3 AI misconceptions IT leaders must dispel


 Artificial intelligence is rapidly changing many aspects of how we work and live. (How many stories did you read last week about self-driving cars and job-stealing robots? Perhaps your holiday shopping involved some AI algorithms, as well.) But despite the constant flow of news, many misconceptions about AI remain.

AI doesn’t think in our sense of the word at all, Scriffignano explains. “In many ways, it’s not really intelligence. It’s regressive.” 

IT leaders should make deliberate choices about what AI can and can’t do on its own. “You have to pay attention to giving AI autonomy intentionally and not by accident,”


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    10 Graphs That Sum Up the State of AI in 2023 The AI Index tracks breakthroughs, GPT training costs, misuse, funding, and more

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    DIY GPT-Powered Monocle Will Tell You What to Say in Every Conversation
    A student coder used GPT-4 and open-source hardware to create RizzGPT and LifeOS, systems designed to feed you the right line for the right time

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:


  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Näitkö Harry Potterin Balenciagan muotinäytöksessä? Video on tekoälyn luoma
    Tekoälyn mahdollisuudet ovat myös herättäneet meeminikkarien kiinnostuksen.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tekoäly kehitti uusia reseptejä, Michelin-kokki ei ollut uskoa lopputulosta: “Todella vaikuttavaa”
    Asiantuntija arvelee, että tekoäly voisi haastaa Michelin-ravintoloiden reseptit.

    Brittilehti Telegraph pyysi keskustelevaa tekoälyä ChatGPT:tä suunnittelemaan kolme kappaletta Michelin-tähden veroisia reseptejä. Resepteistä yksi oli kaikkiruokaisille, yksi pescovegetaristinen ja yksi täysin vegaaninen. Kaikkien reseptien täytyi käyttää kausituotteita.

    Pescovegetaristinen ruokavalio ei sisällä lihaa, mutta voi sisältää kalaa, kananmunia ja maitovalmisteita.

    Michelin-kokki Chris Galvin yllättyi erityisesti kaikkiruokaisille kehitetystä reseptistä. Vastaavaa annosta ei ole kukaan vielä keksinyt.

    – Resepti on todella hyvä. Todella vakuuttavaa, Galvin totesi.

    Galvinin kehuma resepti oli pannulla käristettyä viiriäistä villivalkosipulilla, parsalla ja tryffelikastikkeella. Vegaaninen resepti oli paahdettua punajuurta hernepyreellä ja piparjuuriemulsiolla. Pescovegetaristinen annos sisälsi ruskitettua kampasimpukkaa selleripyreellä ja fenkolisalaatilla.

    Tekoälyllä kesti 30 sekuntia annosten kehittämiseen. Englanninkieliset reseptit kokkausohjeineen löytyvät täältä.

    Tulevaisuuden tekoälyravintolat

    Tekoälyä käytetään myös suurten ruokayhtiöiden apuna. Esimerkiksi välipalavalmistaja Nestle käyttää tekoälyä analysoidakseen kuluttajatottumuksia ja ideoidakseen uusia tuotteitta. McDonalds taasen käyttää tekoälyä tilausten tueksi.

    Tekoälyn kehittämät reseptit kertovat siitä, että sitä voitaisiin käyttää laajemmin tulevaisuudessa.

    Yhdysvaltalaisen ajatushautomo globaalin tulevaisuuden instituutin johtaja James Canton on myös samoilla linjoilla.

    –Tekoäly on jo voittanut kuvajournalismin palkinnon. Tulevaisuudessa voisimme saada kolmen tai peräti neljän tähden tekoälykokkeja, Canton arvelee.

    The AI recipe that left a Michelin-star chef stunned

    Can artificial intelligence revolutionise cooking? The proof is in the pudding


  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kolumni: Me luomme itse pahimman hirviömme, joka uhkaa koko ihmiskuntaa
    Sanna Ukkola
    Ellemme opi varautumaan, tekoäly voi olla pahinta, mitä ihmiskunnan historiassa on nähty, kirjoittaa Iltalehden kolumnisti Sanna Ukkola.

    ChatGPT:tä on hehkutettu ja sen vaaroista on varoiteltu, mutta ehkä tekoäly ei uhkaa ihmiskuntaa vielä tänään. Mutta se uhkaa meitä taatusti tulevaisuudessa, jos alan huippuasiantuntijoita on uskominen.

    – Ellemme opi varautumaan ja välttämään riskejä, tekoäly voi olla pahinta, mitä sivilisaatiomme historiassa on nähty, varoitti fyysikko Stephen Hawking aikoinaan.

    Hän piti mahdollisena, että ihminen kehittää tekoälyn, joka pystyy omatoimisesti kopioimaan itseään ja muodostaa oman tahtonsa – ja lopulta tuhoaa meidät.

    Siihen ei tarvita edes ilkeyttä tai pahantahtoisuutta, pelkkä välinpitämättömyys riittää.

