The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has unleashed their Special Report on the impact of global warming reaching 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
“This IPCC report is set to outline a rescue plan for humanity,”
“1.5°C is the new 2°C,”
If we stick to Paris Climate Agreement commitments, we could still see a global warming of about 3°C by 2100.
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Technology for massive reductions in environmental footprint already exists
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Global climate strike: Greta Thunberg and school students lead climate crisis protest – live updates
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Ilmastoaktivisti Greta Thunberg ilmoitti New Yorkissa marssijoiden tekevän muutosta – osallistujia arviolta 250 000
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Amazon’s ‘climate pledge’ commits to net zero carbon emissions by 2040 and 100% renewables by 2030
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Youth Climate Activist: Global Warming Damage Becomes Irreversible In ‘Only 18 Months’
Teenage environmental alarmists are all over the place, making all kinds of claims (they don’t have to provide support for the claims, they’re only teenagers, after all).
Funny, longtime climate alarmist Al Gore said we only had 10 years to fix the world. He said that 14 years ago. And Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 29-year-old former bartender and leader of the Democratic socialists, says now that we have just 12 years to get rid of cars and cows.
Greta Thunberg is another teen making headlines. Greta’s a 16-year-old climate change activist from Sweden, and the mainstream media swoons whenever she speaks. She’s held court at the United Nations, on the floor of the U.S. Congress, and this week got a rock star reception as she led thousands on a march through New York City.
Breitbart put together a nice compilation of all the times climate alarmists have gotten it wrong. “For more than 50 years Climate Alarmists in the scientific community and environmental movement have not gotten even one prediction correct, but they do have a perfect record of getting 41 predictions wrong.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Maple syrup production is contingent upon 2 climate-sensitive characteristics: its sugar content and sap flow.
Climate Change Is Ruining Maple Syrup By Making It Less Sweet And Affecting When We Tap It
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No One Seemed To Notice Greta Thunberg’s Critique Of The Green New Deal
Though Thunberg did not utter the words “Green New Deal,” she characterized partisan efforts that envision an idealized future as unhelpful dreams, and her criticism culminated in these words:
“No matter how political the background to this crisis may be, we must not allow this to continue to be a partisan political question. The climate and ecological crisis is beyond party politics. And our main enemy right now is not our political opponents. Our main enemy now is physics. And we can not make ‘deals’ with physics.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
No One Seemed To Notice Greta Thunberg’s Critique Of The Green New Deal
Though Thunberg did not utter the words “Green New Deal,” she characterized partisan efforts that envision an idealized future as unhelpful dreams, and her criticism culminated in these words:
“No matter how political the background to this crisis may be, we must not allow this to continue to be a partisan political question. The climate and ecological crisis is beyond party politics. And our main enemy right now is not our political opponents. Our main enemy now is physics. And we can not make ‘deals’ with physics.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Why The United States Is Turning To Recycling Robots
For decades, the United States and other wealthy countries have been dependent on China to buy and process almost half of the world’s plastic waste. Now, stricter recycling standards in China mean its cheaper for some US cities to simply send recyclables to the dump rather than pay a higher fee to process them. That’s why a number of researchers and tech companies are working on robots to make US recycling more efficient.
Tomi Engdahl says:
From the article: Trump was not alone Monday in mocking Thunberg. On Fox News, Michael Knowles referred to Thunberg as “a mentally ill Swedish child who is being exploited by her parents and by the international left,” then doubled down and called her “mentally ill” a second time. The network subsequently apologized for his remarks.
Trump mocks teen climate activist
President Donald Trump mocked 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg on Twitter late Monday.
Last Wednesday, Thunberg addressed a congressional committee in Washington. “I want you to listen to the scientists,” she said. “And I want you to unite behind the science. And then I want you to take real action.”
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The disarming case to act right now on climate change
In this passionate call to action, 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg explains why, in August 2018, she walked out of school and organized a strike to raise awareness of global warming, protesting outside the Swedish parliament and grabbing the world’s attention. “The climate crisis has already been solved. We already have all the facts and solutions,” Thunberg says. “All we have to do is to wake up and change.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
We will make them hear us’: Greta Thunberg’s speech to New York climate strike
Climate activist Greta Thunberg has warned world leaders the ‘eyes of the world will be on them’ at a key UN summit next week. ‘We are not just some young people skipping school,’ she told thousands of school strikers in Manhattan, on a day when millions around the world demonstrated for action. ‘We are a wave of change. Together, we are unstoppable.’
