Ubuntu on Windows 10

Could Microsoft’s love for Linux be extending into Windows 10 territory? Microsoft to show Bash on Linux running on Windows 10 article says that newly leaked session title from Microsoft’s upcoming Build 2016 developer conference has us Microsoft watchers speculating that you’ll soon be able to run Ubuntu on Windows 10.

Microsoft and Canonical partner to bring Ubuntu to Windows 10 article says that according to sources at Canonical, Ubuntu Linux’s parent company, and Microsoft, you’ll soon be able to run Ubuntu on Windows 10. This will be more than just running the Bash shell on Windows 10. Ubuntu users will be able to run Ubuntu simultaneously with Windows and this will not be in a virtual machine, but as an integrated part of Windows 10. Let’s wait to see what this turns out to be.

Some late additions and clarifications when more material has become available:

Microsoft is saying that the Windows 10 Anniversary Update will include the ability to run the popular bash shell from Unix, along with the rest of a typical Unix command-line environment.

At Microsoft’s Build 2016 developer’s conference, Microsoft and Canonical, Ubuntu’s parent company, announced a partnership that will allow Ubuntu to run using native Windows libraries. This is far from the first time that Windows has been able to masquerade as a Unix-like operating system as from its inception, Windows NT included something called the POSIX subsystem (was supported up until Windows 8). After all, thanks to programs such as Cygwin or MSYS utilities, hardcore Unix users have long been able to run the popular Bash command line interface (CLI) on Windows.

But now things are somewhat different. According to Ubuntu’s bash and Linux command line coming to Windows 10 article this new Linux addition is rising from the ashes of Project Astoria. Microsoft built a Linux subsystem for Windows for Project Astoria, its system for running Android apps on Windows 10 Mobile (on February the company confirmed that Astoria was dead). To make all this work the company has developed some Windows kernel components (lxcore.sys, lxss.sys, presumably standing for “Linux core” and “Linux subsystem,” respectively) that support the major Linux kernel APIs. They implement the Linux kernel API using the native Windows NT API that the Windows kernel provides. Microsoft is calling this the “Windows Subsystem for Linux” (WSL).

For this to be useful you need user mode applications, and Microsoft is turning to Canonical, creators of Ubuntu, for help. Canonical has provided a system image containing the Ubuntu versions of the various command-line tools that are typically found in a Linux distribution. Ubuntu’s bash and Linux command line coming to Windows 10 article article assumes that Microsoft is running unmodified Ubuntu Linux programs using “Windows Subsystem for Linux” (WSL) – Ubuntu will primarily run on a foundation of native Windows libraries.

Microsoft is describing this in terms of providing a Linux-like command-line environment at the moment. Kevin Gallo announced that you can now run “Bash on Ubuntu on Windows.” This is a new developer feature included in a Windows 10 “Anniversary” update (coming soon). After turning on Developer Mode in Windows Settings and adding the Feature, run you bash and are prompted to get Ubuntu on Windows from Canonical via the Windows Store. This isn’t Bash or Ubuntu running in a VM. This is a real native Bash Linux binary running on Windows itself. This isn’t a virtual machine at all.  There’s no Linux kernel booting in a VM under a hypervisor.  It’s just the Ubuntu user space.

Running bash on Windows hits in the sweet spot. It behaves like Linux because it executes real Linux binaries.This is an genuine Ubuntu image on top of Windows with all the Linux tools I use like awk, sed, grep, vi, etc. Now you can get bash environment on Windows (for that you’ve historically had a few choice like Cygwin, run an entire Linux VM or Docker container). This is a developer-focused release that removes a major barrier for developers who want or need to use Linux tools as part of their workflowWhen Windows Subsystem for Linux installed, the machine appears in the file system in linux-style in its own directory. There are limitations, for example through the bash can not start Windows applications.

Linux comes through familiar tools in Windows to open in drop by drop.

But “Windows Subsystem for Linux” (WSL) could be potentially opening the door to running a wide range of Linux programs natively on Windows, if Microsoft wants to do that one day. At the moment they do not seem to want to provide that. Linux familiar tools comes through  available in Windows to open in drop by drop. According to Developers can run Bash Shell and user-mode Ubuntu Linux binaries on Windows 10 blog after you’re setup, you can run apt-get update and get a few developer packages.

