OpenSSH: client bugs CVE-2016-0777 and CVE-2016-0778

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  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Roaming through the OpenSSH client: CVE-2016-0777 and CVE-2016-0778

    Since version 5.4 (released on March 8, 2010), the OpenSSH client
    supports an undocumented feature called roaming: if the connection to an
    SSH server breaks unexpectedly, and if the server supports roaming as
    well, the client is able to reconnect to the server and resume the
    suspended SSH session.

    Although roaming is not supported by the OpenSSH server, it is enabled
    by default in the OpenSSH client, and contains two vulnerabilities that
    can be exploited by a malicious SSH server (or a trusted but compromised
    server): an information leak (memory disclosure), and a buffer overflow

    The information leak is exploitable in the default configuration of the
    OpenSSH client, and (depending on the client’s version, compiler, and
    operating system) allows a malicious SSH server to steal the client’s
    private keys. This information leak may have already been exploited in
    the wild by sophisticated attackers, and high-profile sites or users may
    need to regenerate their SSH keys accordingly.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    OpenSSH: client bugs CVE-2016-0777 and CVE-2016-0778

    This is the most serious bug you’ll hear about this week: the issues identified and fixed in OpenSSH are dubbed CVE-2016-0777 and CVE-2016-0778.
    An early heads up came from Theo de Raadt in this mailing list posting.
    Until you are able to patch affected systems, the recommended workaround is to use

    UPDATE: This affects OpenSSH versions 5.4 through 7.1.
    UPDATE: The following commit from deraadt@ has just gone in:
    CVSROOT: /cvs
    Module name: src
    Changes by: [email protected] 2016/01/14 07:34:34

    Modified files:
    usr.bin/ssh : readconf.c ssh.c

    Log message:
    Disable experimental client-side roaming support. Server side was
    disabled/gutted for years already, but this aspect was surprisingly
    forgotten. Thanks for report from Qualys

    USN-2869-1: OpenSSH vulnerabilities

    It was discovered that the OpenSSH client experimental support for resuming
    connections contained multiple security issues. A malicious server could
    use this issue to leak client memory to the server, including private
    client user keys.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Qualys Security Advisory – Roaming through the OpenSSH client: CVE-2016-0777 and CVE-2016-0778

    Qualys Security Advisory
    Roaming through the OpenSSH client: CVE-2016-0777 and CVE-2016-0778

    Since version 5.4 (released on March 8, 2010), the OpenSSH client
    supports an undocumented feature called roaming: if the connection to an
    SSH server breaks unexpectedly, and if the server supports roaming as
    well, the client is able to reconnect to the server and resume the
    suspended SSH session.

    Although roaming is not supported by the OpenSSH server, it is enabled
    by default in the OpenSSH client, and contains two vulnerabilities that
    can be exploited by a malicious SSH server (or a trusted but compromised
    server): an information leak (memory disclosure), and a buffer overflow

    The information leak is exploitable in the default configuration of the
    OpenSSH client, and (depending on the client’s version, compiler, and
    operating system) allows a malicious SSH server to steal the client’s
    private keys. This information leak may have already been exploited in
    the wild by sophisticated attackers, and high-profile sites or users may
    need to regenerate their SSH keys accordingly.

    The buffer overflow, on the other hand, is present in the default
    configuration of the OpenSSH client but its exploitation requires two
    non-default options: a ProxyCommand, and either ForwardAgent (-A) or
    ForwardX11 (-X). This buffer overflow is therefore unlikely to have any
    real-world impact, but provides a particularly interesting case study.

    All OpenSSH versions between 5.4 and 7.1 are vulnerable, but can be
    easily hot-fixed by setting the undocumented option “UseRoaming” to
    “no”, as detailed in the Mitigating Factors section. OpenSSH version
    7.1p2 (released on January 14, 2016) disables roaming by default.

    Private Key Disclosure

    We initially believed that this information leak in the OpenSSH client’s
    roaming code would not allow a malicious SSH server to steal the
    client’s private keys, because:

    - the information leaked is not read from out-of-bounds memory, but from
    a previously free()d chunk of memory that is recycled to malloc()ate
    the client’s roaming buffer out_buf;

    - private keys are loaded from disk into memory and freed by key_free()
    (old API, OpenSSH = 6.7),
    and both functions properly cleanse the private keys’ memory with
    OPENSSL_cleanse() or explicit_bzero();

    - temporary copies of in-memory private keys are freed by buffer_free()
    (old API) or sshbuf_free() (new API), and both functions attempt to
    cleanse these copies with memset() or bzero().

    Mitigating Factors

    This information leak affects all OpenSSH clients >= 5.4, but its impact
    is slightly reduced by the following four reasons:

    1. The vulnerable roaming code can be permanently disabled by adding the
    undocumented option “UseRoaming no” to the system-wide configuration

    2. If an OpenSSH client is disconnected from an SSH server that offers
    roaming, it prints “[connection suspended, press return to resume]” on
    stderr, and waits for ‘\n’ or ‘\r’ on stdin (and not on the controlling
    terminal) before it reconnects to the server; advanced users may become
    suspicious and press Control-C or Control-Z instead, thus avoiding the
    information leak:

    3. Although a man-in-the-middle attacker can reset the TCP connection
    between an OpenSSH client and an OpenSSH server (which does not support
    roaming), it cannot exploit the information leak without breaking server
    host authentication or integrity protection

    In conclusion, an attacker who wishes to exploit this information leak
    must convince its target OpenSSH client to connect to a malicious server
    (an unlikely scenario), or compromise a trusted server (a more likely
    scenario, for a determined attacker).

    4. We discovered several non-security bugs, in specific versions and
    configurations of OpenSSH, that prevent the client’s roaming code from
    reconnecting to the server and, as a result, prevent this information
    leak from being exploited.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Bug that can leak crypto keys just fixed in widely used OpenSSH
    Vulnerability allows malicious servers to read memory on connecting computers.

    A critical bug that can leak secret cryptographic keys has just just been fixed in OpenSSH, one of the more widely used implementations of the secure shell (SSH) protocol.

    The vulnerability resides only in the version end users use to connect to servers and not in versions used by servers. A maliciously configured server could exploit it to obtain the contents of the connecting computer’s memory, including the private encryption key used for SSH connections. The bug is the result of code that enables an experimental roaming feature in OpenSSH versions 5.4 to 7.1

    “The matching server code has never been shipped, but the client code was enabled by default and could be tricked by a malicious server into leaking client memory to the server, including private client user keys,” OpenSSH officials wrote in an advisory published Thursday. “The authentication of the server host key prevents exploitation by a man-in-the-middle, so this information leak is restricted to connections to malicious or compromised servers.”

    The advisory said that anyone using a vulnerable version should update right away. Those who are unable to update should disable roaming by adding the string UseRoaming no to the global ssh_config(5) file or to the user configuration

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    OpenSSH: Information-leak vulnerability (CVE-2016-0777)

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Adjusting to OpenSSH client “Roaming” vulnerability | Druid

    I wonder if SSH agent forwarding exposes private keys to remote SSH client. After reading man ssh_config, it seems that only the agent interface is exposed, not the keys themselves.

    In this post, I will summarize fixes for certain server environments.

    The CVEs are CVE-2016-0777 and CVE-2016-0778.

    Quick fix

    The vulnerable code (for Roaming) can be disabled in SSH client settings:
    Just drop

    UseRoaming no

    In the SSH client config file.


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