The web is DOOM’d: Average page now as big as id’s DOS classic • The Register

Today’s bloated web pages can be bigger than installable applications in 1990′s!


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Google’s GameNGen AI innovatively simulates Doom without a game engine, showcasing groundbreaking generative AI capabilities.

    Google’s GameNGen: AI breaks new ground by simulating Doom without a game engine

    Google researchers have reached a major milestone in AI by creating a neural network that can generate real-time gameplay for the classic shooter Doom—without using a traditional game engine. This system, called GameNGen, marks a significant step forward in AI, producing playable gameplay at 20 frames per second on a single chip, with each frame predicted by a diffusion model.

    “We present GameNGen, the first game engine powered entirely by a neural model that enables real-time interaction with a complex environment over long trajectories at high quality,” the researchers state in their paper, published on the preprint server arXiv.

    This achievement marks the first time an AI has fully simulated a complex video game with high-quality graphics and interactivity. Running on a single Tensor Processing Unit (TPU)—Google’s custom-built AI accelerator chip—GameNGen handles Doom’s intricate 3D environments and fast-paced action with remarkable efficiency, all without the usual components of a game engine.

    Doom has long been a technological benchmark since its 1993 release, ported to an astonishing array of platforms—from microwaves to digital cameras


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