USB-C Just Got a Huge Upgrade – What You Need to Know,news-28949.html
The USB Implementers Forum has plan to make popular cables and ports more secure and safer for users – and give more control to equipment makers.
USB-C products have been the cause of power-surge damage to devices when users plug in a non-compliant charger and bad USB-C cable.

Most users know that USB gadgets can be dangerous because USB security is broken, but fewer users know that USB cables have also been used to infect devices with malware concealed within the cables themselves.

With proposed solution in the USB-C Authentication Program the USB-C devices will be able to recognize if a given power or data cable is compatible with the components within as a connection is made. The system will then either block or permit the transfer of data or power, depending on if the cable passes the authentication process.

The authenrication process uses 128-bit encryption and certificate system somewhat similar to ones used to authenticate web sites. At the moment this authentication will not be a mandatory addition to USB-C devices.

I have witten news about this in Finnish at

That article has links to more information.

1 Comment

  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    New Protocol Authenticates USB Type-C Chargers, Devices

    The USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) on Wednesday announced the launch of the USB Type-C Authentication Program, which aims to protect host systems against non-compliant chargers and potentially malicious devices.

    The USB Type-C Authentication specification, unveiled by the USB-IF and the USB 3.0 Promoter Group in 2016, provides the cryptographic mechanisms needed for authenticating various types of USB Type-C devices, including chargers, cables, storage drives and power sources.


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