DSO150 pocket oscilloscope

Sometimes you wish you had a very small basic oscilloscope that would be easy to carry around as tool for those situations where you need to more measuring that can be done with your multi-meter. One day I found an oscilloscope kit DSO150 while browsing the banggood.com site. This model was originally only available as a kit with a case, but later became available also as ready made device.

I got finally Original JYETech Assembled DSO-SHELL DSO150 Digital Oscilloscope Module 9V 9 that is a ready build pocket scope in case. The packet came with oscilloscope probe.


  • Input bandwidth: 0 Hz to 200 kHz
  • 2.4-inch color TFT LCD with 320 x 240 resolution
  • Number of channels: 1
  • Sample rate: max. 1 MS/s
  • Input sensitivity: 5mV/Div – 20V/Div
  • Input Impedance: 1M ohms
  • Maximum input voltage: 50Vpp
  • Coupling: DC, AC, GND
  • Vertical error: <5 %
  • Vertical resolution: 12 bit
  • Time base: 10 µs/Div to 500 s/Div
  • Memory depth: 1,024 Samples
  • Trigger modes: Auto, Normal, Single
  • Trigger types: Rising/falling edge
  • Trigger position: 1/2 of buffer size fixed
  • Calibration signal: 1 kHz / 3.3 V square wave
  • HOLD function (capture a transient event)
  • Transient store and replay (save/recall waveform function)
  • Supply current: 120mA @ 9V
  • Dimension: 115mm x 75mm x 22mm
  • Weight: 100 gram (not including cables and power supply)


Apart from the input coupling selector switch, the entire operation is controlled by four push buttons and a rotary encoder.

DSO Shell runs on 9V (do not use power voltage higher than 10V!) power supply. Users need to prepare their own power supply since it is not included in the kits. The power jack on the mainboard accepts standare 5.5mm/2.1mm DC plug. Supply current is 120mA @ 9V so I can make it to work with small 9V battery (but not very many hours constant use).

It would be nice to have a battery inside device. There is an alternative 2-pin connector (0.1″ pitch) for supplying power inside device, but inside the small case (115mm x 75mm x 22mm) full of electronics I don’t see there space for batteries. I ended up using external 9V battery that I fixed to the back of case with dual-sided tape. It is not most elegant, but works.

There is one drawback is that the circuit design is not very stable against voltage changes.The zero level disappears easily as the supply voltage levels changed. A quick look at the supplied schematic was enough to identify the problem: the DSO150 doesn’t use voltage regulators to stabilize the input amplifier suppliesAlso a Zener diode circuit is used to provide the input voltage offset level for the ADC is less than optimal. The voltage offset is a digital value added or subtracted from the measured input samples by the MCU.

The electronics in this scope is based onSTM32F103C8, which is an ARM Cortex A3 MCU from ST. The MCU also contains a built-in fast ADC (1 Msample per second 12 bits). It offers a resolution of 12 bits and an input voltage range of 0 to 3.3 V so that 1.65 V corresponds to the zero level on the display. In this circuit the offset is a digital value applied to the measured input signal value.

Still even with limitations this mini scope is more than a simple toy and I have found it to be quite usual as a second scope. At €20-30 the unit is really low cost when you consider that includes shipping from the Far East. DSO150 offers quite good performance at low cost as long as you are happy to put up with some minor niggles.The pocket oscilloscope has worked for me well when working with audio frequency circuits. Due the limited bandwidth (only 200 kHz) this scope is not suitable for debugging video circuits or any high speed electronics.

The following videos show clearly what electronics is inside this device (don’t need to do tear-down myself):

DIY $20 Oscilloscope

What is inside

DSO Shell (DSO150) 15001K Oscilloscope Build

Manuals, circuit diagrams and more information:
Firmwares: Click to open
Users Manual: Click to open
Mainboard Schematic: Click to open

Analog board Schematic: Click to open
How to Use the DSO150 Library: Click to open
Source codes: Click to open
FAQ, Tips, and Troubleshooting: Click to open

This is open hardware in a sense that both hardware and software designs are freely available on-line. Source codes for DSO Shell (DSO150) from JYE Tech is available at https://github.com/JYEtech/DSO-Shell-open-source-version-. They are not an exact copy of factory codes (e. g. product testing codes are not included) but have completely the same functions and performance of matching revision. The codes are built with support of the library file libdso150.a, which implements the core DSO functions.


