Computers and component trends 2020

Prediction articles:

2020: A consumer electronics forecast for the year(s) ahead

AI Chips: What Will 2020 Bring?

CEO Outlook: 2020 Vision: 5G, China and AI are prominent, but big changes are coming everywhere

Top 10 Tech Failures From 2019 That Hint At 2020 Trends – Last year’s tech failures often turn into next year’s leading trends


AMD’s 7nm Ryzen 4000 CPUs are here to take on Intel’s 10nm Ice Lake laptop chips

Top 9 challenges IT leaders will face in 2020: From skills shortages to privacy concerns

Linux in 2020: 27.8 million lines of code in the kernel, 1.3 million in whole system
Systemd? It’s the proper technical solution, says kernel maintainer

Hero programmers do exist, do all the work, do chat a lot – and do need love and attention from project leaders

From the oil rig to the lake: a shift in perspective on data

In December 2020, the new IEC/EN 62368-1 will replace the existing safety standards EN 60950-1 and EN 60065-1

Use of technology money outside company IT department is the new normal

Tech to try:

12 Alternative Operating Systems You Can Use In 2020



Universal memory coming? New type of non-volatile general purpose memory on research, some call it UltraRAM.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Guess Who Contributed the Most to Linux Kernel 5.10 Development? It’s Huawei (and Intel)
    Huawei and Intel seem to be leading the code contribution ranking for Linux Kernel 5.10 development. Here’s more about that.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    5 Useful Things You Could Do With 1TB of RAM
    OCT 25, 2017
    UPDATED OCT 01, 2020

    RAM can be a Windows performance bottleneck. Imagine you had unlimited memory, how would that change how you use your computer? Here’s a thought experiment.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Introducing data design
    By Iiris Lahti

    Design Thinking methods can be used to find the underlying motivations, feelings and core needs of the user, innovating new solutions and optimizing the overall user experience. Design Thinking methods can be applied also for data solutions, as they are designed most often with an employer, team or customer in mind. Focusing more time on building user understanding in the first phases of the data development project will save a lot of development effort and iterations in the later phases. It will also help to improve the collaboration and communication of the data solutions between developers, analysts and business users resulting in higher user satisfaction and ability to create value from data.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Biggest Software Flops of All Time
    Software is a funny thing. It weighs nothing, but takes dozens or even hundreds of people to make. And sometimes it just doesn’t work out.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Zoom escape button is the holiday gift everyone actually needs
    A faster way to get out of Zoom meetings

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    5 reasons spreadsheets may be holding back your product team – and a better alternative

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Data recovery is built right into them.

    Samsung Is Promising ‘Never-Die’ SSDs

    If a NAND chip fails, these new SSDs detect it, move the data somewhere else on the drive, and keep on functioning.

    Whether you choose a hard drive or an SSD for your PC, every drive will eventually come to the end of its life. Hard drives can develop bad sectors, but do manage to keep on working for a while. SSDs on the other hand tend to just die unexpectedly, but Samsung aims to fix that in its new PCIe Gen4 solid state drives.

    These SSDs are set to include new technology Samsung is calling fail-in-place (FIP). What FIP technology does is allow a drive to cope if something goes wrong with one or more of the NAND chips it contains. So rather than dying, what’s left of the functioning storage chips will continue to work, albeit in a drive that has less storage space available.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    10 Best and Most Popular Linux Desktop Environments of All Time

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How to Copy and Paste Multiple Items in One Shot
    Normally, you can copy and paste only one item at a time in Windows. But with a clipboard utility, you can copy and paste multiple items one after the other.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Semiconductor Sales Increase 6.5% in 2020
    The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) announced the global semiconductor industry sales were $439.0 billion in 2020, an increase of 6.5% compared to the 2019 total of $412.3 billion. Global sales for the month of December 2020 were $39.2 billion, an increase of 8.3% compared to the December 2019 total and 2.0% less than the total from November 2020. Fourth-quarter sales …
    Semiconductor Industry Association

    Global Semiconductor Sales Increase 6.5% to $439 billion in 2020

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The instal(l)ation is easy.
    The confuckeration is another matter …John Snow!

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Liam Tung / ZDNet:
    Five high-ranking Google engineers propose new rules for developers working on “critical” open source projects, including no unilateral code changes — If your open-source software project is considered “critical”, you could be facing a lot more work and responsibility in the future.

    Open source: Google wants new rules for developers working on ‘critical’ projects

    If your open-source software project is considered “critical”, you could be facing a lot more work and responsibility in the future. But for now, it’s just some ideas from a few of Google’s top engineers.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Cloud computing: AWS is still the biggest player, but Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud are growing fast

    Microsoft Azure slightly closes the gap on Amazon Web Service’s lead. Pandemic helps drive cloud infrastructure spending through remote work and online games.


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