Mobile trends for 2017

Here is some aggregating of the data and then throwing out some predictions:

Mobile is eating the world also in 2017. As we pass 2.5bn smartphones on earth and head towards 5bn, and mobile moves from creation to deployment.

IHS research institute of the market next year will be 139 million a flexible screens, most of which are in smartphones. Vivo and Xiaomi have already released smart phones with flexible AMOLED screens. Progress has been slowed by the capacity of the display manufacturers, but Samsung Display and LG Display are already building new factories. It is expected that in 2020 the number of flexible screens will be 417 million.

Today’s smartphones utilize a wide array of sensors (accelerometers, gyroscopes and various other). New sensors will be added in 2017. Barometric pressure sensor, which measures air pressure, is currently being integrated into premium-grade smartphones and IoT applications. Air pressure sensors in smartphones are useful in navigation and fitness tracking applications but also in weather forecasting.

Rumors surrounding the next iPhone 8 keep coming in 2017. Analysts and market researchers have also predicted a big iPhone update from Apple. Let’s wait to see if this is evolution or revolution. A brief report in The Korea Economic Daily claims that Apple is working with LG on a new dual camera module “which enables 3D photographing. I would be surprised if Apple could come up with something that really revolutionary in 2017.

Virtual Reality Will Stay Hot in 2017. VR is the heaviest heterogeneous workload we encounter in mobile—there’s a lot going on. VR requires high refresh rates with new content every frame. It also needs to calculate data from multiple sensors and respond to it with updated visuals in less than 18 ms to keep up with the viewer’s head motions. To achieve these goals, the phone needs a fast-switching AMOLED display at nearly full brightness running constantly. The skyrocketing popularity of augmented reality (Pokemon Go) and virtual reality (Google VR) may be the boost microelecromechanical systems (MEMS) projectors into the mass market. Integrating micro-lidar (3-D imaging system using invisible infrared beams) to smart phone can become feasible.

Smart phone markets will be still almost completely be in the hands of Apple (iOS) and Google (Android) also in 2017. Microsoft’s Windows phone OS is practically dead in. But that does not stop other player trying to get their spot. For example Samsung wants developers to build apps for its homegrown Tizen mobile operating system, and it is offering cash prizes to do so. Samsung will launch further Tizen-powered smartphones in 2017, but the company is unlikely to swap Android for its home-grown software on high-end devices.

Mobile Video to Grow 50% a Year also n 2017. According to Ericsson’s Mobility Report, mobile data traffic continues to grow, driven both by increased smartphone subscriptions and a continued increase in average data volume per subscription, fueled primarily by more viewing of video content. Ericsson forecasts mobile video traffic to grow by around 50% annually through 2022.

Even though smart watch market has done much worse than expected in 2016, is not forgotter in 2017. Companies need to put effort to convince consumers that wearables — smartwatches specifically — are still in demand. For this Google says it will launch two flagship OEM-branded smartwatches and Android Wear 2.0 in early 2017.  The new platform brings a number of new features.

Smartphone is already widely used mobile payment, a person identifying itself and a wide range of services in place, so it is only a matter of time until the driver’s license is transferred to smart phone. In fact, the trend is already on the move, as piloted by Gemalto digital driver’s license in Colorado, Idaho, Maryland and Washington. In the early stages of the digital card functions as a conventional physical card partner.



  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Your smartphone makes you stupid, study shows

    Researchers at the University of Texas find the “mere presence” of a phone reduces our ability to think and concentrate — even when it’s off.

    Looks like the word “smartphone” may be a misnomer. Sure the phone may be smart, but just having it around makes us dumber, according to a study of nearly 800 phone users conducted by the University of Texas at Austin.

    Researchers at the university’s McCombs School of Business asked participants to take a series of computer-based tests that needed their full concentration. Before they began the tests, geared to measure “the brain’s ability to hold and process data at any given time,” people in the study were randomly asked to either place their phone facedown on the desk, in their pocket or in another room. All were told to mute the sound.

    The study found that people with their phones in another room “significantly outperformed” those who had their phones on the desk, and did slightly better than those who had their phones in a pocket.

    “Your conscious mind isn’t thinking about your smartphone, but that process — the process of requiring yourself to not think about something — uses up some of your limited cognitive resources,” said McCombs Assistant Professor Adrian Ward, who headed the experiment. “It’s a brain drain.”

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Confirmed: OnePlus 5’s Display is Inverted – Likely Causes Jelly Scrolling

    A widely circulating theory on the official OnePlus forums, Reddit’s /r/OnePlus, and our very own forums is now confirmed: OnePlus mounted the display panel upside-down on the OnePlus 5. While we have yet to directly link the display panel orientation as the cause of the odd jelly scrolling behavior some users have been encountering, the two appear to be undeniably correlated. In this article, we will attempt to summarize the jelly scrolling behavior and how it relates to the OnePlus 5’s display panel orientation so our readers can make an informed decision on their purchase.

    Key Points:

    The display panel is mounted in an inverted orientation on the OnePlus 5. This is NOT a mistake on the part of OnePlus. There is no manufacturing defect, Quality Assurance mistake, or software bug involved. Instead, the display panel being inverted is a deliberate engineering decision done for reasons we were not given.
    It is not yet proven that inverting the display panel is the exact cause of the jelly scrolling effect, but the two do seem to be correlated.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Paul Sawers / VentureBeat:
    Ticketmaster unveils ticketing app that uses Lisnr tech to send data over audio between devices, for ticket-less check-ins and tracking locations of users — Ticketmaster will soon be able to admit you to live events and track your movement using nothing more than a discrete digital audio broadcast from your smartphone.

    Ticketmaster will soon admit you to events using audio data transmitted from your phone

    icketmaster will soon be able to admit you to live events and track your movement using nothing more than a discrete digital audio broadcast from your smartphone.

