Teknologia 2015 day 3

Final day listening some IoT talks by Elisa and Arrow






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  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Elisa IoT Innovation Challenge award to Foller for reducing food wastage

    Launched in April, Elisa IoT Innovation Challenge competition is resolved Slush 2015 event. The first prize of EUR 50 000 won Foller, which developed the service aims to reduce food wastage.

    Developed by Follerin service will reduce food wastage by monitoring the degree of freshness of food throughout the production, transport and during the distribution chain. Competition in the product development cycle was exceptionally fast, because the top three were selected after only six weeks of intensive product development. Foller started from zero, but less than three months, they created an operational service, which already has a pilot customers.

    - In today’s world of business, it is crucial that the observed potential can be reached quickly R & D stage and pilot projects. Elisa IoT platform enabled us this. Next, can scale and develop the service further. The journey continues, “says a representative Folleria Tomi Kankainen.

    Real-time information about the freshness of food

    Food wastage is a huge problem, both in Finland and abroad. Fabric alone, according to the home country’s annual food waste is worth around EUR 500 million. Globally, food is wasted every year 1.3 trillion pounds.

    Real-time monitoring of food freshness enables automatic pricing and marketing to consumers. Developer Team is intended in the future to reduce food wastage as food shops and cafes and at home. Foller has had time to launch a pilot project in one Incl. With the Deli.

    - Foller is evidence of the speed of the digital world. Technology has always been an enabler, but inertia and price development have been wide innovation on the road. Elisa IoT was conceived to let the ideas of the possibility of practice.

    Elisa IoT Innovation Challenge competition was launched in April, and the actual development phase began in mid-August.

    Source: http://www.epressi.com/tiedotteet/telekommunikaatio/elisa-iot-innovation-challenge-kilpailun-voitto-ruuan-havikkia-vahentavalle-follerille.html

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Article on Elisa IoT competition winner:
    Foller pyrkii vähentämään ruoan hävikkiä


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