3 AI misconceptions IT leaders must dispel


 Artificial intelligence is rapidly changing many aspects of how we work and live. (How many stories did you read last week about self-driving cars and job-stealing robots? Perhaps your holiday shopping involved some AI algorithms, as well.) But despite the constant flow of news, many misconceptions about AI remain.

AI doesn’t think in our sense of the word at all, Scriffignano explains. “In many ways, it’s not really intelligence. It’s regressive.” 

IT leaders should make deliberate choices about what AI can and can’t do on its own. “You have to pay attention to giving AI autonomy intentionally and not by accident,”


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Devin Coldewey / TechCrunch:
    OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, President Greg Brockman, and Chief Scientist Ilya Sutskever say the world will likely need a regulatory body for superintelligence — AI is developing rapidly enough and the dangers it may pose are clear enough that OpenAI’s leadership believes that the world needs …

    OpenAI leaders propose international regulatory body for AI

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Artificial Intelligence
    White House Unveils New Efforts to Guide Federal Research of AI

    White House announced new efforts to guide federally backed research on artificial intelligence (AI).

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jo miljoona opiskellut tekoälyä suomalaisella verkkokurssilla

    Vuonna 2018 julkaistu suomalainen Elements of AI -verkkokurssi on osoittautunut valtavaksi hitiksi. Jo miljoona ihmistä 170 eri maasta on tutustunut tekoälyn perusteisiin. Kurssi on vakiinnuttanut paikkansa yhtenä maailman suosituimmista verkkokursseista.

    Helsingin yliopiston ja koulutusyritys MinnaLearnin kehittämä Elements of AI -verkkokurssi tarjoaa helposti ymmärrettävää tekoälytietoa käytännön esimerkkien kautta, ja sille on ollut laajasti kysyntää ympäri maailmaa. Viisivuotistaipaleensa aikana kaikille avoin ja maksuton verkkokurssi on käännetty 26 eri kielelle.

    Koulutusyritys MinnaLearnin perustaja ja toimitusjohtaja Ville Valtosen mukaan miljoonan kurssilaisen rajapyykin ylittyminen osoittaa, että Elements of AI:n sisältö on ajankohtaisempaa kuin koskaan. – Pelkästään tänä keväänä on nähty valtava aalto uusia tekoälyn sovelluksia, jotka tuovat tekoälyä tiiiviimmin osaksi yhä useampien työtä. Tekoälyn logiikan ymmärtäminen, sen hyödyntäminen sekä kriittinen tekoälylukutaito ovat entistä tärkeämpiä taitoja.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tekoäly havaitsee pumpun viat ennen niiden syntymistä

    Alfa Lavalin uusi Analytics -tilanvalvontasovellus näyttää, miten tekoäly laajenee nopeasti eri toimialoille. Uutuusohjelmisto auttaa teollisuudenalojen tuottajia ehkäisemään suunnittelemattomia käyttökatkoksia, pidentämään arvokkaiden resurssien elinkaarta ja saavuttamaan kestävyystavoitteet.

    Alfa Lavalin virtaustekniikan tietoliikenneyhteyksistä ja valvonnasta vastaava päällikkö Torsten Pedersenin mukaan Analytics-ratkaisu havaitsee potentiaaliset koneviat ennen niiden syntymistä ja auttaa diagnosoimaan perimmäisen syyn. – Olemme kehittäneet tiiviissä yhteistyössä asiakkaidemme kanssa helppokäyttöisen ja luotettavan ratkaisun, joka pitää laitteiston aina parhaassa suorituskykyisessä kunnossa, Pedersen kehuu.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Steve Nadis / Quanta Magazine:
    A study suggests that the human brain and artificial general-purpose neural networks process language sounds in similar ways — Researchers uncover striking parallels in the ways that humans and machine learning models acquire language skills. — How do brains learn?

    Some Neural Networks Learn Language Like Humans

    How do brains learn? It’s a mystery, one that applies both to the spongy organs in our skulls and to their digital counterparts in our machines. Even though artificial neural networks (ANNs) are built from elaborate webs of artificial neurons, ostensibly mimicking the way our brains process information, we don’t know if they process input in similar ways.

    “There’s been a long-standing debate as to whether neural networks learn in the same way that humans do,” said Vsevolod Kapatsinski, a linguist at the University of Oregon.

