Solar Delivers Cheapest Electricity ‘Ever, Anywhere, By Any Technology’ – ThinkProgress

Solar power is getting really cheap to use in sunny areas. The biggest challenge is how to make power when it is needed and sun does not shine.

1 Comment

  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    System Bits: Oct. 11

    Cleaner Renewable Energy
    Unless you’ve been hiding deep in the shadows you’ve probably heard about perovskite materials. They’re cheap, relatively easy to work with, and they are almost as good as silicon in capturing solar energy.

    A big problem, though, is toxicity. Until now, all of the materials used as solvents have been highly toxic. But scientists at Oxford University say they have made a breakthrough, based on a combination of methylamine and acetonitrile, which can be developed at a low boiling point with low viscosity and still quickly crystalize perovskite films at room temperature. They say this could be used to help coat large solar panels at a much lower cost than vapor deposition, which is the other alternative.

    Non-toxic solvent removes barrier to commercialisation of perovskite solar cells

    Scientists at Oxford University have developed a solvent system with reduced toxicity that can be used in the manufacture of perovskite solar cells, clearing one of the barriers to the commercialisation of a technology that promises to revolutionise the solar industry.


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