Mary Jo Foley / ZDNet:
Microsoft announces Azure SQL Database Edge, which will run on compute-constrained devices, and new AI, mixed reality, and IoT capabilities powered by Azure
A couple days ahead of Build 2019, Microsoft is showcasing some new AI, MR, IoT and blockchain capabilities powered by Azure which it will be showing off at its developer confab.
Kyle Wiggers / VentureBeat:
Microsoft rolls out IoT, mapping, databases, storage, and analytics updates across Azure services, says Azure IoT Edge now integrates with Kubernetes
Dieter Bohn / The Verge:
Google unveils the Google Nest Hub Max, a 10-inch smart display with a built-in camera that can act as an indoor security camera, coming this summer for $229 — It can detect your face, too — The Google Nest Hub Max is a big Google Assistant smart display with a camera on top that you can use … Moduuli on mitoiltaan 57 x 38 x 20 milliä ja tähän kokoon on saatu ahdettua myös MicroSD-korttipaikka, jolla muistin saa laajennettua aina 64 gigatavuun asti.
Esineiden internet asettaa IoT-solmujen mikro-ohjaimille vaatimuksia, joista aiempien sukupolvien ohjaimet eivät selviä. Cypressin uusi PSoC 6 MCU -arkkitehtuuri on kehitetty erityisesti IoT-sovelluksia varten.
The onslaught of single-board computers continued last week with the debut of Atomic Pi, a product from Digital Loggers that combines the small form factor of a Raspberry Pi with an Intel Atom processor, ostensibly because the company believes it can offer better pricing and performance that way.
Microsoft this week introduced IoT Plug and Play, a no-code toolkit for connecting Internet of Things devices to the cloud. The company touts it as a new modeling language to pump up the capabilities of IoT devices through the Microsoft Azure cloud service.
Elfa Distrelec on lisännyt Google Coral -kehityskortin verkkokauppansa valikoimaan. Coral on korttitietokone, joka sisältää eMMC-muistin, järjestelmäpiirin, langattomat radioyhteydet sekä Google Edge TPU -yksikön.
New white paper shows how an edge programmable industrial controller can simplify, reduce costs, and increase security for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and other data-intensive applications.
STMicroelectronics recently launched, a ready-to-use wireless IoT sensor platform kit that comes in three user modes to meet any skill level from students and makers to expert designers and developers. The IoT sensing evaluation kit helps designers understand how to collect and send sensor information to the cloud. It also demonstrates how easy it is to connect to the cloud thanks to out-of-the box certification to Microsoft Azure.
“Unlike the original Nano, the new Nano comes in a castellated form factor. Not only is the new Nano breadboard-compatible, it can be soldered directly onto another PCB. Which goes some way to explaining why Arduino has chosen to refresh its Nano line up.”
. The cellular service, provided by Arm Pelion Connectivity Management, has a global roaming profile; meaning a single Arduino SIM can be used in over 100 countries worldwide with one simple data plan.
This reference design demonstrates how to create a battery-powered electronic smart lock with integrated Wi-Fi®. The design demonstrates how the SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi CC3220S wireless MCU (SoC) can be used as the main system controller and network processor to create a highly integrated design. TIDC-01005 reference design combines the CC3220S with a DRV8837 1.8A low voltage brushed DC motor driver to form the core of a Wi-Fi enabled electronic smart lock design. It also features the SimpleLink Bluetooth® low energy CC2640R2F wireless MCU to demonstrate Wi-Fi provisioning over BLE. The design leverages LaunchPad™ Development kits
Oululainen Haltian esitteli tänään Thingsee IoT Summitissa Helsingissä älytehdasratkaisun, jossa hyödynnetään Amazonin AWS:n Greengrass -reunalaskentateknologiaa ja Thingsee IoT -alustaa uusine antureineen. Älytehdas perustuu yksityisiin LTE-mobiiliverkkoihin ja tuleviin nopeisiin 5G-verkkoihin.
Haltian anturilaitteissa hyödynnetään suomalaisen Wirepasin IoT Mesh -verkkotekniikkaa siirtämään dataa paikalliseen Thingsee-yhdyskäytävälaitteeseen. Siitä tieto välittyy paikan päälle asennettuun, Amazonin AWS IoT Greengrassin Edge -reunalaskentaratkaisuun.