It is not an understatement to say this could be the most important development in operating systems in the last 10 years. Nice to see this happen on year when Linux turns 25. Finally, I imagine some of you — long time Windows and Ubuntu users alike — are still wondering, perhaps, “Why?!? This is an almost surreal endorsement by Microsoft on the importance of open source to developers. From Microsoft’s perspective, a variety of surveys and user studies have pointed to bash and Linux tools — very specifically, Ubuntu — be available in Windows, and without resource-heavy full virtualization. Canonical and Microsoft are doing this because Ubuntu on Windows’ target audience is developers, not desktop users.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Windows and Ubuntu: “Cygwin Can Suck It”

    For the last ten years or so, computing has been divided into two camps: Windows, and everything else with a *nix suffix. Want a computing paradigm where everything is a file? That’s Linux. Want easy shell scripting that makes the command line easy? Linux. Want a baroque registry with random percent signs and dollar symbols? That would be Windows. Want to run the most professional productivity apps for design and engineering? Sadly, that’s Windows as well.

    *nix runs nearly the entire Internet, the top 500 supercomputers in the world, and is the build environment for every non-Windows developer. Yet Windows is the most popular operating system.

    Now, this great divide in the world of computing is slowly closing. At Microsoft’s Build 2016 developer’s conference, Microsoft and Canonical, Ubuntu’s parent company, announced a partnership that will allow Ubuntu to run using native Windows libraries.

    Unlike Cygwin, the current way to get *nix stuff running in a Windows environment, Windows’ bash will allow unmodified Linux programs to run unmodified on Windows 10.

    It is not an understatement to say this is the most important development in operating systems in the last 10 years.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ubuntu’s bash and Linux command line coming to Windows 10
    Rising from the ashes of Project Astoria.

    Microsoft built a Linux subsystem for Windows for Project Astoria, its system for running Android apps on Windows 10 Mobile.

    But in February the company confirmed that Astoria was dead, as it rather undermined the Universal Windows Platform concept. At the time, we speculated that portions of Astoria might live on, as portions of it had mysteriously started showing up in Windows Insider Previews. And today, that has come to pass, with Microsoft saying that the Windows 10 Anniversary Update will include the ability to run the popular bash shell from Unix, along with the rest of a typical Unix command-line environment.

    We’re still trying to get the inside story on what Microsoft has done here, but what we’ve known for several months now is that the company has developed some Windows kernel components (lxcore.sys, lxss.sys, presumably standing for “Linux core” and “Linux subsystem,” respectively) that support the major Linux kernel APIs. These components are not GPLed and do not appear to contain Linux code themselves; instead, they implement the Linux kernel API using the native Windows NT API that the Windows kernel provides. Microsoft is calling this the “Windows Subsystem for Linux” (WSL).

    A kernel API is one thing, but to be useful you need user mode applications.

    For WSL, however, Microsoft is turning to Canonical, creators of Ubuntu, for help. Canonical has provided a system image containing the Ubuntu versions of the various command-line tools that are typically found in a Linux distribution.

    Our understanding is that these are not recompiled or ported versions of the programs (as are used in tools aiming to provide a Unix-like environment on Windows such as Cygwin) but instead unmodified programs. Microsoft is describing this in terms of providing a Linux-like command-line environment at the moment, but from what we can gather, there’s little fundamental restriction to this, potentially opening the door to running a wide range of Linux programs natively on Windows.

    This is far from the first time that Windows has been able to masquerade as a Unix-like operating system. From its inception, Windows NT included something called the POSIX subsystem, offering an environment minimally supporting the standardized version of the Unix APIs.

    this Unix-like mode was supported up until Windows 8; Windows 8.1 removed it.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Why Microsoft Making Linux Apps Run on Windows Isn’t Crazy

    This summer, Microsoft will release Ubuntu for Windows, the company announced at its annual Build conference today. This marriage of former foes will not only bring a set of key Linux tools to the Windows desktop but make it easy to install other Linux programs without the need for those programs to be rewritten to work on the Windows OS.

    That might not sound particularly useful, since commercial software companies like Adobe and Intuit tend to prioritize building applications for Windows over Linux. But it could make life easier for programmers. “This is a developer-focused release that removes a major barrier for developers who want or need to use Linux tools as part of their workflow,” Microsoft employee Scott Hanselman explained in a blog post.