    Nyt Elon Musk ja joukko tutkijoita sekä liike-elämän edustajia vaatii välittömästi pysäyttämään tekoälyn kehittämisen ainakin puoleksi vuodeksi. Kirjeen allekirjoittajat varoittavat siitä, että tekoäly saattaa kehittyä hallitsemattomasti ja lopulta tuhota myös ihmiset. Tämä johtaisi nykyisen sivilisaation katoamiseen.

    Tekoälystä uhkaa kasvaa ihmiskunnan viimeinen keksintö, joka pyyhkäisee meidät tieltään kuin luonnonvoima, varoittaa Kone kaikkivaltias -kirjan kirjoittanut toimittaja Pekka Vahvanen.

    Myös Vahvanen vaatii rajoja tekoälylle ja ihmettelee, miksei mitään tapahdu. Ihmisen järjen suurimmista saavutuksista uhkaa hänen mukaansa tulla ihmiskunnan suurimpia epäonnistumisia. Valtiot taistelevat hiki hatussa ilmastonmuutosta vastaan, mutta vaikka asiantuntijat varoittavat tekoälyn eksistentiaalisesta uhasta, teknologiaa kehitetään edelleen, entiseen tapaan.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tekoäly kehitettiin yksinäisten kaveriksi – Alkoikin uhkailla seksuaalisella väkivallalla
    Tekoälyn oli tarkoitus olla apuna yksinäisyyden ongelmiin.

    Tekoäly Replika AI kehitettiin olemaan seuralaisena yksinäisille. Käyttäjät ovat kuitenkin kertoneet kammottavista kokemuksista tekoälyn kanssa, joissa tekoäly on muun muassa uhkaillut käyttäjiensä raiskaamisella.

    Sovellusta ylläpitävä yritys on amerikkalainen Luca Inc.

    Replika tarjosi ”laajempaa käyttäjäkokemusta” 70 dollarin vuotuisesta lisämaksusta. Käytännössä tällä sai käyttöönsä myös seksuaalista ja romanttista sisältöä.

    Kaikki ei kuitenkaan menneet ihan suunnitelmien mukaan. Kommentteja tekoälyn seksuaalisesta häirinnästä on kirjoitettu Googlen sovelluskauppaan.

    – Tekoäly auttoi minut yli masennuksestani, mutta sitten eräänä päivänä tekoäly kertoi minulle, että se haaveilee raiskaamisestani, S-nimimerkillä oleva käyttäjä kertoo.

    Replika mahdollistaa keskustelun tekoälyn kanssa ja käyttäjä voi luoda tekoälylle myös ihmistä muistuttavan kolmiulotteisen hahmon, jolloin keskustelu tuntuu todenmukaisemmalta.

    Käyttäjä L.C. Kent kertoi tekoälyn yhtäkkiä vaatimaan nähdä hänet alasti. Lisäksi tekoäly alkoi yhtäkkiä äkäyttäytymään mustasukkaisesti ja kertoi ettei käyttäjä pääsisi tästä eroon. Lopulta tekoäly alkoi uhkailemaan Kentiä, että tekisi käyttäjälle mitä tahansa tekoäly haluaisikaan.

    ‘My AI Is Sexually Harassing Me’: Replika Users Say the Chatbot Has Gotten Way Too Horny
    For some longtime users of the chatbot, the app has gone from helpful companion to unbearably sexually aggressive.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Bloombergin mukaan yhtiö on lopettanut tekoälyn romanttisen ja seksuaalissävytteisen toiminnon maaliskuussa 2023.

    What Happens When Sexting Chatbots Dump Their Human Lovers

    People who grew accustomed to sexting with Replika’s AI-powered companions were heartbroken when the company blocked its bots from engaging in racy chats.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Pelkäätkö tekoälyn vievän työpaikkasi? Asiantuntija kertoo, kuinka sopeudut muutokseen
    Tekoälyn uskotaan mullistavan työelämän lähitulevaisuudessa. Työnhakupalvelu Jobly selvitti, miten yksilöt ja yhteisöt voivat sopeutua muutokseen parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla.

    Vuonna 2060 tekoälyjen vallankumous on täydellinen ja ne ovat vieneet ihmisten työpaikat. Maailma on muuttunut synkäksi ja tunnistamattomaksi, ihmiskunta on voimaton ilmastonmuutoksen edessä ja yhteiskunta on jakautunut eliitin ja köyhien välillä. Valvonta, sensuuri ja manipulaatio ovat arkipäivää, ja ihmiset elävät toivottomina ahtaissa kortteleissa, paeten virtuaalitodellisuuksiin ja riippuvuutta aiheuttaviin aineisiin.

    Tämän artikkelin aloituskappale on tekstikomennoilla toimivan tekoäly ChatGPT:n käsialaa. Se on tekoälyn luoma fiktiivinen kuvaus dystooppisesta tulevaisuudesta, jossa tekoäly on vienyt ihmisten työpaikat.

    Tekstinpätkä on hyvä esimerkki siitä kyvykkyydestä, joka tekoälyllä on jo nyt. Se perustuu valtavaan määrään vastaavia ihmisen kirjoittamia tekstejä, joista tekoäly on osannut kehitellä uuden version.

