The last new VCR will be manufactured this month

The manufacturing of VHS VCRs will end. Traditional video tape is now dead media.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    No, the VCR is not about to die. It died years ago. Now it’s VHS/DVD combo boxes’ turn
    Japan’s Funai sold 750,000 units last year, but parts are hard to come by so it’s quitting

    Japanese company Funai will stop making VHS devices this month, marking the end of the road for the venerable video tape standard.

    But the company has told The Register that low demand is not the reason for VHS’ demand, a has been widely reported based on a brief Japanese language report. Funai told us it sold 750,000 VHS machines last year, most under the Sanyo brand and most into North America. That’s decent demand. But not sufficient to nourish the supply chain: in an email to El Reg Funai told us that difficulty obtaining parts is the reason it has decided to stop making VHS machines.

    The company has also pointed out that it doesn’t sell standalone VHS machines. Instead, its current offerings are the DV220FX4 VHS/DVD player combo, with recording available on the VHS if you can find a source of video to pipe in to the tuner-less machine. That machine is billed as a way to “Enjoy All Your Favourite Movies”.

    The ZV427FX4′s tag line is “Save Your Precious Memories”, a promise it fulfils by allowing you to copy content from VHS to DVD.

    VHS’ demise isn’t surprising, because its picture quality was always dubious and the format has long been surpassed by digital formats. The problem VHS solved has also been addressed.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    40 years it took – VHS recorder died slowly away

    VHS video recorder rose to the enormous success and even revolutionized watching TV.

    Last VHS recorders manufacturer Funai has stopped production of new VHS equipment and you can’t buy them anymore.
    Funai itself the matter still sold last year 750 thousand VHS tape recorder, so the demand for equipment might have been even more. However, the device is relatively complex electro-mechanical implementation that needs components that are no longer available.
    VHS recorder was introduced in 1976, so it shuffled deck of 40 years of respectable age.
    It was replaced the DVD technology, that is already being replaced with Nexflix and other on-line services.



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