Smart Factory perustuu Haltianin alun perin vuonna 2013 esiteltyyn Thingsee-alustaan, jota on vuosien varrella kehitetty paremmaksi. Älytehtaaseen tuodaan uusien ankaria olosuhteita kestävien Thingsee-anturien lisäksi uusi yhdyskäytävälaite sekä Amazonin AWS-pilvessä toimiva datan prosessointi ja analysointi.
Lisäksi alustassa on valinnaisena ominaisuutena yksityinen LTE, joka takaa turvallisen paikallisen langattoman yhteyden. Haltianin anturilaitteissa käytetään tamperelaisen Wirepasin IoT Mesh -verkkotekniikkaa siirtämään dataa paikalliseen Thingsee-yhdyskäytävälaitteeseen, joka sitten välittää sen paikan päälle asennettuun palvelinjärjestelmään.
- Asennus ei edellytä tuotantokatkoksia, ja digitalisointi-investoinnin kustannukset ovat 90 prosenttia pienemmät datapistettä kohden perinteisiin automaattiventtiileihin verrattuna, Haltianin toimitusjohtaja ja perustajajäsen Pasi Leipälä selittää.
Thingsee Environment Rugged -anturi valvoo langattomasti kaikkia tehtaan parametreja, kuten lämpötilaa, kosteutta, valoisuutta ja koneiden käyttöaikadataa, ja raportoi tiedot. Anturissa on kestävä IP67-luokan kotelo, ja se jaksaa mitata kahdella AAA-paristolla jopa viisi vuotta riippuen siitä, kuinka tihein välein anturi on asetettu lähettämään dataa.
Kolmas uutuustuote on Thingsee Gateway LAN -yhdyskäytävä. Se kerää dataa antureista Wirepas Mesh -protokollaa käyttävän IoT-verkkoyhteyden avulla ja kokoaa sen Ethernetin kautta paikalliseen Thingsee IoT -alustaan.
Arduino SIM käynnistyy ensin Yhdysvalloissa ja laajenee kesällä Aasiaan ja Eurooppaan. Ensivaiheessa SIM-yhteys tuodaan Arduino MKR GSM 1400 -kortille, joka toimii 3G-verkossa ja jossa GSM-yhteys toimii varalla. Arduinon suunnitelmissa on jo tuoda SIM-tuki MKR NB 1500 -kortille, jolloin sen voi liittää LTE-M- ja NB-IoT-verkkoihin.
Thingsee-alustaa on vuosi varrella paranneltu pariin kertaa ja todellinen kasvu alkoi vasta puolitoista vuotta sitten, kun Thingseestä lanseerattiin kolmas polvi.
- Sen jälkeen meillä on ollut tasaista kasvua.
Hänen mukaansa Thingsee-alusta ratkaisee useimmat IoT-kehityksen haasteet. Sen mukana tulee alustaohjelmisto, pilvi-infra, järjestelmöintegraatio, laitteiston ja ohjelmistojen integrointi, liitettävyys ja tietoliikenne. Tämän takia Thingseellä onnistuu esimerkiksi ratkaisujen nopea pilotointi ja sen avulla pääsee volyymeihin parissa viikossa, Leipälä kehuu.
Helppoutta on se, että anturien käyttöönotto ja verkkoon liittäminen onnistuu lähes keneltä tahansa QR-koodin lukemalla. Anturit konfiguroidaan jo Haltianin tehtaalla, joten käyttöönotto tapahtuu minuuteissa. Haltian tarjoaa Thingsee Toolbox -työkalut verkon käyttöönottoon ja monitorointiin. ikä verkon koolla ole väliä. – Oli kyse sitten 10 laitteesta tai miljoonista antureista, me pystymme toimittamaan ratkaisun, Leipälä sanoo.
- Uskon, että ratkaisumme on helpoin ottaa käyttöön, nopein skaalata suuremmaksi, hallittavin ja luotettavin sekä asiakkaiden mukaan myös kustannustehokkain.
A white paper from Opto 22 explains how its edge-programmable industrial controller, EPIC for short, simplifies and secures automation and industrial IoT (IIoT) deployments, while reducing cost and complexity. In addition to IIoT and other data-intensive applications, groov EPIC devices can be used to provide real-time control for all kinds of conventional automation implementations.