    More specifically, Ubuntu for Windows is ideal for web developers, says Fintan Ryan of the analyst firm RedMonk. If you’re building a website or web application, chances are it’s going to end up running on Linux. About 68 percent of websites are powered by Unix-style operating systems, according to a W3techs survey; other estimates put that rate even higher.

    For example, Microsoft demonstrated today how developers can use the the popular open source command line interface Bash to manage a web project from a Windows desktop using the exact same commands they’d use on a Linux server.

    Sure, you can already use Linux apps on Windows by running the entire operating system in what’s called a virtual machine, but that can be resource intensive. Many of the tools Linux developers use are already available through Cygwin and other efforts to port open source apps to Windows, but that effort requires each application to be at least partially rewritten.

    “Unlike Microsoft’s other open source projects, it’s software the company wrote to solve its own problems.”

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Bash on Windows. Repeat, Microsoft demos Bash on Windows
    ‘An almost surreal endorsement by Microsoft on the importance of open source’

    BUILD2016 Microsoft is bringing the Linux Bash shell command line to Windows 10, running as a native Ubuntu binary on a Windows subsystem.

    Developer director Kevin Gallo demonstrated the shell at the opening keynote of Build 2016, Microsoft’s developer conference in San Francisco. The primary goal, said Gallo, is to enable developers to use Linux tools and utilities when working on Windows.

    It is “basically real-time translation of Linux syscalls into Windows OS syscalls” said Ubuntu’s Dustin Kirkland, adding that this is “an almost surreal endorsement by Microsoft on the importance of open source to developers.”

    It is not only the Bash shell, of course, but also Linux non-GUI utilities and applications that run. Kirkland states that “most of the tens of thousands of binary packages available in the Ubuntu archives” will run, not only utilities like cp, find, grep, and ssh, but also aptitude, apache, mysql, python, perl, ruby, php, gcc, tar and so on.

    Windows drives are “mounted read/write directly under /mnt,” while Ubuntu filesystem files are also shown in Windows under the user’s application data folder [c:\users\[username]\AppData\Local\Lxss\rootfs\].

    Did Kirkland say Apache? He did; and indeed his emphasis as an Ubuntu guy is different from that of Gallo. Gallo speaks in terms of bringing developers to Windows, while Kirkland sees it as extending Ubuntu’s reach and endorsing open source alternatives to Windows applications.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ubuntu on Windows?

    With Microsoft and Canonical working together on a number of projects, the Internet has been rife with speculation and rumors. Some feared that Microsoft was planning to buy Canonical and shut down Ubuntu. Others wondered if they were planning to embrace FOSS and make Windows open source—but nobody quite expected this.

    Microsoft and Canonical have spent the last several months working in secrecy to bring Ubuntu to Windows—and not through virtualization or a containerized environment. No, the goal was to run Linux apps natively in Windows.

    Before I get into how that’s even possible, let’s take a quick look at why they would ever do such a thing. First, it’s important to note that this move is aimed to support developers, not regular users. As such, there’s no support for the full array of Linux GUI applications (such as the X Window System, desktop environments and the vast array of Linux desktop apps and games). Instead, the focus is very much on the command-line interface, particularly the Bash shell.

    As any seasoned Linux developer or administrator will tell you, the CLI offers unparalleled power. And even those who have learned to love the bells and whistles of modern integrated development environments still use the terminal heavily in their daily work.

    Although Windows does have a CLI interface (PowerShell), it doesn’t measure up to the full power of Bash and the full suite of CLI tools found in any standard GNU/Linux distro. This is largely due to Linux’s long legacy of mature CLI tools, which dates back to the earliest days of UNIX.

    So bringing Bash to Windows will put a powerful arsenal of new tools in the hands of seasoned developers. But how does Microsoft benefit?

    Windows may have dominated the desktop space, but there was fierce competition in the server space. When the dust settled, Linux had won the battle for supremacy in the Web server world. It was simply the most effective platform for the job.

    This meant that Web developers had to be able to write code that ran on a Linux platform, even if they were working on a Windows laptop. Since the two operating systems are quite different internally, this was sometimes quite difficult.

    Today, cross-platform development is more important than ever.

    There have been several third-party tools that aim to simplify Linux development on Windows. On the one hand, there are virtual machines, which can run virtually any operating system in a sandbox, but VMs always come with a heavy performance penalty.

