5 Myths About 5G – IEEE Spectrum


5G is hottest thing in wireless. There are so many things in 5G so open that I think that nobody can really say exactly what kind of system it will be. This article gives one overview to 5G.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nokia transferred a 8K-video 5G connection

    Japanese NTT DoCoMo says succeeded together with Nokia to transfer real-time 8K video 5G wireless technology. The experiment took place in Japan a week ago.

    The test used was very experimental system. The wireless link used a 70-gigahertz frequency, which Nokia has been testing a lot for the future 5G connections. NTT, in turn, encoded bit stream to the company’s own Media Intelligence Laboratories developing H.265 / High Efficiency Video Coding technology.

    8K-video refers to the picture format, where the horizontal is 8000 pixels. The entire image resolution is typically 7680 × 4320 points.

    Raw 8K-video calls to send data at a rate of 48 gigabits per second.
    It was encoded to packed 85-145 megabit video signal.

    Source: http://etn.fi/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4499:nokia-siirsi-8k-videota-5g-yhteydella&catid=13&Itemid=101

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Competition is intensifying in 5G

    Fight agreements 5G networks has begun although the actual standard is still expected. Ericsson says it has signed a letter of intent for the development for over twenty-5G technologies. At the same lookout to the Nokia and the Chinese company Huawei.

    5G network is expected to enter the consumer market by 2020, and Ericsson predicts the world 150 million 5G subscriptions by 2021.

    Source: http://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2016/05/27/kisa-kovenee-ericssonille-uusia-5g-sopimuksia/

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Millimeter Wave Conference Highlights the Quest for Bandwidth

    The 5G cellular network — one application expected to benefit from higher bandwidth — will get a lot of attention at IMS.

    Developments in millimeter wave technology serve as pointers (hidden treasure, perhaps) on the quest for radio frequency bandwidth. Whether it’s 5G deployments, automotive radar, or WiFi access points, RF system developers are interested in increasing the runway for their data exchanges, says Dr. Amarpal Khanna, distinguished engineer at National Instruments and general conference chair of the International Microwave Symposium (IMS), which opens in San Francisco this week.

    The 5G cellular network — one application expected to benefit from higher bandwidth — will get a lot of attention at IMS. Definition of a 5G mobile standard is expected to be complete in 2018, and deployments will likely roll out in 2021 or 2022. Higher carrier frequencies are expected to enable this. Some 5G system developers are experimenting with the 71-76 GHz frequency band, and the results of Nokia experiments are encouraging, Dr. Khanna says. By using 2 GHz bandwidth, in one experiment, developers demonstrated data rates up to 10 Gbits/s riding on a 73 GHz carrier.

    Dr. Khanna reminds. One 5G system may provide 10Gbits/s close to base station while handling few subscribers

    But the data rate may go down to 100 Mbits/s at the edge of the coverage area — even while handling a larger number of subscribers.

    Other millimeter wave applications featured at IMS include automotive radar, Pico basestation Cells, and WiFi network expansions — all trying to find additional bandwidth for their communications

    The next-generation WiFi, Dr. Khanna feels, will utilize carriers in the range of 59 to 67 GHz. Current-generation WiFi uses 5.8 GHz carriers, but access remains limited. IMS papers will examine some of the challenges to implementing a 10GHz bandwidth on new WiFi deployments.

    Millimeter wave transceivers have become key components in emerging consumer and commercial applications


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