Here are some web trends for 2020:
Responsive web design in 2020 should be a given because every serious project that you create should look good and be completely usable on all devices. But there’s no need to over-complicate things.
Web Development in 2020: What Coding Tools You Should Learn article gives an overview of recommendations what you learn to become a web developer in 2020.
You might have seen Web 3.0 on some slides. What is the definition of web 3 we are talking about here?
There seems to be many different to choose from… Some claim that you need to blockchain the cloud IOT otherwise you’ll just get a stack overflow in the mainframe but I don’t agree on that.
Information on the web address bar will be reduced on some web browsers. With the release of Chrome 79, Google completes its goal of erasing www from the browser by no longer allowing Chrome users to automatically show the www trivial subdomain in the address bar.
You still should target to build quality web site and avoid the signs of a low-quality web site. Get good inspiration for your web site design.
Still a clear and logical structure is the first thing that needs to be turned over in mind before the work on the website gears up. The website structure for search robots is its internal links. The more links go to a page, the higher its priority within the website, and the more times the search engine crawls it.
You should upgrade your web site, but you need to do it sensibly and well. Remember that a site upgrade can ruin your search engine visibility if you do it badly. The biggest risk to your site getting free search engine visibility is site redesign. Bad technology selection can ruin the visibility of a new site months before launch. Many new sites built on JavaScript application frameworks do not benefit in any way from the new technologies. Before you go into this bandwagon, you should think critically about whether your site will benefit from the dynamic capabilities of these technologies more than they can damage your search engine visibility. Well built redirects can help you keep the most outbound links after site changes.
If you go to the JavaScript framework route on your web site, keep in mind that there are many to choose, and you need to choose carefully to find one that fits for your needs and is actively developed also in the future.
JavaScript survey: Devs love a bit of React, but Angular and Cordova declining. And you’re not alone… a chunk of pros also feel JS is ‘overly complex’
Keep in mind the recent changes on the video players and Google analytics. And for animated content keep in mind that GIF animations exists still as a potential tool to use.
Keep in mind the the security. There is a skill gap in security for many. I’m not going to say anything that anyone who runs a public-facing web server doesn’t already know: the majority of these automated blind requests are for WordPress directories and files. PHP exploits are a distant second. And there are many other things that are automatically attacked. Test your site with security scanners.
APIs now account for 40% of the attack surface for all web-enabled apps. OWASP has identified 10 areas where enterprises can lower that risk. There are many vulnerability scanning tools available. Check also How to prepare and use Docker for web pentest . Mozilla has a nice on-line tool for web site security scanning.
The slow death of Flash continues. If you still use Flash, say goodbye to it. Google says goodbye to Flash, will stop indexing Flash content in search.
Use HTTPS on your site because without it your site rating will drop on search engines visibility. It is nowadays easy to get HTTPS certificates.
Write good content and avoid publishing fake news on your site. Finland is winning the war on fake news. What it’s learned may be crucial to Western democracy,
Think to who you are aiming to your business web site to. Analyze who is your “true visitor” or “power user”. A true visitor is a visitor to a website who shows a genuine interest in the content of the site. True visitors are the people who should get more of your site and have the potential to increase the sales and impact of your business. The content that your business offers is intended to attract visitors who are interested in it. When they show their interest, they are also very likely to be the target group of the company.
Should you think of your content management system (CMS) choice? Flexibility, efficiency, better content creation: these are just some of the promised benefits of a new CMS. Here is How to convince your developers to change CMS.
Here are some fun for the end:
Did you know that if a spider creates a web at a place?
The place is called a website
Confession: How JavaScript was made.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Margi Murphy / Bloomberg:
Microsoft President Brad Smith says the company can’t “use what others might consider censorship as a tactic” regarding labeling content that seems to be false — Microsoft Corp. won’t label social media posts that appear to be false in order to avoid the appearance that the company …
Microsoft Won’t Label Fake News as False in an Attempt to Avoid ‘Censorship’ Cries
Redmond investing in ways to detect influence operations
Disinformation debates have become increasingly politicized
Microsoft Corp. won’t label social media posts that appear to be false in order to avoid the appearance that the company is trying to censor speech online, President Brad Smith said in an interview with Bloomberg News, hinting that the company is taking a different approach than other technology firms in dealing with disinformation.
“I don’t think that people want governments to tell them what’s true or false,” Smith said when asked about Microsoft’s role in defining disinformation.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Ikoninen hymiö
täyttää 40 vuotta – keksijä Scott Fahlman Ylelle: “Emojit ovat rumia”
Hymiön keksijä Scott Fahlman lähettää tervehdyksen suomalaisille, jotka käyttävät edelleen hymiöitä emojien sijaan.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Oletko sinä kiinnostunut työskentelemästä Web3:ssa? Tässä artikelissa kryptoyrittäjä Tim Haldorsson jakaa konkreettejä vinkkejä työn hankkimsesta Web3:ssa, riippumatta työkokemuksestasi.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Somepostauksia palveluna – herätä somekanavasi eloon!
Entä jos sisällöntuotannolle ei ole aikaa?
Kuulostaako tutulta: tiedät oikein hyvin sosiaalisen median tärkeyden, mutta laadukkaiden postausten suunnitteluun ja tuottamiseen ei vain ole aikaa?
Ei hätää, Oddy hyppää mielellään apuun! Sisällöntuotantopalvelumme avulla saat valmiit somepostaukset helposti ja kustannustehokkaasti käyttöösi.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Heikkoja signaaleja: TikTok Googlen korvikkeena. Ehkä samanlainen ilmiö, kuin että tuotearvosteluja tulee usein etsittyä ensisijaisesti YouTubesta, koska löytää paremmin relevanttia sisältöä.
I tried replacing Google with TikTok, and it worked better than I thought / Is this the search engine of the future?
TikTok is the new Google. Or so some people say. As TikTok grows, Google, in particular, has begun to describe the app as a whole new way of creating and consuming the internet and maybe an existential threat to its own search engine. Prabhakar Raghavan, the SVP of search at Google, said in July that “something like almost 40 percent of young people, when they are looking for a place for lunch, they don’t go to Google Maps or Search, they go to TikTok or Instagram.”