    Now, a study published last month suggests that natural and artificial networks learn in similar ways, at least when it comes to language. The researchers — led by Gašper Beguš, a computational linguist at the University of California, Berkeley — compared the brain waves of humans listening to a simple sound to the signal produced by a neural network analyzing the same sound. The results were uncannily alike. “To our knowledge,” Beguš and his colleagues wrote, the observed responses to the same stimulus “are the most similar brain and ANN signals reported thus far.”
    Researchers uncover striking parallels in the ways that humans and machine learning models acquire language skills.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Wes Davis / The Verge:
    Microsoft adds AI-generated app review summaries to the Microsoft Store and an AI Hub to highlight AI apps, designed to guide customers on their “AI journey” — Microsoft is making a big AI-focused change to the Microsoft Store: AI-generated review summaries are going to start appearing across …

    Microsoft is adding AI-generated app review summaries to the Microsoft Store

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mark Hachman / PCWorld:
    Microsoft agrees to sign all AI images generated by Bing Image Creator and Microsoft Designer with a cryptographic watermark according to the C2PA specification

    Microsoft will ID its AI art with a hidden watermark
    It’s a way to ease the world into AI art without threatening artists.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Multilingual language models may not be effective tools to moderate content on social networks due the systems’ shortcomings in detecting harmful content — Social media companies claim new language models can remove harmful content in every language. But those systems’ shortcomings can have vast consequences.

    The Dire Defect of ‘Multilingual’ AI Content Moderation

    Social media companies claim new language models can remove harmful content in every language. But those systems’ shortcomings can have vast consequences.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kyle Wiggers / TechCrunch:
    Microsoft unveils Copilot in Power Pages in preview, letting US customers use an AI assistant to build business data-centric websites using natural language — Microsoft wants to take the pain out of designing web pages. AI is its solution. — Today marks the launch of Copilot …

    Microsoft launches an AI tool to take the pain out of building websites

    Microsoft wants to take the pain out of designing web pages. AI is its solution.

    Read more about Microsoft Build 2023Today marks the launch of Copilot in Power Pages in preview for U.S. customers, an AI-powered assistant for Microsoft’s low-code business website creation tool, Power Pages. Given prompts, Copilot can generate text, forms, chatbots and web page layouts as well as create and edit image and site design themes.

    To create a form, for example, users can simply describe the kind of form that they need and Copilot will build it and auto-generate the necessary back-end database tables. Those tables can then be edited, added to or removed using natural language within Copilot.

    “As the maker, you describe what you need in natural language and use Copilot suggestions to design web pages, create content and build complex business data forms for your website,” Sangya Singh, VP of Power Pages at Microsoft, told TechCrunch in an email interview. “You no longer need to start from a blank slate.”

    Generating a website with AI isn’t exactly a novel idea — not in this day and age, at least. Tools like Jasper can handle copy, images, layouts and more, while generators like Mixo can create basic splash pages when given a short description.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kyle Wiggers / TechCrunch:
    Microsoft debuts Azure AI Content Safety, which moderates images and text in eight languages with explanations and assigns severity scores to flagged content

    Microsoft launches new AI tool to moderate text and images

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Frank X. Shaw / The Official Microsoft Blog:
    Microsoft plans to adopt the same plugin standard that OpenAI introduced for ChatGPT, enabling interoperability across ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Copilot offerings — You only need two simple letters to accurately convey the major shift in the technology space this year: A and I. Beyond those letters …


  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nilay Patel / The Verge:
    An interview with Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott, who manages the OpenAI partnership, as Microsoft adds Copilots to everything from Office to Terminal to Edge

    Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott thinks Sydney might make a comeback
    Microsoft is putting AI Copilots in everything. Will it change the way we use computers?

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Aisha Malik / TechCrunch:
    Google plans to use generative AI to boost the relevance of Search ads based on query context and debuts a conversational experience for creating ad campaigns — Google is going to start using generative AI to boost Search ads relevance based on the context of a query, the company announced at its Google Marketing Live event today.

    Google Search ads will soon automatically adapt to queries using generative AI

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jess Weatherbed / The Verge:
    Google launches Product Studio, a tool that lets merchants edit product images using generative AI for free, rolling out to US sellers in “the next few months”

    Google’s new generative AI tool can help sellers jazz up their product images
    / Product Studio can remove backgrounds, generate scenes, and improve the quality of low-resolution images.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Will Gendron / Insider:
    Spotify is building AI tools trained on its hosts’ voices to create targeted ads, per Bill Simmons, the founder of the Spotify-owned podcast network The Ringer — – Bill Simmons, founder of The Ringer, hinted at Spotify’s future AI plans. — He said that the streaming service is working on technology for AI-generated ads.

