Is Kubernetes The New Application Server?

You might have noticed that many widely used languages are interpreted and use “runtimes” to execute your source code. In theory, most Node.js, Python, Ruby and Java. Theoretically code can be easily moved from one platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) but usually there are problematic issues caused by factors external to your application.

Why Kubernetes is The New Application Server article tells that the greatest things about containers is that you can deploy everything (for example, a Linux distribution, the JVM, the application server, libraries, configurations and, finally, your application) inside a pre-built container. Plus, executing a single container that has everything built in is incredibly easier than moving your code to a production environment. Before containers became very popular, several NFR (non-functional requirements) such as security, isolation, fault tolerance, configuration management, and others were provided by application servers. Kubernetes platform provides a great foundation for other projects such as Red Hat OpenShift, Istio, and Apache OpenWhisk.

Kubernetes Services By Example article is an introduction to concept of services in Kubernetes. In a nutshell, Kubernetes services are an abstraction for pods, providing a stable, virtual IP (VIP) address. Keeping the mapping between the VIP and the pods up-to-date is the job of kube-proxy.

What is OpenStack? article gives an introduction to related technology called OpenStack. OpenStack is a set of software tools for building and managing cloud computing platforms for public and private cloud. OpenStack is managed by the OpenStack Foundation, a non-profit that oversees both development and community-building around the project. OpenStack lets users deploy virtual machines and other instances (like containers) that handle different tasks for managing a cloud environment on the fly. It promises to make horizontal scaling easy.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    An introduction to Kubeflow

    Kubeflow is an open source Kubernetes-native platform for developing, orchestrating, deploying, and running scalable and portable machine learning workloads.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kubernetes in 2019: 6 developments to expect

    If you thought there was a lot of chatter about Kubernetes in 2018, you ain’t seen nothing yet

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Optimizing Kubernetes resource allocation in production

    Testing resource limits and loads adds predictability and resiliency to your systems.

    After some manual testing with curl, we decided to start pushing traffic to the new service on Kubernetes. At 1%, everything was looking great—then 10%, still great—then at 50% the service suddenly started going into a crash loop. My first reaction was to scale up the service from four replicas to 20. This helped a bit—the service was handling traffic, but pods were still going into a crash loop. With some investigation using kubectl describe, I learned that Kubelet was killing the pods due to OOMKilled, i.e., out of memory. Digging deeper, I realized that when I copied and pasted the YAML from another deployment, I set some memory limits that were too restrictive. This experience got me started thinking about how to set requests and limits effectively.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Disallow deployment on Fridays #72285

    Problem: Many operators are complaining that Kubernetes is ruining their weekends and holidays. This is particularly problematic around holidays that merge with adjacent weekends, such as Christmas 2018.

    Solution: As voiced by many operators, this patch disallows rolling updates on Fridays. The feature is deliberately hard-coded in the core of Kubernetes, specifically the Deployment controller. Alternatives, such as overriding “no deploy Fridays” via RBAC

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The definitive pronunciation guide for kubectl

    Want to know the right way to say ‘kubeclt’? Watch this All Things Open talk.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Why data scientists love Kubernetes

    Kubernetes’ features that streamline the software development workflow also support the data science workflow.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Why Kubernetes is The New Application Server

    Have you ever wondered why you are deploying your multi-platform applications using containers? Is it just a matter of “following the hype”? In this article, I’m going to ask some provocative questions to make my case for Why Kubernetes is the new application server.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kubernetes security: 4 areas to focus on

    As Kubernetes’ popularity grows and more organizations use it in production environments, what security issues should teams watch?

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kubernetes security: 4 tips to manage risks

    As you bear down on Kubernetes security, use these strategies to avoid missteps in work with containers and orchestration

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How to set up your first Kubernetes environment on Windows

    You’ve crushed the whole containers thing—it was much easier than you anticipated, and you’ve updated your resume. Now it’s time to move into the spotlight, walk the red carpet, and own the whole Kubernetes game. In this blog post, we’ll get our Kubernetes environment up and running on Windows 10, spin up an image in a container, and drop the mic on our way out the door—headed to Coderland.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    From Containers to Kubernetes with Node.js

    In this series, you will build and containerize a Node.js application with a MongoDB database. The series is designed to introduce you to the fundamentals of migrating an application to Kubernetes, including modernizing your app using the 12FA methodology, containerizing it, and deploying it to Kubernetes.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kubernetes jobs: 9 facts and figures

    Kubernetes jobs – some of today’s hottest IT roles – pay a national average of $144,648. What else should IT pros and hiring managers know?

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kubernetes basics: Learn how to drive first

    Quit focusing on new projects and get focused on getting your Kubernetes dump truck commercial driver’s license.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Long after Linux, Windows Server Containers finally arrive on Microsoft’s Azure Kubernetes Service
    Generally available, but will never reach parity with Linux on Kubernetes

    Microsoft’s Windows Server Containers is now generally available on its Azure Kubernetes Service, three years after AKS’s launch.

    AKS was introduced in 2017, as a replacement for the Azure Container Service for Kubernetes that was itself only launched the previous year. These services were for Linux containers only, even though Windows Server Containers have existed since the release of Windows Server 2016.

    There have been other ways to run Windows containers on Azure, including Azure Container Instances and Web App for Containers, or for large-scale applications Service Fabric. Service Fabric is Microsoft’s home-grown microservices platform and is baked deeply into Azure, running foundational services like Azure Active Directory.

    Kubernetes is the industry standard though, originally developed by Google and designed for Linux.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    PenTest: Kubernetes Penetration Testing

    #pentest #magazine #pentestmag #kubernetes #k8s #cloud #pentesting #cybersecurity #infosecurity #infosec

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Fast-track business growth with Kubernetes

    Kubernetes is helping firms boost organizational agility and accelerate time to market while turbocharging IT development and deployment.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kevyt Kubernetes
    Sertifioitu Kubernetes-jakelu, joka on rakennettu IoT- ja Edge-laskentaan

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kubernetes 1.24 Stargazer: An exceptional release with two major changes
    Kubernetes, everyone’s favorite container orchestrator, in its latest release, Kubernetes 1.24 Stargazer, has made two major changes: The developers dropped support for the Docker Engine container runtime and added supply chain security via Sigstore.


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