Modification ideas:

DSO150 Shell Li-Po Battery Mod
JYE Tech DSO150 Shell firmware update tutorial
JYE Tech DSO150 Shell firmware update tutorial


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    DS0138 Fully Assembled Digital Oscilloscope 2.4 Inch TFT LCD Display with Alligator Probe Test Clip for Measuring Instrument

    Product parameters

    Maximum real-time sampling rate: 1Msps
    Accuracy: 12 bits
    Sampling buffer depth: 1024 bytes
    Analog bandwidth: 0-200KHz
    Vertical sensitivity: 10mV/Div-5V/Div (1-2-5 progressive mode)
    Adjustable vertical shift with description
    Input impedance: 1MΩ
    Maximum input voltage: 50Vpp (1:1 probe), 400Vpp (10:1 probe)
    Coupling modes include DC/AC/GND
    Horizontal time base range: 10μs/Div-50s/Div (1-2-5 progressive mode)
    Automatic, conventional and one-time modes available for easy capture of torque waveforms
    Available rising or falling edge triggers
    Adjustable trigger horizontal position with instructions
    Previously observable trigger waveform (negative delay)
    Waveform display can be frozen at any time (hold function)
    Self-contained 1Hz/3.3V square wave test signal source

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    [BRAND NEW 2023] FNIRSI DSO152 Mini Digital Oscilloscope

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    #1508 FNIRSI DSO-TC3 Digital Oscilloscope Transistor Tester Function Signal Generator review

    FNIRSI DSO-TC3 3 in 1 Oscilloscope Signal Generator Component Analyzer Tester Cheap Electronics Lab

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    180 MHz?! FNIRSI DPOX180H Digital Phosphor Dual Channel Handheld

    FNIRSI DPOX180H is the new 2-Channels180Mhz Digital Phosphor Osciiloscope with an 20Mhz Function Generator. Hell of a device!

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    FNIRSI DSO152 Mini Pocket Handheld Oscilloscope (LED instead of a solar cell)

    ▫️ Brand Name: FNIRSI
    ▫️ Model Number: DSO152
    ▫️ Display: 2.8 inches/PPI:320*240
    ▫️ Resolution: 320*240 Pixels
    ▫️ Lithium battery capacity: 1000mAh
    ▫️ USB charging: 5V/500mAh
    ▫️ Size: 99mmx68.3mmx19.5mm
    ▫️ Weight: 100g
    ▫️ Band Width: 200KHz
    ▫️ Real Time Sampling Rate: 2.5MSa/s
    ▫️ Trigger method: Auto/Normal/Single
    ▫️ Digital Channels: 1
    ▫️ Voltage range: 1X 400VPP 10X 800VPP
    ▫️ Time base range: 10μs/Div-50s/Div
    ▫️ Vertical sensitivity: 10mV/Div-20V/Div
    ▫️ Square wave calibration: Frequency: 1K Duty cycle: 50%

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    FNIRSI DSO152 Mini Pocket Handheld Oscilloscope (LED instead of a solar cell)

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    FNIRSI DSO-TC3 Teardown

    Part 2 of my review on the FNIRSI DSO-TC3. This time I check the accuracy of the DC voltage measurements and do a teardown.

    [BRAND NEW 2023] FNIRSI DSO-TC3 3 in 1 Component Tester + Oscilloscope + Function Generator!

    FNIRSI DSO-TC3 is an awesome 3 in 1 device. You get an component tester + oscilloscope + function generator and tools like infrared remote decoder. You got to see this!

    00:00 – Intro
    00:34 – Welcome
    01:59 – Features Highlights
    02:40 – Unboxing & What is delivered
    06:47 – First impressions % DSO-TC2 comparation
    12:44 – Component tester
    21:14 – Oscilloscope bandwidth testing
    24:34 – Oscilloscope usage
    28:09 – Function generator
    30:54 – Tools
    33:49 – Device setup
    34:47 – Calibration
    35:49 – Probe compensation
    37:41 – Teardown
    41:43 – Conclusion

    FNIRSI DSO-TC3 Review

    Excellent video!
    I just received the device: the cheap MCU background is obvious, using the derived software as seen with DSO138 DIY oscilloscopes. The fluctuating frequency analysis is clearly because of the limited sample memory and oscillations within the sample window! It works as expected, but that limitation makes it very jittery.
    But overall it is brilliant cheap gadget!
    I think that the signal generator is not working at the same time with the oscilloscope, but the oscilloscope automatically feeds the square wave when running. But that is good enough for calibrating! If you change the signal generator signal mode, it doesn’t seem to change the calibration mode signal during oscilloscope use!
    Thanks for the video! It taught me things, even when I have the device at hand!

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    [BRAND NEW 2023] Zeeweii DSO154 PRO Oscilloscope 18Mhz 40MSa/s
    Is This To Good To Be True?

    Zeeweii DSO154 PRO Oscilloscope is small, cheap and good! Is it to good to be true?