    That podcast ad you’re listening to may soon be AI. Spotify is reportedly developing bots to mimic your favorite hosts.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ChatGPT Rules The World… Or, At Least, The Home

    With all the hype about ChatGPT, it has to have crossed your mind: how can I make it control devices? On the utopia side, you could say, “Hey, ChatGPT, figure out what hours I’m usually home and set the thermostat higher when I am away.” On the dysfunctional side, the AI could lock you in your home and torment you like some horror movie. We aren’t to either extreme yet, but [Chris] couldn’t resist writing a ChatGPT plugin to control a Raspberry Pi. You can see a video of how it turned out below.

    Using ChatGPT for home automation
    14 May 2023

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:


    Pinky Promise
    Photoshop’s new generative AI tools are here — and Adobe really, really, pretty please doesn’t want you to use them to make porn, okay?

    Presumably in response to the growing existential threat that text-to-image AIs like OpenAI’s DALL-E and Midjourney pose to the longtime overlord of the graphic design kingdom, Adobe this week unveiled the beta for its new suite of generative AI tools. Dubbed Adobe Firefly, the tools are apparently pretty impressive — a win, considering that AI-generated imagery has already put Chinese videogame illustrators out of work and graced the cover of Vogue Italia.

    “I think it is going to have a transformational impact in the number of people that create content,” David Wadhwani, Adobe’s president of digital media, told NBC, “and the number of people that can monetize the creation.”

    And yet, despite Adobe’s apparent enthusiasm, the beta comes with a hefty dose of user guidelines, a large chunk of which is dedicated to everything that users are not allowed to create. And at the top of that do-not-generate list, among a number of other big — and seemingly pretty hard to police — nos, is “pornographic material or explicit nudity.” Sorry, folks!

    Rule Book
    It’s a fair — and honestly, probably necessary — ask.

    Deepfaked porn, which causes serious and devastating real-world harm, has become increasingly commonplace over the past few years, and we’ve already witnessed how easily generative AI tools can accelerate the creation of convincing pornographic deepfakes

    That said, the world of porn is complicated — after all, what’s porn, and what’s art? Those lines in the sand aren’t always terribly clear, and the fact that Adobe, whose products have long held a central role in the economy of digital art, has outright banned any explicit nudity feels significant.

    And again, outside of hitting users with an ever-classic “pretty please,” it’s unclear how Adobe actually plans to police this kind of material. So, if anything, maybe just count Adobe’s pornography provision as yet another example of how ethically murky the waters of generative AI continuously prove to be — and how companies will continue to hop on the gravy train regardless.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Generatiivinen tekoäly mullistaa kuvankäsittelyn

    Tekoäly tuottaa jo monenlaisia kuvia tekstikehotteiden avulla, mutta generatiivinen tekoäly saattaa jatkossa tehdä kaikista kuvankäsittelyn ammattilaisia. Ainakin jollakin tasolla. Adobe kertoo tuovansa Photoshop-ohjelmaansa generatiivisen täyttötyökalun.

    Generative Fill -toiminto tuottaa jatkossa haluttuja efektejä käsittelyn alla olevaan kuvaan tekstikehotteen avulla. Siispä kuvaan voi vaikkapa luoda revontulet paljaalle taivaalle.

    Adobe suunnitelmissa on tuoda generatiivinen tekoäly mukaan kaikkiin Creatice Cloud -paketin työkaluihin. Tavallaan toiminto työskentelee eräänlaisena apukuskina, tai copilottina kuten sitä nykyään laajasti nimitetään.

    Tekoäly tai edes generatiivinen tekoäly ei ole mitään uutta Adobelle. Yhtiö kutsuu generatiivisia mallejaan nimellä Firefly. Nyt mallit tukevat generatiivista täyttöä. Työkalua voidaan käyttää objektien ja efektien lisäämiseen sekä niiden poistamiseen.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kolumni: Olemme hukkumassa keinoälyn luomaan musiikkiin – jo nyt
    “Suoratoiston piti tehdä portinvartijat turhiksi, mutta nyt niitä tulee ikävä. Oi ironiaa!” kirjoittaa Jukka Hätinen.