More recently, The New York Times and others have talked to young internet users and found that, in fact, they’re turning to TikTok for more and more of what you might call Google-able things.
On one hand, there’s nothing particularly surprising about this: the internet is just becoming a more visual place. YouTube has long been the internet’s second most popular search engine, and for a lot of things, a video is actually the best possible answer.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Arvaa, mistä juttu kertoo
Verkkojuttuihin pesiytynyt otsikkotyyppi rakentaa mysteeriä ja viettelee klikkaamaan. Aivan erityisesti näitä harrastaa Helsingin Sanomat, kirjoittaa Johanna Vehkoo.
Verkkouutisiin on pesiytynyt viime vuosien aikana otsikkotyyppi, jota kutsun nimellä arvoitusotsikko.
Se on otsikko, joka välttää viimeiseen asti kertomasta, mistä jutussa on kyse. Se rakentaa mysteeriä, vihjailee ja viettelee klikkaamaan. Aivan erityisesti näitä harrastaa Helsingin Sanomat, joka toki näyttää mallia myös pienemmilleen.
Tyypillisesti arvoitusotsikossa jätetään kertomatta syy johonkin ilmiöön: ”Nykyään yhä useampi reputtaa ajokokeen, ja liikenneopettaja Hanne Huhtala tietää syyn.” (Teoriatunnit ovat siirtyneet pitkälti verkkoon ja niiden määrää on vähennetty.)
Arvoitusotsikoista syntyy mielikuva, että lehti ei luota jutun todellisen sisällön olevan tarpeeksi kiinnostavaa. Siitä se nimenomaan kertookin.
Mutta mikä muu kuin klikkaamaan houkutteleminen voi olla syynä arvoitusotsikoiden yleistymiseen?
Tomi Engdahl says:
Klikkiotsikotkin voivat kehittyä ja yksinkertaistua. Ehkä vuosien päästä on vain yksi otsikko: ”Jotain tapahtui.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Censorship? Twitter Puts A ‘Warning’ On ACSH Obesity Article
Continuing its trend of unjustified censorship, Twitter put a “warning” on one of our recent tweets “so people who don’t want to see sensitive content can avoid it.” This protects nobody, but it denies the public access to credible health information.
There’s no denying that social media platforms engage in ideologically motivated censorship. Late last year, Instagram prevented its users from tagging the highly esteemed Cochrane Collaboration in posts, allegedly because Cochrane spread COVID “misinformation.” Facebook threatened to ban an agricultural scientist for correcting activist nonsense about pesticides, and prevented users from sharing information about a potential “lab-leak” origin for SARS-CoV-2, even if it came from reputable commentators and peer-reviewed journals.
Twitter actually banned one user under pressure from the Biden Administration, though a court order forced the platform to reinstate his account. The controversy has grown so intense that the British Medical Journal has complained multiple times about tech giants aiding efforts to silence scientists.
The platform’s justification was vague and unhelpful:
We want to do a good job flagging Tweets in real time, so we use a review team and automation to flag sensitive content — like nudity, sensitive content, violence, gore, or hateful symbols.
“If you accidentally Tweeted sensitive content,” the notice added, “you can delete the Tweet.” What this “sensitive content” may have been wasn’t specified. We appealed the warning, explaining that the article contained no “nudity, sensitive content, violence, gore, or hateful symbols,” just arguments based on data published in peer-review sources. We’ve yet to hear back from Twitter.
But who am I to judge? If Twitter wants to be known as a company that suppresses factual information for the sake of political expediency, more power to them.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Umar Shakir / The Verge:
Cloudflare releases Turnstile, a “privacy-preserving” CAPTCHA alternative that tests the browser, not the user, through JavaScript-based challenges, in beta
Turnstile is Cloudflare’s latest attempt to rid the web of CAPTCHAs
/ If you’re tired of clicking on picture grids to identify traffic lights and bicycles, this approach might help change that
Cloudflare is testing a new kind of CAPTCHA that tests your browser instead of you. The company calls it Turnstile, and it’s designed to spare us from performing those mundane click-the-traffic-light kinds of tasks to verify you’re a human and not a bot.
Turnstile is being presented as “a user-friendly, privacy preserving alternative” to CAPTCHA. According to a press release, it will get rid of the interactive challenges used to verify people, which Cloudflare says normally take an average of 32 seconds to pass, and reduce the entire process to one second.
Instead of presenting a visual puzzle to a user, Turnstile applies one of many browser challenges that it rotates through to look for human behavior, amping up the difficulty if a visitor exhibits “non-human behaviors.” Turnstile uses JavaScript-based challenges that read the web browser environment for signals that indicate there’s a person entering the site, cycling through tests like proof of work, proof of space, and probing for web APIs. It also utilizes machine learning models to compare previously successful challenges with new ones, speeding up the passing process
An interaction-free test that reduces confirmation time to one second
Announcing Turnstile, a user-friendly, privacy-preserving alternative to CAPTCHA
Today, we’re announcing the open beta of Turnstile, an invisible alternative to CAPTCHA. Anyone, anywhere on the Internet, who wants to replace CAPTCHA on their site will be able to call a simple API, without having to be a Cloudflare customer or sending traffic through the Cloudflare global network. Sign up here for free.
There is no point in rehashing the fact that CAPTCHA provides a terrible user experience. It’s been discussed in detail before on this blog, and countless times elsewhere. The creator of the CAPTCHA has even publicly lamented that he “unwittingly created a system that was frittering away, in ten-second increments, millions of hours of a most precious resource: human brain cycles.” We hate it, you hate it, everyone hates it. Today we’re giving everyone a better option.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Alex Kantrowitz / Big Technology:
A roundup of Elon Musk’s newly released text messages show the inner workings of Silicon Valley dealmaking and how Musk lost interest in his Twitter acquisition — Newly released text messages shine a light on how tech’s most powerful do business — and perhaps why Musk lost interest in Twitter.