The document, entitled “Meet the Future: Edge Programmable Industrial Controllers,” focuses on three main communication challenges: complexity, security, and expense.
Arduino has released Arduino SIM, a SIM-only service only for IoT devices based on the Arduino platform, to provide developers and manufacturers cellular access to their IoT Cloud platform through over 100 countries with a single data plan and competitive pricing.
All major chip vendors – namely, Qualcomm, Cypress or Texas Instruments – pursuing the elusive IoT market today are discovering that the smart-home segment is a roadrunner and they are Wile E. Coyote.
The challenges of a fragmented smart home IoT frontier are manifold.
First, the smart-home segment covers a vast diversity of connected devices, ranging from door bells, door locks and smoke detectors to smart speakers and smart refrigerators. Second, they offer too many connectivity options (WiFi, Bluetooth, BLE, ZigBee, Z-Wave and Thread). Third, smart-home devices often provide little interoperability on application layers (i.e. Apple HomeKit and Samsung SmartThings). Fourth, the security gap in IoT chips is a deep quandary. Above all, power drain continues to hobble smart-home devices. When its batteries die, the device is neither connected nor smart.
Into this breach, Redpine Signals is leaping this week, with a new IoT chip called RS9116N-DBT. Integrated with dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5, and 802.15.4. with Thread stack, the new IoT chip features an ARM Cortex M4 MCU with advanced security. Redpine claimed that this chip will not just attain parity with its rivals but also will leapfrog ahead of them.
The advantages of the new IoT chip, boasted Venkat Mattela, CEO of Redpine Signals include: a) simultaneous multi-protocol wireless connectivity, 2) high-level security, 3) the ability to run edge intelligence (Redpine’s home-grown AI engine added) and 4) whole-home coverage.
Always-on sensor with Wi-Fi
Most of all, Redpine’s RS9116N-DBT “consumes less than 90 uA in Wi-Fi connected state,” Mattela claimed. This is power consumption one-fifth to one-fifteenth that of rival chipsets currently in the market
But why does Redpine insist on Wi-Fi integration in a smart-home IoT chip? In a conventional smart-home IoT setting, Wi-Fi links are often offered separately from ZigBee mesh devices.
Mattela strongly believes this is no longer the way to go.
“The only wireless technology that’s native IP supported is Wi-Fi,” he stressed. Wi-Fi must be there to offer “interoperable IP access” to every smart-home device.
MediaTek’s Rich IoT program features a series of AI-supported chipset platforms that are enabling companies to innovate and develop products across the breadth of intelligent devices market.
As the market leader of chips for voice assistant devices (VAD), we work with the world’s most well-known brands to power intelligent devices, such as smart speakers and sound bars. MediaTek’s Rich IoT program is spurring AI innovation with its platforms that enterprises, startups, emerging brands and leading OEMs in diverse markets can use; designing a wide range of IoT devices with edge-AI capabilities, new user experiences and addressing new market opportunities.
AWS Ground Station – is a fully managed service that lets you control satellite communications, process data, and scale your operations without having to worry about building or managing your own ground station infrastructure.
Redpine Signal’s new RS9116N-DBT chipset addresses the connectivity requirements of smart-home devices, such as smart locks, security cameras, home appliances, alarm systems, doorbells and robots. It also delivers the power efficiency and hardware-assisted ML functions needed for artificial-intelligence and machine-learning smart systems.
Housed in an 8.8 × 8-mm BGA package, the chipset integrates an ARM Cortex M4 microcontroller, advanced hardware security and multiple wireless protocols. It contains Wi-Fi, BT, BLE, ZigBee and Thread protocol stacks, automated mesh formation and reconfiguration capability for whole house coverage.
At first glance, Tibbits look like building blocks, but each one is a module or a connector that makes it easier to build connected devices and systems. Tibbits were created by Tibbo Technology, a Taipei-based startup that exhibited at Computex this week (it showed off a humanoid robot built from various Tibbits).
Violet released the Nabaztag Internet-connect bunny way back in 2005. In many ways, it was one of the first smart home assistants.
Unfortunately, Nabaztag hasn’t been made in years. Now, however, the iconic bunny is being brought back for a limited time with a new Raspberry Pi brain.