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‘We are deep in a climate emergency.’ Prof. John Schellnhuber tells the European Research and Innovation Days conference in Brussels, Belgium as he calls for the decarbonisation target to be brought forward to 2040.
‘I would like people to panic’ – Top scientist unveils equation showing world in climate emergency
A new equation showing that the world is ‘deep in a climate emergency’ was unveiled on 24 September by Professor Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, one of the world’s leading authorities on climate change, who said that people still don’t want to see the truth about the state we’re in.
‘Based on sober scientific analysis, we are deeply within a climate emergency state but people are not aware of it,’
‘If we go into a runaway climate effect, the damage may be between €100 trillion and the loss of civilisation,’ he said. ‘The probability, I would say, is about 10% that this is going to happen. And when it comes to the urgency of decarbonising society and keeping the forests alive, we need at least 20 years. We have only 30 years left to do this.
When it comes to climate change, Prof. Schellnhuber recommended two priorities for Europe. The first is to decarbonise, reducing emissions to zero. The second is to take care of the natural carbon sinks to try and avert runaway climate effects.
He proposed three ‘outrageous suggestions’ for achieving these goals: build wooden skyscrapers rather than using concrete and steel for construction; create so-called ‘transition super-labs’ by decarbonising three or four entire regions; and paying to lease forests elsewhere in the world so they are not burnt down for economic purposes.
‘President-elect von der Leyen was very clear on that, the number one priority will be the green deal,’ said European Commission vice-president Maroš Šefčovič
‘We are the only major economy that has managed to split the economic growth and decouple it from the CO2 emissions.’
The importance of Europe taking the lead on climate change and science in general was a theme echoed throughout the first day of the conference
It is always a question – why do you always talk about climate and not about anything else?’ he said. ‘If we don’t solve the climate crisis, we can forget about the rest.’
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ClimateTech is the new hot space for investors in a warming planet
The climate is now firmly on the global agenda, but is there really such as thing as “climate tech”?
After all we already have biotech, HealthTech, FinTech. InsurTech, AdTech and AgTech, so why not ClimateTech and what are its investment prospects? What would distinguish it from, say, CleanTech?
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Luxury cruise giant emits 10 times more air pollution (SOx) than all of Europe’s cars – study
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Air pollution causes 800,000 extra deaths a year in Europe and 8.8 million worldwide
Air pollution could be causing double the number of excess deaths a year in Europe than has been estimated previously, according to a study published in the European Heart Journal
The researchers found that air pollution caused an estimated 8.8 million extra deaths globally rather than the previously estimated 4.5 million.
“The number of deaths from cardiovascular disease that can be attributed to air pollution is much higher than expected. In Europe alone, the excess number of deaths is nearly 800,000 a year and each of these deaths represents an average reduction in life expectancy of more than two years.”
Worldwide, they found that air pollution is responsible for 120 extra deaths per year per 100,000 of the population. In Europe and the EU-28, it was even higher, causing 133 and 129 extra deaths a year per 100,000 people, respectively.
Professors Münzel and Lelieveld emphasise that, in terms of air pollution, PM2.5 particles are the main cause of respiratory and cardiovascular disease. Currently, the average annual limit for PM2.5 in the EU is 25 μg/m3 (micrograms per cubic metre) [4], which is 2.5 times higher than the WHO guideline of 10 μg/m3. Even at this level, several European countries regularly exceed the limit.
“In Germany, for instance, agriculture contributes up to 45% of PM2.5 to the atmosphere. When manure and fertiliser are used on agricultural land, ammonia is released into the atmosphere, which reacts with sulphur and nitrogen oxides and associated sulphuric and nitric acids, forming salts such as ammonium sulphate and nitrate. These substances contribute significantly to the formation and composition of fine particles, interacting further with soot and organic aerosol compounds.”
