Here are some 5G trends for year 2020:
It looked like 5G and wireless dominated the airways in 2019. It seems that year 2020 will be a real test for 5G if it will really take on or fails to full-fill the big expectations. It seems that 5G networks are available at some place here and there from many operators, but 5G end user devices are not yet widely available or desired. New year will bring more 5G base stations.
5G: How Much is Real vs. Marketing? Is 5G ready for prime time? Breaking down the marketing hype versus what’s really going on in the industry. Marketing claims 5G is pervasive. The question is when: 2020 or is it 2025?
First, let’s define 5G also known as 5G New Radio, or 5G NR:
There is sub-6-GHz 5G for the cellphone protocol that requires LTE: 5G NSA.
There is sub-6-GHz standalone 5G: 5G SA.
There is 20- to 60-GHz 5G: 5G mmWave.
It seems that 2020 will be the real test for 5G devices as the 5G device mass market has not yet really started. Samsung says it shipped 6.7M+ Galaxy 5G phones globally in 2019, accounting for 53.9% of the 5G phone market (Galaxy S10 5G and the Galaxy Note 10 Plus 5G). 2020 is expected to be an interesting year for 5G growth across the smartphone market. Increased 5G rollouts by carriers means that customers will presumably be more interested in actually buying 5G devices. One June 2019 forecast made by Canalys has global 5G smartphone shipments crossing 4G smartphone shipments in 2023.
5G will be integrated to some PCs. Dell debuts a new Latitude 9510 laptop with built-in 5G, to launch March 26.
Ericsson says they are now 5G networks leader according to Ericsson ylitti odotukset kirkkaasti: ”Olemme 5g-johtaja” article. Nokia has cut its outlook for this year and next because of the need to step up its investments in 5G but ‘We don’t have a 5G problem,’ says Nokia’s head of software.
5G will be a good growing market for test device manufacturers as engineers will once again need to sharpen their skill sets and adopt new design and testing techniques. A lot of 5G Component Characterization and Test will be needed.Delivering 5G Devices to Market Will Bank on OTA Testing.
Network side needs also testing equipment. One approach being adopted to gain ground in the race to 5G involves the rapid prototyping and testing of network architectures. There is need for programmable RF devices. Industry seems to want their own private networks.
5G components are available from many sources already. The typical RF component suppliers are all providing 5G solutions: Avago/Broadcom, Huawei, MediaTek, Murata/pSemi (previously known as Peregrine), Qualcomm, Qorvo, Samsung, and Skyworks.
Challenges: Even the sub-6-GHz versions have technical issues in that the 5G target “air time” latency is 1 to 4 ms. Typical RF component manufacturers appear to be providing components that focus only on the sub-6-GHz frequency bands. The geopolitical situation relative to 5G also adds confusion to the 5G timeline.
There are many technical issues must be considered in the utilization of mmWave: mmWave frequencies travel relatively small distances. the mmWave transmitters consume a considerable amount of transmit power, providing additional challenges for battery-operated devices.
5G in automotive: The automobile industry is experiencing exponential growth of self-driving features, and this trend is expected to continue. 5G network connections are expected to have a major influence on the development of self-driving cars making them faster, smarter, and safer. Where is car technology going in 2020?
As 5G work has started for many installers and marketers, the the researchers are already thinking about the nest step Beyond 5G chips. They are already planning technologies that could enable high-speed wireless devices beyond the 5G standard.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Vodafone chief speaks out after 5G conspiracy nuts torch phone mast
serving Nightingale Hospital in Brum
Vodafone CEO Nick Jeffrey has spoken out after arsonists targeted a
phone mast serving the NHS Nightingale Hospital in Birmingham.
Vodafone chief speaks out after 5G conspiracy nuts torch phone mast serving Nightingale Hospital in Brum
Will someone rid us of these mast-er idiots?
Vodafone CEO Nick Jeffrey has spoken out after arsonists targeted a phone mast serving the NHS Nightingale Hospital in Birmingham.
In a LinkedIn post, Jeffrey described the fire starters as “deluded conspiracy theorists” and emphasised the hugely personal consequences of these attacks.
“Burning down masts means damaging important national infrastructure. In practice, this means families not being able to say a final goodbye to their loved ones; hard-working doctors, nurses, and police officers not being able to phone their kids, partners or parents for a comforting chat,” he wrote.
“Arsonists, please think about what you are doing and stop. Imagine if it were your mum or dad, your gran or grandad in hospital. Imagine not being able to see or hear them one last time. All because you’ve swallowed a dangerous lie,” he added.
Tomi Engdahl says:
UK MPs fume after Huawei posts open letter stating: ‘Disrupting our involvement in the 5G rollout would do Britain a disservice’
Conservative politicos including IDS voice anger over ‘untimely special pleading’
An open letter from Huawei about the UK’s 5G strategy in light of COVID-19 has provoked outrage among several key politicians in the country’s ruling Conservative Party, who have denounced it as “hubristic” and “arrogant”.
“During this pandemic our engineers – designated ‘essential’ workers – are striving around the clock to keep Britain connected,” Zhang wrote.
“We have built trust in our UK business over 20 years by helping our customers – the mobile network operators – provide consumers with affordable, reliable calls and data. Despite this, there has been groundless criticism from some about Huawei’s involvement in the UK’s 5G rollout. And there are those who choose to continue to attack us without presenting any evidence. Disrupting our involvement in the 5G rollout would do Britain a disservice.”