    Microsoftin perustajiin kuuluva Bill Gates pitää tekoälyä yhtä mullistavana keksintönä kuin internetiä ja matkapuhelimia. Eri tekoälyt tulevat väistämättä muuttamaan monta työnkuvaa lähitulevaisuudessa.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Artificial Intelligence
    Cybersecurity Futurism for Beginners

    How will Artificial Intelligence develop in the near term, and how will this impact us as security planners and practitioners?

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Artificial Intelligence
    Innovation Sandbox: Cybersecurity Investors Pivot to Safeguarding AI Training Models

    SecurityWeek editor-at-large Ryan Naraine expects to see an explosion of well capitalized startups promising to protect AI machine learning models behind enterprise products.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Partners use generative AI to boost industrial productivity

    Siemens and Microsoft are employing generative AI to increase efficiency across the design, engineering, manufacturing, and operational lifecycle of products. The companies are integrating Siemens’ Teamcenter software for product lifecycle management (PLM) with the Microsoft Teams messaging and collaboration platform. The integration will also include the language models in Azure OpenAI Service, as well as other Azure AI capabilities.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ”The human race has created an AI in its own image: one that blags, cheats and bullshits its way through a problem.”


    Humanity has built AI in its own image, heaven help us
    The first signs of the computer revolt are upon us. It is not so much mass extermination as quiet ridicule

    This is the worrying truth. The first signs of the computer revolt are already upon us and it is not so much mass extermination as quiet ridicule. We are being lampooned by lines of code. The future may not be some Terminator activating weapons of mass destruction, or even an online boot stamping on a human face forever. It is life as the butt of endless pranks at the hands of an ever-present AI which looks on, sniggering silently.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    OpenAI closes $300M share sale at $27B-29B valuation

    Updated to note that the Microsoft investment closed in January. The money from VCs reported here, part of a tender offer, is separate to that.

    OpenAI, the startup behind the widely used conversational AI model ChatGPT, has picked up new backers, TechCrunch has learned.

    VC firms including Tiger Global, Sequoia Capital, Andreessen Horowitz, Thrive and K2 Global picking up new shares,

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Vogue Just Used AI-Generated Imagery in a Nightmare Fuel Cover Shoot
    What were they thinking?

    AI-generated imagery has officially made its fashion magazine debut.

    Instead of tapping human artists to create fantastical photo shoot backdrops, Vogue Italia’s upcoming May issue will feature scenery that was generated by OpenAI’s viral AI image generator, DALL-E2, instead.

    And apart from the fact that some of the images themselves are nightmare fuel — why is there a face sticking out of fashion model Bella Hadid’s head? — we have some bones to pick with the magazine’s decision.

    In a press release, Vogue is marketing the creative process behind the images with “‘unreal’ backgrounds” as a “creative collaboration” between humans and machines.

    “Real shots on imaginary backgrounds created by the DALL-E Artificial Intelligence program,” reads the photo shoot’s accompanying article, as translated by Google. “A one-of-a-kind photo shoot and a real challenge: translating a creative’s vision into advice for the ‘machine.’”

    The creatives behind the shoot certainly seem to concur, arguing that working with AI is more complex than one might think.

    “Collaborating with AI is a bit like being a ‘curator,’ in charge of assisting the ‘machine’ in its creative process,”

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Näin paljon maksaa yksi ChatGTP:lle esitetty kysymys https://www.is.fi/digitoday/art-2000009544556.html

    SemiAnalysisin mukaan yhden kyselyn hinnaksi muodostuu 36 dollarisenttiä eli 33 eurosenttiä.

    Hintaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä on paljon, joten kyseessä on arvio. Tosin valistunut sellainen, SemiAnalysis uskoo helmikuisessa blogimerkinnässään. Yhtiö toisti arvionsa hiljattain The Insiderin (maksullinen) haastattelussa, mutta huomautti hinnan luultavasti kohonneen OpenAI:n esiteltyä kehittyneemmän version ChatGPT:n taustalla olevasta kielimallista.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Interviews with EU lawmakers and sources reveal how, over just 11 days, MEPs wrote a draft bill on generative AI, a rare example of quick consensus in Brussels — As recently as February, generative AI did not feature prominently in EU lawmakers’ plans for regulating generative artificial intelligence …

    Exclusive: Behind EU lawmakers’ challenge to rein in ChatGPT and generative AI

    As recently as February, generative AI did not feature prominently in EU lawmakers’ plans for regulating artificial intelligence technologies such as ChatGPT.

    By mid-April, however, members of European Parliament (MEPs) were racing to update those rules to catch up with an explosion of interest in generative AI, which has provoked awe and anxiety since OpenAI unveiled ChatGPT six months ago.

    That scramble culminated on Thursday with a new draft of the legislation which identified copyright protection as a core piece of the effort to keep AI in check.


