Silent attacks against voice assistants

Now there are two attack vectors to send commands to voice assistant from distance without anyone in the room hearing: ultrasounds and laser.

Audio Hotspot Attack Crosses the Ultrasonic Beams to Send Silent Commands to Voice Assistants

Lasers Can Take Over Voice Assistant Systems From Long Distances, Research Finds
From a distance of more than 300 feet and through a glass window, a laser beam can trick a voice-controlled virtual assistant like Siri, Alexa or Google Assistant


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Researchers identified a vulnerability that allows a microphone to ‘unwittingly listen to light as if it were sound’

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    All of us knew this was possible.

    Breaking Into a Smart Home With A Laser – Smarter Every Day 229

    This work was performed by a team of researchers at the University of Michigan and University of Electro-Communications in Japan. For more information check out their website

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Light Commands can hack voice assistants and other smart devices using a laser beam to target their MEMS-based mic using inaudible commands.

    Researchers Use Laser Light Commands to Hack Smart Devices

    Light Commands can hack voice assistants and other smart devices using a laser beam to target their MEMS-based mic using inaudible commands.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    SurfingAttack Sends Ultrasonic Commands to Phones, Smart Speakers Through the Table Surface

    By transmitting commands through the surface of a table, researchers have successfully attacked voice assistants without detection.

  5. Fluix Software says:

    The new attack exploits the non-linear nature of MEMS microphone circuits to transmit harmful ultrasonic signals. To do this, the experts used a simple $ 5 piezoelectric transducer that was attached to the tabletop. To hide what was happening from the victim, the researchers adjusted the volume of the attacked device’s responses using a directed ultrasonic command, but they themselves were still able to record the assistant’s voice responses through a hidden “bug” located under the table.


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