8GB of mobile data

Average Finnish mobile device user consumes 8 gigabytes of mobile data every month!

Think about it and compare to data caps in other countries.


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  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mobile data is the product of the amount the use of which the consumer is difficult to predict. Comptel is now offering FWD called solution that consumers can buy online connection time-based smart phones on the other hand, they would buy a certain number of megabytes or gigabytes. The solution has been developed by Comptel’s internal startup NXT.

    The solution is targeted at operators, particularly in emerging markets, with customers in a surprisingly large decline in the use of mobile data can make a deep dent in the financial bag.

    “At its worst, may lose even a bicycle, moped or a house. I did not know how much my device to use mobile data, ”

    Finland is an exceptional market for sale here in time-based mobile data packets concerned.

    “Elsewhere in the world of mobile data are typically priced at by megabyte”

    Source: http://www.tivi.fi/incoming/mobiilidatan-kaytto-voi-vieda-talon-comptel-ratkoo-ongelmaa-uudella-tuotteellaan-6064755

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mobility Report forecasts Ericsson believes that, for example, in North America smartphone data traffic will grow from the current 3.8 GB to 22 GB per month.

    In 2012, mobile video among all mobile networks offset bits is 70 per cent. Ericsson’s report, the share of mobile YouTube videos is currently 70 per cent. Netflix proportion will reach 20 per cent in many of the countries where service is available.

    Source: http://etn.fi/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3615:eurooppa-jalkijunassa-5g-kayttoonotossa&catid=13&Itemid=101

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Finland 4g-use: 222 percent growth

    4g phones have spread rapidly. The volume of traffic caused by them has grown even more.

    DNA tells us that for about 85 percent of its sales of new phones is 4G-capable. They have been used so often that 4g-transport operator’s network increased by up to 222 per cent.

    “Currently, already 67 percent of all mobile data transfer 4g network. 2G and data volumes 3G networks, however, are no longer growing. 4g subscriptions sales are currently very busy, so we believe will continue the rapid growth of mobile data also in 2016. Our forecast is that over the coming year, data traffic doubled again, “DNA’s mobile subscription, Business Manager Mika Husso says the release.

    Last year, new base stations was completed nearly 3,000 pieces, of which approximately two-thirds of 4G base stations.

    Source: http://www.tivi.fi/Kaikki_uutiset/suomi-riehaantui-4g-kayttoon-222-prosentin-kasvu-6244750


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