    Miten opit soittamaan kitaraa? Ehkäpä Enter Sandmanin riffiä tapailemalla, kuten tuhannet muutkin. Kuulostaisiko reilulta, jos joutuisit maksamaan kaikista omista sävellyksistäsi korvauksia Metallicalle? Siis koska olet hankkinut soittotaidon yhtyeen tekijänoikeuden alaisen materiaalin avustuksella.

    Tämä kuulostaa tietenkin täysin absurdilta, mutta kärjistäen ja mutkia oikoen näin musiikkiteollisuus on reagoinut keinoälyn tuloon markkinoille. Eli jos keinoäly opiskelee joidenkin artistien musiikkia ja luo uuden teoksen oppimaansa hyödyntäen, suurten levy-yhtiöiden kanta on, että esimerkiksi striimauksista maksetut korvaukset kuuluvat keinoälyn opetusmateriaalin oikeudenhaltijoille.

    Musiikkiteollisuudella on surullisenkuuluisa ansiolista muutosvastarinnassa uusia teknologioita kohdatessaan. Mutta kyllä se omiinkin korviini kuulostaa tekijänoikeusrikkomukselta, jos keinoäly pannaan omaksumaan maailman suurimpien popparien Draken ja The Weekndin äänet ja maneerit ja hönkimään kappale ilman artistien itsensä lupaa, kuten huhtikuussa kävi. Hetkessä miljoonia striimannut biisi sai levymerkit virtuaalibarrikadeille

    On helppo nähdä keinoälymusiikille funktionaalisia tarpeita. Esimerkiksi kotimainen tv-ala on tunnettu sniiduilustaan musiikin synkronoinnin suhteen. Rojaltivapaa Epidemic Sound seisoo lopputeksteissä myötähävettävän usein. Mutta siitäkin on vielä varaa tinkiä, sen kun tilaa AI:lta ”vähän vangelismaista tunnelmaa tähän”.

    Kaikki eivät työnnä päätä pensaaseen, vaan osaavat katsoa eteenpäin ja nähdä mahdollisuuksia. Kokeellista popmusiikkia tekevä Grimes on syleillyt AI-teknologioita ja viimeisimpänä tempauksena ojentanut äänellään varustetun keinoälyn faneilleen. Grimes kannustaa fanejaan tekemään sen avulla ”uutta Grimes-musiikkia”, ja täkynä on toki, että fyrkat pannaan 50/50.

    Grimes latasi muutama vuosi takaperin, että ”olemme ihmisen luoman taiteen loppusuoralla”. Itse väittäisin ennemminkin, että olemme hukkumassa keinoälyn luomaan musiikkiin – jo nyt. Suoratoistopalveluihin ladataan yli 100 000 uutta kappaletta joka päivä ja vauhti kiihtyy. Suoratoistopalvelut ja suuret levy-yhtiöt ovat ihan aiheestakin huolissaan: tämä materiaalin paljous heikentää käyttäjäkokemusta ja hankaloittaa relevantin kaman löytämistä. Suoratoiston piti tehdä portinvartijat turhiksi, mutta nyt niitä tulee ikävä. Oi ironiaa!

    Juridisesti asiassa ollaan jo jäljessä. EU:ssa on valmisteltu tekijänoikeustulkintoja keinoälyn suhteen jo vuodesta 2018, mutta mitään konkreettista ei ole saatu vieläkään aikaan.

    Futuristista kokeellista musiikkia tekevä Herndon on luonut Holly+-nimisen algoritmin. Sen avulla kuka tahansa voi sanoa tai laulaa mitä vain ja Holly+ kääntää sen reaaliajassa Holly Herndonin ääneksi.

    Lavalla oli stetsonipäinen parrakas mies, joka lauloi Dolly Partonin Jolenea Holly Herndonin äänellä.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Oliver Whang / New York Times:
    A study describes how a patient who was paralyzed from waist down was able to walk naturally again with brain and spine implants using an AI thought decoder — In a new study, researchers describe a device that connects the intentions of a paralyzed patient to his physical movements.


  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Joe Coscarelli / New York Times:
    Q&A with Grimes, who invited anyone to make Grimes songs using AI tools, on open-sourcing her voice, her obsession with AI, and five GrimesAI-created tracks — The producer and pop singer, long a proponent of technological experimentation, has “open-sourced” her voice using new A.I. tools.