The letter, which was released shortly after the discharge of Boris Johnson from hospital, evoked a furious response from several Tory party grandees
This letter is likely indicative of anxieties deep within Huawei about the company’s infrastructure prospects in the UK.
Across the Atlantic, both the US president and a bipartisan coalition of senators and congressmen have lobbied for the UK government to reverse its stance on Huawei, with the future of transatlantic relations and a potential post-Brexit trade deal in the balance.
Huawei’s woes come during a general atmosphere of concern about China’s involvement in the technology sector.
Tomi Engdahl says:
#TBT: No, 5G won’t give you COVID-19.
Everything You Need to Know About 5G
Millimeter waves, massive MIMO, full duplex, beamforming, and small cells are just a few of the technologies that could enable ultrafast 5G networks
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
TSMC Q1 net profit hits new high
Taipei, April 16 (CNA) Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), the world’s largest contract chipmaker, on Thursday reported that its net profit for the first quarter of this year hit a new quarterly high in the company’s history, with market analysts attributing the strong showing to solid demand for emerging technologies such as 5G and high-performance computing (HPC) devices.
5G phones key to chip market recovery
The coronavirus pandemic has had an adverse impact on the global IC market, particularly the smartphone segment, but sales of 5G smartphones will be key to the overall demand recovery in 2020, according to sources at Taiwan-based IC distributors.
The market for 5G smartphones is expected to expand in 2020, with the availability of 5G-capable iPhone set to spur the market demand.
Nevertheless, component suppliers engaged in the supply chain for smartphones are increasingly uncertain about whether the deliveries for next-generation 5G models can be on schedule, the sources said. For Apple’s 5G iPhone, related chip and component production should kick off by June 2020 followed by device assembly between July and August in order for it to be unveiled in September, the sources said.
Uncertainty has emerged about whether Apple will debut its flagship iPhone series in the usual September timeframe this year, judging from the severity of the coronavirus pandemic and weak end-market demand, the sources noted.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Thundercomm Innovates for Next Generation IoT and 5G with System-on-Module and Solutions
She said, “The TurboX smart core platform is based on the Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and includes SOM, operating system, algorithms and software development kits. The TurboX AI kit is a complete system which enables developers to evaluate, verify and develop on-device AI products based on the SDA845. In addition, it is used in education for AI training. The AI kit is designed both for experienced AI developers as well as those without any AI knowledge or experience, enabling them to develop AI apps.”
Hiro Cai was keen to demonstrate how the AI kit contains everything needed to develop a complete connected intelligent product in a small form factor – this includes GPU, DSP, Wi-Fi, GPS, microphone, speaker, camera and many AI modules.
At the Embedded World 2020 trade fair in Nuremberg, Germany, Thundercomm announced a series of SOMs enabling connected intelligence for the IoT, 5G, smart speakers and smart retail. These include the Thundercomm TurboX T55 SOM and TurboX C865 SOM for 5G connectivity, TurboX C404 and C405 SOMs for smart speaker solutions, TurboX T95 SOM for LTE-M/NB-IoT solutions, TurboX CM2150 SOM and TurboX CM450 SOM for smart retail solutions. Most solutions are commercially available, except for the TurboX T55, powered by the Qualcomm SnapdragonTM X55 5G modem-RF System, and TurboX C865, featuring the flagship Qualcomm SDM865 platform, TurboX CM2150, and TurboX CM450 – all of which will follow in Q1 2020.
Tomi Engdahl says:
5g-mastojen tuhoaminen levisi Ruotsiin – myös Pohjanmaalla paloi kännykkämasto
Britanniassa ja Hollannissa on poltettu lukuisia 5g-tietoliikennemastoja. Poliisit uskovat, että tuhopoltot liittyvät 5g-salaliittoteoriaan.
Salaliitosta on liikkeellä useitakin versioita, mutta yleisin on, että 5g tuhoaa ihmisten immuunijärjestelmän. Toisen version mukaan tauti leviää 5g-säteilyn kantamana.
Nyt 5g-mastojen tuhotyöt ovat levinneet myös Ruotsiin. Länsinaapurissa on tehty ainakin kaksi mastoihin kohdistunutta iskua.
Myös Pohjanmaalla paloi kännykkämasto
Pohjanmaalla Pedersöressä paloi sunnuntai-iltana teleliikennetekniikkaa sisältävä rakennus. Palo katkaisi myös teleliikenteen mastossa.
Maanantaina tehty tekninen tutkinta viittaa poliisin mukaan siihen, että palo on sytytetty tahallaan. Tapausta tutkitaan törkeänä tuhotyönä.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Suomessa 5g-verkkojen tukiasemat on jätetty rauhaan myös koronakriisin aikana – Ruotsissa tietoliikennemasto kaadettiin ja toista yritettiin kaataa
Internetissä jaetun perättömän salaliittoteorian mukaan 5g-verkot edistävät koronaviruksen leviämistä. Britanniassa on tuhottu huhtikuussa kymmeniä tietoliikenneverkkojen tukiasemia.
Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto Traficomin kyberturvallisuuskeskuksen johtajan Jukka-Pekka Juutisen mukaan 5g- tai muiden verkkojen tukiasemia ei ole yritetty rikkoa tai muuten vahingoittaa Suomessa koronakriisin aikana. Muutenkin tietoliikenteen tukiasemiin kohdistuu Suomessa melko harvoin tihutöitä tai ilkivaltaa.
Juutinen on tietoinen maailmalla levinneestä ilmiöstä, jossa 5g-tukiasemien mastoja tai rakennuksia on sytytetty palamaan tai muuten yritetty vahingoittaa.
