Finland Is Still the World’s Best Kept Secret

How well do you know Finland?


  1. Ake Tyvi says:

    The proof that Finland leads in so many areas

    Marketers are “slimy sleazy liars” isn’t true – they just sometimes work on subjective bases like ‘this is how much our nation can pay and this kind of marketing result we’d like to have’. There’s a saying ‘our sing the songs of the one who pays your salary’ – by the way.

    1. Education – that’s only because we pick our material from MIT, Caltech and Harvard.
    2. We have lots of happy people – some even too hard to differentiate to a psychiatrist.
    3. Prosperity – a nation that does not identify property investments and who’s only functioning law in criminal law. Police and legal system based on Russia Tsar’s Secrect Police?
    4. Innovation and Technology – most of which sold abroad since 1990.
    5. Most literate – without understanding.
    6. Least corrupt with cases like Drug Lord Aarnio (Head of Capital Drug Police). Its not the amount is a small nation, its all about the right position.
    7. Mobile Games – top 4 % takes the cream of the cake and rest make on avg. 300-400EUR per month. Based a lecture facts given…
    8. Greenest – imagine this load for normal people and cost too…
    9. Most sustainable and least fragile – like the Talvivaara’s mining case in Lappland?
    10. Cleantech – like the Talvivaara’s mining case in Lappland?
    11. Human Capital Index – like the University cuts at Aalto University among others?
    12. Most competitive – figures like in Russia’s elections… how about the_practical_ratio= goverment_workers/(government_workers+private_sector_workers)?
    13. Information Technology – yes, these days only arragant foreign students telling why elder people do not make as fast progress as them who without any sane bases try to tell why…
    14. Most socially progressive – unfortunate, but may be correct to one portion of this nation as idiots never shut up.
    15. Many other categories like alcohol, rapes committed by non Finns (not to be a racist, but as a fact) etc. …
    16. Also a member of the leader group closes to Russia, furthers away USA and most meaningless in NATO terms of nuclear war scenario. In case of nuclear war you all are welcome…

    Now Ira Kalb, can we move on; yes, we’ll need to make business, we need marketing and most of you do your work in this category better than I, but people see things differently and this is the other truth. Like in any research, it would not be justified to tell on one part of the story. Ira you are a good man and have a respectable old sounding name, like Annunaki, so let us fight but let people choose. They are the one, who have to live and survive in Finland. (August 15th 2016)

  2. Ake Tyvi says:

    About my previous comment ‘The proof that Finland leads in so many areas’

    13. Information Technology – yes, these days only arrogant foreign students telling why elder people do not make as fast progress as them who without any sane bases… [Explanation: Never tell an adult, why they do not make fast progress as their life may be very different from yours...manners count sometimes.]
    16. Also a member of the leader group closest to Russia, furthest away USA and most meaningless in NATO terms of nuclear war scenario. [Explanation: If a war were to born, then would is be easier to press the button in USA or in Finland, and how much would it count if we would be wiped out in the war?]
    ….. so let us fight but let people choose. —> ….. so let us not fight but let people choose.

    Note: The whole document should had been written as a memorandum. This is missing from the text heading.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Finland celebrates 100 years of independence – Here are 100 reasons why it is the greatest country on Earth

    Congratulations to 100-year-old Finland! It has the most reliable police force and a world record in playing heavy metal music deep underground. On top of that, Finland is the safest place in the entire world for women to give birth.


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