    Then there are tools like Cygwin that create a Linux-like environment for the Windows command line. But although the environment is familiar, it falls short of supporting the full array of commands and features that would work on a normal Linux environment.

    The “Bash for Windows” team members took an entirely different approach. Their aim is to provide the complete Linux CLI environment by running a GNU/Linux distro (in this case Ubuntu) on top of Windows. Well, it’s complete but for one notable exception—the Linux kernel.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Why Microsoft needed to make Windows run Linux software
    And how it could leapfrog Apple as the dev platform of choice.

    Perhaps the biggest surprise to come from Microsoft’s Build developer conference last week was the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

    The system will ship as part of this summer’s Anniversary Update for Windows 10. WSL has two parts; there’s the core subsystem, which is already included in Insider Preview builds of the operating system, and then a package of software that Canonical will provide. The core subsystem is what provides the Linux API on Windows, including the ability to natively load Linux executables and libraries. Canonical will provide bash and all the other command-line tools that are expected in a Linux environment.

    Microsoft is positioning WSL strictly as a tool for developers, with a particular view to supporting Web developers and the open source software stacks that they depend on. Many developers are very familiar with the bash shell, with building software using make and gcc, and editing text in vi or emacs. WSL will give these developers versions of these tools that are equal in just about every regard to the ones you get on Linux, because they’ll be the ones you get on Linux running unmodified on Windows.

    Windows certainly hasn’t disappeared completely from view, but it’s no longer the essential, must-have platform that it once was. Why not? Because those two non-contenders in 2000 are more or less viable today. Linux for various reasons still may not be the most comfortable desktop platform (especially for anyone wanting to use it on a brand-new laptop), but it’s much more livable than it used to be. And OS X, thanks to a combination of the switch to x86 and Apple’s fine hardware design, has become an appealing option for a great many developers.

    What Apple did was to give every computer science and software engineering student a three-pound Unix workstation for not very much money, and unsurprisingly, they proliferated. This effect was compounded further by Apple’s enduring popularity in San Francisco and Silicon Valley. Smart kids fresh out of university (whether they dropped out or otherwise) weren’t thrust into the Windows-centric world of corporate America. They could instead thrive in a culture that revered Apple and equipped them all with shiny new MacBook Pros. Windows wasn’t reviled the way that the die-hard open source advocates reviled it; it just wasn’t part of their life.

    This is a problem that Microsoft has been slow to recognize. Microsoft is generally good at addressing the needs of Microsoft’s own existing development community, but this came with a kind of myopia. Anything outside this constituency was ignored. The Visual Studio C and C++ compiler, for example, still lacks full support for C99, the version of the C language that was standardized about 17 years ago. In spite of repeated requests to the company that it add C99 support, there was always pushback. The rationale I was given more than once was that since Windows developers weren’t writing C99 code, there was no reason for C99 support.

    And that the open source world had embraced C99, and was now producing code that simply couldn’t be compiled on Windows—code that Windows developers might well want to use, if only it would work—was similarly ignored.

    The same is broadly true of Unix compatibility in general, and the Unix shell environment and workspace in particular. A hot young developer coming out of a top university is going to be comfortable with bash and make and all those other tools. Visual Studio may be great—Visual Studio is great—but it’s irrelevant to this way of working. Microsoft was not completely blind to this problem

    Better hardware calls for broader horizons

    Windows Subsystem for Linux fixes that by bringing a large part of that user experience to Windows. Redis, for example, will work on WSL. Not a forked port of redis that’s been altered to work around the differences between Windows and Unix systems; real redis. The Ruby experience, well, it won’t ever be good, because it’s a pain on every platform. But it will be better. The same is broadly true for most of the open source stack that powers a huge proportion of Web and cloud development these days. It’ll work on Windows, just the same as it already does on Linux. Microsoft is working with Canonical initially, so all of these things will be an apt-get away just like they are on Ubuntu. It wouldn’t be tremendously surprising to one day see other Linux flavors, too.

