World Create Day

The maker movement is a trend in which individuals or groups of individuals create and market products that are recreated and assembled using unused, discarded or broken electronic, plastic, silicon or virtually any raw material and/or product from a computer-related device. The maker movement has led to the creation of a number of technology products. Makers and open hardware essential part of modern technology innovation.

One event to boots this Maker movement is Hackaday World Create Day on Saturday, April 23rd. The event is all about meeting others for an afternoon of creativity. Teams around the world will enter their ideas in the 2016 Hackaday Prize design concept challenge.  This is the first ever worldwide event Hackaday has organized. There are meetups in Across The Americas, Europe and Africa, A Subcontinent, An Island Continent, And Asia. It’s six continents of awesome.



  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Another event to same direction:

    NASA Hackathon Expected to Draw Over 15,000 Coders

    Saturday NASA began live-streaming footage of their “Space Apps Challenge” hackathon, which they’re describing as one of the largest hackathons on earth. “Together, citizens like you have developed thousands of open-source solutions,” says the event’s site, while Fast Company reports that last year 14,264 people gathered in 133 locations to create apps using NASA’s trove of open data.

    Space Apps is Happening Now!

    For 48-72 hours across the world, problem solvers like you join us for NASA’s International Space Apps Challenge, one of the largest hackathons in the universe. Empowered by open data, you collaborate with strangers, colleagues, friends, and family to solve perplexing challenges in new and unexpected ways — from designing an interactive space glove to natural language processing to clean water mapping. Join us on our open data mission, and show us how you innovate.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Incredible Success of World Create Day

    When people come together, great things happen. Last weekend, the Hackaday Community all over the world self organized and came together in 64 cities for World Create Day. It was a coalescence of people who want to make a difference in life, and don’t want to do it alone. Thank you to everyone who participated, to those who organized their own local event, and to everyone who joined in online. Let’s take a look at some of what went on.


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