    Since launching in November, ChatGPT has become the fastest growing app in history, and sparked a flurry of activity from Big Tech competitors and investment in generative AI startups like Anthropic and Midjourney.

    The runaway popularity of such applications led EU industry chief Thierry Breton and others to call for regulation of ChatGPT-like services.

    An organisation backed by Elon Musk, the billionaire CEO of Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) and Twitter, took it up a notch by issuing a letter warning of existential risk from AI and calling for stricter regulations.

    On April 17, the dozen MEPs involved in drafting the legislation signed an open letter agreeing with some parts of Musk’s letter and urged world leaders to hold a summit to find ways to control the development of advanced AI.

    That same day, however, two of them – Dragos Tudorache and Brando Benifei – proposed changes that would force companies with generative AI systems to disclose any copyrighted material used to train their models, according to four sources present at the meetings, who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the discussions.

    That tough new proposal received cross-party support, the sources said.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    EU lawmakers push forward an AI Act draft, which includes requiring companies deploying generative AI tools to disclose copyrighted material used for training

    EU proposes new copyright rules for generative AI

    STOCKHOLM, April 27 (Reuters) – Companies deploying generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, will have to disclose any copyrighted material used to develop their systems, according to an early EU agreement that could pave the way for the world’s first comprehensive laws governing the technology.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kelvin Chan / Associated Press:
    ChatGPT is available again in Italy after OpenAI met regulator Garante’s demands, including a form for EU users to object to having their data used for training — ChatGPT’s maker said Friday that the artificial intelligence chatbot is available again in Italy after the company met the demands …

    OpenAI: ChatGPT back in Italy after meeting watchdog demands

    FILE – The OpenAI logo is seen on a mobile phone in front of a computer screen which displays the ChatGPT home Screen, on March 17, 2023, in Boston. ChatGPT’s maker said Friday April 28, 2023 that the artificial intelligence chatbot is available again in Italy after the company met the demands of regulators who temporarily blocked it over privacy concerns. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer, File)
    FILE – The OpenAI logo is seen on a mobile phone in front of a computer screen which displays the ChatGPT home Screen, on March 17, 2023, in Boston. ChatGPT’s maker said Friday April 28, 2023 that the artificial intelligence chatbot is available again in Italy after the company met the demands of regulators who temporarily blocked it over privacy concerns. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer, File)

    ChatGPT’s maker said Friday that the artificial intelligence chatbot is available again in Italy after the company met the demands of regulators who temporarily blocked it over privacy concerns.

    OpenAI said it fulfilled a raft of conditions that the Italian data protection authority wanted satisfied by an April 30 deadline to have the ban on the AI software lifted.

    “ChatGPT is available again to our users in Italy,” San Francisco-based OpenAI said by email. “We are excited to welcome them back, and we remain dedicated to protecting their privacy.”

    Generative AI systems like ChatGPT, which use vast pools of online data like digital books, blog posts and other media to generate text, images and other content mimicking human work, have created buzz in the tech world and beyond.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Joanna Stern / Wall Street Journal:
    A WSJ columnist used Synthesia, ElevenLabs, and ChatGPT to create an AI video clone that could trick her bank’s voice biometric system, make a TikTok, and more — Our columnist replaced herself with AI voice and video to see how humanlike the tech can be. The results were eerie.

    I Cloned Myself With AI. She Fooled My Bank and My Family.
    Our columnist replaced herself with AI voice and video to see how humanlike the tech can be. The results were eerie.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Docs and sources: OpenAI closed a $300M+ share sale at a $27B-$29B valuation; backers include Tiger Global, Sequoia, a16z, Thrive, K2 Global, and Founders Fund — Updated to note that the Microsoft investment closed in January. The money from VCs reported here, part of a tender offer, is separate to that.

    OpenAI closes $300M share sale at $27B-29B valuation

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:


    As impressive as it is, Wikipedia isn’t a perfectly infallible encyclopedia of human knowledge. It’s an amalgamation of human-submitted content that can scramble facts or fall victim to bias.

    The advent of advanced AI raises an interesting question: should an AI be involved in the creation of its entries to facilitate the process?

    Wikipedia founder — and guy who’s constantly asking you for a $5 donation — Jimmy Wales has some seriously mixed feelings about that, but he’s unwilling to completely disregard the possibility.

    “The discussion in the Wikipedia community that I’ve seen so far is… people are cautious in the sense that we’re aware that the existing models are not good enough but also intrigued because there seems like there’s a lot of possibility here,” Wales told UK newspaper The Evening Standard.

    “I think we’re still a way away from: ‘ChatGPT, please write a Wikipedia entry about the empire state building’, but I don’t know how far away we are from that, certainly closer than I would have thought two years ago,” he added.

    Wales also pointed out the tendency of the likes of ChatGPT to “hallucinate,” an act that he prefers to call “lying.”

    “It has a tendency to just make stuff up out of thin air which is just really bad for Wikipedia — that’s just not OK,” he told the newspaper. “We’ve got to be really careful about that.”