    00:00 – Intro
    00:35 – Welcome
    02:09 – Feature Highlights
    02:25 – Unboxing & What is delivered
    04:31 – First Impressions
    06:50 – Operation
    12:35 – Testing bandwidth
    20:14 – Function Generator
    24:54 – Teardown
    32:24 – Conclusion

    Most of these little scopes always seem to fall flat one way or another and range is usually exaggerated. This one actually seems reasonable. Plus it has a built in function generator!

    Thanks for another thorough review. 15MHz is not bad considering it’s advertised at 18MHz. That’s actually a conservative marketing claim for this type of scope as most claim bandwidth more than 3X their real bandwidth. The signal is still useful at 18MHz.

    Thanks for the very detailed review as usual Hugo. I really appreciate all the effort you put into making and editing your videos. For the price, this scope is actually very good value. And even though the bandwidth is a little overstated, 15MHz is still very good for that price. It’s amazing how technology has evolved so fast and how cheap some test equipment for hobbyists are now. 10 years ago we would never have imagined we could get this type of scope for such a great price.

    ZEEWEII DSO154Pro 2.4-inch Screen Digital Oscilloscope1MHz & 18MHz Analog Bandwidth Support Signal Generator

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    [BRAND NEW 2023] Zeeweii DSO154 PRO Oscilloscope

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Zeeweii/SigPeak DSO2512G Oscilloscope 120 Mhz, 2 Channels and a bunch of features!

    Zeeweii/SigPeak DSO2512G is a 2-channel 120Mh handheld digital oscilloscope packed with features ! Does it worth you money?


  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The price is low, and the capabilities and quality are on top! Overview of the ZT702S oscilloscope

    Hello everyone! What should be a good oscilloscope? Fast, accurate, with good bandwidth, with convenient control and, preferably, inexpensive. This is the kind of oscilloscope I will show in this video. This is an oscilloscope with the ZT-702S multimeter function. The capabilities and characteristics of this device were pleasantly surprised! According to some parameters, the ZT-702S oscilloscope is not inferior to more expensive, professional devices. In this video I will tell you in detail about all the features and modes of operation of the oscilloscope.

    Zoyi ZT702S Oscilloscope + Multimeter Conpact & Acessible Full Review!

    In this video the new Zoyi ZT702S Oscilloscope + Multimeter in a compact version and lot of quality.

    00:00 – Intro
    00:35 – Welcome
    01:36 – Feature Highlights
    02:08 – Unboxing & What is delivered
    06:05 – First impressions
    07:47 – Operation
    15:28 – Waveform display & Bandwidth test
    23:36 – AC voltage measurement
    24:44 – DC voltage measurement (calibrator)
    29:28 – DC voltage measurement (mv reference board)
    32:57 – Resistance measurement
    34:49 – Capacitance measurement
    36:49 – Continuity testing
    37:40 – Diode (LED) testing
    38:11 – Conclusion

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Digilent’s Analog Discovery Pro 2230 Aims to Deliver Pro-Grade Oscilloscope Functions in Compact Box
    Connecting to WaveForms, or LabVIEW and MATLAB, this display-free oscilloscope punches well above its weight.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    EEVblog 1597 – Zoyi ZT-703S $80 2CH 50MHz Oscilloscope/Multimeter Review

    Looking at the new $80 Zoyi/Zotech ZT703S Dual channel 50MHz 25,000 count 0.05% handheld oscilloscope/multimeter compared to the single channel 10MHz 10,000 count ZT702S

    ZT-702S review: • EEVblog 1540 – The $80 Zotek ZT-702S …

    Forum: https://www.eevblog.com/forum/blog/ee

    00:00 – The new $80 ZT-703S vs the $60 ZT-702S
    03:40 – Power on and screen differences
    06:25 – Multimeter
    07:49 – The Bargraph is still a complete JOKE
    08:50 – Power-off memory test
    09:41 – Dumb Arse Dave BRICKS the ZT-702S !
    10:23 – The SAME current measurement FAIL
    12:19 – 0.05% ?
    13:17 – Same BNC connector issue
    13:44 – The signal generator is still a joke
    15:53 – Trigger level issue FIXED
    16:39 – Range overload bug FIXED
    19:10 – Teardown
    25:07 – Oops…
    25:21 – Battery life and current consumption test
    26:54 – Conclusion

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    EEVblog 1540 – The $80 Zotek ZT-702S Osciloscope Multimeter REVIEW

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    EEVblog 1582 – FNIRSI DPOX180H 180MHz DPO for $123?

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    OWON HDS2202S 200 MHz 3-in-1 Handheld Oscilloscope Review/Teardown

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Best Digital Oscilloscope | Who Is THE Winner #1?

