Linux Foundation launches the Open-source EdgeX Foundry for IoT standardisation

Security is the Achilles heel of the Internet of Things, according to Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols on ZDNet. The lack of common IoT development standards is part of this problem. This is why the Linux Foundation, along with 50 companies, has announced The EdgeX Foundry. The group will build a common open framework for IoT edge computing that will include an ecosystem of interoperable components. 


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Open-source EdgeX Foundry seeks to standardize Internet of Things
    Fifty companies have joined up to unify Internet of Things edge-computing programming

    The new initiative has a common goal: The simplification and standardization of Industrial IoT edge computing, while still allowing room for vendors to add their own value-add features.

    True, IoT is already booming as a business, but widespread fragmentation and the lack of a common IoT solution framework are hindering its broad adoption and stalling market growth. In addition, crooks are already breaking into IoT devices with cracking tools such as the Metasploit hacking kit.

    This complexity and IoT’s wide variety of components is creating paralysis. EdgeX will attempt to solve this by making it easy to quickly create IoT edge solutions that have the flexibility to adapt to changing business needs.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    This may sound to you a bit like AllJoyn. It’s not. AllJoyn is a open-source protocol of device-to-device communications. EdgeX is a framework for building IoT edge software and firmware that connects via the internet to the cloud.

    The EdgeX members are adopting an open-source edge software platform because it will help everyone in the IoT business world.

    End customers can deploy IoT edge solutions quickly and easily with the flexibility to dynamically adapt to changing business needs.
    Hardware Manufacturers can scale faster with an interoperable partner ecosystem and more robust security and system management.
    Independent Software Vendors can enjoy interoperability with third-party applications and hardware without reinventing connectivity.
    Sensor/Device Makers can write an application-level device driver with a selected protocol once using the SDK and get pull from all solution providers.
    System Integrators can get to market faster with plug-and-play ingredients combined with their own proprietary inventions.



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