Apollo 11 celebration week

This week seems to have many news related to 50 years of Apollo 11 spaceflight. Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon. Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin, both American, landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle on July 20, 1969, at 20:17 UTC. Moon is not just history. Today, a new rush of enthusiasm for lunar exploration has swept up government space agencies, commercial space companies funded by billionaires, and startups that want in on the action. Here’s the tech they’re building that may enable humanity’s return to the moon, and the building of the first permanent moon base.

Here are some links related to Apollo 11:

Apollo 11 mission overview by NASA

Apollo 11 Wikipedia

Apollo 11 really landed on the Moon—and here’s how you can be sure (sorry, conspiracy nuts)

Over 8,400 NASA Apollo moon mission photos have landed online

The code that took America to the moon was published to GitHub, and it’s like a 1960s time caps

Open Apollo Guidance Computer DSKY: 13 Steps (with Pictures) – Commemorate Apollo 11′s 50th anniversary with your very own open source AGC/DSKY.

Three Steps to a Moon Base – Space agencies and private companies are working on rockets, landers, and other tech for lunar settlement

Here is a picture of moon from Wikipedia:




  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Just watching movie on this “Kuuma linkki kuuhun, pe 19.7. klo 21.00 Yle Teema & fem” event:

    Apollo 11: ‘I helped the world watch Moon landing’

    About 600 million people watched Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the Moon in July 1969.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:


  3. Varun Sharma says:

    There are going to be events and activities galore to celebrate the anniversary, honour the historic achievement, and explore how the space program is preparing for the future.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Apollo 11 astronauts left this retroreflector on the lunar surface in 1969… and it’s still going strong.


  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Real Story Behind the Apollo 11 Computer Error | WSJ

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  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    With Chandrayaan-2 launch, India’s ISRO shoots for the Moon on a shoe-string budget

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    MIT Science Reporter—”Computer for Apollo” (1965)

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Chris Kraft, a legend, was instrumental in getting USA to the Moon.

    Chris Kraft, NASA’s first flight director, dies at 95

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Adam Ruins Everything – Why the Moon Landing Couldn’t Have Been Faked


  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Everyone Missed An Apollo 11 Mistake, And It Almost Killed The Astronauts Returning To Earth

    Virgin Galatic Reaches $800M Deal To Go Public
    This deal will make Virgin Galactic the first publicly traded space tourism company.

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    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin raise the American Flag on the Moon, with the shadow of the Lunar Module (where the camera is mounted) seen in nearby. The astronauts might not have successfully returned to Earth, however, if the procedure used to jettison the fuel from the Service Module had let it come into contact with the Command Module. (NASA/ullstein bild via Getty Images)
    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin raise the American Flag on the Moon, with the shadow of the Lunar Module (where the camera is mounted) seen in nearby. The astronauts might not have successfully returned to Earth, however, if the procedure used to jettison the fuel from the Service Module had let it come into contact with the Command Module. (NASA/ullstein bild via Getty Images) GETTY
    Even from our perspective in 2019, 50 years later, humanity’s achievements from July, 1969, still mark the pinnacle of crewed spaceflight. For the first time in history, human beings successfully landed on the surface of another world.

    According to our records, the flight plan of Apollo 11 went off without a hitch.

    It all sounds so simple and straightforward, which obscures the real truth: for every one of these steps, there were hundreds (or more) potential points of failure that everyone involved needed to guard against.

    Re-entry, in principle, ought to be straightforward for the astronauts returning from the Moon.

    Fortunately for everyone, none of the debris resulting from the Service Module’s re-entry impacted the Command Module,

    There was a fault in how the Service Module was configured to jettison its remaining fuel: a problem that was later discovered to have occurred aboard the prior Apollo 8 and Apollo 10 missions as well.

    Fortunately for everyone, they did get lucky.

    Those first four crewed trips to the Moon — Apollo 8, 10, 11 and 12 — could have all ended in potential disaster.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Did We Mishear Neil Armstrong’s Famous First Words on the Moon?

    On July 20, 1969, an estimated 650 million people watched in suspense as Neil Armstrong descended a ladder towards the surface of the Moon.

    As he took his first steps, he uttered words that would be written into history books for generations to come: “That’s one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.”

    Or at least that’s how the media reported his words.

    But Armstrong insisted that he actually said, “That’s one small step for a man.”

    Despite confusion over Armstrong’s words, speakers and listeners have a remarkable ability to agree on what is said and what is heard.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    One Apollo 11 Experiment Is Still Going 50 Years Later

    If nothing else will convince someone that humans once walked on the moon, NASA’s lunar ranging experiment (LURE) should. It’s because of that experiment that scientists know the precise distance between the Earth and the moon with centimeter accuracy.

    The laser pulse traveled to the moon and returned after reflecting off a 1-meter-wide array of mirrors—retroreflectors—that Apollo 11 astronauts had placed on the lunar surface

  14. geometry dash says:

    It’s great to be here with everyone, I have a lot of knowledge from what you share, to say thanks, the information and knowledge here helps me a lot.

  15. Vg247 says:

    Many Thanks for the shared this informative and interesting post with me.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) source code for the command and lunar modules.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A deep dive into the Apollo Guidance Computer, and the hack that saved Apollo 14
    How on Earth do you patch the software on a computer orbiting the Moon? Very carefully.

    Commanded by Alan Shepard, the only original Mercury astronaut to make it to the Moon on an Apollo mission, Apollo 14 was a reflight of Apollo 13′s abandoned lunar landing plan.

    However, less than four hours before the scheduled landing, controllers noticed that according to the indications on their consoles in Mission Control, the LM’s Abort pushbutton appeared to have been pressed. When asked via radio, Shepard confirmed that no one on board Antares had pressed the Abort button—which meant there was a short-circuit or other electrical issue somewhere inside the LM’s complicated guts.

    This was potentially a mission-ending problem: if the button was pressed and the engine was firing, the LM would immediately begin its abort procedure as soon as the lunar descent started, making a landing impossible.

    Under hard time pressure, the ground had to quickly figure out what was wrong and devise a workaround. What they came up with was the most brilliant computer hack of the entire Apollo program, and possibly in the entire history of electronic computing

    all the software for the flight to the Moon and back had to fit in 36K words (15 bits long, plus 1 bit for parity) of read-only core rope memory

    AGC had a trivial 2k words of RAM—necessary for the operating system, process management, recovery, and global variables for all mission phases. That’s it.

    Up to eight Jobs could run in the LM’s AGC (seven in the CSM’s AGC),

    The crew, superbly trained in all aspects of the mission, demonstrated their superior tapping skills and the Abort bit cleared itself.

    The failure was unpredictable, and true to Murphy, would likely recur at the worst possible time.

    idea that a single errant switch could derail a lunar landing attempt was unacceptable. After the mission, a new variable in the AGC code was introduced that allowed the crew to “mask out” (that is, to ignore) the Abort and Abort Stage pushbuttons. The scenario assumed that a failing switch would be recognized well before the descent began, and commands could be entered in time to prevent an inadvertent abort.

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