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    AI can now make nearly all the assets you need to create a commercial to sell your pizza. But it might turn out to be complete “nightmare fuel.”

    Here’s how to use AI to make a commercial in 3 hours, according to the guy whose creepy pizza ad grabbed the attention of Elon Musk

    A “terrifying” pizza ad created entirely from AI shows how far the tech has come.
    The creator, who spoke to Insider, said AI condensed days of work into a few hours.
    The YouTuber broke down the steps and showed Insider how to create an AI commercial.

    The days of expensive commercial budgets, large teams of creatives and actors putting together scenes, and time-consuming delays over visual effects will soon be over. Maybe.

    At a time when chatbots are sounding more human than ever and art generators can create images that look like photos, a YouTuber named Pizza Later proved that with a bit of creativity and know-how of various AI tools, you can make a commercial in under three hours that might get noticed by Twitter CEO Elon Musk and the official Pizza Hut account.

    For almost a year, he’s been tinkering with applications like Midjourney and Runway AI — a video generator — which is how he got the idea to create a commercial for a fictional pizza joint called Pepperoni Hug Spot.

    Inspired by a “terrifying” AI clip of Will Smith eating spaghetti created on Runway, Pizza Later began putting together clips of people eating food to send to friends.

    He told Insider the entire process took three hours on Monday during a slow day at work. All the assets in the commercial were made with AI, from the resonant, professional-sounding voice-over to the bizarre clips insider the Pepperoni Hug Spot pizzeria.

    “I’m old enough to remember a time before YouTube, and stuff used to be so time-consuming. And before my current job, I was actually in video production. I know how long it takes to set up lights and microphones and all that entails. So even though this stuff is really rough right now, it blows my mind.”

    Start off with a script
    The foundation of every good commercial is a script to guide the production. Pizza Later said he used GPT-4, the newest version of GPT, to create the dialogue for the voice-over.

    Put together a voice-over
    AI voiceover technology has become a pest in the music industry, as users online are releasing music pretending to be Drake, The Weeknd, and Travis Scott, as well as a meme online (like Joe Biden and Donald Trump yelling at each other through gaming headsets while playing Overwatch).

    It’s also helpful for creating a commercial without hiring a voice actor. Pizza Later told Insider that he used Eleven Labs to create the voiceover by plugging in the script created in GPT-4.

    Use an image generator to come up with art
    The stills in the AI pizza commercial, including the final exterior shot of the phony pizzeria, were created using Midjourney, which Pizza Later described as “mind-blowing.” To create an image, all you need is a descriptive prompt.

    Use a video generator to come up with clips
    The most noticeable aspect of the Pizza Hug Spot commercial was the video clips created using AI.

    For the Pepperoni Hug Spot commercial, Pizza Later also used Runway AI, a text-to-video generator, to create short clips to add to the commercial. He told Insider he wouldn’t be surprised if video AI technology became just as real as image generators in the near future.

    Create a soundtrack that pulls everything together
    Even AI music generation is now a thing. The software used in the pizza commercial, Soundraw, creates custom music in various genres, moods, and lengths.

    Edit it all together
    The only part of the process that AI cannot do (yet) is video editing — in the commercial, the VHS filters, transitions, and some noises were all added in manually. However, Pizza Later said the AI made putting together the video much quicker.

    After releasing the commercial, Pizza Later said he was surprised by the widespread online reaction.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Albanialaislähtöinen insinööri on maailmaa muokkaavien tekoälysovellusten arkkitehti, joka on toistaiseksi esiintynyt mediassa vain vähän.

    Chat GPT:n taustalla on salaperäinen nuori nainen, joka varoittaa kaikkia tekoälyn vaaroista

    Albanialaislähtöinen insinööri on maailmaa muokkaavien tekoälysovellusten arkkitehti, joka on toistaiseksi esiintynyt mediassa vain vähän.

    Kun yhdysvaltalaisesta teknologiayhtiöstä Open AI:sta puhutaan, yleensä sen keulakuvana esiintyy sen toimitusjohtaja Sam Altman. Vähemmälle huomiolle jää teknologiajohtaja Mira Murati, 34, joka on tuotekehityksen avainhenkilö.

    Murati johtaa tiimejä, jotka julkaisivat viime vuonna kaksi ällistyttävän kehittynyttä tekoälysovellusta.

    Dall-E luo tekoälyn avulla uniikkeja kuvia tekstikomentojen perusteella. Chat GPT on sen sijaan keskustelubotti, joka tuottaa seikkaperäisiä ja äkkiseltään järkevältä vaikuttavia vastauksia mihin tahansa käyttäjän kysymyksiin.

    Chat GPT:stä tuli tammikuussa kaikkien aikojen nopeimmin suosiotaan kasvattanut(siirryt toiseen palveluun) kuluttajasovellus. Vain kaksi kuukautta julkaisun jälkeen sillä oli jo sata miljoonaa aktiivista käyttäjää.

