Networking trends 2019

5G? IoT? Fiber Deep? 600G? We Are ready for networking at 2019!
For years we have all been talking about the emergence of 5G services, the Internet of Things (IoT) and the new high-capacity, low-latency network architectures that will be needed to support the resulting onslaught of bandwidth. Higher-speed data rates are critical to electronic evolution and revolution.

Here are some of my collection of newest trends and predictions for year 2018.  have picked and mixed here quotations from many articles (linked to source) with some of my own additions to make this posting.

5G: The most newsworthy stories in wireless today are all about 5G. In 2019, we enter a cautious, early-adoption phase of this next generation of wireless technology. 2019 will be the year when we see the first commercial networks turning on and first handsets arriving in the market. Only a small number of users will get a first taste of 5G in specific geographic locations, using specific applications, none of which are ubiquitous or cost-optimized. For more details read my 5G trends for 2019 posting.

Deep fiber: Deep deployment of fiber optics into national network infrastructure might not be as glamorous as the eagerly anticipated launch of fifth-generation mobile networks (5G); however, it is just as important—maybe even more important. Wired broadband access supports as much as 90 percent of all internet traffic even though the majority of traffic ultimately terminates on a wireless device. Wireline and wireless networks are driving new architectures to support the move from 4G LTE to 5G infrastructure. In fact, 5G relies heavily on fiber infrastructure. Service providers in the access market are talking about the evolution of their plants to a Fiber Deep (FD) Architecture. FD architectures move the optical node (the optical-to-electrical conversion point) deeper into the network and closer to the subscriber. This means shorter copper, faster speed, more capacity and reduction in maintenance cost for both cable TV network and telephone line based access networks.

Ethernet: Faster Ethernet speeds are taken to use. These transitions are driven by the increasing global IP traffic. Hyper-scalers and service providers are moving from 100GbE to 400GbE Ethernet rates and beyond. In this speed development 56Gb/s And 112Gb/s SerDes Matter.

TSN: Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) is a set of standards under development by the Time-Sensitive Networking task group of the IEEE 802.1 working group. TSN standards documents that are specified by IEEE 802.1 can be grouped into three basic key component categories that are time synchronization; scheduling and traffic shaping; selection of communication paths, path reservations and fault-tolerance. Industrial Ethernet networks embrace time-sensitive networking (TSN) technology to integrate operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT).

SDN: Software-defined networking (SDN) technology is an approach to cloud computing that facilitates network management and enables programmatically efficient network configuration in order to improve network performance and monitoring. SD-WAN applies similar technology to a wide area network (WAN). SD-WAN allows companies to build higher-performance WANs using lower-cost and commercially available Internet access, enabling businesses to partially or wholly replace more expensive private WAN connection technologies such as MPLS.

IPv6: IPv4 and IPv6 are the two Protocols Run the Internet in 2019. The long-forecasted day the internet runs out of addresses has arrived and it marks a paradigm shift in the internet’s evolution. Though IPv6 has been available globally since 2012, it has seen a slow, if increasing, adoption rate. The migration to IPv6 is inevitable but will take time during that both systems are in use. In many networks a notable amount of traffic is already IPv6.
New Internet protocols: Internet security gets a boost with TLS 1.3. Also HTTP is in process of switching to a protocol layered on top of UDP. Today’s HTTP (versions 1.0, 1.1, and 2) are all layered on top of TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) that is not very optimal in today’s applications as SSL over TCP requires subsequent round trips to establish the encrypted connection.

IoT: The IoT world is here, and the level and rate of convergence is increasing in volume and velocity. We will see the evolution of converged networks for IoT applications in mind. Network convergence (version 2.0) is here with changes and improvements made since the first converged network (Convergence 1.0). TIA TR-42 (Telecommunications Cabling Systems ANSI/TIA-568 family), BICSI (TDMM and others) and proprietary or third documents must adapt and adjust.

PoE: The IEEE 802.3bt standard, approved by the IEEE Standards Association Board on September 27, 2018, included some significant enhancements especially for LED lighting systems. This specification allows for up to 90W of delivered power for cable lengths of up to 100m through the use of all four pairs of wires.

Edge data centers: The decentralization of the cloud and data centers are happening. Hundreds of scaled-down micro data centers are appearing at the edge of the network to support latency-sensitive IoT devices, real-time safety systems and now self- driven cars.

