IoT project links for 2018

Internet is full of intetesting IoT projects built using Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266, ESP32, and many other hardware platforms. I will collect links to intetesting IoT projects to comments. 

Feel free to post your best IoT project links to comments…


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Top 10 IoT(Internet Of Things) Projects Of All Time | 2018

    Read about these projects here:
    Top 10 IoT (Internet Of Things) Projects You can Make in 2018

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:
    GUI for Teleduino

    Yii2-teleduino is the module for Yii2 framework, which implements convenient web based interface, as well as console command, for interaction with the Teleduino API (v328) compliant web services.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Internet of Laundry — Let the ESP8266 Watch Your Dirty Drawers Get Clean

    When you think of world-changing devices, you usually don’t think of the washing machine. However, making laundry manageable changed not only how we dress but how much time people spent getting their clothes clean. So complaining about how laborious our laundry is today would make someone from the 1800s laugh. Still, we all hate the laundry and [Andrew Dupont], in particular, hates having to check on the machine to see if it is done. So he made Laundry Spy.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    RTL-SDR Paves Way To Alexa Controlled Blinds

    Connecting Remote Controlled Blinds to Alexa Smart Home

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ESP8266 Clock Puts Time in a Jar

    Take for example this ESP8266 clock by [ZaNgAbY] that’s housed in a glass pasta jar. With the addition of some window tint film for the LED display to shine through, the final result could nearly pass as modern art. Even if you don’t need an extra clock around the house, this same general principle could be used to create a slick-looking ticker for all sorts of information, from the weather to server uptime with just some adjustments to the code.

    Inside the jar there’s six 8×8 MAX7219 LED matrix modules tacked together to create one long strip, with a NodeMCU board stuck to the back with double-sided tape. There’s also a DS3231 RTC module so the clock can keep halfway decent time, but depending on how aggressively you are willing to pull down the current time from NTP, that may or may not be required. A simple barrel jack is popped through the metal lid of the jar for power, and represents the only physical connection the internals have to the outside world.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Perfecting the Solar Powered Web Server

    Running a server completely off solar power seems like it would be a relatively easy thing to do: throw up a couple of panels, tack on a charge controller and a beefy battery, and away you go. But the reality is somewhat different. Most of us hackers are operating on a relatively limited budget and probably don’t have access to the kind of property you need to put out big panels; both pretty crippling limitations. Doing solar on a small-scale is hard, and unless you really plan ahead your setup will probably be knocked out on its first cloudy day.

    How to Build a Low-tech Website?

    Our new blog is designed to radically reduce the energy use associated with accessing our content.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    App Control Bluetooth (BLE) R/C Car with LEDs

    Turn any remote car to an App Control Bluetooth (BLE) R/C Car and add extra control and sound

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Low-energy ESP8266-based Board Sleeps Like a Log Until Triggered

    Given the popularity of hacking and repurposing Amazon Dash buttons, there appears to be a real need amongst tinkerers for a simple “do something interesting on the internet when a button is pressed” device. If you have this need but don’t feel like fighting to bend a Dash device to your will, take a look at [Kevin Darrah]’s trigBoard instead.

    The trigBoard is a battery-powered, ESP8266-based board that includes some clever circuitry to help it barely sip power (less than one microamp!) while waiting to be triggered by a digital input. This input could be a magnetic reed switch, push button, or similar, and you can configure the board for either normally open or normally closed switches.

    The clever hardware bits that allow for such low power consumption are explained in [Kevin]’s YouTube video

    A Texas Instruments TPL5111 power timer chip burns 35 nanoamps and wakes the ESP8266 up every hour to check on the battery. This chip also has a manual wake pin, and it’s this pin – along with more power-saving circuitry – that’s used to trigger actions based on the external input.

    trigBoard Hardware Walkthrough & Tutorial – ESP8266 EXTREME Low Power

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Hack My House: Opening Raspberry Pi to the Internet, but Not the Whole World

    If you’ve followed along with our series so far, you know we’ve set up a network of Raspberry Pis that PXE boot off a central server, and then used Zoneminder to run a network of IP cameras. Now that some useful services are running in our smart house, how do we access those services when away from home, and how do we keep the rest of the world from spying on our cameras?

    Before we get to VPNs and port forwarding, there is a more fundamental issue: Do you trust your devices? What exactly is the firmware on those cheap cameras really doing? You could use Wireshark and a smart switch with port mirroring to audit the camera’s traffic. How much traffic would you need to inspect to feel confident the camera never sends your data off somewhere else?

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Linux Throwie: A Non-Spacefaring Satellite

    A short while ago, I described the power stages for this solar-powered, cloud accessible Linux server. It only activates on demand, so a small solar cell and modest battery are sufficient to keep the whole show running.

    Where we left off, I had a solar cell that could charge a battery, and provide regulated 12 V and 5 V output. For it to be a functional device, there are three high level problems to solve:

    It must be possible to set up the device without direct physical access
    You must be able to remotely turn it on and off as needed.
    It needs to be accessible from the Internet.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Retro Wall Phone Becomes A Doorbell, And So Much More

    We have to admit that this retasked retro phone wins on style points alone. The fact that it’s filled with so much functionality is icing on the cake.

    A few rounds of “while I’m at it” later, the phone was stuffed with electronics, including an Arduino and an NFR24 radio module that lets it connect to Domoticz, a home automation system. The phone’s rotary dial can now control up to 10 events and respond to alarms and alerts with different ring patterns. And, oh yes – it’s a doorbell too.

    Old school phone as doorbell and domoitcs interface!

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Connect Your Electric Heater To The Internet (Easily and Cheaply)!

    Winter has arrived, and by now most households should have moved on from incandescent bulbs, so we can’t heat ourselves that way. Avoiding the chill led [edent] to invest in an electric blanket. This isn’t any ordinary electric blanket — no, this is one connected to the Internet, powered by Alexa.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Automate Your Home From the Clearance Rack

    [ModernHam] walks the viewer through the start to finish process of commanding these cheap remote plugs. Starting with finding which frequencies the remotes use thanks to the FCC database and ending with using cron to schedule the transmission of control signals from the Pi, his video really is a wealth of information. Even if you don’t have this particular model of remote plug, or don’t necessarily want to setup a home automation system, there’s probably some element of this video that you could still adapt to your own projects.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Replay Attack with Remote Plugs for Home Automation with the Raspberry PI


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