Networking trends 2019

5G? IoT? Fiber Deep? 600G? We Are ready for networking at 2019!
For years we have all been talking about the emergence of 5G services, the Internet of Things (IoT) and the new high-capacity, low-latency network architectures that will be needed to support the resulting onslaught of bandwidth. Higher-speed data rates are critical to electronic evolution and revolution.

Here are some of my collection of newest trends and predictions for year 2018.  have picked and mixed here quotations from many articles (linked to source) with some of my own additions to make this posting.

5G: The most newsworthy stories in wireless today are all about 5G. In 2019, we enter a cautious, early-adoption phase of this next generation of wireless technology. 2019 will be the year when we see the first commercial networks turning on and first handsets arriving in the market. Only a small number of users will get a first taste of 5G in specific geographic locations, using specific applications, none of which are ubiquitous or cost-optimized. For more details read my 5G trends for 2019 posting.

Deep fiber: Deep deployment of fiber optics into national network infrastructure might not be as glamorous as the eagerly anticipated launch of fifth-generation mobile networks (5G); however, it is just as important—maybe even more important. Wired broadband access supports as much as 90 percent of all internet traffic even though the majority of traffic ultimately terminates on a wireless device. Wireline and wireless networks are driving new architectures to support the move from 4G LTE to 5G infrastructure. In fact, 5G relies heavily on fiber infrastructure. Service providers in the access market are talking about the evolution of their plants to a Fiber Deep (FD) Architecture. FD architectures move the optical node (the optical-to-electrical conversion point) deeper into the network and closer to the subscriber. This means shorter copper, faster speed, more capacity and reduction in maintenance cost for both cable TV network and telephone line based access networks.

Ethernet: Faster Ethernet speeds are taken to use. These transitions are driven by the increasing global IP traffic. Hyper-scalers and service providers are moving from 100GbE to 400GbE Ethernet rates and beyond. In this speed development 56Gb/s And 112Gb/s SerDes Matter.

TSN: Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) is a set of standards under development by the Time-Sensitive Networking task group of the IEEE 802.1 working group. TSN standards documents that are specified by IEEE 802.1 can be grouped into three basic key component categories that are time synchronization; scheduling and traffic shaping; selection of communication paths, path reservations and fault-tolerance. Industrial Ethernet networks embrace time-sensitive networking (TSN) technology to integrate operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT).

SDN: Software-defined networking (SDN) technology is an approach to cloud computing that facilitates network management and enables programmatically efficient network configuration in order to improve network performance and monitoring. SD-WAN applies similar technology to a wide area network (WAN). SD-WAN allows companies to build higher-performance WANs using lower-cost and commercially available Internet access, enabling businesses to partially or wholly replace more expensive private WAN connection technologies such as MPLS.

IPv6: IPv4 and IPv6 are the two Protocols Run the Internet in 2019. The long-forecasted day the internet runs out of addresses has arrived and it marks a paradigm shift in the internet’s evolution. Though IPv6 has been available globally since 2012, it has seen a slow, if increasing, adoption rate. The migration to IPv6 is inevitable but will take time during that both systems are in use. In many networks a notable amount of traffic is already IPv6.
New Internet protocols: Internet security gets a boost with TLS 1.3. Also HTTP is in process of switching to a protocol layered on top of UDP. Today’s HTTP (versions 1.0, 1.1, and 2) are all layered on top of TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) that is not very optimal in today’s applications as SSL over TCP requires subsequent round trips to establish the encrypted connection.

IoT: The IoT world is here, and the level and rate of convergence is increasing in volume and velocity. We will see the evolution of converged networks for IoT applications in mind. Network convergence (version 2.0) is here with changes and improvements made since the first converged network (Convergence 1.0). TIA TR-42 (Telecommunications Cabling Systems ANSI/TIA-568 family), BICSI (TDMM and others) and proprietary or third documents must adapt and adjust.

PoE: The IEEE 802.3bt standard, approved by the IEEE Standards Association Board on September 27, 2018, included some significant enhancements especially for LED lighting systems. This specification allows for up to 90W of delivered power for cable lengths of up to 100m through the use of all four pairs of wires.

Edge data centers: The decentralization of the cloud and data centers are happening. Hundreds of scaled-down micro data centers are appearing at the edge of the network to support latency-sensitive IoT devices, real-time safety systems and now self- driven cars.

Trade wars: It seem that there is a high tech “trade war” between USA and China. It affects specifically networking business. Big Chinese manufacturers Huawei and ZTE are have received sanctions and their products are not wanted by many countries citing  their business practices and potential security nightmares. For example Japan to halt buying Huawei, ZTE equipment and Huawei has been under fire in UK, just to mention examples. It seems that the business that is lost by Huawei and ZTE could benefit Ericsson and Nokia in the 5G base station markets for short term.