The updated Nabaztag is being crowdfunded through a service called Ulule
Designed for everyone from students and makers to professional designers and developers, the IoT sensing module is ready to connect to the cloud via Microsoft Azure
STMicroelectronics is launching, a ready-to-use wireless IoT and wearable sensor platform kit, for any skill level from students and makers to expert designers and developers
Microcontroller development boards, like the popular Arduino line, are great for prototyping electronic devices. But the more components you connect to them, the more complicated the wiring becomes. If you’ve got a lot of components, you’ll quickly end up with a headache-inducing rat’s nest of wires. SparkFun Electronics’ Qwiic Connect System is designed to simplify that wiring by using chainable I2C modules that require just four wires.
As announced at Maker Faire Bay Area, the Nano 33 IoT is part of the new 3.3V variant of the family with an Arm Cortex-M0+ microcontroller and a pre-certified ESP32-based WiFi and Bluetooth module from u-blox that brings sophisticated connectivity to its tiny package. The inclusion of an ECC608A crypto chip means it also offers IoT security features not usually available at such a low price point.
In essence, it places Google’s Coral Edge TPU optimized for machine learning applications on Asus’ Tinker Edge T and CR1S-CM-A SBCs outfitted with NXP’s i.MX 8M SoCs.
Coral brand for the Raspberry Pi or the company’s own Coral Dev Board, which adds a range of sensors and an OLED display. The Coral Environmental Board is designed to connect to Google’s Cloud IoT Core service, allowing you to securely link your projects and then collect, analyze, and process the sensor data using Google’s lineup of ML tools (or whatever platform you prefer).
Just over three months ago we saw the arrival of the SparkFun Edge. Built around the ultra-low-powered Ambiq Micro Apollo 3 processor, and powered by a single coin cell battery, it let you run machine learning models locally. No cloud needed. Today sees the launch of the SparkFun Artemis, all the same goodness as the Edge, but this time wrapped in a much smaller package and with much better software support.
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Tomi Engdahl says:
Palvelinmoduulilla lisää suorituskykyä ankariin olosuhteisiin
Tomi Engdahl says:
Mary Jo Foley / ZDNet:
Microsoft announces Azure SQL Database Edge, which will run on compute-constrained devices, and new AI, mixed reality, and IoT capabilities powered by Azure
Microsoft adds more AI, mixed-reality, IoT services to its Azure line-up
A couple days ahead of Build 2019, Microsoft is showcasing some new AI, MR, IoT and blockchain capabilities powered by Azure which it will be showing off at its developer confab.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tuya IoT Platform
The product quickly realizes intelligence.,
Help enterprises to solve intelligent problems easily
Tomi Engdahl says:
Femtoduino’s FemtoBeacon ESP32-D2WD Brings Wi-Fi/Bluetooth in a Dime-Sized Form Factor
Tomi Engdahl says:
Kyle Wiggers / VentureBeat:
Microsoft rolls out IoT, mapping, databases, storage, and analytics updates across Azure services, says Azure IoT Edge now integrates with Kubernetes
Microsoft rolls out IoT, mapping, databases, storage, and analytics updates across Azure services
Tomi Engdahl says:
Dieter Bohn / The Verge:
Google unveils the Google Nest Hub Max, a 10-inch smart display with a built-in camera that can act as an indoor security camera, coming this summer for $229 — It can detect your face, too — The Google Nest Hub Max is a big Google Assistant smart display with a camera on top that you can use …
Nest Hub Max: hands-on with Google’s first smart display with a camera
It can detect your face, too
Tomi Engdahl says: Moduuli on mitoiltaan 57 x 38 x 20 milliä ja tähän kokoon on saatu ahdettua myös MicroSD-korttipaikka, jolla muistin saa laajennettua aina 64 gigatavuun asti.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Mongoose OS
Commercial IoT projects launched easy
Tomi Engdahl says:
Esineiden internet asettaa IoT-solmujen mikro-ohjaimille vaatimuksia, joista aiempien sukupolvien ohjaimet eivät selviä. Cypressin uusi PSoC 6 MCU -arkkitehtuuri on kehitetty erityisesti IoT-sovelluksia varten.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Atomic Pi Brings Intel to Single-Board Computers,39194.html
The onslaught of single-board computers continued last week with the debut of Atomic Pi, a product from Digital Loggers that combines the small form factor of a Raspberry Pi with an Intel Atom processor, ostensibly because the company believes it can offer better pricing and performance that way.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Microsoft this week introduced IoT Plug and Play, a no-code toolkit for connecting Internet of Things devices to the cloud. The company touts it as a new modeling language to pump up the capabilities of IoT devices through the Microsoft Azure cloud service.
