NanoVNA handheld Vector Network Analyzer (VNA)

NanoVNA is a small handheld Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). It is equippedwith lcd display, portable device with battery(battery not included). This project aim to provide an RF gadget but useful instrument for enthusiast. The device hardware offers 50k-300MHz frequency range that can be expended up to 900 MHz (with somewhat less dynamics on higher frequencies). It has built-in touch display. You can use the USB interface to connect to computer communications or connect standard 5V charger charging. This looks like a very interesting piece of open hardware that I need to test some day because it cost only around $50-80 depending where you buy it:
The NanoVNA, a beginners guide to the Vector Network Analyzer

350 NanoVNA Vector Network analyzer 900MHz VNA for $50

Using the NanoVNA to Measure Antenna SWR and Resonance

NanoVNA and its operation by lever switch

nanoVNA Calibration

358 NANOVNA Rubber Duck Antenna measurements

357 NANOVNA LP Low Pass Filter

360 NANOVNA accuracy

359 NANOVNA USB control from PC using NANOVNAsharp

358 NANOVNA Rubber Duck Antenna measurements

Markers get working on NanoVNA; tiny handheld vector network analyzer

361 NANOVNA measuring inductance in a 50ohm load

362 NANOVNA making a Female SMA Calibration set




  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Bypass capacitor S-parameter models: What you need to know–What-you-need-to-know

    S-parameter models are small-signal linear behavioral models of a component or circuit with any number of ports. They can easily capture frequency dependencies. S-parameters can, for example, properly capture the decay of capacitance, the complete variations of effective series resistance, and the lowering of inductance, as frequency increases. They can even capture secondary internal resonances. Between a Start and Stop frequency, the complex values of the S matrix elements are listed at a series of frequencies.

  2. Julio Simon Deneufchâtel says:

    I bought two NanoVNAs, and either both are not recognizad when conected to my W10 running PC.
    Any help?
    Thanks in advance,

    • Tomi Engdahl says:

      For me it was just Plug&Play when I plugged it to my PC. It was properly recognized as serial port.
      Check the driver issues and USB cable would be a good idea to start I think.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The NanoVNA-F is the improved version of the eponym open-source antenna and vector network analyzer (VNA) which covers HF, VHF and UHF bands from 50 KHz to 1000 MHz.

    This new version of the NanoVNA has a larger IPS TFT 4.3″ (10.9cm) touch screen with a resolution of 800×480

    [US$119.99 25% OFF]NanoVNA-F Portable Handheld Vector Network Analyzer SWR Meter 50KHz-1000MHz 4.3 Inch IPS TFT Digital Display Touching Screen Shortwave MF HF VHF Antenna Analyzer Measurement & Analysis Instruments from Tools, Industrial & Scientific on

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Circuits that can be analyzed using network analyzers range from simple devices such as filters and amplifiers to complex modules used in communications satellites. A network analyzer is the most complex and versatile piece of test equipment in the field of RF engineering. It is used in applications in research and development and also for test purposes in production.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    NanoVNA V2
    NanoVNA V2 3GHz Vector Network Analyzer

    3GHz second generation NanoVNA vector network analyzer, designed in collaboration with OwOComm.


    Frequency range: 50kHz – 3GHz
    System dynamic range (calibrated): 70dB (up to 1.5GHz), 60dB (up to 3GHz)
    S11 noise floor (calibrated): -50dB (up to 1.5GHz), -40dB (up to 3GHz)
    Sweep rate: 100 points/s
    Display: 2.8”, 320 x 240
    USB interface: Micro USB
    Power: USB, 300mA
    Battery: not included. Includes charging circuitry. User can install a 1000mAh – 2000mAh lithium-ion battery with maximum dimensions 6 x 40 x 60 mm.
    Battery connector: JST-XH 2.54mm
    Maximum sweep points (on device): 201
    Maximum sweep points (USB): 1024
    VNA-QT software supported platforms: Linux, Windows (7+), Mac OS planned

    User guide:

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Learning About VNAs

    #312: Back to Basics: What is a VNA / Vector Network Analyzer

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Use NanoVNA-F’s TDR function to measure the physical length of the cable and RF Demo Kit experiment

    This video tutorial demonstrates how to use NanoVNA-F’s TDR function to measure the physical length and electrical delay of a coaxial cable.

    Before measuring the physical length of the coaxial cable correctly, you need to know the Velocity Factor of the coaxial cable. The cable type used in this video is RG178, and the Velocity Factor is 0.69 or 69%.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    NanoVNA-F, NanoVNA-Fairy, FreeRTOS version of edy555′s NanoVNA.
    Comes with metal case! and SMA-JJ RG316 kabel 20CM x2
    Project Description:
    NanoVNA-F is a product made by BH5HNU based on the Open Source Project of NanoVNA( Thanks to hugen’s creative idea to use harmonics output by Si5351, we designed NanoVNA-F to expand the measurement range to 1GHz, where S11 still has 40dB dynamic range at 1GHz.


  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Patomac Valley Radio Club has an informative powerpoint slide presentation done by Doug Hart, AA3S that has been put into PDF format.

    Go to this website, look for “NanoVNA Introduction…” and grab the PDF file. It describes (in part) how to use this device for testing discrete components.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Don’t forget to calibrate at the end of that fixtures, otherwise the readings will be wrong.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    If you are considering a new NanoVNA purchase consider the following.

    There is only a small price difference (10 to 20 USD) between the 2.8″ NanoVNA-H and 4″ NanoVNA-H4 screen versions. And the -H4 has improved circuitry and beta firmware pushes the maximum frequency above 2 GHz. So the NanoVNA-H4 is a “best buy in this category”. Personally I would not consider buying a 2.8″ screen NanoVNA especially from a generic vendor (none -H version).