Security: The internet is going to hell and its creators want your help fixing it. All agree on one thing however: Right now there is a serious battle for heart and minds, the future of the internet and global society itself. There seems to be need for a conference to address the fact that people increasingly see tech as a threat and no longer as a pure force for good. Government set to revise internal rules on procurement to protect national cybersecurity. Your DNS might be broken, and you don’t even know it. Some DNS old hacks gets thrown out of use by February 1st, 2019.
WiFi: WiFi technology gets new marketing naming. The numerical sequence includes:  Wi-Fi 6 to identify devices that support 802.11ax technology, Wi-Fi 5 to identify devices that support 802.11ac technology, Wi-Fi 4 to identify devices that support 802.11n technology.

Faster mobile: Mobile networks are getting faster in many countries. Mobile networks are killing Wi-Fi for speed around the world. Average data speeds on mobile networks now outpace customer’s Wi-Fi connection, on average, in 33 countries. That’s the The State of Wifi vs Mobile Network Experience as 5G Arrives.

Energy efficiency: We need to develop more energy efficient networking technologies. Today, information and communication technologies globally consume 8% of electricity and doubles every year.



  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Who tracked internet users in 20212022
    Every time you go online, someone is watching over you. The services you use, the websites you visit, the apps on your phone, smart TVs, gaming consoles, and any networked devices collect data on you with the help of trackers installed on web pages or in software. This report uses anonymous statistics collected between August 2021 and August 2022 by the Do Not Track component, which blocks loading of web trackers. The statistics consist of anonymized data provided by users voluntarily. We have compiled a list of 25 tracking services that DNT detected most frequently across nine regions and certain individual countries. 100% in each case represents the total number of DNT detections triggered by all 25 tracking services.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Miksi kuituliittymää ei voi ostaa Gigantista?

    Valokuituun investoidaan nyt satoja miljoonia euroja vuodessa. Valokuitusen toimitusjohtaja Heikki Kaunisto arvioi tänään jopa, että markkinat ovat kuumentumassa. Lisävauhtia haetaan kumoamalla kuituun liittyviä myyttejä ja esittelemällä niiden etuja muihin laajakaistatekniikoihin verrattuna.

    Valokuitunen selvitytti lokakuussa 2022 teetetyssä tutkimuksessa suomalaisten ajatuksia eri verkkoyhteyksistä, ympäristöasioista ja netinkäytöstä. Tutkimuksen mukaan suomalaiset arvostavat kodin hyvää internetyhteyttä. Sitä mieltä on lähes kaikki tutkimukseen vastanneet (97 %) ja erittäin tärkeänä sitä pitää 71 prosenttia suomalaisista. Eri yhteyksien paremmuutta arvioitaessa noin kaksi viidestä (37 prosenttia) arvioi valokuidun olevan paras internet-ratkaisu.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Michael Sheetz / CNBC:
    SpaceX gets FCC approval to deploy up to 7,500 next-generation Starlink internet satellites in low Earth orbit; SpaceX had applied for nearly 30K satellites

    FCC authorizes SpaceX to begin deploying up to 7,500 next-generation Starlink satellites

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How open source is revitalizing the payphone
    One of the founders of the PhilTel open source project shares why free-to-use payphones are critical to social infrastructure.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Starlink -satelliittinetti saapui Suomeen – Hinta ja nopeus selville

    Elon Muskin omistaman Starlinkin satelliittinetti on vihdoin saatavilla myös Suomessa.

    Starlink on avannut tällä viikolla palvelun maapallon pohjoisemmissa kolkissa: tämän viikon aikana Starlinkin satelliittiyhteyden tarjonta laajeni Suomen lisäksi myös Ruotsiin, Norjaan, Kanadaan sekä Yhdysvalloissa Alaskan osavaltioon.

    Aivan ilmainen Starlink ei ole Suomeenkaan tilattuna. Satelliittinetin vastaanottoon tarvittava laitteisto maksaa joko 565 euroa tai 2920 euroa. Näistä kalliimpi vaihtoehto on “high performance” -välineistö, joka eroaa peruslaitteistosta sillä, että se toimii paremmin lumen keskellä, sulattaen satelliittivastaanottimen päältä tehokkaammin lunta – lisäksi kalliimpi malli toimii paremmin myös erittäin kuumissa lämpötiloissa.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Underground Cables Are Taking the Planet’s Pulse
    Geologists are using fiber optics to monitor earthquakes, volcanoes, and traffic noise.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Microsoft acquires startup developing high-speed cables for transmitting data

    Microsoft today announced that it acquired Lumenisity, a U.K.-based startup developing “hollow core fiber (HCF)” technologies primarily for data centers and ISPs. Microsoft says that the purchase, the terms of which weren’t disclosed, will “expand [its] ability to further optimize its global cloud infrastructure” and “serve Microsoft’s cloud platform and services customers with strict latency and security requirements.”