– En ymmärrä lainkaan näitä tekoja ja monessa tapauksessa on sabotoitu kohteita, joissa ei ole edes 5g-tukiasemaa, Juutinen sanoo.
Sosiaalisessa mediassa leviävän perättömän teorian mukaan 5g-verkkojen säteily heikentää ihmisten vastustuskykyä viruksille, mikä mahdollistaa koronaviruksen leviämisen. Yhden teorian mukaan koronavirus sai alkunsa Wuhanissa Kiinassa, koska kaupunki oli ottanut marraskuussa 5g-verkon käyttöön.
Salaliittoteorioiden leviäminen on johtanut myös konkreettisiin tuhotöihin. Ainakin Britanniassa, Hollannissa ja Ruotsissa 5g-verkkojen tukiasemia ja siihen liittyvää tekniikkaa on sytytetty palamaan tai muuten vandalisoitu.
Ruotsissa kaadettiin huhtikuussa yksi 5g-verkon tukiaseman masto ja toinen yritettiin kaataa.
Internetissä perättömiä teorioita jakavat eivät ole maininneet, että koronavirus on levinnyt voimakkaasti myös sellaisissa maissa, joissa ei ole vielä käytössä 5g-verkkoja kuten Iranissa. Britanniassa koronavirus on levinnyt voimakkaasti myös kaupungeissa, joissa ei ole 5g-verkkoja.
– Pahimmillaan tukiasemien vahingoittaminen voi estää hätäpuhelujen soittamisen, jos oltaisiin sellaisessa tilanteessa, ettei päällekkäisiä verkkoja olisi.
Tietoliikenneverkot ovat Juutisen mukaan kuitenkin pääasiassa päällekkäisiä, joten yksittäisen tukiaseman häiriö ei estä esimerkiksi hätäpuhelun soittamista.
Sunnuntaina Pohjanmaan Pedersören Lövössa paloi teleliikennetekniikka sisältävä rakennus tietoliikennemaston vieressä. Poliisi epäilee teknisen tutkinnan perusteella, että palo sytytettiin tahallaan.
Pohjanmaan poliisin viestintäpäällikkö Mikael Appel ei halua arvioida teon motiivia ennen kuin epäilty on saatu kiinni ja häntä on kuulusteltu. Poliisilla ei ole tietoa, onko kyseessä 5g-verkon tukiasema.
– Todennäköisesti se on normaali teleliikennemasto, jossa kulkee puhelin- ja data-liikennettä, Appel kertoo.
Salaliittoteorioita 5g-verkkojen ja koronaviruksen yhteydestä on levitetty maailmalla muun muassa sosiaalisen median palveluissa, kuten Facebookissa, WhatsAppissa ja YouTubessa. The New York Timesin mukaan virheellistä tietoa on jaettu Facebook-ryhmissä yli 30 maassa.
Teorioille koronaviruksen ja 5g-verkkojen yhteydestä ei ole esitetty tieteellistä tukea. Tutkimusten mukaan 5g-verkot eivät aiheuta terveyshaittoja ihmisille.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Huawein uusi piiri tuo 5G-huippunopeudet keskiluokan laitteisiin
Huawein puolijohderyhmä eli HiSilicon on julkistanut kolmannen 5G-älypuhelimien järjestelmäpiirinsä. Kirin 985 -piiri lupaa tuoda yhtiön premium-puhelimista tutut 5G-ominaisuudet laajemman ostajakunnan käyttöön. Siis keskihintaisiin laitteisiin.
HiSiliconin aiemmat 5G-piirit ovat lippulaivatuotteista löytyvä Kirin 990 sekä Kirin 820. Näiden välille asettuva Kirin 985 sisältää edeltäjiensä tapaan integroidun 5G-modeemin, joka tukee sekä ensimmäisen että toisen polven 5G-verkkoja (NSA/SA) ja sekä TDD- että FDD-kaistoja.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Rantautuiko vaarallinen vainoharha nyt myös Suomeen? Poliisi epäilee
liekkimerta tahalliseksi tuhotyöksi
Poliisi epäilee teletekniikkarakennuksen paloa Pohjanmaalla tahallaan
sytytetyksi. Maailmalla on keväällä sytytetty tahallaan useita
5g-mastoja ilmeisesti koronavirukseen liittyvien harhaluulojen takia,
mutta poliisilla ei ole tietoa Pohjanmaan tapauksen tekijästä tai
Tomi Engdahl says:
Unlock a world of opportunities
Tomi Engdahl says:
Much remains unknown about 5G and the impact it will have on a variety of markets
What is clear is that it has the potential to cause architectures to be reconsidered, and for entirely new application domains to be discovered that were not possible in the past.
The most significant changes will begin to occur when millimeter-wave technology is introduced, which can be in the form of performance, power reduction, reduced cost, smaller area or a combination of many attributes. It’s here that 5G will really begin to shine.–b7d0646c-f366-443d-9b18-a8498395f42b?uuid=b7d0646c-f366-443d-9b18-a8498395f42b&clp=1&contactid=1&PC=L&c=2020_04_21_veloce_gearing_up_for_5g_artic
Tomi Engdahl says:
Uusien 5g-taajuuksien huutokauppa alkaa Suomessa – lähtöhinta 0,009 euroa per hertsi
Hallitus on avannut huutokauppaan ilmoittautumisen uusista 5g-kaistoista. Toimiluvat myönnetään kolmelle 800 megahertsin levyiselle kaistalle.