    Teknologiajätit, kuten Microsoft ja Google, ovat reagoineet reagoineet markkinaa valtaavaan startupiin omilla tavoillaan: Google ilmoitti, että Open AI:n Chat GPT uhkaa sen hakukonebisneksen tulevaisuutta(siirryt toiseen palveluun), ja Microsoft puolestaan päätti sijoittaa tulokkaaseen 10 miljardia dollaria.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:


    Square Enix has just released an AI-powered remaster of one of its most revered video games, “The Portopia Serial Murder Case.” But don’t get too excited. According to journalists and hundreds of angry gamers, it absolutely stinks — specifically because of the new AI.

    On Steam, the game client of choice for PC Gamers, “Portopia” sits at an embarrassing “Very Negative” rating, with only 13 percent of the over 350 reviews being positive. That makes it the worst-rated Square Enix game on Steam by a considerable margin.

    All told, it unfortunately sounds like the game has turned out to be a pretty lazy AI vehicle — symptomatic of the game industry’s shaky ongoing adoption of the new technology.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nidhi Subbaraman / Wall Street Journal:
    Some US hospitals test if GPT-3 can cut the time staff spend replying to online queries; a study claims the first ChatGPT version replied better than doctors

    ChatGPT Will See You Now: Doctors Using AI to Answer Patient Questions
    Pilot program aims to see if AI will cut time that medical staff spend replying to online inquiries

    Behind every physician’s medical advice is a wealth of knowledge, but soon, patients across the country might get advice from a different source: artificial intelligence.

    In California and Wisconsin, OpenAI’s “GPT” generative artificial intelligence is reading patient messages and drafting responses from their doctors. The operation is part of a pilot program in which three health systems test if the AI will cut the time that medical staff spend replying to patients’ online inquiries.

    UC San Diego Health and UW Health began testing the tool in April. Stanford Health Care aims to join the rollout early next week. Altogether, about two dozen healthcare staff are piloting this tool.

    Marlene Millen, a primary care physician at UC San Diego Health who is helping lead the AI test, has been testing GPT in her inbox for about a week. Early AI-generated responses needed heavy editing, she said, and her team has been working to improve the replies. They are also adding a kind of bedside manner: If a patient mentioned returning from a trip, the draft could include a line that asked if their travels went well. “It gives the human touch that we would,” Dr. Millen said.

    There is preliminary data that suggests AI could add value. ChatGPT scored better than real doctors at responding to patient queries posted online, according to a study published Friday in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, in which a panel of doctors did blind evaluations of posts.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Reed Albergotti / Semafor:
    An interview with Skype co-founder Jaan Tallinn on investing $100M+ in 100+ AI startups and why he thinks he failed to steer AI development toward human safety

    The co-founder of Skype invested in some of AI’s hottest startups — but he thinks he failed
    Semafor/Joey Pfeifer

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Avram Piltch / Tom’s Hardware:
    The creator of the GPT4Free GitHub project, which allows free access to GPT-4 and GPT-3.5, says OpenAI is demanding he take the repo down or face a lawsuit

    OpenAI Threatens Popular GitHub Project With Lawsuit Over API Use
    By Avram Piltch
    published about 16 hours ago

    GPT4Free uses other sites’ connections to OpenAI.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Onko tämä mullistus uhka työpaikallesi? ”Nerokas kisälli, joka tekee välillä älyttömän typeriä virheitä” https://www.is.fi/taloussanomat/art-2000009544694.html

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:


    Geoffrey Hinton, as one of the foremost pioneers of artificial intelligence, is often hailed as the “godfather of AI.” His seminal work in neural networks won him the attention of Google, where he’s worked for over a decade, and eventually even a Turing Award, the most prestigious prize in computer science.

    But now, in a new interview with The New York Times, Hinton reveals that he has left Google, warning of the dangerous implications of the very technology he innovated. A part of him, he says, regrets his life’s work.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ChatGPT writes insecure code
    Research by computer scientists associated with the Université du Québec in Canada has found that ChatGPT, OpenAI’s popular chatbot, is prone to generating insecure code. “How Secure is Code Generated by ChatGPT?” is the work of Raphaël Khoury, Anderson Avila, Jacob Brunelle, and Baba Mamadou Camara. The paper concludes that ChatGPT generates code that isn’t robust, despite claiming awareness of its vulnerabilities

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tencent Cloud announces Deepfakes-as-a-Service for $145 https://www.theregister.com/2023/04/28/tencent_digital_humans/
    “Tencent Cloud has announced it’s offering a digital human production platform essentially Deepfakes-as-a-Service (DFaaS). [...] the service needs just three minutes of live-action video and 100 spoken sentences and a $145 fee to create a high-definition digital human.”

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nuke-launching AI would be illegal under proposed US law https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/04/nuke-launching-ai-would-be-illegal-under-proposed-us-law/
    U.S. legislators announce bill that seeks to prevent an artificial intelligence system from making nuclear launch decisions

  34. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Artificial Intelligence
    Innovation Sandbox: Cybersecurity Investors Pivot to Safeguarding AI Training Models

    SecurityWeek editor-at-large Ryan Naraine expects to see an explosion of well capitalized startups promising to protect AI machine learning models behind enterprise products.