Elon Musk’s Text Exchanges Show Twitter Deal Going Off The Rails
Newly released text messages shine a light on how tech’s most powerful do business — and perhaps why Musk lost interest in Twitter.
On Thursday afternoon, the Delaware Chancery Court released hundreds of text messages between Elon Musk and other relevant parties in the Twitter deal.
Given that it’s Musk, the exchanges are revealing, irreverent, and extremely fun. They’re also a rare look into the inner workings of Silicon Valley dealmaking, giving us some insight into Musk’s process and how he lost interest in his prized acquisition.
This week, we dig into the most revealing exchanges, with some analysis along the way
Tomi Engdahl says:
Morgan Meaker / Wired:
A look at the fake online traffic business, as some ad exchanges look the other way and advertisers are embarrassed to admit they purchased fraudulent inventory — Botmasters have created a Kafkaesque system where companies are paying huge sums to show their ads to bots. And everyone is fine with this.
How Bots Corrupted Advertising
Botmasters have created a Kafkaesque system where companies are paying huge sums to show their ads to bots. And everyone is fine with this.
When Aleksandr Zhukov went on trial last year, he stood accused of defrauding US companies, including The New York Times and pet care brand Purina, out of millions of dollars. According to the court, the then 41-year-old set up a company that promised to show online adverts to humans, but he instead placed those adverts on an elaborate network of fake websites where they were seen only by bots. Yet Zhukov’s defense did not center around his innocence or his remorse. Rather, he said he was giving the online economy exactly what it wanted: cheap traffic, whatever the source.
“There was nothing to conceal,” he said on the stand in May 2021. “We were making business. We are not making scam or fraud.”
The federal courthouse in Brooklyn disagreed and, in November 2021, Zhukov was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
The Elon Musk v. Twitter trial is set to resurrect such concerns. Musk, who claims that Twitter has undercounted millions of fake accounts on its platform, was handed extra ammunition when Twitter’s former head of security Peiter Zatko, known as Mudge, turned whistleblower in August. Mudge claimed that executives’ bonuses were tied to increases in daily users, meaning they had no incentive to crack down on bots—an allegation Twitter’s CEO, Parag Agrawal, has denied.
Bots are polluting the internet. Fake online users make up as much as 40 percent of all web traffic, according to some estimates. Researchers specializing in advertising fraud describe a Kafkaesque system where businesses pay millions to advertise to bots and research their “opinions.” Yet the digital advertising industry has grown so accustomed to working with inflated numbers that few are willing to unmask the fake clicks powering large swathes of the online economy.
In June, the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), a US industry group, published a blog post that estimated that ad fraud is costing US advertisers $120 billion each year. Hours after it was published, those statements were removed. John Wolfe, the ANA’s director of communications, tells WIRED that the figures were removed because they were out of date, but declines to provide any new figures.
Zhukov’s trial established how the trade in fake clicks works. Between 2014 and 2016, the so-called King of Fraud—a name he gave himself in a text message, revealed in court—ran an advertising network called Media Methane, which received payments from other advertising networks in return for placing brand’s adverts on websites. But the company did not place those adverts on real websites. Instead it created fake ones, spoofing more than 6,000 domains. It then rented 2,000 computer servers in Texas and Amsterdam and programmed them to simulate the way a human would act on a website—using a fake mouse to scroll the fake website and falsely appearing to be signed in to Facebook.
“As a result of this elaborate scheme, the defendant falsified billions of ad views and caused businesses to pay more than $7 million for ads that were never actually viewed by real human internet users,”
Companies paying for advertising have an incentive to play down the number of bots to conceal how much cash they’re wasting. And cybersecurity companies have an incentive to exaggerate numbers to sell anti-bot products.
The technology to detect and block bots already exists, says Sandy Carielli, a principal analyst specializing in cybersecurity at the consultancy firm Forrester. But companies can be unwilling to investigate traffic that, on-the-surface, makes their website look popular, she says. “Keep in mind if you cut off the bots and it turns out that a large amount of traffic on your site is generated by bots, that’s going to influence your performance numbers.”
Advertising didn’t always used to be like this. Augustine Fou, who has been a digital marketer for 25 years, says that in the past decade there’s been an explosion in fake traffic. Fou believes the industry was corrupted around a decade ago, when a series of opaque middlemen entered the scene. “Prior to that, advertisers would buy ads from publishers like The New York Times,” he says. But now it’s typical for brands to approach a digital ad exchange—which facilitates the buying and selling of advertising from different ad networks—to place their adverts on huge numbers of websites and apps. And it is this part of the system that has become vulnerable to bots, claims Fou.
“The exchanges have deliberately looked the other way when there are fraudulent sites and mobile apps that become part of that exchange,”
And it’s not just the exchanges seemingly dodging the fraud issue. Advertisers are also reluctant, says Fou. “It’s too embarrassing for them to admit that they purchased fraudulent inventory.”
“Many still think ad fraud is a victimless crime,” says Fou. “After all, who cares if big brands waste their money showing ads to bots?” But the industry is letting ad dollars flow into the pockets of cybercriminals, he adds, who can then use it to fund other illicit activities. It’s a major problem, he argues. “One that no one talks about, no one writes about, everyone thinks it’s someone else’s problem.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Elizabeth Dwoskin / Washington Post:
From shutting down services only in Texas to letting users opt out of hateful content, tech companies are gaming out responses to the state’s social media law — Experts said the measure, which bars companies from moderating content, could prove challenging for platforms to deal with
Tomi Engdahl says:
Pieni niksi nettiselaimella voi nopeuttaa puhelintasi
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Onion tells the Supreme Court – seriously – that satire is no laughing matter
The Onion – a publication best known for its tongue-in-cheek, satirical postings on politics and world events – has taken the very serious step of filing an amicus brief before the Supreme Court.
“Americans can be put in jail for poking fun at the government? This was a surprise to America’s Finest News Source and an uncomfortable learning experience for its editorial team,” the site’s lawyers wrote.