Valtioneuvosto eli hallitus on avannut haun uusista mikroaaltotaajuuksien kaistoista 5g-verkkoja varten. Toimiluvat taajuuskaistalle 25,1–27,5 gigahertsiä kattavat Manner-Suomen, ja valtio myy ne kolmena 0,8 gigahertsin levyisenä palana.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Telian dataliikenne nousi 30 %, mutta tulos tippui odotettuakin enemmän
Koronakriisi iski Telian tulokseen odotettuakin pahemmin. Yhtiön liikevoitto putosi ensimmäisellä vuosineljänneksellä 2406 miljoonaan
Tomi Engdahl says:
The people who produce wireless network equipment and the ones who go out in the field and install it are affected by the stay-at-home orders too. Network operators lobbied to get deadlines pushed back.
The Pandemic Has Slowed Wireless Network Buildouts
When cities and states in the United States first began lockdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a big concern initially was whether the Internet and other communications networks would hold up under the strain. Thankfully, aside from some minor hiccups and latency problems, the Internet’s infrastructure seems to be doing just fine.
It’s one thing to know that our current communications infrastructure is up to the task, but what about future networks?
The gist is that lockdowns have made it difficult, though not impossible, for companies to complete their network buildouts on schedule. For a wireless network operator, that can mean more than just deadlines—it could mean the loss of its license to operate a network over the frequencies it has been assigned.
But now, companies are struggling to meet their deadlines. “It’s not like these guys are trying to skirt the rules,” says Mark Crosby, CEO of the Enterprise Wireless Alliance, an industry trade association. “It’s not that they don’t want to finish their construction, it’s just that things are difficult right now.”
Because of these problems, the EWA petitioned the FCC for a waiver of buildout deadlines until 31 August 2020. The FCC responded by giving all companies with a deadline between 15 March and 15 May an additional 60 days to complete their buildouts
While the pandemic is undoubtedly disrupting network buildouts, Crosby for one is equally certain it won’t cause lingering problems. He’s confident that when state and local governments begin lifting lockdown measures, companies will have no trouble wrapping up their delayed buildouts and getting new construction done on schedule.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Start Your 5G Journey Now with 4G LTE
Lost amid the noise around 5G is that well into this decade, 4G LTE will remain the strongest contender for IIoT solutions, even as we prepare for the 5G era.
It’s hardly news that we’re at the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution. The Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, ubiquitous wireless connectivity, mixed reality, blockchain, autonomous vehicles, the cloud—these and countless other recent developments are changing the way industries operate. The promise: the merger between digital and physical systems into the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) —a cyber-physical system that’s a fundamental building block of Industry 4.0
In the limelight and often polarizing is 5G. To some, the fifth generation of cellular communication technology is over-hyped. Others are preparing to upend their industries to get in on the action as early adopters. Somewhere in between, the more cautious are investing in 5G to gain the experience needed to create new products and solutions that they can offer to their customers once the dust settles and the technology is mature.
Precisely because of all the hype, this confusion is hardly a surprise. With the industry-relevant facets of 5G still a few years from widespread adoption, traditionally conservative industries will be tempted to hold off investments into the IIoT until the new standard in 3GPP’s Release 17 is fully implemented. After all, why pour money into 4G LTE—a technology that seems to be on the verge of becoming outdated—when a technological revolution is in the making?
There’s just one thing: Far from obsolescence, 4G LTE still gains traction and will continue to grow its footprint for years to come, dominating the market for even longer. In fact, 4G LTE networks will complement and even underpin 5G networks as they take root.
A point that tends to get lost amid the noise around 5G is that well into this decade, 4G LTE will remain the strongest contender for IIoT solutions (Fig. 2). In this article, we’ll lay out why.
A Game-Changer… Eventually
There’s no doubt that 5G will be transformational and that much of the hype surrounding it is warranted. It even stands a chance of living up to its lofty ambition of fundamentally transforming the role cellular communication technologies play in society, culminating in an “Internet of Everything,” built on several disruptive innovations:
5G adds new spectrum bands, including sub 1 GHz and mmWave (>24 GHz), to expand capacity.
It offers up to 1-GHz channel bandwidth in mmWave bands to achieve ultra-high broadband speeds.
It introduces a new radio interface (5G NR) that’s versatile enough to serve diverse needs.
It will require a new core network with small cells, network slicing, network virtualization, edge computing, and more to meet requirements and tailor performance to industry-specific requirements.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Twitter will remove dubious 5G tweets that could potentially cause
“We’re prioritizing the removal of COVID-19 content when it has a call
to action that could potentially cause harm, “
Tomi Engdahl says:
UK’s Communication Workers Union says it’s had reports of about 120 cases of abuse, including murder threats, directed at engineers believed to be working on 5G
Coronavirus: ‘Murder threats’ to telecoms engineers over 5G
Telecoms engineers have told Radio 1 Newsbeat they’re being threatened and harassed by people who believe they’re working on 5G, which has been wrongly linked to coronavirus.
Claims about any link have been branded complete rubbish by scientists.
But the union and trade body representing thousands of workers across the UK say they’ve had around 120 cases of abuse reported to them.
The reports have included threats of extreme violence.
“We’ve actually had cases where people have been threatened with being stabbed, threatened with physical violence and in some cases actually threatened with murder,” says Andy Kerr, deputy general secretary of the Communication Workers Union (CWU).