Trade wars: It seem that there is a high tech “trade war” between USA and China. It affects specifically networking business. Big Chinese manufacturers Huawei and ZTE are have received sanctions and their products are not wanted by many countries citing  their business practices and potential security nightmares. For example Japan to halt buying Huawei, ZTE equipment and Huawei has been under fire in UK, just to mention examples. It seems that the business that is lost by Huawei and ZTE could benefit Ericsson and Nokia in the 5G base station markets for short term.

Security: The internet is going to hell and its creators want your help fixing it. All agree on one thing however: Right now there is a serious battle for heart and minds, the future of the internet and global society itself. There seems to be need for a conference to address the fact that people increasingly see tech as a threat and no longer as a pure force for good. Government set to revise internal rules on procurement to protect national cybersecurity. Your DNS might be broken, and you don’t even know it. Some DNS old hacks gets thrown out of use by February 1st, 2019.
WiFi: WiFi technology gets new marketing naming. The numerical sequence includes:  Wi-Fi 6 to identify devices that support 802.11ax technology, Wi-Fi 5 to identify devices that support 802.11ac technology, Wi-Fi 4 to identify devices that support 802.11n technology.

Faster mobile: Mobile networks are getting faster in many countries. Mobile networks are killing Wi-Fi for speed around the world. Average data speeds on mobile networks now outpace customer’s Wi-Fi connection, on average, in 33 countries. That’s the The State of Wifi vs Mobile Network Experience as 5G Arrives.

Energy efficiency: We need to develop more energy efficient networking technologies. Today, information and communication technologies globally consume 8% of electricity and doubles every year.



  1. Tomi Engdahl says:


  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Viasat’s new broadband satellite could be a total loss
    The mission now in peril is thought to be valued at roughly $700 million.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Uusi satelliitti ei toimi – vaatiiko omistaja lähes puolen miljardin vakuutuskorvausta?
    Viasatin uudessa satelliitissa esiintyvä ongelma on sysännyt yhtiön osakkeen arvon laskuun. Satelliitti on vakuutettu, mutta vakuutuskorvauksen vaatimisella olisi omat vaikutuksensa.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Well, they do say that fibre increases throughput. As in datacomms, so in gastroenterology

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Google’s BBRv3 TCP Congestion Control Showing Great Results, Will Be Upstreamed To Linux

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nokia kiihdytti ensimmäisenä tutkimusverkon 800 gigabittiin

    Nokia, Nomios Group ja GÉANT ilmoittivat tänään, että GÉANTin tutkimus- ja koulutusverkoissa otetaan käyttöön Nokian IP/MPLS-ratkaisu. Nokian laitteilla GÉANT tulee olemaan ensimmäinen tutkimusverkko maailmassa, joka ottaa käyttöön 800 gigabitin Ethernet-reitityksen.

    Tämä kolminkertaistaa kapasiteetin tutkimusverkon 50 000 kilometrin matkalla. GÉANT yhdistää 40 kansallista tutkimus- ja koulutusverkkoa 40 Euroopan maassa. Verkkoa käyttää 50 miljoonaa käyttäjää ja laitosta yli 100 uuteen tutkimusverkkoon kaikkialla maailmassa. Tehokas IP-runkoverkko muodostaa perustan maailmanlaajuiselle tutkijoiden yhteenliittymälle, joka keskittyy tutkimukseen eri tieteenaloilla, kuten korkean energian fysiikassa, biolääketieteessä, radioastronomiassa ja ilmastoon vaikuttavissa sääolosuhteissa.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    LEOs Hold the Key to Satellite Broadband Connectivity
    Sept. 7, 2023
    With several market drivers and enabling technologies coalescing, LEOs are filling the skies to bring broadband connectivity to the entire globe.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

    What you’ll learn:

    The rudiments of LEO constellations.
    How the space business is transitioning to support broadband infrastructure.
    Ground-station costs are falling, as is the cost of getting satellites in orbit.

    Imagine a mega-constellation of thousands of tiny low-Earth-orbit (LEO) satellites blanketing the Earth and beaming broadband signals to populations in rural, remote, and underserved regions. From the mountains of Nepal to the plains of Africa, envision fast, reliable satellite broadband connectivity providing or improving digital access for millions of people.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nokia toi IP-reititykseen täysin ohjelmoitavan prosessorin

    Nokia on esitellyt uuden 7730-reititinalustan, jota yhtiö kehuu monella tapaa vallankumouksellisesti. Ne sopivat sekä IP-runkoverkkojen, että pienempien reunaverkkojen vaatimuksiin.