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4.5 Billion Years of the Earth’s Temperature
This blog post will give a brief overview of how the Earth’s temperature has changed up to the present day. We only have actual temperature measurements going back a couple of hundred years however there are several other methods we can use to give reliable estimates of the Earth’s temperature in the past.
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Finnish youth strike for climate action
Young people across Finland protested on Friday for action on climate disruption, demanding politicians move to mitigate the worst effects of a changing climate.
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Billionaire LVMH Chairman Bernard Arnault has criticized climate activist Greta Thunberg for “surrendering to catastrophism.”
Billionaire LVMH Chief Bernard Arnault Calls Out Greta Thunberg For ‘Demoralizing’ Young People
Europe’s richest man Bernard Arnault has criticised climate activist Greta Thunberg for “surrendering to catastrophism”, while speaking to journalists at the luxury giant’s sustainability event in Paris.
Arnault, whose LVMH group boasts Fendi, Christian Dior and Givenchy amongst its luxury brands, said of the teenage campaigner in comments reported by AFP, “I find that her views are demoralizing for young people … She’s a dynamic young girl, but she’s surrendering completely to catastrophism.”
Championing his own “green” goals Arnault said, “We believe that environmental performance is a source of innovation, creativity, excellence and must be considered in all design and manufacture activities. We are committed to accelerating our work in that field and going even further.”
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Tomi Engdahl says:
Elektroniikan ilmastovaikutus on jäätävän suuri
Elektronisten laitteiden ilmastopäästöt ovat valtavat. Niin kauan kun elektroniikkateollisuus perustuu lyhytikäisiin laitteisiin, eivät päästöt tule laskemaan.
Uuden tutkimuksen mukaan Euroopan kännyköiden, läppäreiden, pesukoneiden ja imurien käyttöiän pidentäminen vain yhdellä vuodella säästäisi saman verran päästöjä kuin 2 miljoonan auton poistaminen teiltä vuosittain.
Kännyköillä on laitteista suurimmat ilmastovaikutukset, sillä niiden käyttöikä on keskimäärin vain kolme vuotta. Euroopassa kännyköiden käyttöiän yhden vuoden pidentäminen säästäisi 2 miljoonaa tonnia päästöjä eli miljoonan auton verran vuodessa.
Ensinnäkin kuluttajien on alettava suosimaan ja vaatimaan pitkäikäistä elektroniikkaa.
Toiseksi elektroniikkateollisuuden bisnesmallien on muututtava.
EU on päättänyt tarttua toimeen elektroniikan pitkäikäisyyden edistämiseksi. EU:ssa on odotettavissa uusi säännös, jonka mukaan televisiot, pesu- ja tiskikoneet ja valaisintuotteet on tehtävä helpommin korjattaviksi ja varaosia saataville.
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“We need to do this together. If we are given the right circumstances I know that we will succeed. And with that inspire others to follow.” CEO Martin Lindqvist at the UN Climate Action Summit speaking about the HYBRIT project and its goal of fossil-free steel production. HYBRIT, a joint initiative by SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall, was acclaimed as one of the summit’s most ambitious endeavors.
#fossilfree #steel #UNClimateSummit #ClimateAction
HYBRIT highlighted as one of the most ambitious initiatives at UN Climate Action Summit
SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall, the owners behind HYBRIT initiative, will join the Leadership Group for Industry Transition that was launched today at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York by Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven. HYBRIT was presented as one of the most ambitious and most transformative initiatives to tackle climate change. The aim with the Leadership Group is to accelerate transition to lowcarbon pathways in hard to abate sectors in line with the goals of Paris Agreement.
“Steel industry is seen, as one of the “hard to abate” sectors, but we firmly believe that net zero emissions is possible. That’s why we took the initiative to create HYBRIT. Fossil free steel has tremendous potential and could help many customer segments to truly become fossil free. We believe that industry transition is positive both for the climate and for our industry’s competitiveness”, says Martin Lindqvist President and CEO SSAB
“I think we can argue that HYBRIT is one of the most ambitious industrial transition projects globally today. All three companies have made commitments to be fossil free already by 2045, we have a concrete timetable and have through HYBRIT started construction and made investments to begin the transition. For us LKAB, Europe’s largest iron ore producer, Hybrit it an essential part in creating a climate neutral value chain from the rock to hot steel and we’re doing this with support from the Swedish government and together with academia”, says Jan Moström, president and CEO, LKAB.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Carbon free steel production is very energy demanding process. If we want this energy pretty much carbon neutral, we most propably need to build more nuclear to supply the power this process and tuen “green coat” this with few percent of “hip” renevables.