    HCF cables have been around since the ’90s. But what Lumenisity brings to the table is a proprietary design with an air-filled center channel surrounded by a ring of glass tubes. The idea is that light can travel faster through air than glass; in a trial with Comcast in April, a single strand of Lumenisity HCF was reportedly able to deliver traffic rates ranging from 10 Gbps to 400 Gbps.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Laaja tutkimus: nettinopeudet jäävät kauaksi luvatusta

    Toimiiko nettisi sillä nopeudella, mistä maksat? Useimmiten näin ei ole, ainakaan laajan amerikkalaistutkimuksen perusteella, josta tietoturvayhtiö AtlasVPN raportoi. Pahimmillaan mitatut nopeudet jäävät alle kolmasosaan luvatuista.

    Internet-palveluntarjoajat mainostavat usein Internet-nopeuksia, jotka ovat huomattavasti suurempia kuin kuluttajien todelliset kokemat nopeudet. Tämä ristiriita voi olla turhauttavaa ja hämmentävää käyttäjille, jotka odottavat saavansa Internet-palveluntarjoajansa lupaamaa nopeutta.

    Atlas VPN -tiimin analysoimien tietojen mukaan nettinopeus voi jäädä jopa alle kolmannekseen luvatusta. Mittaukset osoittavat, että nopeammat Internet-paketit ovat yleensä kaukana todellisista nopeuksista, kun taas hitaammat liittyvät ovat lähempänä todellisia nopeuksia.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    What Is Channel Bonding? It Could Double Your Internet Speed
    UPDATED DEC 14, 2021
    Looking for ways to improve your internet speed? One option is channel bonding, which you can use with hardware and software.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Cloudflare servers don’t own IPs anymore – so how do they connect to the Internet?

    A lot of Cloudflare’s technology is well documented. For example, how we handle traffic between the eyeballs (clients) and our servers has been discussed many times on this blog: “A brief primer on anycast (2011)”, “Load Balancing without Load Balancers (2013)”, “Path MTU discovery in practice (2015)”, “Cloudflare’s edge load balancer (2020)”, “How we fixed the BSD socket API (2022)”.

    However, we have rarely talked about the second part of our networking setup — how our servers fetch the content from the Internet. In this blog we’re going to cover this gap. We’ll discuss how we manage Cloudflare IP addresses used to retrieve the data from the Internet, how our egress network design has evolved and how we optimized it for best use of available IP space.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ”Monet uskovat wifin olevan lyhenne termeistä ”wireless fidelity”, mutta tosiasiassa näin ei kuitenkaan ole. ”Lyhenne” kehitettiin yksinomaan markkinointia varten 90-luvun lopulla, eikä se tosiasiassa ole lyhenne laisinkaan.”

    Tiedätkö, mitä wifi oikeasti tarkoittaa?

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jess Weatherbed / The Verge:
    A UK law mandates new properties in England must be built with gigabit broadband connections; DCMS says gigabit connections are available in 72%+ of households

    England just made gigabit internet a legal requirement for new homes

    Updated regulations require new properties to be built with gigabit broadband connections and make it easier to install into existing blocks of flats across the UK.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    4G internet is set to arrive on the moon later this year

    Nokia is planning to launch 4G internet on the moon later this year, an executive for the company said.
    It will be used within Nasa’s Artemis 1 mission, which aims to establish a human presence on the moon.
    The aim is to show that terrestrial networks can meet the communications needs of future space missions.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nokia ennakoi TikTok-villityksen jo 15 vuotta sitten – erehtyi yhdessä asiassa

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    4G internet is set to arrive on the moon later this year

    Nokia is planning to launch 4G internet on the moon later this year, an executive for the company said.
    It will be used within Nasa’s Artemis 1 mission, which aims to establish a human presence on the moon.
    The aim is to show that terrestrial networks can meet the communications needs of future space missions.

    The Finnish telecommunications group plans to launch the network on a SpaceX rocket over the coming months, Luis Maestro Ruiz De Temino, Nokia’s principal engineer, told reporters earlier this month at the Mobile World Congress trade show in Barcelona.

    The network will be powered by an antenna-equipped base station stored in a Nova-C lunar lander designed by U.S. space firm Intuitive Machines, as well as by an accompanying solar-powered rover.