    If you want a higher resolution (more pixels) 4.3″ screen and metal case the NanoVNA-F is your other choice. Firmware is only available form one source and has a slower release cycle than the nanoVNA-H/H4 but the firmware shipped with the unit is more than adequate for most users. The nanoVNA-F is more expensive than the NanoVNA-H4 but some like the extra features (metal case, pushbuttons instead of jog switch and bigger battery)

    If you need a higher maximum frequency (above 3 GHz.) then the SAA-2 (“NanoVNA V2″)is the only low cost option. There is limited availability of this product and slow firmware support with only one developer writing code.

    So in essence pick one of the three options and have fun…..

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    NanoVNA is very tiny handheld Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). It is standalone with lcd display, portable device with battery. This project aim to provide an RF gadget but useful instrument for enthusiast. This Device Is very accurate.
    Innovated by Japan edy555 (
    Update Firmware:

    Getting Started with the NanoVNA -part 1

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    #368? How to build performing antennas for LoRa, WiFi, 433MHz, Airplanes etc.(NanoVNA, MMANA-GAL)

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nanovna windows software recommendations from


    I use the OneofEleven NanoVNA app because it has more features and better scaling than NanoVNA Saver. But you need the latest firmware by Hugen or DiSlord in order to use it. It is available for free download here as a compressed .rar file >>


    NanoVNA Sharp


    RIgExpert AntScope2

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    LibreVNA Is A Quality Open Hardware Vector Network Analyser

    There was a time when a Vector Network Analyser or VNA was the type of instrument that cost as much as a very fancy car or even a small house. The advent of commodity semiconductors that perform at high RF frequencies coupled with microcontrollers powerful enough to handle the data acquisition and processing might not yet have put those high-perfomance instruments within reach, but at our end of the market it’s opened the possibilities for some useful yet affordable devices. A fresh contender comes from [Jankae], whose LibreVNA tops out at 6 GHz and shows some significant attention to design detail that puts it above some of the budget offerings.

    At its heart is the versatile Si5351 multi-way clock generator, accompanied by a pair of MAX2871 phase-locked-loop chips for the higher frequency local oscillators. A switched bank of low-pass filters take care of local oscillator harmonics, and in the receive chain there are ADL5081 mixers feeding a dual conversion IF running at 70 MHz and then 300 kHz. Finally the ADCs are Microchip’s MCP3313, and all is kept in sync by an FPGA and an STM32G431 microcontroller. The main data proccessing is offloaded to a host computer, with a software package and GUI able to be compiled on Windows, Linux, and OSX.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Automatic antenna test

    Julkaistu 17.11.2020
    360 Degree automatic antenna pattern tester made from lego and a BASH script.

    Mark Steele asked why I didn’t get a turntable, excellent idea! So I half inched the kid’s Lego Mindstorms to make an antenna test turntable and I wrote some code to move the antenna around two degrees at a time and take a measurement.

    I then put those measurements into a spreadsheet and made a radar chart so we can compare the antenna patterns of the Harvard antenna and the same antenna with a reflector on the back.

    It was fun!

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    NanoVNASaver, NanoVNA-QT and NanoVNASharp, all working in Windows.
    Also AntScope from RigExpert

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tip seen at nanoVNA discussion:

    I will give you a handy tip when tuning your antennas on the spot, have the NanoVNA running with the desktop software (Nanovna saver or something like that) and install a remote desktop tool (Teamviewer, anydesk, etc.) to your mobile. Now you will be able to see a live update of SWR, Z on your mobile while tuning your antenna atop the mast.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    NanoVNA is a useful tool in telling if an antenna is a good one or not. In this video, we use the same for maximizing our range and hence rewards by identifying the best antenna for our hotspots/gateways.

    Instructables for the project:

    GitHub for this:

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Feature update september 2021

    This video demonstrates some of the new features in the V1.3317 firmware update.
    Most important change is the new TRACE menu allowing full flexibility on how to use the three available traces.
    An advanced feature demonstrated is how to compensate frequency dependent gain of an amplifier or antenna using a stored trace defined by a table modeling the main versus frequency

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    NanoVNA Sorts Unknown Ferrite Suppression Beads

    Because suppression ferrites aren’t marked, its difficult to know what frequencies they work on. Now you can use the popular NanoVNA along with free software to graph the unknown ferrite’s impedance over frequency.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Review, Experiments and Teardown of a NanoVNA-F V2 Vector Network Analyzer

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Boost In-Situ Reflection Measurement Accuracy with a Portable VNA
    Feb. 9, 2022
    Return loss measurement of a device on the end of a long cable is problematic. This article examines the reason behind that issue and how to mitigate it.

    What you’ll learn:

    Understand the network diagram for VNA measurement error terms.
    What are the effects of various residual errors on the outcome of the measurement?
    Learn the only viable solution to the problem of return-loss measurement of a DUT at the end of a lossy feed line.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    #349: Club Presentation: Smith Charts – the NanoVNA and your antenna – matching network design

    This is a recording of a presentation given (via Zoom) to the W6SD San Fernando Valley Amateur Radio Club on 18 Feb 2020. It is a combination of several videos that I’ve done in the past – including an introduction to Smith charts, using the NanoVNA (and Smith charts) to look at the impedance and SWR of your antenna system and matching network, with a bit of “extra credit” showing L-Network design using the Smith chart. Enjoy!

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    mmWave Mixer Measurements with a Low Frequency VNA

    It is important to use the right equipment for the right measurement to get results that are accurate. Precision millimeter-wave (mmWave) measurements normally require a VNA with built-in capability or mmWave extenders to augment the frequency range. This equipment may be used to evaluate mmWave mixers which are commonly used to up-convert or down-convert 5G signals back and forth from baseband frequencies.


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