Japan’s NHK begins world’s first 8K TV broadcasts


4K is hot and 1080i HDTV is so yesterday. Japan has taken the next step in UHDTV broadcasting.

1 Comment

  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Challenges of Delivering 4K and 8K Video

    One of the specific challenges facing the video broadcasting world is to deliver high-quality video content in 4K and 8K formats from point A to B at significant distances. Since transmission bandwidth of a certain link is fixed, say cable or cellular network, it is required to push more and better quality video data to consumption devices like TV, tablet and smartphones. An important solution is HEVC codec products which double the compression ratio and enable 50% or more in bandwidth savings compare to today’s H.264 format.

    Various technologies improve video consumption experience, including High-Dynamic-Range (HDR) encoding, statistical multiplexing (StatMux), Adaptive Bit Rate (ABR) encoding.

    As an example, the Socionext encoder can compress a 4K 60P real time HEVC video using only a quarter rack unit. And, it utilizes only 8W of power, which can provide a 90 percent power saving as compared with other solutions that complete the same tasks.

    In addition, the single channel HEVC content is transmitted using only half the bandwidth required with the conventional H.264 – 7.5Mbps versus 15Mbps.

    And there is more – statistical multiplexing software such as that provided by Socionext can analyze video streams and maximize bandwidth allocation so that multi-channel contents can be uplinked simultaneously to the satellite. This kind of simultaneous uplink saves broadcasters much time and money as opposed to relying strictly on the constraints of the uplink bandwidth.

    Like most broadcasters, Socionext envisions a steady evolution from HD technology through 4K and onto 8K in a relatively compressed period of time.

    The challenges of delivering 4K and 8K video


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