    The ticketing giant has teamed up with Lisnr, a data-over-audio company that uses an ultrasonic sound technology it calls “smart tones” to transmit information between devices.

    There are myriad use-cases for Lisnr’s technology — for example, it recently partnered with Jaguar Land Rover to enable vehicles to communicate with mobile devices, other cars, and potentially the broader environment, where smart tone technology is enabled. This could be used to replace a key fob with a smartphone to unlock the door or to personalize seat settings, including placement and climate control.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The market value of Asia’s largest company, the internet giant Tencent, fell by about $ 15 billion on Tuesday, when the company’s share priceed more than four percent on the Honkong Stock Exchange, according to Financial Times .

    The reason for the decline is Tencent’s decision to set time limits for the company’s popular Honor of Kings game. The game has produced $ 876 million for the company alone in the first quarter of the year. The game is played every day by an estimated 50 million users.

    The time limit is Tencent’s response to the repeated criticism of authorities and citizens that the new game is too addictive. Investors are concerned that the problems with mobile games are reaching China’s capital city’s attention in Beijing.

    Criticism on the game has grown since the 17-year-old boy had a heart attack after playing without interruption for 40 hours. Due to the restrictions that are now in place, the game can not be played more than two hours a day. In addition, players under the age of 12 can not play after 21 o’clock.


  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Apple Goes Cord-Cutting with the iPhone 8
    Wistron, an iPhone assembler, confirmed that wireless charging will be incorporated into its upcoming model.

    Wireless charging has been a common feature in Android phones like the Samsung Galaxy series for a few years. New reports suggest that the iPhone 8 also will incorporate wireless charging technology. “The assembly process for the previous generations of smartphones have not changed much,” said Robert Hwang, CEO of the India-based Apple supplier Wistron, “though new features like waterproof and wireless charging now require some different testing, and the waterproofing will alter the assembly process a bit.” It appears that Wistron is trying to figure out how to add wireless charging to its assembly process.

    Maybe Apple will not bundle a wireless charger with every model or perhaps it will limit it to the higher-capacity SKUs. It has been suggested that Apple will use a wireless long-range charging technology without the need for a charging pad.

    It remains unclear which wireless charging standard Apple will support. Earlier this year, Apple joined the Wireless Power Consortium, which backs the Qi standard. But that doesn’t mean it will support only Qi. If it does, however, this will definitely help to solidify the Qi standard. One hope is that Apple offers a dual-mode charging option. Even though it could be more expensive to produce a phone that supports both standards, such flexibility would certainly benefit consumers.

    Among the companies that stand to benefit from the iPhone’s potential shift to wireless charging are chipmakers like Broadcom and Integrated Device Technology.

    If the latest rumors are true, the demand for wireless charger technology will create significant growth for the wireless charging market.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The European Parliament believes that the Commission, EU countries and manufacturers of goods should ensure that only products that can be easily repaired and upgraded are available to consumers. Especially electronics, mobile phones and software are now in the focus.

    Members of the European Parliament want goods and software to be easier to repair or upgrade. They called for the EU to intervene in intentional short service life and to offer spare parts to consumers more economically.

    According to reports from the EU a couple of years ago, 77% of consumers in the EU would prefer old products instead of buying new ones. According to MEPs, new “Minimum Standards for Sustainability” should be introduced for product groups from design.

    In Parliament, French Green Pascal Durand said: “We must make all the products sold to be repaired. We need to make sure that batteries or batteries are no longer glued to the product but fixed so that the phone does not have to be discarded when its battery stops working ‘

    The European Parliament asks the Commission to consider a ‘voluntary European label’, which should make it clear, in particular, how product is sustainable, ecologically designed, able to change parts through technological development and product remediation.



  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Finns rejected Digital Cameras

    The smartphone has replaced digital cameras and maps in the Finnish holiday.

    97 per cent of Finns who responded to Huawe’s survey report that they have taken photos on their smartphone while on vacation. An old family standard device, that is, a digital camera, is usually left home.

    pan-European survey by Huawei’s research institute Ipsos.

    On holiday, Finns use the smart phone most clearly in photography. Almost every respondent (93%) said they had pictures with their smartphone during their stay. The quality of a smartphone camera is adequate for most needs, as more than half of the respondents (56%) said they would leave the standard camera home for the duration of their stay. In addition to photos, smartphones also record videos (61% of respondents).

    Although recently reformed legislation removed roaming charges in the EU, the cost of roaming and spending on online content is still high

    Most of the respondents (73%) found the smartphone to travel on holiday much easier than before, and most had used navigational (67%) and map services (75%) on smartphone travel. Slightly less than half (42%) also downloaded maps for their smartphone for offline use.

    Other popular uses of the smartphone were the reading of restaurants and hotel reviews on travel sites (50%), and ticket booking (62%) on the device’s memory. Fairly a quarter (28%) of Finns had used their smartphone to make reservations for travel tickets and hotel rooms. All in all, two out of three respondents (67%) said they could not even imagine a vacation without their smartphone.


  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Charlie Osborne / ZDNet:
    Nokia and Xiaomi sign a business collaboration agreement and multi-year patent deal, which includes cross-licensing for cellular standard essential patents — The deal will give the companies access to a wider pool of patents and equipment. — Nokia and Xiaomi have signed …

    Nokia, Xiaomi sign patent sharing agreement
    The deal will give the companies access to a wider pool of patents and equipment.

    Nokia and Xiaomi have signed a patent licensing agreement to share cellular and network knowledge, patents, and equipment.

    On Wednesday, the Finnish network equipment maker and Chinese smartphone maker said they have signed a business collaboration agreement and a multi-year patent deal, which includes a cross-license to each other’s cellular standard-essential patents.