Indeed, The Onion said the headlines surrounding this case seemed like they were ripped off the front pages of its own publication.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Meta shuts down Bulletin newsletters, moves resources to its discovery algorithm
Meta is shutting down Bulletin, the off-platform newsletter product it launched last summer. Available to writers on an invite-only basis, Bulletin allowed readers to subscribe to newsletters from contributors like Malcolm Gladwell, Tan France and Malala Yousafzai. While some content was available for free, Bulletin allowed writers to sell subscriptions to their newsletters, similar to a platform like Substack.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Musk Revives $44 Billion Twitter Bid, Aiming to Avoid Trial
Legal team for Musk sensed judge would not rule in favor
Proposal likely eliminates need for court trial this month
Elon Musk revived a bid to buy Twitter Inc. at the original price of $54.20 a share, backtracking on his effort to quit the deal and potentially avoiding a contentious courtroom fight.
Musk made the proposal in a letter to Twitter on Monday, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission that confirmed a Bloomberg report. San Francisco-based Twitter said it received the letter and intends to close the deal at the agreed-upon price, without commenting specifically on how it will respond to Musk.
For Twitter, proceeding with Musk’s plan augurs a future under a mercurial billionaire who has spent months publicly criticizing its management, questioning its value and changing his mind. It also means that his contested claims — that Twitter was lying about which percentage of users were bots, for instance — are not likely to be scrutinized in a court of law.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Caitlin Huston / The Hollywood Reporter:
Meta plans to shut down its newsletter subscription service Bulletin by early 2023; the Substack competitor launched in January 2021 and now has 120+ writers — The social media company plans to bring more content back to the Facebook platform directly. — Meta will be shutting down Bulletin …
Tomi Engdahl says:
Dave Lee / Financial Times:
A look at the Internet Archive, a preservation project that grew from 2TB in 1997 to ~100PB now, and issues with scraping paywalled news sites and social media
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tiffany Hsu / New York Times:
Pew: 6% of US adults regularly get news on BitChute, Gab, Gettr, Parler, Rumble, Telegram, or Truth Social, but no one site drew over 2% of those seeking news — The appeal of platforms like Parler, Truth Social and Telegram is another symptom of the partisan divide in media, according to the Pew Research Center.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Washington Post:
Under Texas’ social media law, Kanye West’s antisemitic posts on Twitter and Instagram would likely stay up, signaling a difficult future for social media — Taking down the rapper’s bigoted posts was an easy call for Twitter and Instagram. That could change if Elon Musk and some GOP leaders have their way.
Kanye’s antisemitic tweet could be a preview of social media’s future
Taking down the rapper’s bigoted posts was an easy call for Twitter and Instagram. That could change if Elon Musk and some GOP leaders have their way.
The rapper Ye, formerly Kanye West, sent an Instagram post Friday suggesting fellow musician Sean “Diddy” Combs was controlled by Jewish people — a common antisemitic trope. Within hours, Instagram had removed the post and locked his account.
That sent Ye to Twitter, where he was publicly welcomed back by Elon Musk, who may soon take ownership of the company. Within hours, however, Ye had posted a separate antisemitic tweet that he would go “death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE.” Twitter, like Instagram, was quick to block the post and lock his account.
But a conservative-led movement to rein in what some see as “censorship” by Silicon Valley giants is poised to alter how they approach such decisions. Between a growing field of state laws that seek to restrict content moderation and Elon Musk’s determination to loosen Twitter’s policies, posts such as Ye’s could soon become more prevalent online.
A law passed by Texas last year, which could become a model for other Republican-led states if upheld by the courts, prohibits large online platforms from censoring users or limiting their posts based on the political views they express. Legal experts told The Washington Post that such laws would make it much riskier for social media companies such as Meta, which owns Instagram, and Twitter to moderate even blatantly antisemitic posts such as Ye’s.
And Musk has said that one of his goals for Twitter, should he complete a $44 billion deal to purchase the company and take it private, is to provide a forum for legal speech of all kinds. “If the citizens want something banned, then pass a law to do so, otherwise it should be allowed,” he tweeted in May.
By that standard, Ye’s tweet would likely stand, at least in the United States, where hate speech is not against the law. “It’s a vile tweet, but there’s no question it’s protected by the First Amendment,”
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton did not respond to a request for comment on whether Twitter or Instagram would be required to carry posts like Ye’s if the Texas law takes effect.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Ingrid Lunden / TechCrunch:
Ofcom research: one-third of UK children between 8 and 17 with social media profiles use falsified adult ages, mainly by signing up with a fake date of birth — Companies like Instagram are getting been heavily fined (and dragged through the publicity coals) over how they have mishandled children’s privacy on their platforms.
UK’s Ofcom says one-third of under-18s lie about their age on social media
Companies like Instagram are getting heavily fined (and dragged through the publicity coals) over how they have mishandled children’s privacy on their platforms. But if a recent report from Ofcom is accurate, maybe they are getting off lightly.
The U.K. media watchdog is publishing research today that found that one-third of all children between the ages of 8 and 17 are using social media with falsified adult ages, based mainly on them signing up with a fake date of birth.
It also noted that social media use by these younger consumers is extensive: of those between 8 and 17 years of age using social media, some 77% are using services on one of the larger platforms under their own profile; 60% of those in the younger bracket of that group, aged 8 to 12, have accounts under their own profiles (others use their parents’ it seems).
Tomi Engdahl says:
Salaliittoteoreetikko valehteli kuolleista lapsista – joutuu maksamaan lähes miljardin sakot
Jones väitti, että vuoden 2012 Sandy Hookin kouluampuminen oli lavastettu jotta aselakeja kiristettäisiin.
Oikeus on määrännyt äärioikeiston edustajan, juontajan ja salaliittoteoreetikko Alex Jonesin maksamaan kahdeksalle Sandy Hookin peruskoulun ampumisen uhrien perheelle ja yhdelle ensiapuhenkilölle yhteensä 965 miljoonaa dollaria. Asiasta kertovat yhdysvaltalaismediat.
Jones on toistuvasti väittänyt, että koulusurmissa kuolleiden lasten vanhemmat olisivat olleet mukana tragedian lavastuksessa ja ensiapuhenkilökunta olisi ollut todellisuudessa näyttelijöitä. Väitteille ei ole ollut minkäänlaista pohjaa.