Microsoft debuts Azure SQL Database Edge and IoT Plug and Play
Tomi Engdahl says:
IoT Gateway
Get ready for Industry 4.0!
Tomi Engdahl says:
Google korttitietokone tuli Elfan jakeluun
Elfa Distrelec on lisännyt Google Coral -kehityskortin verkkokauppansa valikoimaan. Coral on korttitietokone, joka sisältää eMMC-muistin, järjestelmäpiirin, langattomat radioyhteydet sekä Google Edge TPU -yksikön.
102110260 – Coral Dev Board, Seeed Studio
Tomi Engdahl says:
Opto 22 explains edge programmable industrial controllers for IIoT
New white paper shows how an edge programmable industrial controller can simplify, reduce costs, and increase security for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and other data-intensive applications.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Top IoT development board platforms – Part 1
Tomi Engdahl says:
IoT Sensing Made Easy with Plug-and-Play Module for Any Skill Level
STMicroelectronics recently launched, a ready-to-use wireless IoT sensor platform kit that comes in three user modes to meet any skill level from students and makers to expert designers and developers. The IoT sensing evaluation kit helps designers understand how to collect and send sensor information to the cloud. It also demonstrates how easy it is to connect to the cloud thanks to out-of-the box certification to Microsoft Azure.
Tomi Engdahl says:
“Unlike the original Nano, the new Nano comes in a castellated form factor. Not only is the new Nano breadboard-compatible, it can be soldered directly onto another PCB. Which goes some way to explaining why Arduino has chosen to refresh its Nano line up.”
Introducing Four New Arduino Nanos
Say “hello!” to the next generation of Arduino Nano
Arduino reveals more powerful, low-cost Nano boards for building homemade hardware and gadgets
Tomi Engdahl says:
Arduino Is Now in the Phone Business
Introducing the new Arduino SIM card
Arduino has introduced an Arduino SIM card to help you connect to the Arduino IoT Cloud.
The new Arduino SIM is intended to go alongside the Arduino MKR GSM 1400, released back in 2017
The SIM comes with an initial 10MB of free data. However the data will expire after 90 days
Tomi Engdahl says:
Arduino SIM, the new cellular connectivity service for the Arduino IoT Cloud
. The cellular service, provided by Arm Pelion Connectivity Management, has a global roaming profile; meaning a single Arduino SIM can be used in over 100 countries worldwide with one simple data plan.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Battery Powered Smart Lock Reference Design With Cloud Connectivity Using SimpleLink™ Wi-F
This reference design demonstrates how to create a battery-powered electronic smart lock with integrated Wi-Fi®. The design demonstrates how the SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi CC3220S wireless MCU (SoC) can be used as the main system controller and network processor to create a highly integrated design. TIDC-01005 reference design combines the CC3220S with a DRV8837 1.8A low voltage brushed DC motor driver to form the core of a Wi-Fi enabled electronic smart lock design. It also features the SimpleLink Bluetooth® low energy CC2640R2F wireless MCU to demonstrate Wi-Fi provisioning over BLE. The design leverages LaunchPad™ Development kits
Tomi Engdahl says:
Langaton älytehdas – 5G-valmius ja uusia IoT-antureita
Oululainen Haltian esitteli tänään Thingsee IoT Summitissa Helsingissä älytehdasratkaisun, jossa hyödynnetään Amazonin AWS:n Greengrass -reunalaskentateknologiaa ja Thingsee IoT -alustaa uusine antureineen. Älytehdas perustuu yksityisiin LTE-mobiiliverkkoihin ja tuleviin nopeisiin 5G-verkkoihin.
