Reading the signs: 5G is coming | EDN–5G-is-coming?utm_content=buffer9759f&utm_medium=social&

One in 10 communications companies claim to have deployed 5G technology already, according to a recent survey (see: With 5G technology, the time is now).

Some parts of the 5G standard are close to being finalized, but nothing has been ratified yet. 

Furthermore, many of the constituent technologies (e.g., mmWave RF, beamforming, MIMO, etc.) are either new or not commonly used. SDN and NFV are considered critical enablers of the heightened utility and expanded flexibility that will be hallmarks of 5G networks.

The industry has a learning curve to climb. The recent set of announcements can be considered an indicator that the industry is beginning to surge up that slope. 


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    5G-puhelin joka neljännellä kymmenestä vuonna 2024 – miljoonia IoT-laitteita

    Maailmalla on 1,5 miljardia 5G-liittymää vuoteen 2024 mennessä, ennakoi Ericsson uudessa mobiiliraportissaan.
    5G-kännyköiden lisäksi mobiiliverkkoihin pohjautuvien IoT-yhteyksien määrä kasvaa, kun NB-IoT- ja Cat-M1 -teknologioita otetaan yhä yleisempään käyttöön.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Telian toimitusjohtaja Johan Dennelind lupasi kaksi vuotta sitten Slush-tapahtumassa, että yhtiö avaa Helsingissä 5G-palvelut vuonna 2018. Nyt Dennelind kertoi kaupallisen T5G-verkon olevan toiminnassa ensi vuoden alussa

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Washington Asks Allies to Drop Huawei
    U.S. worried about potential Chinese meddling in 5G networks, but foreign carriers may balk

    The U.S. government has initiated an extraordinary outreach campaign to foreign allies, trying to persuade wireless and internet providers in these countries to avoid telecommunications equipment from China’s Huawei Technologies Co., according to people familiar with the situation.

    American officials have briefed their government counterparts and telecom executives in friendly countries where Huawei equipment is already in wide use, including Germany, Italy and Japan, about what they see as cybersecurity risks, these people said. The U.S. is also considering increasing financial aid for telecommunications development in countries that shun Chinese-made equipment, some of these people say.

    One U.S. concern centers on the use of Chinese telecom equipment in countries that host American military bases

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sveitsiläinen u-blox on esitellyt LTE-verkkojen IoT-moduulin, joka tukee valmistuvaa uutta LTE Cat NB2-standardia ja toimii kaikkialla. Moduulista on kehittäjille tarjolle versio Kiinaan. Toinen versio tulee NB-IoT-taajuuksia kaikkialla muualla. Moduuli on myös 5G-valmis.

    4G-verkossa datakanavien lomassa toimiva 200 kilohertsin levyinen IoT-kanava tuotiin osaksi standardia 3GPP:n Release 13 -määrityksissä. Tällä NB1-tekniikalla IoT-laitteisiin tuotiin 60 kilobitin datansiirtonopeus verkkoon päin.

    Release 14:ssa tuodaan tekniikasta toisen polven evoluutio eli NB2. Siinä data liikkuu solmuista tukiasemaan 160 kilobitin nopeudella. Toiseen suuntaan linkki kiihtyy NB1:n 20 kilobitistä NB2:n 120 kilobittiin sekunnissa.

    SARA-N3 Multi-band NB-IoT modules – ready for NB2

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    New Zealand Halts Huawei From 5G Upgrade Over Security Fears

    New Zealand’s international spy agency on Wednesday halted mobile company Spark from using Huawei equipment in its planned 5G upgrade, saying it posed a “significant network security risk.”

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Helsinki 5G base station design

    City of Helsinki, Nokia and Elisa are looking for a standard model design for the Helsinki 5G base stations. We are seeking unique and easily scalable model for base stations which are to be utilized in Helsinki City environment.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Analyst: ‘America will not win the global race to 5G’

    1) It is not helpful to describe this as a race — it is the world collectively cooperating to bring about new network communication capabilities that “raise all ships.”
    2) Somewhat embarrassingly, the White House pronouncement lacks a basic understanding of 5G.

    3) The actual metrics of open global industry collaborative activity in the global 5G marketplace provide a good indication of who is engaging to purse the emerging marketplace.