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    EEVblog 1597 – Zoyi ZT-703S $80 2CH 50MHz Oscilloscope/Multimeter Review

    Looking at the new $80 Zoyi/Zotech ZT703S Dual channel 50MHz 25,000 count 0.05% handheld oscilloscope/multimeter compared to the single channel 10MHz 10,000 count ZT702S

    00:00 – The new $80 ZT-703S vs the $60 ZT-702S
    03:40 – Power on and screen differences
    06:25 – Multimeter
    07:49 – The Bargraph is still a complete JOKE
    08:50 – Power-off memory test
    09:41 – Dumb Arse Dave BRICKS the ZT-702S !
    10:23 – The SAME current measurement FAIL
    12:19 – 0.05% ?
    13:17 – Same BNC connector issue
    13:44 – The signal generator is still a joke
    15:53 – Trigger level issue FIXED
    16:39 – Range overload bug FIXED
    19:10 – Teardown
    25:07 – Oops…
    25:21 – Battery life and current consumption test
    26:54 – Conclusion


  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Perfect CHEAP Multimeter/Oscilloscope For Beginners ZOYI ZT-703S

    If you are just starting your vintage hardware repair journey this combination digital multimeter and two-channel oscilloscope is the perfect starter tool for you. The ZOYI ZT-703S or Aneng AOS03 packs quite a punch. Let’s try it out and see what it can do!

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Another cheap scope: $18, shipped! (FNIRSI DSO152)

    I picked up this $18 oscilloscope the other day because I was curious how good something this cheap can actually be. For me, the ultimate test to see if something is useful is to try to fix a broken 8-bit computer with it… so let’s do exactly that!

    – Links

    FNIRSI DSO152: (Currently $24 as of making of this video, price will fluctuate, was $18 a couple weeks ago)


  21. Nihad says:

    Oscilloscope Multimeter :Discover the Versatile ZOYI ZT-702S: Two-in-One Oscilloscope + Digital Multimeter
    Ultimate tool for precision and versatility: the ZOYI ZT-702S Two-in-One Automotive Oscilloscope Multimeter.

    Automotive Oscilloscope Multimeter With its built-in lithium battery and Type C charging cable, this single-channel device is designed for ease of use and portability. Featuring a 2.8-inch IPS full-view colour screen, a 10 MHz bandwidth, and a 48MSa/s real-time sampling rate, it is ideal for school education, automobile maintenance, power detection, and delicate repairs.

    Key Features of the ZOYI Automotive Oscilloscope Multimeter ZT-702S Two-in-One
    Dual Functionality: Combines the capabilities of an oscilloscope and a digital multimeter in one compact device.
    High-Resolution Display: 2.8-inch IPS full-view colour screen for clear and detailed readings.
    Built-in Lithium Battery: Ensures long-lasting power with the convenience of Type C charging.
    10 MHz Bandwidth: Suitable for a wide range of applications.
    Real-Time Sampling: 48MSa/s sampling rate for accurate and precise measurements.
    9999 Counts: Provides detailed and accurate readings.

    Oscilloscope Multimeter User-Friendly Design
    Double Injection Model: Durable and reliable build quality.
    Color LED Screen: Bright and clear display for easy reading.
    Safety Features: Independent battery storage compartment supports charging and measuring while in use.
    Adjustable Settings: Screen brightness and standby time can be customised to suit your needs.
    Portable and Convenient: Designed for one-hand operation with a user-friendly button layout.

    Comprehensive Measurement Capabilities
    The ZOYI Automotive Oscilloscope Multimeter ZT-702S offers a broad range of measurements, including:

    DC Current: Up to 10A
    AC Current: Up to 10A
    DC Voltage: Up to 1000V
    AC Voltage: Up to 750V
    Resistance: Up to 100MΩ
    Capacitance: Up to 100mF
    Frequency: Up to 1MHz
    Temperature: From -20°C to 1000°C
    ZOYI Automotive Oscilloscope Multimeter Additional Specifications
    Transmission Bandwidth: 10MHz
    Sampling Method: Real-time sampling
    Channels: Single channel probe input
    Sampling Rate: 48MS/s
    Storage Depth: 64Kpts
    Display Screen: 2.8-inch IPS color screen

    Why Choose the ZOYI Automotive Oscilloscope Multimeter ZT-702S?

    Designed for both professionals and students, the ZOYI Automotive Oscilloscope Multimeter ZT-702S Two-in-One Oscilloscope + Digital Multimeter provides the tools needed for accurate and efficient measurements. Whether you’re working on automobile maintenance, power detection, or delicate repairs, this device offers the precision and versatility required for high-quality results.

    Upgrade your toolkit with the ZOYI Automotive Oscilloscope Multimeter ZT-702S. Experience the convenience of portable, reliable, and comprehensive measurement capabilities all in one device.


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