjärjestelmä menestyy Venäjällä – se on myös suurin riski

    Sailfish-käyttöjärjestelmään pohjautuva Aurora on ainoa viranomaisvaatimukset täyttävä mobiilikäyttöjärjestelmä Venäjällä.

    Mobiilikäyttöjärjestelmiä kehittävän Jollan oikaistu liikevaihto viime tilikaudelta oli 3,52 miljoonaa euroa. Edellisvuodesta kasvua oli 55 prosenttia

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ohjelmistoyhtiö Jollaa haetaan yritys­saneeraukseen – haluaa eroon venäläis­omistajista
    Ohjelmistoyhtiö Jollan velkojat hakevat sitä yrityssaneeraukseen. Yhtiö haluaisi eroon venäläisistä osaomistajistaan.

    OHJELMISTOYHTIÖ Jollaa haetaan yrityssaneeraukseen. Pääosin Tampereella toimivaa yhtiötä hakevat saneeraukseen yhtiön velkojiin kuuluvat asianajotoimistot Castrén & Snellman ja Borenius.

    Hakemuksen mukaan Jolla on maksukyvytön. Yhtiön varat ovat viime vuoden alustavan tilinpäätöksen perusteella noin 4,1 miljoonaa euroa ja saneeraushakemuksessa huomioon otettavat velat 12,5 miljoonaa euroa.


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