    An LTE connection will be established between the lander and the rover.

    The infrastructure will land on the Shackleton crater, which lies along the southern limb of the moon.

    Nokia says the technology is designed to withstand the extreme conditions of space.

    The network will be used within Nasa’s Artemis 1 mission, which aims to send the first human astronauts to walk on the moon’s surface since 1972.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Boeing Delivers Powerful Satellite Platform to Viasat
    - ViaSat-3 Americas is the first of three satellites to provide high-quality, affordable connectivity to global users
    - Boeing integrated Viasat’s ultra-high-capacity payload to its custom-designed 702MP+ platform, harnessing the most power ever on a communications satellite

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    “If there is some kind of collision [between Starlinks], some kind of mishap, it could immediately affect human lives.”

    Half of all active satellites are now from SpaceX. Here’s why that may be a problem
    The number of satellites in low Earth orbit is increasing faster than regulations can keep up

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Telia laajentaa laajakaistansa kattavuutta Telesten hajautetun DOCSIS 3.1- verkkoarkkitehtuuriteknologian avulla. Turkulaisyrityksen Remote PHY -laitteet on otettu laajalti jo käyttöön niin Suomessa kuin Norjassakin

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    NASA, Partners Achieve Fastest Space-to-Ground Laser Comms Link

    On April 28, NASA and its partners achieved another major milestone in the future of space communications – achieving 200 gigabit per second (Gbps) throughput on a space-to-ground optical link between a satellite in orbit and Earth, the highest data rate ever achieved by optical communications technology.

    These data rates are made possible by using laser communications, which packs information into the oscillations of light waves in lasers, instead of using radio waves like most space communications systems.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    NASA, Partners Achieve Fastest Space-to-Ground Laser Comms Link

    On April 28, NASA and its partners achieved another major milestone in the future of space communications – achieving 200 gigabit per second (Gbps) throughput on a space-to-ground optical link between a satellite in orbit and Earth, the highest data rate ever achieved by optical communications technology.

    These data rates are made possible by using laser communications, which packs information into the oscillations of light waves in lasers, instead of using radio waves like most space communications systems.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    AT&T Takes First Step Toward Offering Smartphone Satellite Service
    AT&T files to lease spectrum to AST SpaceMobile, the company behind a huge prototype communications satellite capable of beaming data to smartphones on the ground.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:


  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    NASA and MIT achieved the fastest space-to-ground laser communication yet—equivalent to transmitting 1,000 HD movies in five minutes!

    NASA’s Laser Link Boasts Record-Breaking 200 Gbps Speed Researchers doubled the downlink record they set just last year

    The TBIRD platform, currently orbiting Earth on NASA’s Pathfinder Technology Demonstrator 3 satellite, is illuminating a potential route toward very high data rate optical communications from low Earth orbit and beyond. MIT LINCOLN LABORATORY

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    THE UNTOLD STORY: How the PIX Firewall and NAT Saved the Internet

    If you’ve accessed the Internet in the past two decades, chances are you’ve done so through a network address translation (NAT) device. Where did it come from? Join us as we hear the unbelievable story first hand from the pioneers that were making it happen, and how the Internet itself was changed forever.

    Want more content like this? Support our channel! Patreon + Discord community:

    #90s #internet #technology

    00:00 — California
    00:28 — 1992
    01:23 — IP address space
    04:14 — Paul Francis
    04:43 — Public vs Private networks
    05:03 — Network address translation
    06:41 — End-to-end principle
    07:49 — JMA
    09:15 — Three solutions
    11:25 — Inventing a NAT device
    14:57 — NTI and the PIX Firewall
    17:02 — Cisco
    17:56 — The triumph of the PIX
    19:12 — Looking back
    21:17 — Outro

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Millaisen viiveen reaaliaikainen netti vaatii?

    Saksalainen DE-CIX käynnisti toukokuun lopulla viikolla Suomen kolmannen internetin yhdyspisteen. Sen myötä käyttäjille tulevat entistä nopeammat yhteydet. Toimitusjohtaja Ivo Ivanov maalaili jo tulevaisuutta, jossa virtuaalinen maailma toimii yhtä nopeasti kuin reaalinen. Tälle verkolle asettuvat melkoiset vaatimukset erityisesti latenssin suhteen.

    DE-CIX käynnisti toukokuun lopussa Suomen kolmannen Internet-yhdyspisteen Nokian reitittimillä. Parantuneiden yhteyksien myötä Suomi on taas lähempänä muita Pohjoismaita ja Eurooppaa. Mutta mitä se tarkoittaa reaaliaikaisen, tai immersiivisen internetin kannalta?

