Kristoffer Lawson talks about a future where you zoom into work | TechCrunch

Kristoffer Lawson created Solu, the social computer. His tiny device uses a unique UI and UX to allow you to connect with friends and collaborate using an icon-based OS that lets you zoom in and out of work.

Lawson speaks about the future of computing and how his ideas – and the ideas of other OS thinkers – will change the way we interact with computers. 
Why this is cool: this is a cool device is from Finland that I have already written about and I know Lawson.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    End of this story:

    Finnish IT firm went bankrupt – promised to revolutionize computers

    The District Court on Monday sentenced the Finnish bank Solu Machines Oy into bankruptcy. In its application last week, the company announced its insolvency.

    Established in 2014, Solu Machines developed a revolutionary Solu computer that was expected to be large. The company announced “Spotify for PCs” in San Francisco in 2015 and attracted international attention at that time.

    In an interview with Tivi Magazine , CEO Kristoffer Lawson said in a statement that the company plans to go directly to Apple, Microsoft and Google. “Our approach is completely different,” he said.

    In practice, the user had to get a storage space of about 19 euros per month for the cloud and all applications. The device itself was small, just palm sized. The company applied for money successfully with bulk funding for Kickstarter and Indiegogo.


  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    “Reinvented PC” startup Solu goes bankrupt: “We were ahead of Google”, claims CEO

    The Finnish hardware startup Solu Machines was declared bankrupt on Tuesday by the Helsinki district court. Last week, the company filed for bankruptcy, declaring itself to be insolvent.

    Solu Machines, founded in 2014, was developing a Solu computer it claimed to be revolutionary. This “Spotify of computers” was launched in San Francisco in 2015, and it garnered widespread interest. Solu was expected to break out big in the following years.

    According to CEO Kristoffer Lawson, Solu Machines needed only “some tens of thousands” of euros financing to continue operating.

    “That’s what’s so dismaying with all this, that it all boiled down to surprisingly low amounts of money”, Lawson told the Finnish IT magazine Tivi.

    In 2015, Lawson said that the company intends to challenge Apple, Microsoft, and Google straight on. “Our approach is completely different”, Lawson commented.


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