Do you need a blockchain? | TechCrunch
Blockchain technology is set to have a profound impact on a wide variety of industries. Blockchain technology is still surrounded by its fair share of hype and uncertainty. It seems that the term blockchain has become a bit diluted as the hype has continued to bloom.

There is an inherent risk that managers eager to explore new technologies jump to conclusions without properly exploring alternative options. Go through decision models to see if makes sense to consider blockchain or not.

Blockchain differs from a database in many ways, but the most significant exception is the decentralized nature of blockchain. However, this feature comes at a cost especially on public blockchains: considerably slower than traditional databases and users must pay a fee for each “transaction”. So if performance and transaction speed and cost ate the most important factors, you most propably should stick with a more traditional database.

Thete are new private blockchains that promise benefits. Critics also argue that the term private blockchain is just a confusing name for a shared database. For example Estonia’s digital identity solution is an example of the use of the blockchain as a marketing tactic.
While there are many reasons to steer clear of blockchain technology, there are equally many potential valuable use cases.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Could Blockchain Technology Be The Future Of Healthcare Startup Security?

    #pentest #magazine #pentestmag #pentestblog #PTblog #blockchain #healthcare #startup #security #cybersecurity #infosecurity #infosec

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    When printing paper money is your core business, hyper-inflation is your best friend and digital transactions are your worst enemy. How Germany’s Giesecke & Devrient has learned to thrive in a low inflation, electronic payments world.

    Cryptoconvert: Why A 168-Year Old Banknote Printer Will Soon Be Churning Out Digital Drachmas For Central Banks

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Uusien tekniikoiden voidaan lisätä energiatehokkuutta, optimoida prosesseja ja toimintoja sekä luoda yhä tarkempia matemaattisia ennusteita. Tosin esimerkiksi lohkoketjuteknologian merkittävyys on toistaiseksi melko kiistanalainen. Etenkin laajojen avointen lohkoketjujen, kuten Bitcoin-virtuaalivaluutan, energiankulutus on tällä hetkellä suuri.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Multis is a business bank account for cryptocurrencies

    After creating a Multis account, you can add other team members and set permissions and limits. Behind the scene, Multis is a multisignature Ethereum wallet. The company doesn’t control the keys, which means Multis can’t access your funds.

    “From a regulatory point of view, it’s been very useful because we don’t hold assets and we can’t review and block transactions,” Sahaghian said.

    Thanks to the multisignature design, you can create an approval workflow so that each transaction needs to be approved by a certain number of people on the team.

    Multis supports Ethereum-based ERC20 tokens, which means you can also use stablecoins, such as USDC and DAI.

    Once you have assets in your Multis account, you can issue payments to employees, contractors, partners, suppliers, etc.

    Centralizing all your crypto transactions on Multi can be useful when you need to file your taxes. You can export all your transactions and hand them over to your accountant.


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