Tomi Engdahl says:
’97% Of Climate Scientists Agree’ Is 100% Wrong
If you’ve ever expressed the least bit of skepticism about environmentalist calls for making the vast majority of fossil fuel use illegal, you’ve probably heard the smug response: “97% of climate scientists agree with climate change” — which always carries the implication: Who are you to challenge them?
The answer is: you are a thinking, independent individual–and you don’t go by polls, let alone second-hand accounts of polls; you go by facts, logic and explanation.
Here are two questions to ask anyone who pulls the 97% trick.
1. What exactly do the climate scientists agree on?
Usually, the person will have a very vague answer like “climate change is real.”
If you look at the literature, the specific meaning of the 97% claim is: 97 percent of climate scientists agree that there is a global warming trend and that human beings are the main cause–that is, that we are over 50% responsible. The warming is a whopping 0.8 degrees over the past 150 years, a warming that has tapered off to essentially nothing in the last decade and a half.
Even if 97% of climate scientists agreed with this, and even if they were right, it in no way, shape, or form would imply that we should restrict fossil fuels–which are crucial to the livelihood of billions.
Because the actual 97% claim doesn’t even remotely justify their policies
On his Twitter account, President Obama tweets: “Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree: #climate change is real, man-made and dangerous.” Not only does Obama sloppily equate “scientists” with “climate scientists,” but more importantly he added “dangerous” to the 97% claim, which is not there in the literature.
This is called the fallacy of equivocation: using the same term (“97 percent”) in two different ways to manipulate people.
Bottom line: What the 97% of climate scientists allegedly agree on is very mild and in no way justifies restricting the energy that billions need.
But it gets even worse. Because it turns out that 97% didn’t even say that.
2. How do we know the 97% agree?
To elaborate, how was that proven?
Almost no one who refers to the 97% has any idea, but the basic way it works is that a researcher reviews a lot of scholarly papers and classifies them by how many agree with a certain position.
Unfortunately, in the case of 97% of climate scientists agreeing that human beings are the main cause of warming, the researchers have engaged in egregious misconduct.
Here is Cook’s summary of his paper: “Cook et al. (2013) found that over 97 percent [of papers he surveyed] endorsed the view that the Earth is warming up and human emissions of greenhouse gases are the main cause.”
This is a fairly clear statement—97 percent of the papers surveyed endorsed the view that man-made greenhouse gases were the main cause—main in common usage meaning more than 50 percent.
But even a quick scan of the paper reveals that this is not the case. Cook is able to demonstrate only that a relative handful endorse “the view that the Earth is warming up and human emissions of greenhouse gases are the main cause.”
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Nesteen asiantuntija lyttää päästötutkimuksen: Polttoaineen alkuperä ratkaisee ajamisen päästöt
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Greta Thunberg and the plot to forge a climate warrior
The teenage activist Greta Thunberg wants nothing more than to change the world. The shadowy cabal behind her has other goals
Swedish child climate activist reportedly a tool of Al Gore–linked corporate green hucksters
Far from being some persuasive and charismatic kid out to save the Earth, as the press is reporting, the Times found that:
[T]he Greta phenomenon has also involved green lobbyists, PR hustlers, eco-academics and a think tank founded by a wealthy former minister in Sweden’s Social Democratic government with links to the country’s energy companies. These companies are preparing for the biggest bonanza of government contracts in history: the greening of the western economies. Greta, whether she and her parents know it or not, is the face of their political strategy.
The list of corporate luminaries and green hucksters that follows in the background to this Global Challenge angle is stunning. These people are all looking to make a buck on the Al Gore model.