Kanteen nostaneet perheet kertoivat oikeudessa, että väitteet ovat saaneet aikaan jatkuvaa häirintää heitä kohtaan ja lisänneet jo valmiiksi kouluampumisesta syntynyttä tuskaa.
Infowars-valeuutissivuston perustaneen Jonesin teorian mukaan lavastuksen motiivi olisi ollut aselakien kiristyminen. Jones sai väitteidensä vuoksi sivuilleen todella paljon liikennettä ja siten runsaasti taloudellista hyötyä.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Matthew Townsend / Bloomberg:
Amazon, Shopify, Wayfair, and other big e-commerce sites scale back operations after erroneously betting that pandemic online shopping trends would be permanent — Did the pandemic forever change how we shop? — The answer seemed obvious in the first half of 2020, when retailers closed …
The Great Post-Covid Online Shopping Bet Was a Costly Delusion
Amazon, Wayfair, and other big e-commerce companies bet the pandemic would permanently change shopping behavior. They were wrong.
Did the pandemic forever change how we shop?
The answer seemed obvious in the first half of 2020, when retailers closed their doors to slow the spread of Covid-19, pushing millions to the internet. It looked like a fundamental shift in e-commerce’s trajectory. The thinking was simple: After experiencing the ease of
Tomi Engdahl says:
Monella yrityksellä jo pitkään käytössä ollut Google Analyticsin versio Universal Analytics on tulossa elinkaarensa päähän. Universal Analyticsin avulla analytiikkadatan kerääminen tulee päättymään ilmaisversiossa heinäkuussa 2023 ja maksullisessa versiossa lokakuussa 2023. Mitä siis seuraavaksi?
Google lanseerasi syksyllä 2020 uuden version Google Analytics -analytiikkatyökalusta. Tämä uusi Google Analytics 4, joka tunnetaan myös lyhenteellä GA4, on suunniteltu paremmin vastaamaan nykypäivän mittaamisen tarpeisiin ja vaatimuksiin.
Google Analytics 4 mahdollistaa datan keräämisen niin verkkosivuilta, kuin sovelluksista, joka edesauttaa asiakaspolun kokonaisvaltaisempaa ymmärtämistä. Tärkeänä kehityskohteena on ollut käyttäjien yksityisyydensuojan tarkempi huomioiminen, esimerkiksi IP-osoitteita ei tallenneta. GA4 tuo mukanaan myös uusia koneoppimista hyödyntäviä ominaisuuksia, kuten ennustemittarit ja vinkit (eng. insights).
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Design systemin avulla et joudu keksimään pyörää uudestaan
Jos olet ollut mukana laajemmissa digiprojekteissa, olet todennäköisesti törmännyt siihen, että samankaltaiseen tarkoitukseen on ajan saatossa tehty useita toisistaan hieman poikkeavia toteutuksia. Design systemin avulla varmistat, että pyörää ei keksitä uudestaan ja nopeutat kehitystyötä.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Should You Turn a Domain into a Business?
Tomi Engdahl says:
FBI, CISA warn of disinformation ahead of midterms
In less than four weeks, the balance of power in the US House of Representatives and Senate will be up for grabs, along with a host of gubernatorial seats, and positions at the state and municipal levels.
With everyone preparing to cast their ballots, the FBI and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) have reminded people about the potential threat of disinformation.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The metaverse is a hot trend just about everywhere right now, with everyone from Facebook to Microsoft pulling together their ideas for the “next level” of the internet. Proponents of the Web3 future, however, have their own ideas, and it doesn’t involve platforms controlled by the Silicon Valley giants.
The Top Five Web3 Trends In 2023
The term Web3 covers a number of trends that make up what is sometimes called the “decentralized internet.” The vision here is to create an internet that isn’t controlled by huge corporations like GoogleGOOG +0.2% and Facebook that set most of the rules about what we can and can’t do online today.
The idea behind Web3 is that technologies like blockchain, cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) give us the tools we need to create online spaces that we truly own, and even to implement digital democracies.
Why Web3? Well, to cover the history of the web briefly – Web1 was the original iteration of the world wide web, which was mostly a read-only affair made up of static websites. Web2 (or web 2.0 as it was more commonly called) refers to the user-generated web that came about with the arrival of social media sites like MySpace and, eventually, Facebook, which brings us to Web3 – the decentralized web!
The decentralized metaverse
The metaverse is a hot trend just about everywhere right now, with everyone from Facebook to MicrosoftMSFT -0.1% pulling together their ideas for the “next level” of the internet. Proponents of the Web3 future, however, have their own ideas, and it doesn’t involve platforms controlled by the Silicon Valley giants.
DecentralandMANA 0.0% and The Sandbox are probably the two most visible examples of decentralized metaverse platforms. The data that makes up these digital worlds is stored on a blockchain – the EthereumETH 0.0% blockchain, in fact. This means (in theory) that only those with permission can make edits or add and delete elements.
Useful NFTs?
Non-fungible tokens are unique tokens that exist on a blockchain. Unlike cryptocurrencies, for example, where there may be millions of identical tokens existing on the chain, an NFT can be used to represent something unique.
Most people have probably heard of NFTs as pieces of computer artwork that frequently sold for thousands or millions of dollars (or did do, before the market for them somewhat collapsed this year, at least!)
Enabling sales of digital art is only one use case for them, however, and those who believe in the future of a decentralized web3 say that their true value will lie in tokenizing items, data, and even ideas in the digital and physical domains.
Decentralized social networks
One of the goals of the Web3 movement is to create a decentralized social network. If this does become a reality in 2023, it may even turn out to be thanks to none other than Elon Musk.
The Tesla CEO has spoken about wanting to create such a social network, where users would pay a tiny amount of cryptocurrency every time they posted a message, in order to deter trolling and spambots. These ideas came to light thanks to legal proceedings around Musk’s on-and-off plans to buy Twitter.
