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At a Hot Chips event dominated by machine learning it was clear just about everyone is doing something in AI even though no one agrees on just what to do.

Microsoft, Amazon and Baidu are pushing FPGAs to cloud. Google has Tensoflow ASICs.  Intel pitched four of its chip families as different tools for skinning the neural networking beast.

Graphics rivals AMD and Nvidia described their latest GPUs. RISC-V was presented.

1 Comment

  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Google Fellow: Neural Nets Need Optimized Hardware

    If you aren’t currently considering how to use deep neural networks to solve your problems, you almost certainly should be, according to Jeff Dean, a Google senior fellow and leader of the deep learning artificial intelligence research project known as Google Brain.

    In a keynote address at the Hot Chips conference here Tuesday (Aug. 22), Dean outlined how deep neural nets are dramatically reshaping computational devices and making significant strides in speech, vision, search, robotics and healthcare, among other areas. He said hardware systems optimized for performing a small handful of specific operations that make up the vast majority of machine learning models would create more powerful neural networks.


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