CES 2020

CES (Consumer Electronics Show) is the world’s gathering place in January at Las Vegas for all those who thrive on the business of consumer technologies. This event owned and produced by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)® has served for 50 years to introduce next-generation innovations to the global marketplace.

Here are some interesting news I saw today on my newsfeeds:

Sony introduced an electrical concept car prototype.

Finnish companies Bittium and Rightware show their talent for Android in cars.

Qt is showing newest HMI (Human-Machine-Interface) for cars (Qt for Android Automotive OS HMI) and Canatu shows touch controls.

Nvidia and Asus show computer monitors with 360 Hz (2.8 ms) refresh rate.

LG’s 8K and 4K OLED TVs at CES 2020

LG Display’s flexible screen first look at CES 2020

Sandisk shows that you can now fit 8 terabytes of storage to your pocket.

Pollen Robotics is selling an open-source platform designed for prototyping and research purposes. Take a look at Pollen Robotics Reachy hands-on at CES 2020


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    BMW announced a lot of new tech for its upcoming cars, but it’s also highlighting some of the work it’s doing on creating the right kind of creature comforts for when autonomous driving takes off. https://tcrn.ch/2TW5i3k

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Smart contact lens: ‘It feels seriously sci-fi’
    Smart contact lenses have been a popular concept in films for many years and may now finally have arrived in reality.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Velodyne Will Sell a Lidar for $100

    Velodyne claims to have broken the US $100 barrier for automotive lidar with its tiny Velabit, which it unveiled at CES earlier this month.

    “Claims” is the mot juste because this nice, round dollar amount is an estimate based on the mass-manufacturing maturity of a product that has yet to ship. Such a factoid would hardly be worth mentioning had it come from some of the several-score odd lidar startups that haven’t shipped anything at all. But Velodyne created this industry back during DARPA-funded competitions, and has been the market leader ever since.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Data Centers Drive DDR5 Demand

    Micron Technology chose CES 2020 to unveil its DDR5 chip, which is ironic, since the latest iteration of DRAM will initially find the most demand from data center applications before popping up in client devices. In amongst giant wall-mounted LEDs, smartphones, and “impossible pork,” Micron announced it had begun sampling its DDR5 Registered DIMMs based on its industry-leading 1znm process …

    Data Centers Drive DDR5 Demand

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The show floor at CES 2020 was packed with lidar companies exhibiting in larger spaces, seemingly in greater numbers than before. That seemed at odds with reports that 2019 had been a sort of correction year for the industry, so I met with executives and knowledgeable types at several companies to hear their take on the sector’s transformation over the last couple of years.


  6. Tomi Engdahl says:


    World of AI is getting better everyday..
    This is NEON, your personal virtual assistant with Artificial Intelligence.. an “artificial human” designed by the #Samsung technology & Advanced Research Labs was shown at the CES 2020 tech show.

    Samsung says: Neon will have memories and display emotions.
    Neons can converse, sympathise like real human beings. They appear on a screen, listen and give lifelike responses and can speak in any language. Neons will be our friends, collaborators, and companions, continually learning, evolving, and forming memories from their interactions. They can act as teachers, financial advisers, health care providers, actors, spokespeople, TV anchors..

    The demo at #CES2020 was running on PC with two 128-core CPU.
    The technology platform powering the Neons is called CORE R3.
    An additional platform still in development called SPECTRA will complement Core R3 with more artificial intelligence, machine learning, emotions and memory. It’s what gives a Neon its mind, heart and soul.

    #CoreR3 #NEON #technology #science #future #cyberpunk #GhostSquadHackers #AI #ArtificialIntelligence

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    These glasses from Bosch use tiny lasers to project an image directly onto your retina.

    Bosch Gets Smartglasses Right With Tiny Eyeball Lasers

    If I’m very lucky, I’ll find one or two things that really blow my mind. And it almost always takes a lot of digging, because the coolest stuff is rarely mentioned in keynotes or put on display. It’s hidden away in private rooms because it’s still a prototype that likely won’t be for ready the CES spotlight for another year or two.

    Deep inside Bosch’s CES booth, I found something to get excited about.

    Bosch agreed to give me a private demo of its next-generation Smartglasses, which promise everything that Google Glass didn’t quite manage to deliver.

    A few weeks before CES, Bosch teased the new Smartglasses prototype with this concept video

    Lightweight and slim, with a completely transparent display that’s brightly visible to you and invisible to anyone else, the smart glasses in this video seem like something that could be really useful without making you feel like a huge dork. But concept videos are just that

    A custom fitting is necessary is because of how the glasses work. Rather than projecting an image onto the lenses of the glasses themselves, the Bosch “Light Drive” uses a tiny microelectromechanical mirror array to direct a trio of lasers (red, green, and blue) across a transparent holographic element embedded in the right lens, which then reflects the light into your right eye and paints an image directly onto your retina. For this to work, the lasers have to pass cleanly through your pupil, which means that the frame and lenses have to be carefully fitted to the geometry of your face (frames with prescription lenses work fine).


  8. Thanh says:

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    Wish you have good health and keep up writing to serve the community over the worlds


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