Greenifying Web3
Even the most enthusiastic Web3 advocates have to face up to the fact that the technology has issues when it comes to green credentials. At its peak, the BitcoinBTC 0.0% blockchain network alone was estimated to be using about as much energy as Argentina (130 terawatts per hour), and a single bitcoin transaction was generating 772 kilograms of CO2 emissions. Clearly, this is not sustainable, and this immense energy usage was cited by Tesla CEO Elon Musk as a reason that his company was moving away from involvement with the technology.
Since then, there have been concerted efforts to reduce the amount of energy used while retaining the usefulness of blockchain and associated Web3 technologies. Perhaps most notably, the Ethereum network recently completed its switchover from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake algorithm – leading to a reported 98% reduction in the overall amount of energy used on the network.
The World Economic Forum has highlighted the potential the technology holds to enable organizations to coordinate and build collaborative technology designed to accelerate climate change mitigation.
Growing government intervention and regulation in the Web3 space
As the transformative impact of this technology becomes more apparent, the likelihood (and some would say necessity) of governments stepping in to oversee and regulate the impact on economies, society, and the environment grows. In the U.S., states like Wyoming have used their powers to develop and pass their own legislation to position themselves as “Web3-friendly” zones. The idea is that, in exchange for accepting regulation and oversight, businesses involved in Web3 activity will receive favorable treatment and special tax considerations.
Outside of the U.S., Dubai has shown that it is keen to become a Web3 and cryptocurrency-friendly society. The emirate has created economic programs designed to attract companies involved in Web3 work to set up operations in its territory and is also promoting itself as a natural home for innovation in the fields of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and metaverse – all technologies which are closely related to new developments in Web3. 2023 is likely to see other countries moving to position themselves as Web3-friendly – often through the use of central bank digital currencies – such as India’s forthcoming e-rupee and China’s Digital Yuan.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Washington Post:
Docs: if Elon Musk buys Twitter, he plans to cut nearly 75% of staff; otherwise, Twitter aims to cut payroll by ~$800M by the end of 2023, ousting ~25% of staff — Previously unreported details shed new light on Twitter’s motivations for selling the company — and Elon Musk’s plans to transform it
Tomi Engdahl says:
Mia Sato / The Verge:
Amazon quietly shuts, an online retailer of fabrics, trims, notions, and other supplies since the late 1990s before being acquired by Amazon in 2008
Amazon is quietly shutting down, one of the largest online fabric stores
/, acquired by Amazon in 2008, is known for its robust offerings and low prices. Today is the last day for customer orders, according to an email sent to vendors.
Crafters, home sewists, and small businesses will soon lose a major online fabric source., a longtime retailer of fabrics, trims, notions, and other supplies, is shutting down.
Since launching in the late ’90s, has been a mainstay for casual crafters and small business owners alike, offering by-the-yard fabric from hundreds of companies as well as other sewing supplies. When Amazon acquired the company in 2008, the tech giant said the acquisition would give its crafting customers more variety to choose from. The website’s vast inventory and competitive prices made it a favorite for many craftspeople and companies buying in large quantities to make products.
The impending closure was first reported by the Craft Industry Alliance. employees were notified on Monday, and vendors whose products were carried by were notified on Wednesday via an email, which was viewed by The Verge. One vendor who asked to remain anonymous to speak freely about the situation says they were shocked to hear the news.
Fabric companies received the news just a day before orders are scheduled to permanently close. In the email sent to vendors, Amazon says today is the last day for customer orders and that it would be “moving quickly to wind down our operations.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Documents detail plans to gut Twitter’s workforce
Previously unreported details shed new light on Twitter’s motivations for selling the company — and Elon Musk’s plans to transform it
Twitter’s workforce is likely to be hit with massive cuts in the coming months, no matter who owns the company, interviews and documents obtained by The Washington Post show, a change likely to have major impact on its ability to control harmful content and prevent data security crises.
Elon Musk told prospective investors in his deal to buy the company that he planned to get rid of nearly 75 percent of Twitter’s 7,500 workers, whittling the company down to a skeleton staff of just over 2,000.
Even if Musk’s Twitter deal falls through — and there’s little indication now that it will — big cuts are expected: Twitter’s current management planned to pare the company’s payroll by about $800 million by the end of next year, a number that would mean the departure of nearly a quarter of the workforce, according to corporate documents and interviews with people familiar with the company’s deliberations. The company also planned to make major cuts to its infrastructure, including data centers that keep the site functioning for more than 200 million users that log on each day.
The extent of the cuts, which have not been previously reported, help explain why Twitter officials were eager to sell to Musk: Musk’s $44 billion bid, though hostile, is a golden ticket for the struggling company — potentially helping its leadership avoid painful announcements that would have demoralized the staff and possibly crippled the service’s ability to combat misinformation, hate speech and spam.
The impact of such layoffs would likely be immediately felt by millions of users
He said that while he believed Twitter was overstaffed, the cuts Musk proposed were “unimaginable” and would put Twitter’s users at risk of hacks and exposure to offensive material such as child pornography.
“It would be a cascading effect,” he said, “where you’d have services going down and the people remaining not having the institutional knowledge to get them back up, and being completely demoralized and wanting to leave themselves.”
On Thursday evening, Twitter’s top lawyer Sean Edgett sent out a note to all employees saying the company did not have any confirmation from Musk about his plans. Twitter’s own, smaller-scale “cost savings discussions” were put on hold once the merger agreement was signed
In internal Slack groups, Twitter employees reacted to the news with anger and resignation, supporting each other and making jokes about the turmoil of the past few months
Twitter and Musk are expected to close the purchase by next Friday.
“The easy part for Musk was buying Twitter and the hard part is fixing it,” said Dan Ives, a financial analyst with Wedbush Securities. “It will be a herculean challenge to turn this around.”
“He’s got to be able to show if he makes those cuts, what happens next?” she said. “What’s he gonna replace it with, AI?”
highlight the extreme nature of Musk’s planned transformation of Twitter amid the challenge of making the long struggling company more profitable. Twitter has never achieved the profit margins or size of other social sites like Meta and Snap. And Musk’s plan to take the company private — freeing it from having to please Wall Street — was a key reason former CEO and co-founder Jack Dorsey got behind Musk’s bid.