    7730 SXR -reitittimien ytimessä on uusi FPcx-verkkoprosessori. Kyse on markkinoiden ensimmäisestä täysin ohjelmoitavasta NPU-piiristä, jonka mikrokoodia voidaan myöhemmin päivittää. Näin prosessori voi periaatteessa tukea myös uusia, muuttuvia standardeja.

    Ohjelmoitavuus erottaa FPcx-prosessorin tämän päivän kaupallisista ratkaisuista, joissa toiminnallisuus on sidottua, tyypillisesti yksinkertaiseen IP-pakettien tehokkaaseen siirtoon. Ohjelmoitavuus auttaa myös skaalaamaan reitittimien suorituskykyä operaattorin tarpeen mukaan.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Siruosaamisesta uuden kasvun mahdollistaja

    Elektroniikkateollisuus on yksi keskeisimmistä suomalaisista teollisuudenaloista, jonka kehityksellä on omaa alaansa laajempiakin vaikutuksia kilpailukykyymme. Business Finlandin syyskuun tilaisuudella pyritään tukemaan maamme omaa siruosaamista ja eurooppalaista tuotantoa. Tapahtuman esityskalvot ja videotallenteet ovat tulossa verkon kautta katsottavaksi .

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    11 Myths About Silicon Photonics
    June 7, 2023
    By harnessing the basic properties of light and using photonics to speed computing, systems can be made that extend Moore’s Law. However, myths have emerged about the technology. This article debunks them, setting the record straight.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Lisää vauhtia kuituun 200 gigabitin lähettimellä

    Optisissa linkeissä tarvitaan jatkuvasti lisää nopeutta. Belgialaisen mikroelektroniikan tutkimuskeskus IMECin tutkijat ovat esitelleet Glasgow´ssa ECOC-konferenssissa optisen vastaanottimen, jonka bruttotiedonsiirtonopeus on 200 gigabittiä sekunnissa.

    Tutkijoiden lähestymistavassa yhdistyvät SiGe BiCMOS -mikropiiri ja piigermanium-pohjainen valodetektori. Yhdistelmä tarjoaa kaksi tärkeää ominaisuutta, jos fotoniikkaa halutaan viedä eteenpäin: skaalautuvuus ja nopeus.

    Tulevaisuuden tietojenkäsittelytarpeen vuoksi datakeskukset tarvitsevat optiset tietoliikenneverkot, jotka toimivat yhä suuremmilla nopeuksilla. Tällä hetkellä tehokkaimmat optiset datacom-lähetin-vastaanottimet toimivat jopa 800 gigabitin datanopeudella käyttäessään 8 x 100 gigabitin kanavia.

    Kanavakapasiteetin kaksinkertaistaminen 200 gigabittiin sekunnissa pienentäisi lähetin-vastaanottimen monimutkaisuutta, sekä alentaisi sen kustannuksia ja virrankulutusta. Aiemmin 200 gigabitin lähetintä on suunniteltu InP-tekniikalla (indiumfosfodi), mikä on kalliimpi ja vähemmän skaalautuva materiaalivaihtoehto.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Comcast starts squeezing 2 Gbps symmetrical internet speeds through decades-old coaxial cables

    Colorado Springs, Atlanta and Philadelphia will be the first locales to get the X-Class upgrade.

    Comcast is upgrading its residential cable internet service to offer upload and download speeds of up to 2 Gbps through decades-old coaxial cables. The company says it’s the first ISP in the world to offer multi-gigabit symmetrical speeds to customers through DOCSIS 4.0 technology, which it’s powering through the Xfinity 10G network.

    Comcast says DOCSIS 4.0 connections are already available in tens of millions of homes across the US. Multi-gigabit download speeds have been possible via cable for several years. Upgrading to DOCSIS 4.0 will not only improve download speeds but make it possible to deliver symmetric uploads while minimizing lag and avoiding any impact to downstream service.

    Comcast has been working on this technology for several years and it aims to offer 2 Gbps symmetrical service in more than 50 million homes by the end of 2025. Since they’ll be able to access faster connections through existing coaxial cable infrastructure, many consumers won’t need to wait for Comcast to connect their home to a fiber network before they can make the most of multi-gigabit upload and download speeds.

    What’s more, DOCSIS 4.0 is capable of supporting up to 10 Gbps downstream and up to 6 Gbps upstream speeds, so coaxial cables may be able to carry even faster internet connections in the future. In a test last year, Comcast achieved download speeds of 6 Gbps and upload speeds of 4 Gbps.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    SpaceX is asking for permission under a STA license, which seems to be a stretch as their competitors are pointing out: “The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) grants Special Temporary Authority (STA) to permit immediate or temporary operation of certain radio facilities during emergencies or other urgent conditions.”