Tomi Engdahl says:
Realme’s X50m is a decently specced 5G phone – for the price of a 1995 Nissan Micra
So future-proofing your handset might not have to break the bank
The prices of 5G handsets are plummeting as demonstrated by the Realme X50m 5G, announced earlier today. This blower, from the sister company of industry giants OPPO and OnePlus, retails at ¥1,999 — about £230 — and comes with a surprisingly decent array of specs.
Under the hood is Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 765G SoC, which is a mid-range platform that has an integrated X52 modem capable of supporting mmWave and Sub-6 frequencies. The base variant has a respectable 6GB of RAM, as well as 128GB of internal memory using the (slightly older) UFS 2.1 standard.
On paper, this phone is surprisingly good value. Of course, the proof is in the pudding, and we’ve asked for a review unit. But beyond that, it’s interesting to see a 5G phone that’s priced below the £250 mark. Typically, 5G handsets have commanded something of a premium, thanks to the cost of the modems, plus the esteem of having perceptibly faster mobile internet.
So far, this handset appears to be a China exclusive, with the phone hitting shelves later this month. No doubt it’ll also eventually appear on the usual bazaars of Middle Kingdom kit — like Gearbest, GeekBuying, and the hilariously named BangGood.
Realme entered the European market in May of last year, starting with the compelling Realme 3 Pro. With 5G already present in most major UK cities, there’s probably a sizeable appetite for a device like the Realme X50m.
“There are three options that users can choose: 120Hz, 60Hz and Auto mode. If users choose Auto mode, the refresh rate will change according to consumptions.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
How Will COVID-19 Impact New Tech?
Will 5G be delayed? Is more automation coming? Will we all be working in VR soon? Blockchain? Here’s a look at the technologies being helped (and hurt) by the COVID-19 pandemic.
There’s no question at this point that the COVID-19 pandemic is going to have a major economic impact on the world. With that comes the question of how new and emerging technologies will be impacted as well. The temptation is to think that everyone will suffer due to supply chain disruptions, work stoppages, and other issues. But that’s not the case across the board.
Despite outlandish conspiracy theories that 5G is somehow the cause of the novel coronavirus, rollouts of 5G shouldn’t see a significant slowdown. Speaking at the recent ABI Tech Summit, Dimitris Mavrakis, a research director at ABI Research said the challenges facing 5G in the crisis have more to do with personnel than supply chain. “Engineers and technicians cannot visit sites because of restrictions,” he said. These sorts of restrictions could show delays in installations of small cells and other new equipment needed for 5G.
COVID-19 however has created an increase in WiFi and cellular traffic for a number of reasons, which Mavrakis believes will only fuel the fire of demand for 5G going forward. Still, he expects 5G rollouts to be back on track after June 2020 and should pick up in 2021.
There could be delays on the consumer device end however. “There was an assumption the smartphone market would grow because of consumer upgrades and replacements, and the rapid migration to 5G driven by consumer eagerness,” ABI research director David McQueen said.
Rollouts of 5G smartphones have already been feeling pressure from the ongoing trade war between the US and China, which has seen products from Huawei banned in the US. The pandemic has also piled on additional supply chain issues on top of this that could result in delays from the first 5G smartphones from major brands like Apple and Samsung.
Tomi Engdahl says:
In the Future, AIs—Not Humans—Will Design Our Wireless Signals
Tomi Engdahl says:
5G testing: Modulation distortion method speeds power amplifier characterization
Tomi Engdahl says:
Etteplanin yksityinen LTE-verkko palveluna mahdollistaa Danfossille tulevaisuuden älykkään tehtaan
Tomi Engdahl says:
5g-tukiasemat tulessa pitkin Eurooppaa näin salaliittoteoria sai
Jotkut ihmiset ovat suhtautuneet 5g-verkkotekniikkaan nyreästi jo
alusta alkaen. Nyt on siirrytty sanoista tekoihin jo useassa Euroopan
maassa.. Lue myös:
Tomi Engdahl says:
5G arsonists turn up in continental Europe
Conspiracy theories are fueling attacks on 5G masts in several EU countries following a spate in Britain.
How the 5G coronavirus conspiracy theory went from fringe to mainstream
Despite what the internet might be telling you, cellphones did not cause the Covid-19 pandemic.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Huawei’s founder on US sanctions, 5G leadership and building trust in Europe
In a recent interview with the South China Morning Post, the founder Chinese telecoms giant Huawei said he was inspired by the political system and business governance he saw in the United States when he started the company. Ren Zhengfei also spoke about how the world’s largest telecommunications equipment supplier, and China’s biggest smartphone maker, is dealing with US sanctions.
Tomi Engdahl says:
A practitioner’s guide to accelerate 5G for business in 2020
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Huippuvarma 5G-nettiyhteys tuo nopean netin myös pientaloalueille
Oman kodin liittäminen huippunopeaan ja viiveettömään 5G-verkkoon on tullut mahdolliseksi monilla alueilla, joilla on aiemmin kärsitty riittämättömistä nettiyhteyksistä.
Parempi netti – toimivampi televisio
Vaikka kaikki jo ymmärtävät nopeiden ja varmojen nettiyhteyksien merkityksen, moni ei Klausin mukaan välttämättä tiedosta sitä, että myös televisio on siirtynyt nettiin.
-Suoratoistopalvelut ovat nykypäivää jo vanhemmillekin ihmisille. Hyvänä esimerkkinä ovat urheilulähetykset, jotka saattavat siirtyä lähetyksen kuluessa televisionkanavalta nettipalveluun.
Hän painottaa lisäksi sitä, että vaikka oma television käyttö ei vielä olisi muuttunut, myynnissä olevat 4K-televisiot edellyttävät jo nopeaa ja toimintavarmaa nettiyhteyttä, jonka kiinteä 5G-yhteys takaa.