The months-long roller-coaster saga of Musk’s on-again off-again bid for ownership — coupled with a tense legal battle — has left Twitter battered and bruised. It faces significant worker attrition, slowed hiring, stalled projects and a volatile stock price.
But Musk has told associates he thinks that dramatically slimming down the company is the first step to executing a turnaround strategy that would then involve bringing in more effective workers and profitable innovations. Those include expanding on new services that he has claimed could bring in more revenue, such as a subscription business where people pay to subscribe to exclusive content from powerful figures and influencers. (Twitter is currently experimenting with such a model, called Twitter Blue).
But Twitter’s own data has found that subscriptions may not bring in significant new revenue, according to the interviews. That’s because the users who view the most ads — roughly the top 1 percent of users in the United States — are also the ones most likely to join a subscription service. If they began paying a monthly subscription and went ad-free, the program could cannibalize the most lucrative part of Twitter’s current ad business.
Twitter’s budget for head count — roughly $1.5 billion last year — includes many highly paid ad salespeople and several thousand engineers. The company also spends hundreds of millions on contracting firms that pay people to review reports of hate speech, child sexual abuse, and other ugly and rule-breaking content on the internet. Twitter’s median compensation — the point at which half make more and half make less — is about $240,000 for all employees and $308,000 for engineers.
Some of Musk’s biggest partners in the deal, including Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison and Sequoia partner Doug Leone were also Trump supporters and self-proclaimed believers in the type of free speech ideology Musk promised to bring back to the platform. (Leone is no longer a Trump supporter but is said to take an expansive view of free speech).
“[It’s] like you bought a new car, you decided you didn’t want it, and then you crash it,” the person said. “And then you’re like ‘I’ll keep it.’”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Kurt Wagner / Bloomberg:
Memo: Twitter told staff that there haven’t been plans for companywide layoffs since it signed a deal with Elon Musk, and that it can’t confirm Musk’s plans
Tomi Engdahl says:
Verkkopalvelun hiilijalanjälkeen vaikuttaa iso määrä eri tekijöitä. Yksinkertaistaen voi sanoa, että mitä paremmin optimoitu verkkopalvelu on, sitä vähemmän se myös kuluttaa energiaa. Palvelinratkaisulla on myös iso merkitys yhtälössä.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
17 pro-vinkkiä: Näin syntyy kannattava verkkokauppa
Tomi Engdahl says:
Kaupallisten medioiden ongelma ei ole se, että ne tavoittavat entistä vähemmän ihmisiä, vaan se, että ne tuijottavat vain tavoittavuutta. Älä sinä tee samaa erhettä. Arttu K:n blogissa syvemmin aiheesta, lukaise joutessasi.
Mediatalot laulavat väärää laulua
Emme usein ymmärrä, miten paksu pilari suomalaisen yhteiskunnan rakenteissa ammattitaitoinen ja puolueeton media on.
Siksi on sääli, että mainosbusineksen näkökulmasta mediatalot muutamia suurimpia lukuun ottamatta eivät ole osanneet uudistua juuri lainkaan sitten kultaisten vuosikymmenten. Tässä kohtaa noussevat ensimmäiset soraäänet, joten tarkennettakoon, että verkkobannerien myyminen printti-ilmoituksen kyytipoikana tmv. ei ole uudistumista sanan varsinaisessa merkityksessä.
On helppoa mollata esimerkiksi paperilehteä ikäihmisten mediana, mutta perusongelma on muualla kuin tuotteissa. Sen tavoittavuuden, minkä paperilehti on menettänyt, on verkkolehti kuronut kiinni moneen kertaan. Kaiken järjen mukaan tämä olisi mullistanut myös mainosmyynnin ansaintamallit, mistä oivana esimerkkinä iltapäivälehdet.
Mutta ei. Ilmoitusosasto soittaa sitä samaa wanhaa tavoittavuustavoittavuustavoittavuus-levyä ja sen säestyksellä yritetään myydä millejä, sekunteja ja näyttökertoja sinne, tänne ja tuonne kuten aina ennenkin, ja usein vielä ylihintaan kilpaileviin vaihtoehtoihin verrattuna.
Käytetään helppoa esimerkkiä, automainontaa. Jos ihminen ei sattumoisin ole ostamassa autoa, automainokset ovat yhtä tyhjän kanssa – riippumatta siitä hyppäävätkö ne silmille paperilta, verkosta, radioaalloilta, tv:stä, somesta tai tienvarsitauluilta. Mutta jos ihminen ON ostamassa autoa, automainonta kiinnostaa ja kenties saa toimimaankin.
Toisin sanoen. Sivusto, jolle on tuotettu ammattilaisten toimesta sammiokaupalla huippulaadukasta sisältöä nimenomaiseen aiheeseen liittyen ja jossa vierailee päivittäin sellaiset määrät ihmisiä, että useimmat yritykset eivät pääse moiseen nuppilukuun edes rahalla, ei hyödynnä huikeaa etulyöntiasemaansa käytännössä lainkaan.
Saman virren kohdistan muillekin. Perustavanlaatuisen ymmärtämättömyyden kanssa nimittäin painii iso osa mainostajista. Tuijotetaan tavoittavuuksia, kun tulokset kurkkivat aivan eri mittareiden takaa.
Auliisti myönnän, että jos olisin jatkanut vaikkapa viimeisimmässä lehtialan pestissäni Karjalan Heilin päätoimittajana, en minäkään näitä asioita osaisi tästä kulmasta ajatella. En vaikka joku hieroisi totuuksia naamaani kahdesti päivässä.