Haltian anturilaitteissa hyödynnetään suomalaisen Wirepasin IoT Mesh -verkkotekniikkaa siirtämään dataa paikalliseen Thingsee-yhdyskäytävälaitteeseen. Siitä tieto välittyy paikan päälle asennettuun, Amazonin AWS IoT Greengrassin Edge -reunalaskentaratkaisuun.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Haltian haluaa anturoida älytehtaat
Smart Factory perustuu Haltianin alun perin vuonna 2013 esiteltyyn Thingsee-alustaan, jota on vuosien varrella kehitetty paremmaksi. Älytehtaaseen tuodaan uusien ankaria olosuhteita kestävien Thingsee-anturien lisäksi uusi yhdyskäytävälaite sekä Amazonin AWS-pilvessä toimiva datan prosessointi ja analysointi.
Lisäksi alustassa on valinnaisena ominaisuutena yksityinen LTE, joka takaa turvallisen paikallisen langattoman yhteyden. Haltianin anturilaitteissa käytetään tamperelaisen Wirepasin IoT Mesh -verkkotekniikkaa siirtämään dataa paikalliseen Thingsee-yhdyskäytävälaitteeseen, joka sitten välittää sen paikan päälle asennettuun palvelinjärjestelmään.
- Asennus ei edellytä tuotantokatkoksia, ja digitalisointi-investoinnin kustannukset ovat 90 prosenttia pienemmät datapistettä kohden perinteisiin automaattiventtiileihin verrattuna, Haltianin toimitusjohtaja ja perustajajäsen Pasi Leipälä selittää.
Thingsee Environment Rugged -anturi valvoo langattomasti kaikkia tehtaan parametreja, kuten lämpötilaa, kosteutta, valoisuutta ja koneiden käyttöaikadataa, ja raportoi tiedot. Anturissa on kestävä IP67-luokan kotelo, ja se jaksaa mitata kahdella AAA-paristolla jopa viisi vuotta riippuen siitä, kuinka tihein välein anturi on asetettu lähettämään dataa.
Kolmas uutuustuote on Thingsee Gateway LAN -yhdyskäytävä. Se kerää dataa antureista Wirepas Mesh -protokollaa käyttävän IoT-verkkoyhteyden avulla ja kokoaa sen Ethernetin kautta paikalliseen Thingsee IoT -alustaan.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Arduino sai oman kännykkäliittymän
Arduino SIM käynnistyy ensin Yhdysvalloissa ja laajenee kesällä Aasiaan ja Eurooppaan. Ensivaiheessa SIM-yhteys tuodaan Arduino MKR GSM 1400 -kortille, joka toimii 3G-verkossa ja jossa GSM-yhteys toimii varalla. Arduinon suunnitelmissa on jo tuoda SIM-tuki MKR NB 1500 -kortille, jolloin sen voi liittää LTE-M- ja NB-IoT-verkkoihin.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Haltian keksi teollisesta IoT:stä sen, mitä muut eivät tajua
Thingsee-alustaa on vuosi varrella paranneltu pariin kertaa ja todellinen kasvu alkoi vasta puolitoista vuotta sitten, kun Thingseestä lanseerattiin kolmas polvi.
- Sen jälkeen meillä on ollut tasaista kasvua.
Hänen mukaansa Thingsee-alusta ratkaisee useimmat IoT-kehityksen haasteet. Sen mukana tulee alustaohjelmisto, pilvi-infra, järjestelmöintegraatio, laitteiston ja ohjelmistojen integrointi, liitettävyys ja tietoliikenne. Tämän takia Thingseellä onnistuu esimerkiksi ratkaisujen nopea pilotointi ja sen avulla pääsee volyymeihin parissa viikossa, Leipälä kehuu.
Helppoutta on se, että anturien käyttöönotto ja verkkoon liittäminen onnistuu lähes keneltä tahansa QR-koodin lukemalla. Anturit konfiguroidaan jo Haltianin tehtaalla, joten käyttöönotto tapahtuu minuuteissa. Haltian tarjoaa Thingsee Toolbox -työkalut verkon käyttöönottoon ja monitorointiin. ikä verkon koolla ole väliä. – Oli kyse sitten 10 laitteesta tai miljoonista antureista, me pystymme toimittamaan ratkaisun, Leipälä sanoo.
- Uskon, että ratkaisumme on helpoin ottaa käyttöön, nopein skaalata suuremmaksi, hallittavin ja luotettavin sekä asiakkaiden mukaan myös kustannustehokkain.