    According to the companies, Xiaomi has also purchased patent assets from Nokia as part of the agreement.

    Under the terms of the deal, Nokia and Xiaomi will work together on optical communications solutions for data centers, IP Routing for the Nokia FP4 processor, and a data center fabric solution.

    Nokia will provide network infrastructure equipment for the projects, and both firms will also collaborate on research in areas including the Internet of Things (IoT), augmented and virtual reality, and artificial intelligence.

    Nokia already has licensing agreements with smartphone manufacturers including Samsung and Apple

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Paul Sawers / VentureBeat:
    Ticketmaster unveils ticketing app that uses Lisnr tech to send data over audio between devices, for ticket-less check-ins and tracking locations of users — Ticketmaster will soon be able to admit you to live events and track your movement using nothing more than a discrete digital audio broadcast from your smartphone.

    Ticketmaster will soon admit you to events using audio data transmitted from your phone

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Josh Constine / TechCrunch:
    Snapchat finally lets users attach links to all Snaps and adds voice filters and backdrop editing tool — Snapchat is breaking its long-standing ‘no links’ rule today while also providing some novel new creative tools to keep it one step ahead of Instagram.

    Snapchat lets you add links, voice filters, and backdrops to Snaps

    Snapchat is breaking its long-standing ‘no links’ rule today while also providing some novel new creative tools to keep it one step ahead of Instagram. The new features are rolling out globally on iOS and Android thanks to an update today

    Paperclip lets you attach a website to a Snap that friends can swipe up to open in Snapchat’s internal browser. Previously only ad campaigns and Discover content could include links.

    Backdrops lets you cut out an object from your Snap and put colorful or artsy pattern behind it to make it stick out. First tap the Scissors in the Vertical Toolkit and then the Backdrop icon. Trace around the object, select one of the Backdrop designs that rotate daily, and you’ll be able give a certain part of your snap the spotlight. The ability to insert a layer of imagery between objects and the real background gives people a creative way to augment the world behind them, not just their faces.

    Voice Filters let you remix the sound of voices in your Snaps. Previously voice filters were only part of visual augmented reality lenses, like one that made you look and sound like a bumble bee.

    Now the question is how long until Instagram copies these too.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Samsung Galaxy S8 Becomes New Highest Rated Smartphone in US

    Boston, MA – July 5, 2017 – The Samsung Galaxy S8 was released on April 21, 2017. With new screen dimensions and the addition of an in-house built artificial intelligence (AI) assistant – Bixby – there was plenty of hype surrounding Samsung’s new flagship smartphone. During the first forty days of availability, in excess of 1,500 buyer reviews of the device have been posted on major online review sites including Amazon, AT&T and Verizon.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Combined Handset, PC Shipments Expected to Decline

    SAN FRANCISCO — Combined shipments of PCs, tablets and smartphones are projected to decline in 2017 for the third consecutive year as a lull in new technologies being brought to market continues to stifle consumer demand, according to market research firm Gartner Inc.

    However, the rate of decline for new device shipments is expected to decline considerably this year, and the incorporation of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual personal assistance (VPA) in more products is forecast to drive considerable growth in future years, the market research firm said.

    Gartner expects combined shipments of PCs, tablets and smartphones to decline by just 0.3 percent this year to 2.3 billion units. By contrast, combined shipments of these devices declined by 3 percent in 2016 and nearly 1 percent in 2015. The market research firm expects combined device shipments to return to growth next year.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Aaron Pressman / Fortune:
    HMD Global partners with German lens maker Zeiss to design hardware and software for Nokia-branded phones — The next wave of Nokia-branded smartphones will carry another well-known name, but from the photography market: Zeiss. HMD Global, the Finnish startup that’s taken over the Nokia phone brand …

    Nokia Branded Phones to Get Zeiss-Branded Camera Gear

    The next wave of Nokia-branded smartphones will carry another well-known name, but from the photography market: Zeiss. HMD Global, the Finnish startup that’s taken over the Nokia phone brand, said on Thursday that it struck an exclusive partnership with the German lens maker to design hardware and software for upcoming phones.

    The deal revives a similar arrangement from a decade ago between Zeiss and Nokia devices, when the phones were still made by Nokia itself.

    Zeiss will be helping design lens and hardware connections inside the phones as well as the software to develop images, the companies said. The company won’t actually be manufacturing the smartphone parts, however.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The new phone from the creator of Android didn’t ship when he said it would

    The new phone from Android creator Andy Rubin appears to be delayed.

    Essential is taking pre-orders for an unlocked version of the phone through its website.

    Essential has raised at least $300 million, according to Bloomberg.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Android Creator’s Phone Startup Raises $300 Million
    As it readies first batch of products, investment values smartphone upstart at almost $1 billion.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Device growth has stopped

    Traditional PCs are sold this year to 203 million. Cell phones are therefore mainly selling smart phones with just over 1.9 billion pieces. Gartner’s forecast, however, draws attention to the fact that sales of various IT equipment are no longer on the rise.

    For equipment manufacturers, it is good that the market no longer shrinks in size. When a shared cake is no longer growing, companies try to stand out with innovations. For consumers, this can be a very good thing.

    The traditional computer market will shrink next year to 195 million units sold and 2019 to 191 million. Only sakes of ultra light devices (mainly Macbook Air and Surface laptops) are up.

    Nearly 1.6 billion smart phones were sold last year, or 85 percent of all mobile phones. Mobile sales will continue to grow in the coming years, but very slowly. In 2018, 1934 million units will be sold.

    Nearly 1.6 billion smart phones were sold last year, or 85 percent of all mobile phones. Mobile sales will continue to grow in the coming years, but very slowly. In 2018, 1934 million units will be sold.


