Ubuntu will soon end support to 32-bit PCs


Many Linux distributions are planning to support only 64 bit PC CPUs in the future as dropping support for 32 bit will save them lots of testing work.

32 bit support will not be dropped on all Linux distributions.

1 Comment

  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Linux letting go: 32-bit builds on the way out
    Ubuntu joins calls for users to let go of i386 versions

    Major Linux distributions are in agreement: it’s time to stop developing new versions for 32-bit processors.

    Simply: it’s a waste of time, both to create the 32-bit port, and to keep 32-bit hardware around to test it on.

    At the end of June, Ubuntu developer Dimitri Ledkov chipped into the debate with this mailing list post, saying bluntly that 32-bit ports are a waste of resources.

    “Building i386 images is not ‘for free’, it comes at the cost of utilising our build farm, QA and validation time. Whilst we have scalable build-farms, i386 still requires all packages, autopackage tests, and ISOs to be revalidated across our infrastructure.”

    His proposal is that Ubuntu version 18.10 would be 64-bit-only, and if users desperately need to run 32-bit legacy applications, the’ll have to do so in containers or virtual machines.

    Even that timeline would mean 32-bit versions will go very gently into their good night: i386 would be sunsetted as the host architecture in April 2021, and legacy application security support would continue until April 2023.


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