Wireless power for charging

If you are interested in wireless charging, take a loot at my older postingĀ  Wireless power for charging mobile devices and the comments in it that keep you updated on the developments in this field.

1 Comment

  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Inventor of the cell phone says this is the next big thing

    Marty Cooper, who built the first handheld cell phone, says his invention has a glaring flaw: You have to keep charging its battery.

    “Keeping your phone charger around is a real annoyance,” Cooper told CNNMoney in an interview. “And I think it’s going to be an increasing problem.”

    Ensuring that your phone doesn’t run out of juice is enough of a pain. But imagine the not-too-distant future when our bodies are covered with different connected devices — watches, glasses and clothing — all of which will need to be charged.

    There are many companies that are attempting to do just that — keep your wireless gadgets charged all the time. Each has a different kind of solution. Wi-Charge thinks lasers should beam signals from ceiling fixtures to cell phones. U-Beam has bet on powering phones with sound waves.

    But Cooper believes that the winning technology will come from Energous, which wants to charge your cell phone using radio frequencies.

    It’s not science fiction. Energous (WATT) will announce Monday morning that it has received FCC approval for its miniature transmitter, which can power specially equipped gadgets. The Miniature WattUp transmitter can power hearing aids, medical devices and other tiny wireless devices.

    There are limitations to the technology that the FCC approved: It only includes very small gadgets that have embedded chips that are compatible with Energous’ technology. And those gadgets need to be in direct contact with the Miniature WattUp transmitter.

    But it’s also a significant milestone.

    Achieving Energous’ vision won’t be easy. The FCC will want to ensure that the technology doesn’t interfere with other wireless gadgets, but its rules were written before the advent of wireless charging.

    Achieving Energous’ vision won’t be easy. The FCC will want to ensure that the technology doesn’t interfere with other wireless gadgets, but its rules were written before the advent of wireless charging.

    Meanwhile, rival technologies might ultimately win out in the wireless charging battle.


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