Teardown: SILVERCREST Li-lon Rechargeable Handheld Vacuum Cleaner

I bought some years go SILVERCREST Li-lon Rechargeable Handheld Vacuum Cleaner. After those years it does not work properly anymore: it runs just few seconds even though fully charged and then did not start at all. I thought that maybe batteries were going bad. Time for tear-down:


Opening the device…

Here is the elecronics. There is not very much. There is battery pack, control electronics board, elecrical motor and switch/LED board.

After some debugging it seems that the motor has gone bad. It needs quite a bit for force to rotate. It now takes so much current that overload protection on the circuit board kicks in before motor starts to rotate. The motor take many amperes of current from external power source when I removed it and tested with lab power supply. It seems clearly that there is something wrong on the motor.

I don’t think it is worth of the trouble to try to fix it. It is time to get a new handheld vacuum cleaner…


  1. Gwido says:

    I’ve had 3 silvercrest handheld vacuum cleaners over the years all bought from Lidl. They seem to spend around 1-2 years working tops and then get the problem as you mentioned. I don’t think it is worth buying silvercrest again after 3 of the same brand. I will go for something else – some other brand.

    • Ryan says:

      All silvercrest parts are sold by Hoyer Handle GMBH, my silvercrest handheld hoover battery came to the end of its life as does all batterys and so i bought a new battery from them and works perfect, they work for lidle doing all there silvercrest parts wnd battery replacements!! Lidle don’t make that clear though so took me some digging to find that out!!!

  2. Irina says:

    Solved it! Narrowed down the problem to the brush, as the motor was running without any problems when I was taking the brush off. I took out the small brush out of the end of the vacuum (you can literally take it out completely) and cleaned all hair out of it (there was hair around the main screw so I think that was creating the main problem) and now the vacuum works great again :)

  3. Patrick O'Farrell says:

    Can the Lithium battery be replaced? My charging light flashes between red and green. When I turn it on, it runs for a few seconds and shuts down?

    • Tomi Engdahl says:

      Technically if you could find a suitable replacement battery somewhere, I thinks it should be possible to replace the battery.
      There are several safety details that need to be kept in mind when working with lithium batteries, because they can start fire or even “explode” if handled carelessly or damaged.
      I have not tested that in practice battery replacement – I ended up getting a new device.

      • Jeff Karow says:

        Is this one battery or two in this unit? I have not been able to open this open yet because they have torqued the screws in, but wanted to order new batteries as I have narrowed it down to volatge issue.

      • Ryan says:

        All silvercrest parts are sold by Hoyer Handle GMBH, my silvercrest handheld hoover battery came to the end of its life as does all batterys and so i bought a new battery from them and works perfect, they work for lidle doing all there silvercrest parts wnd battery replacements!! Lidle don’t make that clear though so took me some digging to find that out!!!

      • Ryan says:

        All silvercrest parts are sold by Hoyer Handle GMBH, my silvercrest handheld hoover battery came to the end of its life as does all batterys and so i bought a new battery from them and works perfect, they work for lidle doing all there silvercrest parts wnd battery replacements!! Lidle don’t make that clear though so took me some digging to find that out!!!

      • Ryan says:

        All silvercrest parts are sold by Hoyer Handle GMBH, my silvercrest handheld hoover battery came to the end of its life as does all batterys and so i bought a new battery from them and works perfect, they work for lidle doing all there silvercrest parts wnd battery replacements!! Lidle don’t make that clear though so took me some digging to find that out!!!

  4. Jeff says:

    There are too many sources of lithium batteries to count: Amazon, ebay, battery sellers like Battery junction, etc. The 18650 (18mm x 65mm) size is widely used. Some have the safety circuitry bult into the battery and those that do not have it externally in the device.Many are built into packs for higher violtage Some fit in sockets and some have solder tabs for more permanent installation. Replacement is simple but detirmining what you have is hard to do online.

  5. Jeff says:

    There are too many sources of lithium batteries to count: Amazon, ebay, battery sellers like Battery junction, etc. The 18650 (18mm x 65mm) size is widely used. Some have the safety circuitry bult into the battery and those that do not have it externally in the device.Many are built into packs for higher violtage Some fit in sockets and some have solder tabs for more permanent installation. Replacement is simple but detirmining what you have is hard to do online.

  6. Kyle says:


    I bought this vacuum cleaner and I have a problem. The problem is that the battery is not charging up. I have tested everything, voltage is going to the battery but it is not charging up. The battery may not be the problem because the LED is not turning red, as it should be when charging.

    Any ideas on what can I do please?

  7. Kyle says:


    I bought this vacuum cleaner and I have a problem. The problem is that the battery is not charging up. I have tested everything, voltage is going to the battery but it is not charging up. The battery may not be the problem because the LED is not turning red, as it should be when charging.

    Any ideas on what can I do please?

  8. Kyle says:


    I bought this vacuum cleaner and I have a problem. The problem is that the battery is not charging up. I have tested everything, voltage is going to the battery but it is not charging up. The battery may not be the problem because the LED is not turning red, as it should be when charging.

    Any ideas on what can I do please?

    • Tomi Engdahl says:

      LIDL sold those with three year warranty on my country.
      If you have the same warranty that is still valid and you have receipt, the logical solution would be to bring it back to the shop and get a new one in return or money back.
      If it is older than that, then consider if trying DIY fix would be worth…

  9. Mrs E says:

    Am I glad that I happened to stumble on this website and see your comment. Thank you so much. My cleaner was fully charged but packed up each time I tried to use it. It would start working and then fade off and the lights would keep flashing for a few minutes. I was thinking of getting a new battery. I usually pull off all the hair that gets wound on the brush. After I read your comment on cleaning the brush, I took the brush off and realised that there was hair inside the end of the brush and the brush was stiff and not moving because of that. I cleaned it thoroughly and Hey Presto! my cleaner is as good as new. Thanks again.

  10. Kimberly says:

    I unpacked mine out of the box and it flashes red and green after charging for 2 days and has never turned on when switched on. I called Lidl and was put through to the vendor. A bad accu is deemed by the company to be the culprit and they are sending me a new unit in the mail. Fingers crossed.

  11. Kimberly says:

    I unpacked mine out of the box and it flashes red and green after charging for 2 days and has never turned on when switched on. I called Lidl and was put through to the vendor. A bad accu is deemed by the company to be the culprit and they are sending me a new unit in the mail. Fingers crossed.

  12. Kimberly says:

    I unpacked mine out of the box and it flashes red and green after charging for 2 days and has never turned on when switched on. I called Lidl and was put through to the vendor. A bad accu is deemed by the company to be the culprit and they are sending me a new unit in the mail. Fingers crossed.

  13. Adam says:

    In the case you’re out of warranty. As I see on the picture, the vacuum cleaner uses a battery pack 2×18650 type (3,7V each, total 7,4V). Just take a look what kind of battery pack you find in your device and try to find it i.e. here on Aliexpress: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32924127284.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.333e3391s4lKkk&algo_pvid=8fc51ed3-ac62-4bc5-b385-b393add88ca9&algo_exp_id=8fc51ed3-ac62-4bc5-b385-b393add88ca9-0&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2266145256957%22%7D&pdp_npi=2%40dis%21PLN%21%2136.9%21%21%21%21%21%402100bde116546832963793783e4ee4%2166145256957%21sea


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