Tomi Engdahl says:
New Arduino Nano Line Rolls Out in Four Flavors at Maker Faire Bay Area
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Document Explores Benefits of Edge-Programmable IIoT Controllers
A white paper from Opto 22 explains how its edge-programmable industrial controller, EPIC for short, simplifies and secures automation and industrial IoT (IIoT) deployments, while reducing cost and complexity. In addition to IIoT and other data-intensive applications, groov EPIC devices can be used to provide real-time control for all kinds of conventional automation implementations.
The document, entitled “Meet the Future: Edge Programmable Industrial Controllers,” focuses on three main communication challenges: complexity, security, and expense.
Tomi Engdahl says:
New cellular connectivity service for Arduino IoT Cloud
Arduino has released Arduino SIM, a SIM-only service only for IoT devices based on the Arduino platform, to provide developers and manufacturers cellular access to their IoT Cloud platform through over 100 countries with a single data plan and competitive pricing.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Redpine Do-It-All IoT Chip Heads for Home
All major chip vendors – namely, Qualcomm, Cypress or Texas Instruments – pursuing the elusive IoT market today are discovering that the smart-home segment is a roadrunner and they are Wile E. Coyote.
The challenges of a fragmented smart home IoT frontier are manifold.
First, the smart-home segment covers a vast diversity of connected devices, ranging from door bells, door locks and smoke detectors to smart speakers and smart refrigerators. Second, they offer too many connectivity options (WiFi, Bluetooth, BLE, ZigBee, Z-Wave and Thread). Third, smart-home devices often provide little interoperability on application layers (i.e. Apple HomeKit and Samsung SmartThings). Fourth, the security gap in IoT chips is a deep quandary. Above all, power drain continues to hobble smart-home devices. When its batteries die, the device is neither connected nor smart.
Into this breach, Redpine Signals is leaping this week, with a new IoT chip called RS9116N-DBT. Integrated with dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5, and 802.15.4. with Thread stack, the new IoT chip features an ARM Cortex M4 MCU with advanced security. Redpine claimed that this chip will not just attain parity with its rivals but also will leapfrog ahead of them.
The advantages of the new IoT chip, boasted Venkat Mattela, CEO of Redpine Signals include: a) simultaneous multi-protocol wireless connectivity, 2) high-level security, 3) the ability to run edge intelligence (Redpine’s home-grown AI engine added) and 4) whole-home coverage.
Always-on sensor with Wi-Fi
Most of all, Redpine’s RS9116N-DBT “consumes less than 90 uA in Wi-Fi connected state,” Mattela claimed. This is power consumption one-fifth to one-fifteenth that of rival chipsets currently in the market
But why does Redpine insist on Wi-Fi integration in a smart-home IoT chip? In a conventional smart-home IoT setting, Wi-Fi links are often offered separately from ZigBee mesh devices.
Mattela strongly believes this is no longer the way to go.
“The only wireless technology that’s native IP supported is Wi-Fi,” he stressed. Wi-Fi must be there to offer “interoperable IP access” to every smart-home device.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Rich IoT
Innovation in Voice, Display, and AI Vision categories
MediaTek’s Rich IoT program features a series of AI-supported chipset platforms that are enabling companies to innovate and develop products across the breadth of intelligent devices market.
As the market leader of chips for voice assistant devices (VAD), we work with the world’s most well-known brands to power intelligent devices, such as smart speakers and sound bars. MediaTek’s Rich IoT program is spurring AI innovation with its platforms that enterprises, startups, emerging brands and leading OEMs in diverse markets can use; designing a wide range of IoT devices with edge-AI capabilities, new user experiences and addressing new market opportunities.
MediaTek Products
Tomi Engdahl says:
Introducing AWS Ground Station
AWS Ground Station – is a fully managed service that lets you control satellite communications, process data, and scale your operations without having to worry about building or managing your own ground station infrastructure.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Smart-Home Chipset Extends Battery Life to Four Years
Redpine Signal’s new RS9116N-DBT chipset addresses the connectivity requirements of smart-home devices, such as smart locks, security cameras, home appliances, alarm systems, doorbells and robots. It also delivers the power efficiency and hardware-assisted ML functions needed for artificial-intelligence and machine-learning smart systems.