    4) as FCC Commissioner Rosenworcel recently noted, the U.S. Administration’s trade and other multilateral policies significantly impair U.S. ability to excel in the global 5G revolution.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Etusivu > Uutinen > Telia toi 5G-robotin lentoasemalle – 28 GHz käyttöön
    Telia toi 5G-robotin lentoasemalle – 28 GHz käyttöön

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Shara Tibken / CNET:
    Samsung and Verizon will partner to release a 5G smartphone using Qualcomm processors in the first half of 2019, plan to show a concept device this week — One of the world’s first 5G phones will be coming to the US from Samsung and Verizon. — The two companies on Monday said they plan …

    Samsung, Verizon will partner on 5G smartphone in first half of 2019

    The device will use processors from Qualcomm, which is hosting a conference this week in Hawaii.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    MI6 head warns on Huawei UK 5G

    Britain should think long and hard if it’s comfortable with the Chinese building its 5G network.

    The head of MI6 has warned the UK over the role of Chinese firms in building the country’s 5G infrastructure.

    In a rare speech, the UK Secret Intelligence Service boss said the UK should think long and hard before working with Huawei, or any other Chinese company, following past concerns.

    Alex Younger said Britain needs to think if it’s comfortable “with Chinese ownership of these technologies”.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    5G Glimpse Shows Glitz and Warts
    Cellular race to market is really a marathon

    For a few hours on Tuesday, 5G cellular was live — warts and all — in two ballrooms of a resort hotel here. Ericsson set up the network at a Qualcomm event to give press and analysts a first look at what its new chip sets will enable.

    Samsung showed an early version of its first 5G smartphone streaming 4K video to a large-screen TV. Motorola demoed a 5G upgrade module that attached to its LTE smartphone to download a gigabyte movie in 17 seconds.

    Inseego showed a mobile 5G hotspot it will launch at CES for Verizon’s network. And AT&T demoed a prototype for a cool augmented-reality app requiring fast nets to download to a handset hundreds of Mbytes of content.

    So far, it’s a mixed bag of blessings and curses. For example, the demos were cool, but there were few of them.

    Tests of millimeter wave services are going better than expected, carriers said. In addition, handset makers have an unnamed alternative supplier of mmwave RF front-ends beyond the module Qualcomm announced in July.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Digital Single Market
    Towards 5G

    The “fifth generation” of telecommunication systems, or 5G, will be one of the most critical building blocks of our digital economy and society in the next decade. Europe has taken significant steps to lead global developments towards this strategic technology.

    5G will provide virtually ubiquitous, ultra-high bandwidth, and low latency “connectivity” not only to individual users but also to connected objects.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Germany’s Federal Network Agency Catches Flak For 5G Rules

    Around the world, the deployment of 5G is well underway as providers build infrastructure and government agencies allocate spectrum for the next generation of wireless. In some countries, however, the going is getting tough. In Germany, for example, network operators and industry groups have harshly criticized the Federal Network Agency over its upcoming 5G spectrum auction.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Samsung will release a 5G phone in 2019

    Details around things like specs are likely to be pretty light once again, though Samsung and mobile partner Verizon are shooting for a release sometime in the first half of next year. Qualcomm is a key hardware partner here as well, producing the Snapdragon X50 5G NR modem and antenna modules via the Snapdragon Mobile Platform.

    The news finds Samsung joining a handful of companies promising to deliver 5G smartphones in 2019, including OnePlus and Motorola — though the latter will be accomplishing this via Moto Mod. Samsung’s chief competitor Apple, meanwhile, is not expected to embrace the technology until 2020, according to the latest rumors.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Will You Own a 5G Smartphone in 2019?



    As we finish 2018 and look to 2019, you’re probably fully aware of the massive amount of attention geared toward 5G. Those who have

    been staying up-to-date surely heard plenty enough about it over the last few years. Now, though, it seems like all the hoopla is

    turning into reality.