  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The headphone jack also disappears from Android phones

    Many probably remember the devastation Apple caused by leaving the old 3.5-millimeter audio connection completely out of the previous iPhone. No worries. Android Camp will follow up next.

    Lenovo’s Moto Z and HTC’s pair of new models were all introduced with a C-type USB connector only. And although many may even swear the old headphones become turbulent, eventually switching to USB-C is going to be the best of everyone.

    However, Android audio support is not the same as Apple’s USB Audio implementation. In many analyzes, it has been found that an extra delay of about 10 milliseconds over Android will be heard via USB.

    This delay can be very damaging to the functionality of the application. For example, in virtual reality, the audio must be real-time. Digital helpers also suffer from a delay that a person feels disturbing.

    The problem with Android is also the fragmentation of the platform. Even if the newest Android audio is better implemented, its “streaming” to the devices of the manufacturers still takes too much time.

    If you use bluetooth speakers, the problem is smaller. As long as the manufacturer of bluetooth headphones drives their latest version of the standard and no old 2.x variant.


  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The first cell phone that does not need a battery

    The battery is the biggest problem in today’s phones.
    It’s a pretty heavy component that gives users the most harm.

    Scientists from the University of Washington have happily developed the first cell phone that does not need any battery at all.

    Scientists built a protocols of commercial components. It made it possible to make and receive calls with only a few milliwatts of power. This energy can be collected from either light or surrounding RF radiation energy.

    Shyam Gollakota, assistant professor at the project, said that the mobile phone, which was almost zero-power consumption, required that the design of the device started out from a completely different starting point than in current smart phones on smartphones.

    Scientists completely eliminate converting the analogue signal to digital.
    Antenna directly connected to the microphone or loudspeaker that converts the vibration motion to an analog signal transmitted to the base station

    In the prototype, the user presses the button when transferring from the transmission to the receiving

    the prototype was able to play and receive Skype calls.

    The power budget of the prototype is unimaginably small, ie 3.5 microwatts.


    Battery Free Phone
    Make Calls Without Ever Charging a Battery

    The battery-free device prototype is built using commercial-off-the-shelf components on a printed circuit board. It can operate on power that is harvested from RF signals transmitted by a basestation 31 feet (9.4 m) away. Further, using power harvested from ambient light with tiny photodiodes, we show that our device can communicate with a basestation that is 50 feet (15.2 m) away. Finally, we perform the first Skype call using a battery-free phone over a cellular network, via our custom bridged basestation. This we believe is a major leap in the capability of battery-free devices and a step towards a fully functional battery-free cellphone.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mishaal Rahman / xda-developers:
    Android 7.1 Nougat has a “Panic Detection” mode that detects frantic back button presses and returns users to home screen, to stop apps that hijack back button

    Android 7.1+ has a “Panic Detection” Mode that Detects Frantic Back Button Presses

    While many readers of Android-centric websites such as our own are less likely to come across situations where a rogue application compromises their system, the same may not be true for the general population. Nearly every week we hear from various security researchers about new malware targeting Android users. Most of these malicious attacks can be avoided by inspecting permissions or avoiding installing sketchy-looking applications, and while we do recommend our readers take their phone’s security into their own hands, Google is responsible for securing every Android phone. To that end, the company quietly introduced a new security feature in Android 7.1 Nougat called “panic detection” which listens for multiple back button presses in succession then returns the user to their home screen.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Exclusive: This is the 2017 Google Pixel “XL,” with low-bezel AMOLED display and squeezable frame

    The image you see above is what we believe to be an accurate representation of Google’s 2017 flagship smartphone, the 2nd-generation Pixel “XL.” This image is based on information from sources we deem extremely reliable. For those of you keeping track, this is the codename “taimen” device.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ingrid Lunden / TechCrunch:
    Samsung quietly acquires Greek text-to-speech startup Innoetics, which also has voice-to-speech tech that replicates voices, for under $50M

    Samsung quietly acquires Greek text-to-speech startup Innoetics for under $50M

    With the launch of Bixby and reports that Samsung is building its own competitor to Amazon’s Echo, the consumer electronics giant has now made an acquisition that could help power its next generation of voice-powered services.

    Samsung has acquired Innoetics, a startup out of Greece that has developed text-to-speech and voice-to-speech technology that can, among other things, listen to a person speaking, train on what that person is saying, and then read out a piece of completely unrelated text in that same voice.

    “Samsung has agreed to acquire Innoetics,”

    Innoetics had been working primarily on B2B services up to now, with telcos and other businesses using its tech by way of a set of APIs. Innoetics has now posted a note on on the homepage of its website announcing that these B2B services have now been discontinued.

    It’s not clear yet what Samsung plans to do with the tech, but according to one person, “it is perfectly suited for consumer services.”

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    It seems Nokia just cannot deal with software

    It seems that software rebranding process is gone wrongly..

    Nokia ‘regrets’ Withings health app backlash

    Nokia says it is “regrettable” that problems with its Health Mate fitness-tracking app have frustrated users.
    Nokia took over health tech firm Withings in 2016 and recently replaced the Withings Health Mate app with a Nokia-branded version.
    Health Mate has been downloaded more than one million times from app stores.
    But many users have left one-star reviews, saying the new app removed popular features from the Withings version and had technical issues

    Before being taken over by Nokia, Withings made internet-connected health products such as weighing scales and air quality monitors, which provided data for the Health Mate app

    “Nokia took over and totally trashed the Withings app in one swoop,” one user, Tony, told the BBC.

    “This version is a huge degradation in functionality. This is not why I bought this smart scale.”
    Nokia told the BBC the Withings Health Mate app had been replaced as part of a transition of Withings products “to the Nokia brand”.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tom Warren / The Verge:
    Microsoft officially ends support for Windows Phone 8.1, more than three years after introducing the update, leaving millions of Windows phones unsupported — An end of an era — Microsoft is killing off Windows Phone 8.1 support today, more than three years after the company first introduced the update.