    Maailmalla on tutkittu paljonkin sitä, millaisen viiveen ihmisaivot kokevat luonnolliseksi tai miellyttäväksi eri tilanteissa. Kosketuksen aistimuksessa viive voi olla 20 millisekuntia, näköärsykkeen havaitsemissa alle 13 millisekuntia ja äänen kuulemisessa alle puoli millisekuntia. Tämä tarkoittaa, että ollakseen oikeasti immersiivisen, sallitaan esimerkiksi AR/VR-kokemukselle millisekuntitason viive.

    Valon nopeus on 300 tuhatta kilometriä sekunnissa, mutta Ivanov muistutti, että yhdessä millisekunnissa signaali kulkee optimaalisissa olosuhteissa maksimissaan 80 kilometrin päähän. Tämä on siis ns. RTT-aika eli aika, joka datapaketilta kuluu matkata laitteesta kohteeseen ja takaisin. Käytännössä tämä tarkoittaa, että datan pitää olla paljon lähempänä, jotta kokemus olisi miellyttävä.

    DE-CIX:n uuden Equinixin datakeskuksessa sijaitsevan yhdyspisteen ansiosta Suomen ja Frankfurtin välinen ”matka” kutistuu alle 25 millisekuntiin

    DE-CIX nojaa laitteisiin esimerkiksi Nokian 7750 SR1-reitittimiin, joiden moottorina on FP5-fotoniikkaprosessori. Se on markkinoiden ensimmäinen 800G-tasoiset runkoyhteydet mahdollistava prosessori.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Starlink crosses 500 Mbps in multiple download speed tests.

    Starlink Posts Stunning 600 Mbps+ Download Speed & Shocks In Multiple Tests

    SpaceX’s Starlink satellite internet constellation continues to deliver stunning download speeds in Germany. The network, comprised of thousands of satellites, became well known all over for its remarkable download speeds soon after it was opened for public participation. However, the hype around Starlink, the world’s first commercially successful low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite internet, led to millions of users signing up for SpaceX’s service – faster than SpaceX could add capacity. This led to performance downgrades across areas of high demand, particularly in several regions of America. However, now and then, Starlink reminds everyone of its true potential, and that’s the case with today’s internet tests.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    New Hollow-core Optical Fiber Is Clearer Than Glass An optical fiber with a hollow core could transmit higher power than standard solid-core fibers.

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    AST’s BlueWalker Satellite Successfully Delivers 10Mbps Download Speeds

    The huge prototype satellite was able to deliver the 4G download speeds repeatedly to unmodified consumer smartphones.

    A prototype satellite designed to beam internet to unmodified smartphones has done just that, successfully delivering 4G speeds to off-the-shelf phones based in Hawaii.

    On Wednesday, the satellite’s developer, AST SpaceMobile, announced the achievement, which brings the company a step closer to delivering satellite-based broadband to locations “where cellular coverage is either unreliable or simply does not exist today.”

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Lasers enable internet backbone via satellite, may soon eliminate need for deep-sea cables

    Optical data communications lasers can transmit several tens of terabits per second, despite a huge amount of disruptive air turbulence. ETH Zurich scientists and their European partners demonstrated this capacity with lasers between the mountain peak, Jungfraujoch, and the city of Bern in Switzerland. This will soon eliminate the necessity of expensive deep-sea cables.

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Bob Kahn on the Birth of “Inter-networking” A codeveloper of TCP/IP explains what led to his collaboration with Vint Cerf

    IEEE Spectrum recently published a profile of Vint Cerf, who together with Bob Kahn developed what later became known as TCP/IP, the suite of protocols that power the Internet. That article didn’t detail the events leading up to their influential technical collaboration, though. So IEEE Spectrum talked with Kahn to learn this part of the story and his conception of open-architecture networking.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    THE UNTOLD STORY: How the PIX Firewall and NAT Saved the Internet

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    EEVblog 1551 – DESTROYED Ukrainian Starlink PCB! – Mailbag

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Cheap AliExpress 1U Server with 10GbE ports – Ideal for PFSense! – BKHD Intel Atom C3558

    00:00 – Introduction
    06:13 – Hardware Tour
    13:12 – Teardown
    14:05 – Safety Warning
    17:40 – Motherboard Tour
    24:25 – Included Fans
    29:37 – First Power Up
    32:10 – Looking at the BIOS
    33:44 – Installing PFSense
    40:10 – It’s better than I ordered!
    42:56 – Performance Testing Results
    50:13 – Power Consumption
    50:53 – Fan Replacement
    58:52 – Conclusion


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