Housed in an 8.8 × 8-mm BGA package, the chipset integrates an ARM Cortex M4 microcontroller, advanced hardware security and multiple wireless protocols. It contains Wi-Fi, BT, BLE, ZigBee and Thread protocol stacks, automated mesh formation and reconfiguration capability for whole house coverage.
Dual-band 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi, Dual-mode Bluetooth 5 and 802.15.4
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tibbits are colorful pre-programmed modules for building IoT devices
At first glance, Tibbits look like building blocks, but each one is a module or a connector that makes it easier to build connected devices and systems. Tibbits were created by Tibbo Technology, a Taipei-based startup that exhibited at Computex this week (it showed off a humanoid robot built from various Tibbits).
Tomi Engdahl says:
Household Radar Can See Through Walls and Knows How You’re Feeling
Tomi Engdahl says:
Getting started with the new Arduino Nano Every
Tomi Engdahl says:
You Can Now Drag and Drop Files Onto Your Arduino Like a Thumb Drive
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Internet’s Favorite WiFi-Connected Bunny Is Back For a Limited Time
Violet released the Nabaztag Internet-connect bunny way back in 2005. In many ways, it was one of the first smart home assistants.
Unfortunately, Nabaztag hasn’t been made in years. Now, however, the iconic bunny is being brought back for a limited time with a new Raspberry Pi brain.
The updated Nabaztag is being crowdfunded through a service called Ulule
Tomi Engdahl says:
STMicro makes IoT sensing easier with plug-and-play module
Designed for everyone from students and makers to professional designers and developers, the IoT sensing module is ready to connect to the cloud via Microsoft Azure
STMicroelectronics is launching, a ready-to-use wireless IoT and wearable sensor platform kit, for any skill level from students and makers to expert designers and developers
Tomi Engdahl says:
Now You Can Use the Qwiic Connect System with Your Favorite Development Boards
Microcontroller development boards, like the popular Arduino line, are great for prototyping electronic devices. But the more components you connect to them, the more complicated the wiring becomes. If you’ve got a lot of components, you’ll quickly end up with a headache-inducing rat’s nest of wires. SparkFun Electronics’ Qwiic Connect System is designed to simplify that wiring by using chainable I2C modules that require just four wires.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Getting to know the new Arduino Nano 33 IoT
As announced at Maker Faire Bay Area, the Nano 33 IoT is part of the new 3.3V variant of the family with an Arm Cortex-M0+ microcontroller and a pre-certified ESP32-based WiFi and Bluetooth module from u-blox that brings sophisticated connectivity to its tiny package. The inclusion of an ECC608A crypto chip means it also offers IoT security features not usually available at such a low price point.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Arduino Boards Are Getting Cuter (and Cheaper),39371.html
Introducing Four New Arduino Nanos
Say “hello!” to the next generation of Arduino Nano
Tomi Engdahl says:
Arduino IoT Cloud: April’s New Features
Tomi Engdahl says:
Programmable-Air is an Arduino Nano-based pneumatics kit
Tomi Engdahl says:
Google Coral to Create On-Device AI-Equipped Development Boards
In essence, it places Google’s Coral Edge TPU optimized for machine learning applications on Asus’ Tinker Edge T and CR1S-CM-A SBCs outfitted with NXP’s i.MX 8M SoCs.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Google Releases Coral Environmental Sensor Board for the Raspberry Pi
Coral brand for the Raspberry Pi or the company’s own Coral Dev Board, which adds a range of sensors and an OLED display. The Coral Environmental Board is designed to connect to Google’s Cloud IoT Core service, allowing you to securely link your projects and then collect, analyze, and process the sensor data using Google’s lineup of ML tools (or whatever platform you prefer).
Tomi Engdahl says:
Say “Hello” to the SparkFun Artemis
Tiny models, but this time on tiny modules!
Just over three months ago we saw the arrival of the SparkFun Edge. Built around the ultra-low-powered Ambiq Micro Apollo 3 processor, and powered by a single coin cell battery, it let you run machine learning models locally. No cloud needed. Today sees the launch of the SparkFun Artemis, all the same goodness as the Edge, but this time wrapped in a much smaller package and with much better software support.