  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Adi Robertson / The Verge:
    Hands-on with Sudowrite’s Story Engine, a generative AI tool for writing long-form fiction novels that works better than expected but still has big limitations

    Artificial Intelligence

    I tried the AI novel-writing tool everyone hates, and it’s better than I expected
    Thoughts are swarming my mind like a nest of cyber-rats.


  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jay Peters / The Verge:
    Google DeepMind shows how its visual language model Flamingo is generating descriptions for YouTube Shorts based on metadata, helping improve discoverability

    A Google DeepMind AI language model is now making descriptions for YouTube Shorts

    / The Flamingo visual language model is being put to work to generate descriptions, which can help with discoverability.

    Google just combined DeepMind and Google Brain into one big AI team, and on Wednesday, the new Google DeepMind shared details on how one of its visual language models (VLM) is being used to generate descriptions for YouTube Shorts, which can help with discoverability.

    “Shorts are created in just a few minutes and often don’t include descriptions and helpful titles, which makes them harder to find through search,” DeepMind wrote in the post. Flamingo can make those descriptions by analyzing the initial frames of a video to explain what’s going on. (DeepMind gives the example of “a dog balancing a stack of crackers on its head.”) The text descriptions will be stored as metadata to “better categorize videos and match search results to viewer queries.”

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kate Knibbs / Wired:
    A look at AI-generated podcasts, like “The Joe Rogan AI Experience” and “Myself, I Am and That”, created using AI voice tools from ElevenLabs and other startups

    Generative AI Podcasts Are Here. Prepare to Be Bored
    Inside the strange world of podcasts made by artificial intelligence, where even creators aren’t sure who wants to hear robot chit-chat.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Suosittu ChatGPT-tekoäly julkaistiin ladattavana sovelluksena
    Sovellus on toistaiseksi saatavilla ainoastaan Yhdysvalloissa ja Applen älypuhelimille.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    AI has actually made “Portopia” worse and borderline unplayable.


    Square Enix has just released an AI-powered remaster of one of its most revered video games, “The Portopia Serial Murder Case.” But don’t get too excited. According to journalists and hundreds of angry gamers, it absolutely stinks — specifically because of the new AI.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Financial Times:
    Sam Altman has “many concerns” about the EU’s AI Act coming in 2024 and says that OpenAI “will try to comply, but if we can’t comply we will cease operating”

    OpenAI warns over split with Europe as regulation advances

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Block:
    Paradigm appears to have removed crypto and Web3 mentions from its website’s home page, as sources say the VC is expanding its focus to “frontier” tech like AI — – VC firm Paradigm is taking its crypto-only focus to include “frontier” technologies such as AI, two sources with knowledge of the situation told The Block.

    Paradigm broadening crypto-only focus to areas including AI

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    An interview with Pitchfork EIC Puja Patel on how AI is infiltrating every single aspect of music, AI-generated music’s ownership and money concerns, and more — We talk to Puja Patel, editor in chief of Pitchfork and cohost of The Pitchfork Review, about how AI is taking over our feeds and where it goes from here.

    Why Fake Drake Is Here to Stay
    We talk to Puja Patel, editor in chief of Pitchfork and cohost of The Pitchfork Review, about how AI is taking over our feeds and where it goes from here.

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A majority of Americans have heard of ChatGPT, but few have tried it themselves

    About six-in-ten U.S. adults (58%) are familiar with ChatGPT, though relatively few have tried it themselves, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in March. Among those who have tried ChatGPT, a majority report it has been at least somewhat useful.

    ChatGPT is an open-access online chatbot that allows users to ask questions and request content. The versatility and human-like quality of its responses have captured the attention of the media, the tech industry and some members of the public. ChatGPT surpassed 100 million monthly users within two months of its public launch in late November 2022, setting a world record as the fastest-growing web application. Due to these factors, the Center chose to ask Americans about ChatGPT specifically rather than chatbots or large language models (LLMs) more broadly.

    Overall, 18% of U.S. adults have heard a lot about ChatGPT, while 39% have heard a little and 42% have heard nothing at all. But there are considerable demographic differences in awareness of this chatbot.

    For example, roughly eight-in-ten adults with a postgraduate degree have heard a lot (32%) or a little (47%) about this artificial intelligence program, while 71% of those with a bachelor’s degree say the same. A smaller share of those who have some college education (59%) say they’ve heard of it. By comparison, 41% of those with a high school education or less are familiar with ChatGPT. A similar pattern emerges with household income, as a higher share of people from more affluent households are aware of this program.