Tomi Engdahl says:
IoT the Extraterrestrial Holds Promise for 5G and More
Once known as the IoT of Space, the extraterrestrial placement of broadband ready communication mega-constellations is becoming a reality.
About four years ago, the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) sponsored one of the first Internet of Space (IoS) discussions at the International Microwave Symposium (IMS) in San Francisco, CA.
With representation from a global community of satellite and end-user companies, the IEEE IMS Rump Session Panel explored the technical and business challenges facing the emerging IoS industry. What exactly was the IoS? Did it include both low-earth orbit and potentially sub-orbital platforms like drones and balloons? How do microwave and RF designs differ for satellite and airborne applications? These were but a few of the questions that were addressed by the panel, which consisted of professionals from Virginia Tech, ViaSat, Facebook, Boeing, OneWeb, RUAG Space and Keysight.
At the time of this panel, few broadband, low earth orbit (LEO) IoS communication satellites had been launched. Certainly, several existing commercial satellite Internet service providers – Viasat, Eutelsat, Hughes, Iridium, O3b Networks, and others – had been operating communication constellations across different orbits for years. But this was nothing like the mega-constellations of hundreds of individual satellites that were planned during the insuing years for the IoS broadband network systems.
Fast forward to today. Deloitte analysts recently predicted that by the end of 2020, there will be more than 700 satellites in low-earth orbit (LEO) seeking to offer global broadband internet, up from roughly 200 at the end of 2019. What does this mean to potential 5G broadband (1GHz and higher throughput) and other terrestrial Internet users?
Looking ahead, Omdia analysts foresee that the installed base of satellite IoT connections will increase by nearly a factor of four in the coming years, expanding at a 25% CAGR from 2.7 million units in 2019 to reach 10.3 million units in 2025.
The Omdia report notes that, while satellite IoT will only account for a small proportion of overall IoT connections, it will support critical use cases in industries such as maritime and oil and gas. Further, the next 10-15 years will see standard terrestrial wireless IoT technologies playing a key role in enabling satellite based IoT connectivity. However, in the next five years or less, terrestrial wireless technologies will likely have only minimal impact, accounting for less than 10% of the installed base of satellite connected IoT devices in 2025.
While the satellites and their launches probably represent one of the biggest cost factors for Internet of Space, or Internet of Extraterrestrial as they are now called, there are other consideration. For example, how will existing terrestrial wireless networks connect to these satellites?
Although business and technical challenges still lie ahead, in the future most customers and stakeholders will treat satellite connectivity as simply another means of getting remote data into cloud based IoT applications. For rural areas and the like where Internet connections are unreliable if even available at all, the satellite-based Internet will act as an IoT market driver. For all other users, especially in 5 to 15 years as 5G communication becomes readily available, the IoT of Extraterrestrials will bring amazing broadband speeds to everyone.
Tomi Engdahl says:
More Than 30 Firms Join Alliance Calling for ‘Open’ 5G systems
More than 30 technology and telecom firms unveiled an alliance Tuesday to press for “open and interoperable” 5G wireless systems that eliminate the need for a single supplier.
The move comes amid heightened global debate over politically sensitive deployment of the ultrafast fifth-generation networks in a market led by Chinese-based Huawei, along with European-based Nokia and Ericsson.
The new Open RAN Policy Coalition said an open-standards system with competitive bidding for various components in a “radio access network” would avoid depending on any single technology supplier.
The alliance of 31 firms is “letting (wireless) providers know there are options” other than “a single vendor with a closed proprietary system,” said Diane Rinaldo, coalition executive director.
The group includes large technology firms Microsoft, Google, IBM and Cisco; carriers including AT&T and Verizon in the United States and global operators Vodafone, Rakuten and Telefonica; and hardware and chip-making firms Qualcomm, Intel and Samsung.
Rinaldo told AFP that “the coalition was not formed to address concerns about any particular company but to discuss the need to have a robust supply chain and prevent any one company from dominating.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
5g-tukiasemia tuhotaan mistä salaliittoteoria kumpuaa?
Mikään määrä tieteellistä informaatiota ei pysäytä
salaliittoteorioita, koska niille on kova kysyntä.
Tomi Engdahl says:
American tech goliaths decide innovation is the answer to Chinese 5G dominance, not bans, national security theater
Microsoft, Cisco, Google etc gang up to form Open RAN Policy Coalition
Some of America’s super-corps have remembered how the US became the dominant global technology force it is, and have vowed to use innovation over threats to counter Chinese dominance in 5G markets.
Thirty-one corporations ranging from AT&T to VMWare, and including Facebook, Google, IBM, Intel, Microsoft and Oracle, have launched what they are calling the Open RAN Policy Coalition with a goal to develop new, open, and interoperable approaches to the 5G network.
RAN stands for Radio Access Network and is the technology that connects individual devices like smartphones to other parts of the network. It comprises three main components: the radio unit (RU), distributed unit (DU) and centralized unit (CU). Each part is based in different locations and typically uses different hardware and software. Despite the enormous global use of such technology however, most of it remains proprietary, developed and controlled by individual companies.
The Open RAN Policy Coalition proposes opening this entire market up to make all aspects interoperable: a move that it hopes will allow new companies to enter the market and shake things up before next-generation 5G becomes ubiquitous.
While not all companies in the coalition are American – it also includes Fujitsu, Telefónica and Vodafone, for example – it is US-heavy and the implicit drive is that the organization will help prevent Chinese companies from taking over the 5G market.
