Using MQTT to send and receive data for your next project |

This article introduces you to MQTT protocol widely used in IoT.
MQTT is a publish/subscribe (pubsub) wire protocol designed with small devices in mind. Pubsub systems work like a message bus. You send a message to a topic, and any software with a subscription for that topic gets a copy of your message. As a sender you just provide your information to a set of topics and listen for any other topics you might care about.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Hacking the IoT with MQTT
    In this post i will talk about the MQTT protocol and some security concerns related to it.

    MQTT official note about security (from

    You can pass a user name and password with an MQTT packet in V3.1 of the protocol. Encryption across the network can be handled with SSL, independently of the MQTT protocol itself (it is worth noting that SSL is not the lightest of protocols, and does add significant network overhead). Additional security can be added by an application encrypting data that it sends and receives, but this is not something built-in to the protocol, in order to keep it simple and lightweight.

    Clients can authenticate to the MQTT Broker sending a user name and password with the CONNECT packet.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Attacking MQTT systems with Mosquittos (scalability and load testing utilities for MQTT environments)

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How to Install The Mosquitto MQTT Broker on Windows

    In this tutorial you will learn how to install the mosquitto MQTT broker (server) on Windows.

    How to Install The Mosquitto MQTT Broker on Linux (Ubuntu)

    In this tutorial we will look at how you install and run the mosquitto MQTT broker on a Linux server running Ubuntu.

    We will look at installing Mosquitto on a local server running Ubuntu LInux and also an AWS linux server instance (cloud server) also running Ubuntu Linux.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How to run MQTT using MQTT.FX and mosquitto broker on linux

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How To Install mosquitto On Kali Linux 2017.1

    sudo apt-get install mosquitto

    Which will install mosquitto and any other packages on which it depends.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    MQTT’s role as an IoT message transport

    Messaging queuing telemetry transport’s (MQTT) role as an Internet of Things (IoT) message transport derives from its simple design, when it began as an industrial communicator for a pipeline supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system.

    The genesis of MQTT

    Adoption of MQTT by Facebook, cloud service providers, and many others in the information technology (IT) space might lead one to think that MQTT was invented targeting IT solutions, but the genesis of MQTT was driven by an industrial communication problem.

    In 1997, Phillips 66 had installed one of the first transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP)-based very-small-aperture-terminal (VSAT) systems in the market for use in its pipeline supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. Numerous challenges needed to be addressed to use this network infrastructure effectively. Poll/response protocols were the norm for any SCADA system implementation until this system was implemented.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Really Understanding MQTT

    MQTT is as sexy as it sounds. It’s an open OASIS and ISO standard lightweight, publish-subscribe network protocol that transports messages between devices. The protocol usually runs over TCP/IP – however, any network protocol that provides ordered, bi-

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mike Szczys Takes Back Control of His Wemo Lightswitch with MQTT, Python and a Raspberry Pi
    Sick of the proprietary software, Szczys took an afternoon to build a more flexible alternative using open source software.

    Mike Szczys has published the code for a build which replaces the proprietary back-end of an Internet of Things (IoT) lighting control system with an open source alternative based on MQTT and Python running on a Raspberry Pi.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Use this MKR1000 telemetry system to connect your vehicle to the Internet and view data in real-time.

    MQTT OBD Vehicle Telemetry © GPL3+

    Fancy to see your’s vehicle data online in real-time? If so, continue reading!

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How to Connect Your nRF9160 Feather to MQTT
    In this post, I’ll show you how to connect the nRF9160 Feather to a self-hosted Mosquitto instance

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Modernize electronic flow measurement with MQTT
    MQTT is a publish/subscribe, extremely simple and lightweight messaging protocol

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    [Solved] Attempting MQTT connection… Failed. rc=-1 or rc=-2 or rc=-4, try again in 5 seconds

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Install mosquitto
    on CentOS

    Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT broker

    This is a message broker that supports version 5.0, 3.1.1, and 3.1 of the MQTT protocol. MQTT provides a method of carrying out messaging using a publish/subscribe model. It is lightweight, both in terms of bandwidth usage and ease of implementation. This makes it particularly useful at the edge of the network where a sensor or other simple device may be implemented using an arduino for example.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ben Parmeter’s “Smarter” Whole House Fan Control System Builds on an ESP8266 in 3D-Printed Mounts

    Offering local and remote control through web, MQTT, and REST API interfaces, this low-cost fan controller project packs in the features.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Washing Machine Phone Notification
    This device detects the end of cycle wash and publishes a message via MQTT.


  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    MQTT Thermal Printer “Fax”

    Make Fun Stuff created a DIY printer to send his wife notes from anywhere using an ESP8266, an Arduino Nano and MQTT — plus a “magic” quill.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Automated Window Blinds Using MQTT And Home Assistant

    Finnish software engineer [Toni] is on a quest to modernize his 1991 house, and his latest project was to automate the window blinds and control them using Home Assistant. Unless your blinds have built-in motors, most of the effort of such a project centers around how to integrate and attach the motor — and as [Toni] points out, there are tons of different blinds with all kinds of operating mechanisms. But once you solve that issue, half the battle is over.

    These particular blinds require less than one turn of the control rod to go from fully open to fully closed, and [Toni] selects a 270-degree range-of-motion, 20 kg*cm torque servo motor to drive them. He really wanted to install the motor inside the window, but it just wouldn’t fit. Instead, each servo motor is mounted in a custom 3D-printed case installed on the window frame just below the operating rod. An ESP8266-based controller box is installed above the window, hidden behind curtains, and operates all three servos.

  18. Tomi says:

    How to hack IoT devices from your couch

    MQTT is, by default, not secure, and many MQTT deployments seem to have missed the fine print when it comes to using MQTT securely. So let’s exploit it.

  19. Tomi says:

    Exploiting MQTT Using Lua
    Want to learn how to exploit MQTT using Lua? I hope not. But maybe you want to learn how to protect yourself again the exploit… not a bad idea to start from the inside out.
    Wilfred Nilsen user avatar by Wilfred Nilsen
    Jan. 09, 17 · Tutorial

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    What is MQTT Protocol ? How it works ? | 2022


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