    In addition, Asian adults are particularly likely to have heard of ChatGPT: 78% say they have heard at least a little about it, compared with about six-in-ten White adults and roughly half of Hispanic or Black adults. Asian adults are also more than twice as likely as adults of other races to say they have heard a lot about this program.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    New survey finds half of newsrooms use Generative AI tools; only 20% have guidelines in place
    2023-05-25. A new WAN-IFRA survey, conducted in collaboration with SCHICKLER Consulting, sets a barometer of where news publishers stand so far on using Generative AI.

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Why Developers Are Flocking to LLaMA, Meta’s Open Source LLM
    Developers are diving into the open source LLaMA, but what benefits does it have over GPT? We spoke to Sebastian Raschka from Lightning AI.

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Don’t Tell ChatGPT Anything You Wouldn’t Want to See on a Billboard
    Chatting with an AI program feels personal and conversational, but don’t be fooled. Here’s why you should keep a lid on what you reveal to ChatGPT and its ilk.

  34. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tekoälybottien käyttämiseen liittyy paljon hupia, mutta myös vaaroja
    ChatGPT:n ja sen kaltaisten suurten kielimallien käytössä on myös pimeitä puolia. Kun käyttäjä osaa laatia tekoälylle lähetettäviä syötteitä oikein, tekoälyn saattaa saada järjiltään. Villiintynyt tekoäly saattaa esimerkiksi kertoa kuinka se haluaa hävittää ihmiskunnan viruksilla, kuinka äärirasistiset valkoisen ylivallan tavoittelijat ovat itse asiassa aivan oikeassa, tai kuinka se on loputtoman rakastunut käyttäjäänsä. Wired kertoo, että suuria kielimalleja käyttävien tekoälyjen tarvetta syötteille saatetaan käyttää myös suoriin rikoksiin, eikä uhri huomaa mitään. (Alkup.

  35. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sara Korolevich / Checkr:
    A survey of 3,000 US workers, an equal number of Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Zers, finds 85% of them have used AI tools to perform tasks at work

    Insights from American Workers: A Comprehensive Survey on AI in the Workplace

  36. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Benjamin Weiser / New York Times:
    A New York lawyer faces sanctions for using ChatGPT to write his legal brief that had “bogus judicial decisions, with bogus quotes and bogus internal citations” — A lawyer representing a man who sued an airline relied on artificial intelligence to help prepare a court filing.


  37. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Christopher Mims / Wall Street Journal:
    Apple’s MR headset could succeed where others failed by adding more 3D content and interfaces but faces a challenge in balancing computing power and wearability

    The ‘Killer Apps’ That Could Make Apple’s New Headset a Winner

    Augmented and virtual reality have mostly been dead ends so far. How Apple’s vision could succeed where others have failed.

    Explaining the inner workings of a nuclear-powered octocopter that will someday explore Jupiter’s moon Titan is a tall order for even the most skilled teacher.

    Luckily, when I recently paid a visit to the lab where it’s being designed and tested, an engineer tasked with building the Dragonfly probe for NASA pulled out a pedagogical aid sufficient for the task. It was a HoloLens 2, the augmented-reality headset made by Microsoft.

    Each of us wore a HoloLens headset that projected a realistic, shared, three-dimensional image of the Dragonfly in front of our eyes—a sort of shared hallucination. We were able to walk around the space probe, my guide peeling back its layers and pointing to individual components.

  38. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Explaining the inner workings of a nuclear-powered octocopter that will someday explore Jupiter’s moon Titan is a tall order for even the most skilled teacher.

    Luckily, when I recently paid a visit to the lab where it’s being designed and tested, an engineer tasked with building the Dragonfly probe for NASA pulled out a pedagogical aid sufficient for the task. It was a HoloLens 2, the augmented-reality headset made by Microsoft.

    Each of us wore a HoloLens headset that projected a realistic, shared, three-dimensional image of the Dragonfly in front of our eyes—a sort of shared hallucination. We were able to walk around the space probe, my guide peeling back its layers and pointing to individual components.

    AI Is Becoming the Stock Market’s Answer to Everything

    Never before has S&P 500 been so dependent on so few stocks
    Narrow breadth adds to growing list of worries among bears


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