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Wealthy Investors Wake Up To Climate Change As ‘Single Greatest Threat To The World’ – report
In a survey of family offices conducted by Campden Wealth, a market research firm, 19% of the average portfolio was found to be invested sustainably, which is defined as “an investment approach that involves the consideration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in the investment process”.
But this figure is expected to jump up to 32% in the next five years as “8 in 10 family offices believe that the world’s wealthiest families will play an increasingly active role in helping to address global challenges historically reserved for governments,” says the report.
“Many products are now recognised by family offices as fully-fledged investment tools that can generate good returns,” says Ferrari.
Another causal factor in the new sustainable direction of family offices is the influence of the younger generation.
Few more public examples of pester power over climate change have been witnessed than Monday’s speech by Swedish campaigner Greta Thunberg: “You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,” she told a U.N. climate summit in New York, where the average age was several decades her senior.
However, pester power is only half working. While 53% of family offices might consider climate change “the single greatest threat to the world”, the UBS report fails to ask why only 34% of family offices are engaged in sustainable investing?
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Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Eniten pelkäänkin ilmastotutkimuksen vinoutumista. Se tapahtuu nopeasti ja helposti rahoitusta ohjailemalla: jos ei tuota haluttuja tuloksia, rahaa ei tule. Näin saadaan vain valitun linjan – hiilidioksidievankeliumin – mukaista tutkimusta, ja muita kulmia asioihin ei tutkita. Kuitenkin, ihmisen osuus hiilidioksidipäästöistä 4 %. Suomen osuus päästöistä 0,07. Onko myöskään takeita, että edes päästöjä vähentämällä pysäytetään tätä prosessia, koska luonnon osuus on 96 %? Näitä mittasuhteita ja epävarmuustekijöitä ei kuitenkaan tuoda uutisoinnissa, eikä poliittisessa puheessa esille.
Tomi Engdahl says:
No Need To Cut Back On Red Meat? Controversial New ‘Guidelines’ Lead To Outrage
A new set of analyses published Monday in the Annals of Internal Medicine challenges the widespread recommendations to cut back on red and processed meats.
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Every year for the next 20 years Ireland plans to plant 22 million trees, totalling 440 million trees planted as part of an overall strategy to combat climate change.
Ireland Commits To Plant 440 Million Trees To Help Tackle Climate Change
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Vain 0,2 prosenttia kaikesta Maan hiilestä on planeetan pinnalla – Uusi tutkimus arvioi, miten maan sisällä olevat 99,8 prosenttia hiilestä käyttäytyy
Scientists quantify global volcanic CO2 venting; estimate total carbon on Earth
Scientists update estimates of Earth’s immense interior carbon reservoirs, and how much carbon Deep Earth naturally swallows and exhales
Tomi Engdahl says:
Several studies have recently pointed to the damaging environmental effects of bitcoin mining. One suggests that that electricity consumption from Bitcoin mining will be greater than that of the U.S. by 2020.
Another study, published last year in the journal Joule, estimated that Bitcoin networks the world over consumed about 2.55 gigawatts of electricity and would soon reach 7.67 gigawatts.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Attacks on Greta Thunberg Come from a Coordinated Network of Climate Change Deniers
Many people have already spilled thousands of words of commentary explaining how personal attacks on Greta — often lobbed by old white men, sometimes mocking her Aspergers — are unacceptable. But understanding where those attackers come from, ideologically and professionally, casts an important light on some of their dark statements.
That’s because a large subsection of the commentariat driving the abuse of Greta is part of an established network of radical free-marketeer lobby groups — a network that has firm ties to the fossil fuel industry and funders of climate science denial.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Hurricane Lorenzo Is Too Strong For Where It Is – Let’s Deal With The Climate Change Question
Hurricane Lorenzo has become a record-breaking storm and an odd one too.
Historic Hurricane Lorenzo Becomes A Category Five In The Atlantic Ocean
Tomi Engdahl says:
Adding 1 billion hectares of forest could help check global warming
Global temperatures could rise 1.5° C above preindustrial levels by as early as 2030 if current trends continue, but trees could help stem this climate crisis. A new analysis finds that adding nearly 1 billion hectares of forest could remove two-thirds of the roughly 300 gigatons of carbon humans have added to the atmosphere since the 1800s.
