Pollution Kills An Astonishing Nine MILLION People Every Year | IFLScience


Pollution is killing up to 9 million people every single year across the planet. This unnatural phenomenon is responsible for one-in-6 deaths worldwide, more deadly than anything else, including natural disasters, famine, and war. Air pollution is the most serious issue: it accounted for two-thirds of all pollution-related deaths in 2015. Drinking water was second on the list.

 “Pollution is the largest environmental cause of disease and death in the world today,” 


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Europe To Fund Climate Research Programs That America Has Abandoned

    In the closing days of the COP23 international climate summit in Bonn, Europe is showing that it’s not all talk when it comes to pushing back the rising tides.

    Following on from German Chancellor Angela Merkel declaring that “climate change is an issue determining our destiny as mankind,” French President Emmanuel Macron has announced that Europe will fill the enormous funding gap in the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), one that was left by the US’ withdrawal.

  2. astronomer says:

    Hello friends, its gгeat piece of writing on the topic of teachingand fully explained, keeⲣ it up all the time.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The World’s Astonishing Dependence On Fossil Fuels Hasn’t Changed In 40 Years

    “Maybe ‘dependence’ is a poor description of poor people using the ready availability of cheap energy to help lift themselves out of poverty”:

    There are few ways to understand why. First, most of the world’s clean-energy sources are used to generate electricity. But electricity forms only 25% of the world’s energy consumption. Second, as the rich world moved towards a cleaner energy mix, much of the poor world was just starting to gain access to modern forms of energy.

    The world’s astonishing dependence on fossil fuels hasn’t changed in 40 years

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A honeycomb filter that purifies outdoor air – and could cut city pollution – won the €3 million Horizon Prize on materials for clean air

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    It’s not just our physical health that’s affected by pollution.

    Air Pollution Linked To Higher Risk Of Depression And Suicide

    We know that high levels of air pollution can have worrying impacts on our bodies, from contributing to lung and heart disease to increasing our risk of silent miscarriage.

    But it’s not just our physical health that’s affected. Previous studies have linked high levels of air pollution to spikes in psychiatric problems among children, psychotic experiences, and neurological conditions like bipolar disorder.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) currently recommends that people are exposed to no more than 10 micrograms of fine particulate matter – tiny particles like dust and soot – per square meter (μg/m3). However, many of us in busy cities, from New York to London to Dehli to Beijing, breathe air with pollution levels far above this safe limit.

    In the new study, the team found that an increase of fine particulate matter, aka PM2.5, of 10μg/m3 over long periods could increase your risk of depression by 10 percent. In Delhi, PM2.5 levels have reached 114μg/m3

    In London, where people are exposed to 12.8μg/m3 of fine particulate matter on average, the researchers believe depression risk could drop by 2.5 percent if pollution levels were dragged down to 10μg/m3.

    While long-term exposure to PM2.5 could influence depression and anxiety, the researchers also note that short-term exposure to coarse particulate matter (PM10) – larger particles of pollution like dust and smoke – appears to impact suicide risk. Their findings suggest that if a person is exposed to PM10 over a three-day period, their risk of suicide could rise by 2 percent for every 10μg/m3 increase in this coarse particulate matter.

    The researchers are quick to point out that their findings don’t necessarily indicate a causal relationship between air pollution and mental health issues, just that there appears to be some sort of link. So, even if you live in a highly polluted area, you’re not destined to develop depression or anxiety.

    Noise exposure in cities is a possible confounding factor and has been linked to psychological effects, including through sleep disturbance. Green space is another confounder, given it may reduce depression risk and improve mental health.


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