WattTime, the Tool That Tells You When to Charge Your EV to Keep It Green – IEEE Spectrum


How to charge your electrical car with greenest power…

1 Comment

  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Stationary Chargers for EVs — When Cost and Performance Matters

    More and more electric vehicle (EV) charging points are sprouting up along highways, byways, and driveways. As availability becomes less of an issue, EV owners are starting to look closer at this equipment’s reliability and the energy costs associated with charging. Equipment vendors have to respond.

    Purely electric vehicles need to become more convenient for the public to embrace them wholeheartedly. Engineers will have to find ways to extend their range and rapidly charge empty batteries. It takes considerable charging power to deliver that much energy, that fast.

    Home stationary chargers’ power is usually limited to the 22 kW dictated by the distribution grids for residential neighborhoods. Commercial charger stations may be connected directly to a public medium-voltage distribution network via a low frequency transformer, which increases power levels to 100 kW and beyond. In this case, more electrical power can mean faster charging.

    A stationary charger unit typically consists of the power electronics, control circuitry, communication with the BMS (battery management system), and the user interface. Power electronics, in turn, consist of two parts, PFC (power factor correction) and the dc/dc converter


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