    Windows Phone dies today
    An end of an era

    Microsoft is killing off Windows Phone 8.1 support today, more than three years after the company first introduced the update. The end of support marks an end to the Windows Phone era, and the millions of devices still running the operating system. While most have accepted that the death of Windows Phone occurred more than a year ago, AdDuplex estimates that nearly 80 percent of all Windows-powered phones are still running Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 8, or Windows Phone 8.1. All of these handsets are now officially unsupported, and only 20 percent of all Windows phones are running the latest Windows 10 Mobile OS.

    Windows Phone 8.1 was a big update to Microsoft’s Windows Phone 8 operating system, and included the company’s Cortana digital assistant. A new notification center, UI changes, and updates to the core mobile OS. It marked one of Microsoft’s biggest efforts with its Windows Phone work, but it wasn’t successful at competing with Android and iOS. 99.6 percent of all new smartphones now run Android or iOS, and Microsoft has given up producing its own Lumia-branded hardware as a result.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mark Sullivan / Fast Company:
    Source: Apple working on rear-facing 3D laser system for new iPhone which will enable better depth detection for AR apps and improved autofocus

    Apple Is Working Hard On An iPhone Rear-Facing 3D Laser For AR And Autofocus: Source
    The addition will make future iPhones far better suited to the AR experiences being created by developers using the ARKit development platform.

    We speculated in June that Apple’s announcement of a new augmented reality development kit (ARKit) telegraphed the addition of new AR iPhone components in the very near future. This turns out to be exactly the case. A source with knowledge of the situation tells Fast Company Apple is working hard to add a rear-facing 3D laser system to the back of one of the new iPhones to be announced this fall.

    The new sensor system will enable better depth detection for augmented reality apps, and a more accurate type of autofocus for photography, the source tells me.

    The source said the VSCEL laser system is probably intended for the 10th anniversary iPhone (which may be called the iPhone 8 or the iPhone Pro or, hopefully, the iPhone X). Whether the sensor will be included in that phone, or a 2018 iPhone, depends on the progress the Apple engineers make in integrating the laser system into the phone, our source says.

    The lasers are a huge part of Apple’s AR story. Right now, ARKit apps rely only on the single iPhone camera to picture and measure the real world into which digital content is placed. While the resulting experience is already surprisingly good, the addition of a 3D laser system on the back of the phone would dramatically improve the depth measurement part, and would make the AR even more lifelike.

    Put in this context, the idea that Apple is working on a rear-facing 3D sensor for the iPhone is no huge revelation. The question is how long Apple can wait after the introduction of ARKit to get the laser into the iPhone.

    (Phone-based AR is a clunky, device-in-front-of-face experience, but we’re stuck with this interim step toward AR glasses for the time being, and accurate depth sensing is needed in any event.)

    The laser system would have big implications for the iPhone camera, too. Laser autofocus systems offer a faster and more accurate way of measuring objects in the frame compared to the more passive means used in iPhones now.

    Laser autofocus systems are already used in smartphones from Google, Huawei, OnePlus, and Asus.

    Current iPhones use another kind of autofocus called phase detection autofocus, which was introduced with the iPhone 6 in 2014 under the name “Focus Pixels.”

    The iPhone 8 arrives on the 10th anniversary of the iPhone, and Apple clearly wants it to represent a new chapter in the life of the device.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Source: A “Sense Of Panic” At Apple As The Next Flagship iPhone’s Software Problems Persist

    Apple is still finishing up key features in the “iPhone 8,” which could ship with some of its signature functionality not yet activated.

    The company has been working feverishly to fix software problems in its hotly anticipated 10th-anniversary iPhone that could ultimately cause production and delivery delays, the source says. If the software problems aren’t resolved quickly, the new flagship iPhone could even launch with major features disabled.

    The all-new iPhone, which some speculate could start at $1,200, is expected to debut at a press event this fall, and may be called the iPhone 8, iPhone Pro, or iPhone X. It’s expected to pack several new technologies

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
    Sources: Facebook plans to unveil a $200 standalone wireless Oculus VR headset for 2018, which will be more compact than the Rift and lighter than Gear VR — The new device will work without being tethered to phone or PC — Company bets gadget will popularize VR as Apple did smartphone

    Facebook Plans to Unveil a $200 Wireless Oculus VR Headset for 2018

    The new device will work without being tethered to phone or PC
    Company bets gadget will popularize VR as Apple did smartphone

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Chris Baraniuk / BBC:
    UK-based luxury phone-maker Vertu to be liquidated after plan to save it failed; 200 will be laid off — A British-based company that made smartphones costing thousands of pounds will be liquidated after a plan to save it failed. — Vertu was known for its high-end, jewel-encrusted handsets …

    Luxury phone-maker Vertu collapses

    A British-based company that made smartphones costing thousands of pounds will be liquidated after a plan to save it failed.

    Vertu was known for its high-end, jewel-encrusted handsets, but recently faced financial difficulties.

    The company’s liquidation will result in the loss of nearly 200 jobs.

    One technology analyst said Vertu would have faced competition from companies offering to customise other smartphones with precious materials.

    Vertu phones carry hefty price tags – its Signature range starts at £11,100, and one model featuring 18-carat red gold costs £39,100.

    In March, the company was sold by its former Chinese owner to Hakan Uzan, a Turkish exile in Paris.

    Mr Uzan will retain the Vertu brand, technology and licenses.

    “It is very unusual, they hand make the phone at incredibly low volumes and they were incredibly high-priced,” said Ian Fogg, an analyst at IHS Technology.

    Vertu was founded by Nokia in 1998, but it was sold in 2012, and the following year Vertu switched from using Nokia’s Symbian operating system on its devices to Google’s Android.

