5 Major Hospital Hacks: Horror Stories from the Cybersecurity Frontlines – IEEE Spectrum

5 Major Hospital Hacks: Horror Stories from the Cybersecurity Frontlines article tells that real-world war, combatants typically don’t attack hospitals. In the cyber realm, hackers have no such scruples. “We’re attacked about every 7 seconds, 24 hours a day”

Many computers and medical devices in hospitals are running ancient operating systems that are full of security holes.


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1 Comment

  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Your money or your life! Another hospital goes down to ransomware
    Methodist Hospital in Kentucky calls in the FBI and refuses to pay

    Another US hospital has had its records scrambled by ransomware trying to extort money from the sawbones. This time: it’s the Methodist Hospital in Kentucky that’s been infected.

    “We’ve notified the FBI, we’re dealing with federal authorities on how to deal with it,” the hospital’s chief operating officer David Park told local station News Channel 10. “Depending upon the number of records that were locked, depends upon whether we’re going to consider looking into whether we pay anything or not.”

    The hospital reported that patients’ files had been copied, encrypted, and then the originals deleted. The hospital says that its backups are up to date and accessible, so it’s keeping calm and carrying on.


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