    As WSL matures, it doesn’t feel beyond the realm of possibility that there will be pressure on Microsoft to treat it as something more than just a development tool and address the desire to deploy onto WSL on Windows Server. Especially for small deployments, the ability to run redis within an otherwise Windows-based deployment without spinning up a virtual machine feels obviously desirable.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Windows 10 testers can now try Bash and lots of new features

    Microsoft is releasing a new test build of Windows 10 today, just a week after the company announced some new features for the OS. The biggest addition is running native Bash on Ubuntu in Windows 10, and testers will have access to test this feature today. Windows 10 build 14316 includes bash, and it can be installed by enabling a developer mode.

    If you’re a Windows Insider the latest build is available through Windows Update right now. Microsoft plans to roll out these features and more as part of the Anniversary Update to Windows 10 this summer.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Linux commands can not destroy Windows

    Attempts have been made to dispose of the machine’s entire file system.

    Trying to delete all files on Linux type file system does not destroy Windows, even if it is yes to freeze the Windows Subsystem for Linux software as Root does not mean the same as Windows.

    There are still some Linux commands that can cause damage…

    Source: http://etn.fi/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4236:linux-komennoilla-ei-voi-tuhota-windowsia&catid=13&Itemid=101

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Microsoft was serious about Linux apps running natively on Windows 10

    Things got a little freaky last week when Microsoft and Canonical showed us Bash running natively on Windows 10. It turns out that was just the tip of the iceberg.

    Though most reports focused on Bash itself, what Microsoft and Canonical actually delivered was a complete Linux userland. It can handle more than Bash, and it turns out that it can actually handle a whole lot more than just apps that run in a terminal window.

    Intrepid experimenters running the latest Windows 10 preview build that have been playing with this new functionality have actually gotten GUI-based Linux apps to run under Windows.

    The GUI version of Vim, Nautilus, gedit, Firefox (the Linux version, that is) have all been reported to run.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How to run Linux on Windows 10 with “Bash on Ubuntu on Windows!” – Windows 10 Anniversary Edition

    How to enable and using Linux (Ubuntu) on Windows 10 with “Bash on Ubuntu on Windows!” In this video I’m using the Insiders Build 14379 which you can get now OR you can wait for Windows 10 Anniversary Edition coming soon!

    UPDATE: I failed to mention that you need to enable “Developer Mode” in Windows Settings. Sorry for the omission.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Shell Game

    A lot of us spend a lot of time switching between Windows and Linux.

    What I hate most about Windows is how hard is it to see what’s going on under the hood.

    War is Shell

    One place where Linux always used to have an advantage over DOS and Windows was the shell. There are lots of variations available under Linux, but bash seems to be the current pick for most people.

    In the old DOS days, some of us went to 4DOS which was nice, but no bash

    Windows Power

    Microsoft finally addressed the shortcomings of its default command interpreter, first introducing Windows Scripting Host to allow Javascript and VBScript batch files. Eventually, this was supplanted by Monad which later became known as the Windows PowerShell.

    Shell Shock

    Two things have recently happened that surprised me. First, Microsoft made bash available (and other Linux executables) for Windows 10 as a native application
    I’ve used Cygwin and UWIN to have a very full-featured Linux environment under Windows for years
    Sure, NT used to have a crippled POSIX subsystem, but it wasn’t practical.

    The second piece of news that surprised me is that you can now get PowerShell for Linux or OS/X.

    So now you have several options for using Linux and Windows without going crazy switching between the two:

    Run Linux and put Windows in a virtual machine
    Run Windows and put Linux in a virtual machine
    Use bash everywhere (using Cygwin or the Microsoft product)
    Use PowerShell everywhere

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ubuntu 16.04 Available in Latest Insider Update To Windows 10

    The latest Windows 10 Insider preview — build 14936 — features Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. When a user enables the ‘Bash on Ubuntu on Windows’ feature for the first time, OMGUbuntu reports, Windows 10 now installs an Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) image instead of Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr).

    Ubuntu 16.04 Available in Latest Insider Update to Windows 10

    When enabling the ‘Bash on Ubuntu on Windows’ feature for the first time Windows 10 now installs an Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) image instead of Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr).

    It is possible to upgrade WSL instances from Ubuntu 14.04 to Ubuntu 16.04 manually by running the do-release-upgrade command.

    Windows 10 Preview Build 14936 is only available to Windows insiders who are in the fast-ring.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Emil Protalinski / VentureBeat:
    Microsoft joins The Linux Foundation as a Platinum member; John Gossman, architect on the Microsoft Azure team, will sit on the foundation’s Board of Directors — At its Connect(); 2016 developer event in New York City today, Microsoft announced it is joining The Linux Foundation.