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nokia and Zeiss get together again

    What do you look for in a smartphone now that they all look just the same? Many may say the camera is key, and now the new version of Nokia hopes to stand out by putting Carl Zeiss lenses in its phones.

    HMD Global, which has licensed the Nokia brand from the Finnish telecoms giant, has signed an exclusive deal with Zeiss, the high-end lens and optical systems maker.

    Zeiss lenses, coupled with its expertise in imaging, will feature in all Nokia smartphones in the future

    Mobile industry guru Ben Wood, of CCS Insight, thinks this is a smart move.

    “The camera is now so central a feature of any smartphone – for many it’s their primary camera,” he told me. “It sends the message that HMD is really serious about quality.”

    It might seem strange that Zeiss should choose to partner with what is for now a tiny niche player in the mobile industry.

    But it’s a measure of how assiduous HMD has been in building on old relationships with the Finnish brand – Nokia was in a partnership with Zeiss until it sold its ailing smartphone division to Microsoft.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Red surprises everyone with ‘hologram’ phone

    A holographic, virtual-augmented and mixed-reality-ready smartphone has been unveiled by Red, the company better known for ultra-high quality film cameras.

    Named Hydrogen One, the device comes cased in either aluminium ($1,195) or titanium ($1,595).

    It will be powered by Google’s Android operating system and was available to pre-order on Thursday.

    Industry experts were baffled by the unexpected announcement.

    Red has made its name by selling extremely high-quality cameras used to create Hollywood blockbusters – such as Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2, which was the first feature to be shot with the company’s new compact 8K camera.

    But as a mobile device maker, it is unproven, and little is known about key features it has promised.

    “Hydrogen One is the foundation of a future multi-dimensional media system,” the firm’s press release reads, going onto explain that the device will be modular, meaning certain parts can be interchanged, adding or subtracting pieces of hardware to make the device do different things.

    Perhaps even more ambitious is the company’s promise of a holographic display that does not require any kind of special glasses.

    Red added: “This incredible retina-riveting display advancement features nanotechnology that seamlessly switches between traditional 2D content, holographic multi-view content, 3D content and interactive games.”

    Analyst Ben Wood told the BBC the device would have a hard time capturing any significant amount of the smartphone market.

    “The problem is that history shows that it is rare that perceived breakthroughs like this actually end up changing a market forever.”

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    UK ‘has never been more addicted to smartphones’

    If you’ve ever woken up in the middle of the night and immediately checked your phone then you’re not alone.

    People in the UK have never been more addicted to their smartphones, according to a report from Deloitte.

    One in three adults check for messages at night, and admit their overuse is causing rows with their partners.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Luxury phone maker Vertu is calling it quits
    200 jobs are expected to be lost

    Luxury phone maker Vertu is in the process of being wound up after an attempt to rescue the business from administration failed. The Financial Times reports that the firm, which apparently had debts of around £138 million, will close with the loss of around 200 jobs. The news comes as a surprise, given that the outfit recently signed a technology-sharing deal with Chinese giant TCL.

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Siri usage and engagement dropped since last year, as Alexa and Cortana grew

    Siri remains the most popular virtual assistant with 41.4 million monthly active users in the U.S., according to a new report from measurement firm Verto Analytics out this morning, but it has seen a 15 percent decline since last year

    Meanwhile, Amazon Alexa usage has been skyrocketing – jumping 325 percent in monthly active users – that is, from 0.8 million to 2.6 million monthly users

    Cortana has seen an increase as well, growing from 0.2 million monthly users in the U.S. to 0.7 million, or a 350 percent increase.

    Overall, the study found that phone-based personal assistants, Siri and Samsung’s S-Voice, are declining in popularity, while those associated with voice computing in the home, like Alexa and Google Home’s mobile app, are growing.

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Microsoft’s Path Guide is an unconventional approach to indoor navigation

    Indoor mapping is one of those stubborn problems that seems to only have solutions that involve a great deal of money and infrastructure: beacons, lasers, emitters, scanners… who wants to install those in malls and office complexes across the world? Microsoft Research has produced an indoor navigation app that keeps things simple, utilizing existing sensors and the fact that people already go most of the places you want to go.

    Path Guide is an app currently available only on Android that focuses on the navigation part of indoor mapping. It makes no attempt to visualize the entire volume in which the user is traveling, but trusts other users to create “traces” to and from static locations.

  34. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Chris Davies / SlashGear:
    Disney unveils Star Wars: Jedi Challenges, which combines a Lenovo-made mobile AR headset and a smartphone app to allow users to play games including holochess

    Star Wars: Jedi Challenges puts an AR lightsaber in your hands

    Disney has teased what Star Wars fans have long been demanding: an augmented reality game that allows you to wield your own lightsaber. Previewed at D23, Disney’s annual expo, Star Wars: Jedi Challenges combines an AR headset with a smartphone app and a number of games. While details are in short supply right now, there are already several hints at just what the system could do.

    The headset is made by Lenovo, and looks like a riff on what we’ve seen before with Microsoft’s HoloLens. Two transparent displays are visible through the front visor, overlaying computer graphics onto the real world. Unlike a VR headset – such as the Windows Holographic headset Lenovo announced earlier this year – this transparent fascia means real and virtual elements can be combined.

    Where HoloLens is a completely self-sufficient system, however, combining both the AR displays and a computer that’s worn on the head, Jedi Challenges will offload its processing demands. That’ll be taken on by your smartphone, where different Star Wars themed apps and games will run.

  35. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Microsoft ends all support for Windows Phone

    It’s time to pour one out for Windows Phone 8.1, as Microsoft officially ended support for the mobile platform today.