“Forests represent one of our biggest natural allies against climate change,” says Laura Duncanson, a carbon storage researcher at the University of Maryland
The latest report from the United Nations’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recommended adding 1 billion hectares of forests to help limit global warming to 1.5° C by 2050.
Earth could naturally support 0.9 billion hectares of additional forest—an area the size of the United States—without impinging on existing urban or agricultural lands, the researchers report today in Science.
Those added trees could sequester 205 gigatons of carbon in the coming decades, roughly five times the amount emitted globally in 2018.
Exactly how much carbon future forests could store may not be crystal clear
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Hirsirakentaminen on ympäristöteko – “Tulevaisuudessa rakennuslupaa ei tule, jos hiilijalanjälki on liian iso”
Hirsirakentaminen on ympäristölle hyväksi. Sen lisäksi, että puu kasvaessaan hyödyntää hiilidioksidia, rakennettu hirsi myös sitoo reilusti hiilidioksidia myös rakentamisen jälkeen.
– Tutkimuksissa on todennettu, että keskikokoinen hirsitalo sitoo hiilidioksidia yli 30 tonnia. Sillä määrällä voidaan käyttää polttomoottoriautoa 15 vuotta
Tomi Engdahl says:
Anonymous Message To Greta Thunberg
Many of the policies that you are advocating for are also misguided, despite their seemingly good intentions. For example, heavy carbon taxes will not have much of an effect on the fossil fuel industry, aside from making their cost of doing business a little bit higher. The large corporations that are destroying the planet have teams of lawyers on standby for any accusations that are brought against them, and they have money budgeted specifically for dealing with all of the fines that they intend to violate.
Fines, taxes, and regulations rarely actually cause corporations to do business any differently, but these policies usually do end up hurting average individuals who were never even the intended targets of the policies to begin with. This is because the average person does not have teams of lawyers or money ready for fines.
In the case of carbon taxes, the average person driving their car will be the person who ends up paying the real cost, and it is highly possible that the corporations could make even more money under a model like this. It is also important to consider that just throwing money at a problem is not a feasible solution, especially for something like this. If billions of dollars are funneled into government coffers as the result of some type of “Green New Deal,” what happens next? There doesn’t seem to be any plan for what actually happens to the money, and when plans are actually offered, they typically fall short.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Greta Thunbergin puheen death metal -versiosta julkaistiin virallinen single – tuotto hyväntekeväisyyteen
Tomi Engdahl says:
These Pics Are Composed Of As Many Pixels As There Are Animals Still Alive In These Species
Tomi Engdahl says:
Greta Thunberg: Why She Called Aspergers Her Superpower
Tomi Engdahl says:
For First Time Ever, Scientists Identify How Many Trees to Plant and Where to Plant Them to Stop Climate Crisis
Around 0.9 billion hectares (2.2 billion acres) of land worldwide would be suitable for reforestation, which could ultimately capture two thirds of human-made carbon emissions.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Nokiakin lähtee mukaan ilmastotalkoisiin, löytyykö vastaus 5g-tekniikasta? ”Meidän täytyy toimia”
Nokia liittyi suuryrityksiin, jotka sitoutuvat tiukkoihin 1,5 asteen ilmastotoimiin. ”Tuhannet lajit katoaisivat. Samoin lukemattomat ihmiset. Meidän täytyy toimia”, toimitusjohtaja Rajeev Suri perusteli.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The One Science Lesson Every American Adult Can Learn From Greta Thunberg
Like most people on Earth, Greta Thunberg is not a climate scientist. She has no formal scientific training of any type, nor does she possess any expert-level knowledge or expert-level skills in this regime. She has never worked on the problems or puzzles facing environmental scientists, atmospheric scientists, geophysicists, solar physicists, climatologists, meteorologists, or Earth scientists.
Like most of us, she is an ordinary citizen of the world: with strong beliefs, opinions, and political inclinations. But unlike most of us, Greta has shown a willingness to do what most of us refuse to do. Her starting point for how to move forward in the world is to begin from a position of scientific consensus.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Guest post: China’s CO2 emissions grew slower than expected in 2018