Tomi Engdahl says:
US military is furious at FCC over 5G plan that could interfere with
GPS is facing a major interference threat from a 5G network approved
by the Federal Communications Commission, US military officials told
Congress in a hearing on Wednesday. In testimony to the Senate
Committee on Armed Services, Department of Defense Chief Information
Officer Dana Deasy disputed the FCC’s claims that conditions imposed
on the Ligado network will protect GPS from interference.
Deasy, though, said that “even these substantial reductions fail to meet the power levels that can be tolerated in bands adjacent to GPS L1 signals that were studied by the DoT [Department of Transportation].” GPS L1 operates at 1575MHz, while Ligado’s frequencies include the 1526-1536MHz, 1627.5-1637.5MHz, and 1646.5-1656.5MHz bands.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Industry Reactions to Alliance for Open 5G Systems: Feedback Friday
More than 30 technology and telecom companies announced this week that they have formed a new alliance, the Open RAN Policy Coalition, that calls for open and interoperable 5G systems.
The alliance promotes the adoption of open and interoperable Radio Access Network (RAN) solutions — this includes 5G technology — in an effort to “create innovation, spur competition and expand the supply chain for advanced wireless technologies.”
Founding members of the alliance include Airspan, Altiostar, AT&T, AWS, Cisco, CommScope, Dell, DISH Network, Facebook, Fujitsu, Google, IBM, Intel, Juniper Networks, Mavenir, Microsoft, NEC Corporation, NewEdge Signal Solutions, NTT, Oracle, Parallel Wireless, Qualcomm, Rakuten Mobile, Samsung, Telefónica, US Ignite, Verizon, VMWare, Vodafone, World Wide Technology, and XCOM-Labs.
The alliance was launched amid a global debate over the deployment of 5G networks, with the United States and other countries banning Huawei over concerns that it could be using its equipment to spy for the Chinese government.
” The Open RAN Policy Coalition provides an opportunity to focus on important concepts such as interoperability, standardization, and, perhaps most of all, security.”
“The concept set forth by the Open RAN Policy Coalition, creating open and interoperable interfaces between radio, hardware, and software components needed for wireless carriers to upgrade their cell towers and networks to support 5G speaks volumes compared to the days of old. In the past, the idea that each piece of technology – radio, hardware, and software – needed to be sourced from a single vendor mirrored the times. Now, with such a global reach, opening the next technology revolution to everyone makes sense.”
“With any new technology there are many security concerns that should be discussed and addressed. While many hands (and eyes) can build stronger standards, it takes only one malicious person to find and exploit vulnerabilities. Within this Open RAN Policy Coalition, the ability to use multiple hardware, radio, or software pieces interchangeably, gives wireless providers the ability to replace suspicious hardware, update patches across their network, and pivot hardware as needed.”
“Standardizing security protocols and standards across major vendors can help decrease integration flaws across the stack. Re-implementing security controls in different ways leads to increased development efforts and increases the likelihood of introducing vulnerabilities or regressions. Developing secure and interoperable 5G systems will help drive adoption and ease the burden on engineering teams implementing security standards.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
The MIPI Alliance released its standard of the MIPI RF Front End Control Interface (MIPI RFFE) v3.0, to 5G use cases — including automotive, industrial and IoT — and to meet international 3GPP 5G standards that call for tight timing precision and low latency. MIPI RFFE defines RF front end component standards to ease design. This latest version of the standard has enhanced triggering functions that lower latency in a complex environment crowded with different spectra and equipment.
MIPI RFFE v3.0 Delivers Tighter Timing Precision and Reduced Latencies Needed for Successful 5G Rollouts
New version of widely deployed specification designed to enable more rapid and dynamic configuration changes within and across RF front-end subsystems
Tomi Engdahl says:
CEA-Leti is investigating millimeter wave D-band, at 140 GHz, which may play a major role for 6G wireless communication. “Because CMOS technologies cannot produce devices that deliver the maximum transistor frequency needed for sub-THz applications, CEA-Leti is investigating optimized RF circuit designs with innovative architectures for these applications, and new materials and devices to address D-band frequencies and beyond,” says a CEA-Leti press release.'s-On/Press%20release/CEA-Leti-Explores-Technology-Roadmap–For-Sixth-Generation-Wireless-Networks-in-mmWave-Bands.aspx
Tomi Engdahl says:
Ericsson nostaa 5G-ennustettaan
Vuonna 2025 maailmassa on 2,8 miljardia 5G-käyttäjää, arvioi Ericssonin pääjohtaja Börje Ekholm yhtiön uuden Unboxed-virtuaalitapahtuman keynote-puheessaan. Aiempi ennuste kirjattiin lukemine 2,6 miljardia.
Ericsson uskoo, että 5G-tilaajien määrän kasvu kiihtyy jo tänä vuonna koronapandemiasta huolimatta. Aiemmin yhtiö on arvioinut, ett tämän vuoden lopulla maailmassa olisi 100 miljoonaa 5G-tilaajaa. Uusi ennuste luvataan antaa ensi kuussa yhtiön Mobility Reportin yhteydessä.