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    For the record: 10G is an “aspirational” technology rather than something the company actually provides on its cable network today.

    Comcast resists call to stop its misleading “10G Network” claims
    Comcast renamed its whole network “Xfinity 10G” despite cable’s slower speeds.

    An advertising industry group urged Comcast to stop its “10G” ads or modify them to state that 10G is an “aspirational” technology rather than something the company actually provides on its cable network today. The National Advertising Division (NAD), part of the advertising industry’s self-regulatory system run by BBB National Programs, ruled against Comcast after a challenge lodged by T-Mobile.

    In its decision announced Thursday, the NAD recommended that Comcast “discontinue its ’10G’ claims” or “modify its advertising to (a) make clear that it is implementing improvements that will enable it to achieve ’10G’ and that it is aspirational or (b) use ’10G’ in a manner that is not false or misleading, consistent with this decision.”

    National Advertising Division Recommends Comcast Discontinue or Modify “10G” Claims; Finds Xfinity “Next Generation” Claim Supported

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nokian prosessori kiihdyttää kuituyhteyksiä

    Nokia esitteli alkuvuodesta kuudennen polven optisten kytkinten prosessorinsa. PSE-6s -piirisarja on nyt esitellyt tehoaan Colt-operaattorin verkossa. Prosessorin avulla runkoyhteyden kapasiteetti ylsi 800 gigabittiin sekunnissa 1500 kilometrin matkalla.

    Onnistunut koe tehtiin liveverkossa, joka yhdistää Madridin Lissaboniin. Portugaliin. Kaistanleveyttä vaativien sovellusten, kuten suoratoiston, pilvipalvelun ja 5G-palvelujen, yleistyessä operaattoreiden on jatkuvasti parannettava verkkokapasiteettiaan vastatakseen datan ja uusien nopeiden palvelujen kasvavaan kysyntään. Seuraavan sukupolven optiiset prosessorit, kuten Nokian PSE-6, voi auttaa operaattoreita vastaamaan tähän haasteeseen lisäämällä merkittävästi nykyisen kuituverkkonsa kapasiteettia.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Marissa Newman / Bloomberg:
    Israel announces talks with SpaceX to set up Starlink, a first for the country, as a backup in case its other wartime communication systems are disrupted

    Israel Says It’s Discussing Starlink Wartime Backup With SpaceX

    Satellite internet to be used if other systems disrupted
    Israeli ministry also mulling disconnecting Gaza from internet

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Wes Davis / The Verge:
    The FCC unanimously approves a petition by Apple, Meta, Google, Microsoft, and others for access to the 6GHz band for Wi-Fi tethering for AR and VR headsets — The FCC has unanimously approved plans by several tech companies to use the 6GHz band for wireless devices.

    FCC greenlights superfast Wi-Fi tethering for AR and VR headsets
    / The FCC’s approval comes years after tech giants petitioned for access to the 6GHz band for Wi-Fi tethering.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Yksi kuva näyttää kaikki maailman merikaapelit ja kertoo, miksi ne katkeilevat

    Merikaapelit ovat internetin suonisto, joka mahdollistaa datan liikkumisen yhä useammille maailman maille, yhä nopeammin.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Miksi datakaapeleiden sijainnit ovat julkisia Suomessa? Asiasta on oltu huolissaan jo pitkään
    Viranomaiset ovat jakaneet sijaintitietoja avoimesti operaattoreiden varoituksista huolimatta

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Comcast starts squeezing 2 Gbps symmetrical internet speeds through decades-old coaxial cables
    Colorado Springs, Atlanta and Philadelphia will be the first locales to get the X-Class upgrade.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    NASA Tests Space Lasers for Next-Gen Communications Radio isn’t the only way to link ground stations with distant space probes

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kiina ottaa käyttöön maailman nopeimman internet-verkon– nopeus on kuin 150 elokuvaa sekunnissa
    Aleksi Ylä-Anttila16.11.202323:11|päivitetty17.11.202314:52VERKKOLAITTEETDIGITALOUSKIINA
    Kiinalaisten nopea edistyminen teknologiassa kiinnostaa erityisesti Yhdysvaltoja.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Morse Micro Pushes Wi-Fi to the Limits with a Two-Mile Wi-Fi HaLow Video Call Demo
    Achieved in a real-world, radio-noisy environment, Morse Micro’s transmission demo showcases Wi-Fi HaLow’s potential.


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