Finnish demo plant produces renewable fuel from carbon dioxide captured from the air

The unique Soletair demo plant developed by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) uses carbon dioxide to produce renewable fuels and chemicals. The pilot plant is coupled to LUT’s solar power plant in Lappeenranta.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Cyborg Bacteria Change the Game in Carbon Dioxide Reduction

    Researchers at the University of California Berkeley may have introduced a new era in artificial photosynthesis. They’ve devised a way to cover bacteria with cadmium sulfide semiconductor nanocrystals to breakdown carbon dioxide (CO2) into acetic acid, a precursor to a host of other products.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Waste CO2 to be turned into ingredients for fuel, plastics and even food

    The CRI plant sells around 4,000 tonnes of methanol produced from waste CO2 per year. Image Credit – Carbon Recycling International
    Scientists are ramping up efforts to turn waste CO2 from industry into chemicals such as methanol in a bid to reduce emissions and provide a new source of raw materials for use in fuel, cement and food production.

    It’s part of a strategy to halt global warming by cutting down the amount of CO2 we vent into the air and then re-using it – a technique known as carbon capture and utilisation (CCU).


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