Ekholmin mukaan 5G-rakentamista viivästyttää lähinnä vapaiden taajuuksien löytyminen joillakin markkinoilla. Silti on jo nyt näkyvissä, että operaattorit alkavat tehdä 5G-datalla rahaa. – Ensiksi 5G-tekniikkaan lähteneet operaattorit kasvattavat jo selvästi 5G-liikevaihtojaan, Ekholm kommentoi.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Microsoft is acquiring Metaswitch Networks to expand its Azure 5G strategy
Just weeks after announcing a deal to acquire 5G specialist Affirmed Networks, Microsoft is making another acquisition to strengthen its cloud-based telecoms offering. It’s acquiring Metaswitch Networks, a U.K.-based provider of cloud-based communications products used by carriers and network providers (customers include the likes of BT in the U.K., Sprint and virtual network consortium RINA.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Lisää kapasiteettia, kuuluvuutta ja nopeutta – siirtymä 4G:stä 5G:hen on evoluutio, ei revoluutio
DNA rakentaa ja parantaa jatkuvasti 4G- ja 5G-verkkoyhteyksiään eri puolilla Suomea. 5G-verkon rakentamisen yhteydessä myös 4G-verkkoa päivitetään uusimpaan 4G-sukupolven teknologiaan. Tämä tuo merkittäviä kapasiteetti- ja kuuluvuusparannuksia myös 4G-palveluihin.
“5G-verkkoa rakennetaan ensin sinne, missä asuu eniten ihmisiä, kuten isoimpien kaupunkien keskusta-alueille. Tämän lisäksi rakennamme 5G-verkkoa paikkoihin, missä on jo erityisen paljon 4G-liikennettä, kuten esikaupunkien pientaloalueille. Näillä alueilla 5G:stä on eniten hyötyä ja sille löytyy aktiivisia käyttäjiä”, kertoo DNA:n radioverkkojohtaja Jarkko Laari.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Building Blocks for 28-GHz Small Cells
One of the more significant 5G innovations is the ability to operate in the millimeter-wave spectrum. Support for high-frequency bands opens underused spectrum to bolster 5G network capacity and provides opportunity to leverage small-cell technology.
Tomi Engdahl says:
ETSI launches new group on Non-IP Networking addressing 5G new services
ETSI is pleased to announce the creation of a new Industry Specification Group addressing Non-IP Networking (ISG NIN). The kick-off-meeting took place on 25 March and John Grant, BSI, was elected as the ISG Chair, and Kevin Smith, Vodafone, was elected as ISG Vice Chair.
With the increasing challenges placed on modern networks to support new use cases and greater connectivity, Service Providers are looking for candidate technologies that may serve their needs better than the TCP/IP-based networking used in current systems.
ISG NIN intends to develop standards that define technologies to make more efficient use of capacity, have security by design, and provide lower latency for live media.
In 2015, several mobile operators identified problems with the TCP/IP-based technology used in 4G. These included the complex and inefficient use of spectrum resulting from adding mobility, security, quality-of-service, and other features to a protocol that was never designed for them. The subsequent fixes and workarounds designed to overcome these problems themselves incur increased cost, latency, and greater power-consumption. TCP/IP was therefore deemed as non-optimal for the more advanced 5G services.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Unlock 5G potential with EUHT
This year is being touted as the beginning of a new era, economic pressures notwithstanding, as 5G transforms many existing applications and eventually spawns new ones. Market analysis firm, IHS Markit, for instance, sees 5G providing for $13.2 trillion in global sales and supporting 22.3 million jobs by 2035. Another analyst, Gartner, believes just the 5G infrastructure market will reach $4.2 billion with two-thirds of companies deploying 5G this year.
Fair words, indeed, at a time when businesses are experiencing supply as well as demand disruptions.
But before those new applications and associated revenue streams can be realized, the numerous players in this industry must collaborate and agree on standards.
EUHT-5G delivers 5G promises
The Enhanced Ultra High Throughput-5th Generation (EUHT-5G) is an ultra-high-speed wireless communication system, developed by Nufront (Beijing) Technology Group, that meets all the requirements of high reliability, low latency, and high data rates with high-speed UE mobility by tomorrow’s applications. By offering also high spectrum efficiency, low re-transmission, low networking cost, and precise positioning, it takes into account the diversity of applications where it may find itself.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Meet the new 5G one box test solution by Rohde & Schwarz
Testing 5G NR products requires innovative test and measurement approaches. New technologies such as massive MIMO, bandwidths and data rates substantially higher than in 4G and the use of mmWave make over-the-air measurements compulsory. Watch the video to discover the R&S®CMPQ test solution.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Nokia teki uuden 5G-nopeusennätyksen
Nokia kertoo yltäneensä maailman tähän asti nopeimpaan 5G-datayhteyteen Dallasissa, Texasissa. Testissä käytössä oli peräti 800 megahertsiä taajuuksia sekä 5G- että LTE-alueelta. Uusi nopeusennätys kirjataan lukemin 4,7 gigabittiä sekunnissa.
Huippuvauhti perustui EN-DC-tekniikkaan (Dual Connectivity), jossa samaan linkkiin voidaan liittää taajuuksia eri verkoista. Dallasin testissä käytössä oli kahdeksan sadan megahertsin kanavaa 28 ja 39 gigahertsin 5G-aluielta sekä 40 megahertsiä LTE-taajuuksilta.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Industrial 5G Technology Takes Center Stage
The cellular industry is targeting industrial automation with its IMT-2020 vision, offering technical enhancements over 4G now and expanded capabilities, including TSN, by the end of 2020.
The potential use of Industrial 5G on the factory floor took center stage at the recent ODVA conference in Palm Harbor, FL. While Release 16 of 5G technology, which adds support for Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) is still anticipated by the end of 2020, technical enhancements over 4G and a huge marketing push is encouraging manufacturing companies to develop a 5G vision now.