Trackers Are Out Of Control | News from the Lab

Posted from WordPress for Android


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Adblock Plus browser comes to Android and iPhone users ahead of iOS 9 release

    ABLOCK PLUS has launched its long-awaited browser for iOS and Android, pre-empting tomorrow’s arrival of iOS 9.

    The browser was first announced for Android earlier in the year and has been in beta, but it has now arrived on the Google Play store and Apple App Store.

    It marks the first time that an ad blocker has been available for iOS, and additionally celebrates a return to the Google Play store for Adblock Plus, after its original app was removed for breach of Play store rules.

    “Adblock Plus is very excited and grateful to have our app, Adblock Browser for Android, available in the Google Play store,” said Till Faida, co-founder of Adblock Plus.

    “As annoying and irritating ads have spread fast to mobile devices, we are still championing the user, offering the ability to block ads and thereby giving them faster browser speeds and longer battery life, not to mention keeping them safe from malvertising exploits.”

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Modern web analytics and tracking are completely out of control. And it’s not even a privacy issue for me at this point – it’s more about usability. Trackers are practically recreating the “dial-up Internet” experience. (Ask your parents, kids.) It’s 2015 – but a lot of websites load like it’s 1999.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    F-Secure Research Reveals Online Tracking Slows Down Web Browsing and Wastes Data

    Research Shows That F-Secure’s Freedome VPN Can Speed Up Web Browsing by as Much as 89 percent, and Save Data by Blocking Third Party Tracking

    Using tracking protection can reduce loading times while browsing the web — in some cases by as much as 89 percent. That’s according to a new study conducted by online security provider F-Secure and researchers say the results highlight the extent to which third party tracking cookies are being abused by websites. Without proper measures in place, this “digital pollution” can turn web browsing into a sluggish experience, and force customers to use data without their consent.

    F-Secure Labs conducted the study by browsing through 50 high-ranking Alexa sites* with and without Freedome’s Tracking Protection. The experiment found that popular websites consistently loaded faster and used less bandwidth when Freedome’s Tracking Protection was in use. Load times decreased between three and 89 percent, with an average reduction of 30 percent. Page sizes were reduced between three and 55 percent, with an average reduction of 13 percent. Some websites contained as many as 95 trackers, which people can now see for themselves by using Freedome’s new Tracker Mapper feature.

    Freedome’s Tracking Protection works by completely blocking requests from tracking services and by removing cookies that belong to advertising networks. Blocking this data gathering cuts down the amount of data being transferred online, which is why Freedome was able to increase browsing performance.


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