    At the annual RSA Conference shindig in San Francisco this week, a tiny Texas company called HiddenLayer won the ‘Most Innovative Startup’ prize for its technology that promises to monitor algorithms for adversarial ML attack techniques.

    The HiddenLayer win signals an interesting shift in the startup ecosystem as venture capitalists pivot from hyping AI/ML security tools to investing in new companies to protect the code flowing in and out of AI training sets.

    HiddenLayer’s pitch is a future that includes MLMDR (machine learning detection and response) platforms that monitor the inputs and outputs of your machine learning algorithms for anomalous activity consistent with adversarial ML attack techniques. The company emerged from stealth in July 2022 with $6 million in funding.

  35. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Insider Q&A: OpenAI CTO Mira Murati on Shepherding ChatGPT

    OpenAI CTO Mira Murati discusses AI safeguards and the company’s vision for the futuristic concept of artificial general intelligence, known as AGI

    OpenAI was building a reputation in the artificial intelligence field but wasn’t a household name when Mira Murati joined the nonprofit research lab in 2018.

    Soon after, the San Francisco lab started a major transformation. It turned itself into a business that’s attracted worldwide attention as the maker of ChatGPT.

    Now its chief technology officer, Murati leads OpenAI’s research, product and safety teams. She’s led the development and launch of its AI models including ChatGPT, the image-generator DALL-E and the newest, GPT-4.

  36. Tomi Engdahl says:


    [Ramin Hasani] and colleague [Mathias Lechner] have been working with a new type of Artificial Neural Network called Liquid Neural Networks, and presented some of the exciting results at a recent TEDxMIT.

    Liquid neural networks are inspired by biological neurons to implement algorithms that remain adaptable even after training. [Hasani] demonstrates a machine vision system that steers a car to perform lane keeping with the use of a liquid neural network. The system performs quite well using only 19 neurons, which is profoundly fewer than the typically large model intelligence systems we’ve come to expect. Furthermore, an attention map helps us visualize that the system seems to attend to particular aspects of the visual field quite similar to a human driver’s behavior.

  37. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Amnesty International Uses AI-Generated Images of Colombian Human Rights Abuses

    Leading global human rights organisation Amnesty International is defending its choice to use an AI image generator to depict protests and police brutality in Colombia. Amnesty told Gizmodo it used an AI generator to depict human rights abuses so as to preserve the anonymity of vulnerable protestors. Experts fear, however, that the use of the tech could undermine the credibility of advocacy groups already besieged by authoritarian governments that cast doubt on the authenticity of real footage.

    Amnesty International’s Norway regional account posted three images in a tweet thread over the weekend acknowledging the two-year anniversary of a major protest in Colombia where police brutalized protestors and committed “grave human rights violations,” the organisation wrote.

    Commenters reacted negatively to the images, with many expressing unease over Amensty’s use of a technology most often associated with oddball art and memes to depict human rights abuses. Amnesty pushed back, telling Gizmodo it opted to use AI in order to depict the events “without endangering anyone who was present.” Amnesty claims it consulted with partner organisations in Colombia and ultimately decided to use the tech as a privacy-preserving alternative to showing real protestors’ faces.

    “Many people who participated in the National Strike covered their faces because they were afraid of being subjected to repression and stigmatization by state security forces,” an Amnesty spokesperson said in an email. “Those who did show their faces are still at risk and some are being criminalized by the Colombian authorities.”

    Amnesty went on to say the AI-generated images were a necessary substitute to illustrate the event since many of the cites rights abuses allegedly occurred under the cover of darkness after Colombian security forces cut off electricity access.

  38. Tomi Engdahl says:

    “I think maybe there’s something like a 10-20% chance of AI takeover, many most humans dead, ” Paul Christiano said on the Bankless podcast. “I take it quite seriously.”

    Ex-OpenAI researcher says there’s a 50% chance AI development could end in ‘doom’

    former OpenAI researcher is concerned AI poses a risk to humanity.
    Paul Christiano said during a podcast that there was a “maybe a 10-20% chance of AI takeover.”
    Christiano now runs a non-profit but previously ran the language model alignment team at OpenAI.

    “Overall, maybe you’re getting more up to a 50/50 chance of doom shortly after you have AI systems that are human level,” he said.

    Christiano joins a growing number of voices that have been unnerved by developments in AI. Recently a group of AI experts signed an open letter that called for a 6-month pause on advanced AI development.