    Forecast previously on an official page, Windows Phone 8.1 — and by extension, the Windows Phone platform as many know it — will no longer receive any further upgrades, updates or security check-ups from Microsoft.

    Windows 10 Mobile, the mobile extension of Microsoft’s desktop OS and successor to Windows Phone 8.1, is still kicking. Microsoft is even rumored to have new Windows 10 Mobile handsets in the works.

  36. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Apple to use OLED screens in all new iPhones launching in 2018: sources
    Samsung will benefit, but LCDs will still be used in other handsets
    DEBBY WU, Nikkei staff writer

    TAIPEI — Apple is planning to use advanced organic light-emitting diode displays in all new iPhone models launched from the second half of 2018, according to two industry sources.

    One said that Apple is tentatively looking at releasing three new models next year. Apple did not respond to an email seeking comments.

    Apple has started to design new iPhones for release in 2018

    Sources in the OLED production equipment industry suggest that panel makers may not be able to produce enough to meet demand if Apple uses OLED displays in all new iPhones in 2018.

    This year, Apple will use OLED display only in its premium handset, which will offer a high screen-to-body ratio without the iconic home button. The two other models it will release will continue to sport liquid crystal displays, and these are expected to be sold into early 2019.

    Samsung wins big

    That shift will mark a major triumph for Samsung Electronics and its unit Samsung Display, which have invested substantially in the technology over the past few years.

  37. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Matthew Miller / ZDNet:
    HTC unveils HTC Alexa app for HTC U11 in the US to bring hands-free Amazon Alexa support; the app also allows users to listen to Amazon Music and Audible books — Throughout the history of HTC, it has been known to be the first to bring various technologies and features to the smartphone world.

    Hands-free with Amazon Alexa on the HTC U11: Alexa everywhere on a phone that is always with you

    Throughout the history of HTC, it has been known to be the first to bring various technologies and features to the smartphone world. Today, the HTC U11 is the first smartphone to support hands-free Amazon Alexa activation.

  38. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Chaim Gartenberg / The Verge:
    iFixit teardown confirms Note 7 Fan Edition is just a Note 7 with a new, smaller battery — Like a phoenix from the ashes, Samsung’s ill-fated Galaxy Note 7 has emerged from the fires of its battery woes reborn as the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Fan Edition, a refurbished Note 7 that, hopefully, won’t explode.

    iFixit teardown confirms Note 7 Fan Edition is just a Note 7 with a new, smaller battery

    Like a phoenix from the ashes, Samsung’s ill-fated Galaxy Note 7 has emerged from the fires of its battery woes reborn as the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Fan Edition, a refurbished Note 7 that, hopefully, won’t explode. Samsung announced that it’d be using some original Galaxy Note 7 parts in the Fan Edition back when it was first announced, but it was unclear what that balance would be between old and new parts.

    Fortunately, iFixit has performed its traditional teardown of the resurrected phablet and confirmed that the answer to the question of “how much of Fan Edition is the same as an original Note 7?” is “Virtually all of it.” The biggest difference is perhaps the most crucial, though: the Fan Edition has a battery that’s roughly 9 percent smaller, offering 12.32 Wh of charge to the original Note 7’s 13.48 Wh battery.

  39. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A new chapter for Glass

    After two years in a limited program, Glass Enterprise Edition is now available to more businesses through our network of expert partners

    GE’s mechanics now use Glass running software from our partner Upskill, which shows them instructions with videos, animations and images right in their line of sight so they don’t have to stop work to check their binders or computer to know what to do next.

  40. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Steven Levy / Wired:
    Google announces Glass Enterprise Edition, which can be used with prescription lenses, has a faster processor and WiFi, an 8MP camera, and better security — Don’t call Heather Erickson a glasshole. — Yes, that’s Google Glass on her frames. But she’s not using it to check her Facebook …

    Google Glass 2.0 Is a Startling Second Act

  41. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jon Fingas / Engadget:
    Samsung’s Bixby voice assistant is rolling out to all Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus users in the US today — The voice component of Samsung’s Bixby assistant has been a long time in coming. The company was quick to boast about its AI helper at the Galaxy S8 launch, but revealed that the signature voice feature …

    Samsung’s Bixby voice assistant is ready to help in the US
    Your Galaxy S8 just got its long-promised companion

    Samsung is officially rolling out Bixby’s voice assistance to S8 and S8 Plus owners in the US. Every American with one of the flagship phones will get to talk to Bixby once an update arrives “tonight.” There have been a few tweaks to this official release, too.

    There’s no mention of when Bixby will be available in other English-speaking countries (though English does work in South Korea), let alone other languages. Reportedly, just adding this second language was enough of a challenge.

    Still, this makes Bixby’s voice assistant much more accessible. It could also be crucial to Samsung’s plans beyond phones. If you believe the rumors, Samsung is working on a Bixby-enabled speaker and otherwise spreading its voice companion to all kinds of devices.

  42. Tomi Engdahl says:

    NuAns’s Neo Reloaded is a modular smartphone that puts form over function

    Last year, a Japanese company called NuAns tried to reinvent smartphone design with the Neo, a smartphone with a wide range of interchangeable, customizable backs that would make changing the look on your smartphone easy. The problem? It ran the now-defunct Windows 10 Mobile

    But NuAns is back this year with the Neo Reloaded, a follow-up to the original Neo that improves specs across the board and, more importantly, switches the operating system from Windows 10 Mobile to Android Nougat, making it a far more usable device

  43. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Christina Farr / CNBC:
    Source: Intel has eliminated its wearables division, which made the Basis smartwatch, and the company’s New Technologies Group now focuses on AR — – Intel laid off about 80 percent of the team that made the Basis smartwatch in November, and has now eliminated the division entirely, a person familiar tells CNBC.