    So, what can we expect to see in 2019 regarding 5G? In a recent interview with Microwaves & RF, James Kimery, director of marketing at

    National Instruments (NI) stated, “5G has unstoppable momentum and initial 5G deployments will start in 2019.” He also noted, “Most

    initial deployments may be on sub-6-GHz bands, but there will be some fixed wireless use cases using millimeter-wave (mmWave)


    Will you be holding a 5G smartphone in your hands in 2019? If you pay attention to the news, there’s a good chance of that happening

    Verizon and Samsung recently announced a successful data transmission using 800 MHz of bandwidth at 28 GHz, resulting in a maximum throughput of almost 4 Gb/s. This news certainly highlights what mmWave bands can bring to the table.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    EI PELKKIÄ KISSAVIDEOITA – 5G:N KAPASITEETTI JA NOPEUS MAHDOLLISTAVAT UUDENLAISET PALVELUTältö+nostot+Q3-Q4+2018+buP11160004019&utm_medium=social_paid&utm_content=B2B+sisältö+nostot+Q3-Q4+2018+buP11160004019&utm_term=SERVICES+%7C+pros+%7C+Artikkeli+5G-webinaarista+%7C+LPV+%7C+B2b-päättäjät+isot+%7C+5665

    Telia avaa kaupallisen 5G-verkon vuonna 2019. Mitä sitten tapahtuu? Sen sanelevat kumppaneiden tarpeet ja dataan perustuvat uudet innovaatiot.

    ”Viestintäviraston huutokaupassa voittamamme 3,5 gigahertsin taajuus on konkreettinen askel kohti 5G-visioiden toteutumista”,

    ”5G-verkko ei ole paranneltu versio 4G:stä. Se on uudenlainen teknologia, joka mahdollistaa langattoman tietoliikenteen aivan uudenlaisilla alueilla”, Koistinen selostaa. Hän selventää superverkon ominaisuuksia: ”5G:ssä on uutta sen kyky tuoda laskentakapasiteetti konesaleista verkkoon, lähemmäksi käyttökohdetta. Verkko ja laskentakapasiteetti muodostavat entistä yhtenäisemmän alustan digitalisaation seuraaville vaiheille.”

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nyt testattiin “aito” 5G-yhteys

    Anritsu ja Qualcomm onnistuivat testaamaan 5G-SA-yhteyttä (Standalone) MT8000A-testausjärjestelmällä ja Qualcommin 5G-päätelaitteen välillä. Qualcommilla oli mukana 5G NR -modeemi (Snapdragon X50), antennimoduuli RF-osineen sekä antennielementit.

    Näiden “aitojen” 5G-yhteyksien kaupallinen tarjoaminen on alkamassa Kiinassa ensi vuoden aikana. Tätäkin silmällä pitäen onnistunut 5G NS testi oli merkittävä saavutus.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:
    Nokia Bell Labsin vetämässä LuxTurrim5G -ekosysteemissä kehitetään 5G-tukiasemien sijoituskohteiden lisäksi uusia käyttökohteita. Näyttötaulujen ja valopylväiden lisäksi on kehitetty jo 5G:n perustuva bussipysäkki ja 5G-signaalit paremmin läpipäästävä ikkunarakenne.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    5G: Out of the Lab and Onto the Street

    5G. You’ve been hearing about it for years, and now it’s just about here — or, at least, the beginning is just about here. Sure, widespread use is still a few years away, but before handset manufacturers, embedded devices for industrial applications, connected cars, and the like begin to take hold, some infrastructure needs to be in place.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    AT&T is turning on 5G access for its new mobile hotspot this week

    A little taste of 5G is coming early, courtesy of AT&T’s new mobile hotspot. The carrier announced this morning that it will be firing up limited 5G service in a dozen cities across the U.S. this Friday, currently only accessible via the Netgear Nighthawk 5G Mobile Hotspot.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    AT&T will put a fake 5G logo on its 4G LTE phones
    AT&T customers will start to see a 5G logo appear in the corner of their smartphone next year — not because they’re using a 5G phone connected to a 5G network, but because AT&T is going to start pretending its most advanced 4G LTE tech is 5G.

    According to FierceWireless, AT&T will display an icon reading “5G E” on newer phones that are connected to LTE in markets where the carrier has deployed a handful of speed boosting — but still definitively 4G — technologies. The “E,” displayed smaller than the rest of the logo, refers to “5G Evolution,” the carrier’s term for networks that aren’t quite 5G but are still faster than traditional LTE.
    It’s an intentionally confusing and borderline deceptive move designed to win the coming advertising wars around 5G. By “upgrading” a bunch of customers’ phones to “5G” now, AT&T will have a multitude of people using a “5G” network months, if not more than a year, before everyone else.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    China’s Global Control of 5G Could Be a Cyber Pearl Harbor for US

    China is determined to control fifth-generation wireless technology (5G) networks, posing a threat to American telecommunication firms and raising national-security concerns. To win the next-generation mobile race, the U.S. government has to act fast, an expert warns.


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