Sweden just opened the world’s first electric highway


Read more on technology used from from my World’s first electric highway posting.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Owners of electric vehicles could soon be able to charge their cars while driving

    Coventry to trial new wireless charging technology by the end of 2020
    Similar projects are also planned for Sweden, Israel and the US

    “Charging batteries on the move is key to the success of electric vehicles in the UK, not least because it will take away the anxiety many people feel about finding a charging station before it’s too late,” said project leader Shamala Evans, of Coventry city council.

    Charging on-the-go is one of the holy grails of electric transport, especially for longer journeys, as it removes the need for drivers to stop every 100 to 250 miles, find a charging station and wait – potentially for several hours – while their battery tops up.

    Once charging lanes became widespread, battery sizes could be significantly reduced because they wouldn’t need to hold as much electricity.

    Shrinking batteries also makes them cheaper to produce, while their reduced weight means less wear and tear on the tyres – reducing rubber pollution

    The world’s first public road in the world that can wirelessly recharge electric-car batteries while they are on the move is due to open in the US state of Illinois early next year.

    Similar e-roads catering for buses and trucks are due to begin operations on the Swedish island of Gotland and in Tel Aviv, Israel around the same time.

    charging pads built into the road that are capable of transferring electricity from lane to the car battery. These pads work by a process called electromagnetic induction where electricity is passed through a coil of wires in pads on the road to create a magnetic field.

    When this field comes into contact with a “charging receiver” on the underside of the car, a separate current is induced and stored in the battery.

    Initially, electric lanes are likely to be used mostly by buses which take regular journeys, with the technology installed in specific roads on their route to ensure that their batteries stay full so they don’t need to rely on alternative sources. Cars using those roads would be able to give their batteries a bit of an injection

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Engineers to develop wireless EV charging concrete highway

    The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), Purdue University, and German startup Magment GmbH have announced the plans to develop the world’s first contactless wireless-charging concrete pavement highway segment. The project will use innovative magnetizable concrete, enabling wireless charging of electric vehicles as they drive.


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