    Microsoft joins The Linux Foundation as a Platinum member

    At its Connect(); 2016 developer event in New York City today, Microsoft announced it is joining The Linux Foundation. And the company isn’t joining just to say it did: Microsoft is joining at the Platinum level, the highest level of membership, which costs $500,000 annually. John Gossman, architect on the Microsoft Azure team, will sit on the foundation’s Board of Directors and help underwrite projects.

    The Linux Foundation is a nonprofit technology group that advances open technology development and commercial adoption, and not just for Linux. It provides tools, training, and events to scale any open-source project. Microsoft already contributes to several of its projects, including Node.js Foundation, OpenDaylight, Open Container Initiative, R Consortium, and Open API Initiative.

    Microsoft is pitching the move as its latest effort to work more closely with the open-source community, which it believes will benefit its customers through increased collaboration and innovation. And The Linux Foundation agrees.

    “Microsoft has grown and matured in its use of and contributions to open-source technology,” The Linux Foundation executive director Jim Zemlin said in a statement. “The company has become an enthusiastic supporter of Linux and of open-source and a very active member of many important projects. Membership is an important step for Microsoft, but also for the open-source community at large, which stands to benefit from the company’s expanding range of contributions.”

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Windows 10 Upgrade Bug Disabled Cntrl-C In Bash

    A massive set of changes to the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) was rolled into Windows Insider build 15002… If this is any hint, Microsoft’s goal is nothing short of making it a credible alternative to other Linux distributions… Some of the fixes also implement functionality that wasn’t available before to Linux apps in WSL, such as support for kernel memory overcommit and previously omitted network stack options. Other changes enhance integration between WSL and the rest of Windows…

    [O]ne major issue in build 15002 is that Ctrl-C in a Bash session no longer works

    Bash on Windows is becoming Linux for Windows users
    Microsoft’s Windows Subsystem for Linux is evolving into a credible alternative to running Linux inside Windows on VMs

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Windows 10 Gets A New Linux: openSUSE

    “Running Linux binaries natively on Windows… that sounds awesome indeed,” writes Hannes Kuhnemund, the senior product manager for SUSE Linux Enterprise. He’s written a blog post describing how to run openSUSE Leap 42.2 and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 on Windows 10

    Currently it’s Ubuntu that’s enabled by default in the Windows Subsystem for Linux, although there’s already a project on GitHub that also lets you install Arch Linux.

    Make Windows green again – Part 1

    However, it’s quite unfortunate that Microsoft enabled the wrong Linux (that’s my personal opinion) by default within the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and it is time to change it to the real stuff.

    If you are one of those people who says: “Wait a second, I’m running SUSE Linux on my desktop / laptop already and I’m not using Windows 10 by any means” then you might want to stop reading now because you are already there.

    it’s hard to have both Windows and Linux truly accessible at the same time. You’d either have to go with a dual boot setup, or you may leverage virtualization and run a Linux VM on Windows (or vice versa), or you might be familiar with Cygwin allowing you to run recompiled Linux binaries on Windows. All of those options have their advantages and disadvantages – so do we need another one?

    Yes, we do. But we need one; the integrated one leveraging the green Linux from SUSE.

    Assuming that you are running Windows 10 already, there are simple steps you have to follow to install a SUSE Linux distribution inside WSL

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Enable the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL): A great step-by-step guide can be found here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Liam Tung / ZDNet:
    ‘Safe and predictable’ Windows 10 S won’t run Linux, says Microsoft

    ‘Safe and predictable’ Windows 10 S won’t run Linux, says Microsoft

    Microsoft wants to clear up confusion about Windows 10 S and Linux distributions available on the Windows Store.

    Just because Linux distributions are coming to the Windows Store, it doesn’t mean they will work on laptops running Microsoft’s streamlined Windows 10 S.

    Microsoft wants to clear up any confusion over two recent announcements. At the beginning of May it unveiled Windows 10 S, a fast-booting, locked-down version of Windows 10 that can only install apps from the Windows Store and is restricted to Microsoft’s Edge browser.

    Windows 10 S ships with Microsoft’s $1,000 Surface Laptop, as well as with forthcoming third-party Windows laptops that will be priced from $189 to take on the Chromebook market.


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