    Intel has axed the group working on fitness trackers and health wearables

    Intel laid off about 80 percent of the team that made the Basis smartwatch in November, and has now eliminated the division entirely, a person familiar tells CNBC.
    Intel has been slowly de-emphasizing its wearables business since making a big push around the area in 2014.

    Intel has axed the division that worked on health wearables, including fitness trackers, according to a person familiar with the matter.

    The company has been slowly de-emphasizing its own line of wearables for the past several years, and has not mentioned wearables on its earnings calls since 2014.

    In November, TechCrunch reported that the company was planning to take a step back from the business after its acquisition of the Basis fitness watch didn’t pan out as expected. Intel denied at the time that it was stepping back.

  44. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Eriq Gardner / Hollywood Reporter:
    Federal Judge issues preliminary injunction blocking Milwaukee from enforcing ordinance aimed at forcing AR game makers to seek permits, insurance, and more

    Judge Rules Milwaukee Flouted U.S. Constitution in Response to ‘Pokemon Go’ Craze

    The city didn’t like the prospect of rare flora being trampled by game players. A federal judge warns of censorship.

    Life, liberty and the pursuit of pokemon. Not quite the ideals the United States were founded upon, but close enough. On Thursday, a Wisconsin federal judge issued a preliminary injunction barring Milwaukee from enforcing an ordinance that was adopted in reaction to 2016′s Pokemon Go phenomenon. The ruling from the court is that the ordinance likely violates the First Amendment.

    City officials were aghast at large numbers of individuals playing Pokemon Go who visited parks, littered, trampled grass and flowers, and stayed past park hours. It cost the city tens of thousands of dollars in additional law enforcement and park maintenance services. So in January, the Midwestern city decided to require permits for virtual and location-based augmented reality games.

    “[W]hatever the challenges of applying the Constitution to ever-advancing technology, ‘the basic principles of freedom of speech and the press, like the First Amendment’s command, do not vary’ when a new and different medium for communication appears.”

    In what looks to be a first, an augmented reality game is deemed by a court to have sufficient expressive content to gain protection under the First Amendment.

    The judge writes that the city is targeting location-based games “regardless of their content, be it poker, zombie-killing, or Pokemon-catching” and that “nowhere in the Ordinance is there an indication that the County sought to agree, disagree, or otherwise express a view on the content of the AR games that might be played in its parks.”

    “Here, the Ordinance is revealed for its strangeness and lack of sophistication,” the opinion states. “The Ordinance treats game developers like Candy Lab as though they are trying hold an ‘event’ in a Milwaukee County park. However, this misunderstands the nature of the problem, since Candy Lab’s video game will not be played at a discrete time or location within a park. Requiring Candy Lab to secure insurance, portable restrooms, security, clean-up, and provide a timeline for an ‘event’ is incongruent with how Texas Rope ‘Em (or any other mobile game) is played.”

  45. Tomi Engdahl says:

    OnePlus says it has begun rolling out a fix for a bug that rebooted some OnePlus 5s trying to make emergency calls in US, UK, and Europe

    OnePlus admits 911 emergency call glitch

    Phonemaker OnePlus has admitted a glitch in some of its devices prevented people making calls to the emergency services.

    The issue was highlighted on Reddit, where a customer showed their OnePlus 5 phone restarting when a 911 emergency call was placed.

    Others said calls to 999 in the UK and 112 in Europe were also affected by the glitch.

    OnePlus said it would distribute a software update to resolve the problem.

  46. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nokia accidentally leaked its first premium Android phone

    An official Nokia website featured pictures of the unannounced Nokia 8 — and then erased the evidence.

    The Nokia 8 represents the brand’s first-ever premium Android handset, and its best chance at redeeming its reputation. Nokia’s mobile brand, which was once one of the top two phone brands in the world, dwindled in importance in the age of Android, eventually being sold to Microsoft and then HMD Global, a Finnish company that bought the rights to use Nokia’s name.

    Nokia 8, as surfaced by VentureBeat. It claimed that the phone may get top-tier features like dual 13-megapixel cameras and a fast Snapdragon 835 chip

  47. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sarah Perez / TechCrunch:
    Amazon confirms it is adding Alexa to its shopping app on Android starting this week

    Alexa is coming to the Amazon app on Android, starting this week

  48. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Steven Musil / CNET:
    Intel files a public statement with ITC accusing Qualcomm of anticompetitive practices in Qualcomm vs Apple case

    Intel accuses Qualcomm of trying to kill mobile chip competition

    Intel says Qualcomm’s patent spat with Apple is really about quashing competition from Intel.

    Intel has jumped into the fray surrounding the Apple-Qualcomm patent spat by accusing the world’s biggest maker of mobile phone chips of trying to use the courts to snuff out competition.

    The chip giant made the allegation late Thursday in a public statement (PDF) to US International Trade Commission. The commission had requested the statement as part of its investigation into Qualcomm’s accusation that Apple’s iPhones of infringe six of Qualcomm’s mobile patents.

    Specifically, Intel said, the case is about quashing competition from Intel, which described itself as “Qualcomm’s only remaining competitor” in the market for chips for cellular phones.

  49. Tomi Engdahl says:

    AR and Mixed Reality Have More Potential, But VR Has All the Hype

    According to the second annual VRDC VR/AR Innovation Report, developers see more long-term potential in mixed reality (MR) and augmented reality (AR) than VR. Yet the hype over VR still reigns.

    Developers are seeing more long-term potential for mixed reality (MR) and augmented reality (AR) over virtual reality (VR), as well as a need for more enterprise applications, according to a new survey. The UBM Game Network*, which runs the Virtual Reality Developers Conference (VRDC) as well as the Game Developers Conference (GDC), polled over 600 professional VR, AR, and MR developers in order to gain insight into the industry, including funding, hardware preferences, and market trends and challenges.


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