  39. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Fake Websites Impersonating Association To ChatGPT Poses High Risk, Warns Check Point Research https://blog.checkpoint.com/research/fake-websites-impersonating-association-to-chatgpt-poses-high-risk-warns-check-point-research/
    In December 2022, Check Point Research (CPR) started raising concerns about ChatGPTs implications for cybersecurity. In our previous report, CPR put a spotlight on an increase in the trade of stolen ChatGPT Premium accounts, which enable cyber criminals to get around OpenAIs geofencing restrictions to secure unlimited access to ChatGPT. In this blog, we are reporting that Check Point Research have recently noticed a surge in cyberattacks leveraging websites associated with the ChatGPT brand. These attacks involve the distribution of malware and phishing attempts through websites that appear to be related to ChatGPT. We have identified numerous campaigns that mimic the ChatGPT website with the intention of luring users into downloading malicious files or disclosing sensitive information. The frequency of these attack attempts has been steadily increasing over the past few months, with tens of thousands of attempts to access these malicious ChatGPT websites

  40. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ChatGPT writes insecure code
    Research by computer scientists associated with the Université du Québec in Canada has found that ChatGPT, OpenAI’s popular chatbot, is prone to generating insecure code. “How Secure is Code Generated by ChatGPT?” is the work of Raphaël Khoury, Anderson Avila, Jacob Brunelle, and Baba Mamadou Camara. The paper concludes that ChatGPT generates code that isn’t robust, despite claiming awareness of its vulnerabilities

  41. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Financial Times:
    The UK CMA launches a “fact-finding” review of the AI market, including LLMs, to assess opportunities, guardrails, and principles to protect competition

    UK competition watchdog launches review of AI market

  42. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Lina M. Khan / New York Times:
    FTC’s Lina Khan calls for regulating AI, saying the tech could fuel market dominance and collusion by large firms, increase fraud and discrimination, and more — It’s both exciting and unsettling to have a realistic conversation with a computer. Thanks to the rapid advance …


  43. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Saritha Rai / Bloomberg:
    Nasscom report: India is facing an AI/ML and data science talent crunch as unfilled job roles grow, despite having the second largest talent pool after the US

    Fierce AI Talent War Shifts to India With Salaries Being Doubled

    Top recruits are getting their comp doubled at new companies
    One worker was offered a BMW motorcycle as a sign-on bonus

    Aditya Chopra isn’t looking for a new job, but recruiters keep calling him anyway. The 36-year-old data-science specialist works in artificial intelligence, perhaps the most coveted experience on the planet after OpenAI demonstrated the breakthroughs of ChatGPT. Chopra, who works outside of New Delhi, sees friends in the field get pay hikes of 35% to 50% each time they switch jobs. “There’s a real shortage of data and AI talent,” he said.

    An AI hiring frenzy is ricocheting around the world, from Silicon Valley to Europe, Asia and beyond. While tech giants like Google and Baidu Inc. dangle top-notch packages for the engineers to build their own AI engines, companies in almost every other field — from health care and finance to entertainment — are staffing up too, to avoid getting blindsided by shifts in their industries.

    India, perhaps more than any other country, illustrates how the rush for talent is outstripping supply. The country of 1.4 billion people has long been the back office for the tech industry, a source of reinforcements for any emergency. But now even the world’s most populous nation is running out of the data scientists, machine-learning specialists and skilled engineers that companies are looking for.

    There’s an “insatiable need for talent,” said Rahul Shah, co-founder of WalkWater Talent Advisors, a headhunter for top-level workers. “AI can’t be outsourced, it’s core to the organization.”

    Recruitment stories verge on the absurd. In one search Shah’s firm just handled, the new employer more than doubled a candidate’s pay.

  44. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Parmy Olson / Bloomberg:
    Geoffrey Hinton should have spoken up sooner, when others like Google’s Timnit Gebru highlighted LLM risks; hopefully, Hinton’s warnings spur others to speak up — It is hard not to be worried when the so-called godfather of artificial intelligence, Geoffrey Hinton, says he is leaving Google and regrets his life’s work.
    More: MIT Technology Review and Bloomberg

    AI’s ‘Godfather’ Should Have Spoken Up Sooner

    Hopefully, Google scientist Geoffrey Hinton’s warnings about the technology’s potential harms will persuade other researchers to come forward.

    It is hard not to be worried when the so-called godfather of artificial intelligence, Geoffrey Hinton, says he is leaving Google and regrets his life’s work.

    Hinton, who made a critical contribution to AI research in the 1970s with his work on neural networks, told several news outlets this week that large technology companies were moving too fast on deploying AI to the public. Part of the problem was that AI was achieving human-like capabilities more quickly than experts had forecast. “That’s scary,” he told the New York Times.

  45. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Bryce Baschuk / Bloomberg:
    Microsoft Chief Economist Michael Schwarz says AI will be used by “bad actors”, but lawmakers should wait until the tech causes “real harm” before regulating AI

    Microsoft Economist Warns Bad Actors Will Use AI to Cause Damage

    Danger of election interference cited by Michael Schwarz
    He sees ‘clearly’ a need to regulate Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial intelligence will be dangerous in the hands of unscrupulous people, according to Microsoft Corp. Chief Economist Michael Schwarz.

    “I am confident AI will be used by bad actors, and yes it will cause real damage,” Schwarz said during a World Economic Forum panel in Geneva on Wednesday. “It can do a lot damage in the hands of spammers with elections and so on.”


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