Ei olisi kontekstia.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Russia wages disinformation war. Ukraine’s cyber chief calls for global anti-fake news fight
‘Completely new approaches should be developed to prevent the influence of this propaganda’. As a hybrid offline and online war wages on in Ukraine, Viktor Zhora, who leads the country’s cybersecurity agency, has had a front-row seat of it all.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Michael Mignano / Lightspeed Venture Partners:
Whereas Creator Economy companies have mostly built infrastructure for the top 1% of creators, new AI tools will fuel businesses that democratize creativityF
The Creativity Supply Chain
Creativity has become the focal point of our modern Internet economy. What was once just a means of artistic expression now powers much of how we all interact, work, and play online.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Display P3: laaja-alaista väritoistoa verkkosivuille
Väriavaruuksien tärkein ominaisuus on se, kuinka laaja-alaisesti ne pystyvät ilmaisemaan värejä. RGB-väriavaruuksilla tätä ominaisuutta visualisoidaan yleensä käyttäen CIE 1931xy väriavaruuden kromaattisuusdiagrammia. Kromaattisuusdiagrammin ulkokehä on nimeltään lokus ja mitä lähemmäs lokusta väriavaruus ulottuu, sitä paremmin se pystyy toistamaan lokuksella olevia sävyjä.
sRGB:n peitto kromaattisuusdiagrammista on melko vaatimaton etenkin vihreän väritoiston osalta. Tästä paremmaksi pistää toinen laajalti käytetty RGB-väriavaruus, Adobe RGB, joskin vihreän huippupiste siirtyy hieman enemmän sinisen sävyn suuntaan verrattuna sRGB:hen. Toivottavaa siis jää molemmilla ja ilmeisesti kumpikaan väriavaruus ei täyttänyt Hollywoodin elokuvateollisuuden vaatimuksia värientoistolle, joten vuonna 2005 Digital Cinema Initiatives (DCI) määritteli ensimmäisen version Digital Cinema System Specification -kokonaisuudesta, joka myöhemmin tuli tunnetuksi DCI-P3-nimisenä väriavaruutena.
Epäilemättä johtuen väriavaruuden juurista elokuvateollisuudessa, parantaa DCI-P3 etenkin vihreiden ja punaisten värien toistoa merkittävästi verrattuna sRGB:hen ja Adobe RGB:hen.
Display P3 -väriavaruus on Applen kehittämä versio DCI-P3:sta. Applen iMac-tietokoneessa vuodelta 2015 oli ensimmäinen kuluttajakäyttöön suunnattu, laaja-alaiseen väritoistoon kykenevä näyttö, joka tuki P3-väriavaruutta. Tämän jälkeen kaikki Applen esittelemät näytöt ovat tukeneet Display P3 -väriavaruutta.
Merkittävin ero Display P3:n ja perus-DCI-P3:n välillä on se, että DCI-P3 käyttää teatteriprojektorien ksenonlampuille optimoitua 6300 kelvinin valkopistettä, kun taas Display P3 käyttää sRGB:n ja Adobe RGB:n kanssa yhtenevää, itsevalaisevien näyttöjen yleiseksi standardiksi muodostunutta D65-valkopistettä (6500 kelviniä). Lisäksi Display P3:n gamma-arvo (kirkkauden ja kirkkauserojen esitystä kuvaava luku) on sama kuin sRGB:llä, 2.2, kun taas DCI-P3:lla se on 2.6.
Display P3 -väriavaruus verkkosivustolla
Noh, koska kyse on Applen kehittelemästä väriavaruudesta, vaatii Display P3:n käyttäminen käytännössä Applen teknologiapinoa:
Applen näyttö (esim. kannettavan tai iMacin sisäinen näyttö)
Applen käyttöjärjestelmä (macOS Mojave tai uudempi, iOS 11 tai uudempi)
Applen selain (Safari)
Mikäli nämä ehdot täyttyvät, on Display P3 -väriavaruuden käyttäminen verkkosivustolla jopa melko simppeliä. CSS-tyyleissä väreihin voidaan viitata usealla erilaisella tavalla ja Display P3 on käytännössä vain yksi uusi tällainen tapa (tai oikeastaan niitä on kaksi).
Koska Display P3 -väriavaruuden tuki on varsin rajallinen, ei värejä oikein voi CSS:ssä määritellä pelkästään ko. väriavaruutta käyttäen. Ongelman voi kuitenkin ratkaista käyttämällä CSS-muuttujia sekä @supports-sääntöä
Kun värit määritellään näin, käytetään automaattisesti Display P3 -värejä yhteensopivien laitteiden ja ohjelmistojen kanssa, muuten pitäydytään tutussa ja turvallisessa sRGB:ssä. Loin taannoin Display P3 -värien käyttämistä helpottamaan työkalun nimeltä Coltrane. Coltrane on PHP-pohjainen komentorivisovellus, jolla on melko yksinkertaista konvertoida CSS-väriviittauksia sRGB:n ja Display P3:n välillä.
Coltrane is a command line utility to transform CSS (and SVG) colors between different representations. It supports transformations between Display P3, hex, hsl, hsla, rgb and rgba.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Mediat: Elon Musk omistaa nyt Twitterin ja jakoi heti potkuja yhtiön johtajille
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Musk fired Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal and other top executives as his $44 billion deal closed, CNBC first reported.
Musk Takes Over Twitter And Fires CEO—Here’s What It Could Mean
Tomi Engdahl says:
Haastattelu vai mainos?
Kritiikkini kärki ei suinkaan ole somevaikuttajissa, jotka ovat yrittäjiä ja mainostajia. Julkisuus varmasti tuo heille uusia asiakkaita ja pitää vanhat tyytyväisinä. Heidän ei ole tarpeen ajatella journalismin etiikkaa, joskin heidän tulee tuotetta tai palvelua puffatessaan merkitä selvästi, että kyseessä on mainos tai kaupallinen yhteistyö, muuten kyse on piilomainonnasta.
Toimituksen prosessissa sen sijaan on jotakin mennyt pahasti pieleen, jos kenellekään ei tule mieleen, että mainoksista ja huomiosta elävä vaikuttaja on saattanut mainostaa tätäkin asiaa, josta nyt jutussa puhuu. Siitä pitäisi vähintään kertoa lukijalle, mutta parempi olisi miettiä uusi haastateltava, jolla ei ole asiassa kaupallista intressiä.
Usein kuulee huolen, että nuoret eivät erota journalismia kaupallisesta yhteistyöstä, siis mainoksista. Mutta jos journalismi itsekään ei erota mainostajaa haastateltavasta, se vasta pulmallista onkin.