Mobile Trends 2020

I was planning to write some article on the mobile trends on this year based on news-feed from MWC 2020 mobile event, but MWC canceled because of Coronavirus COVID-19. And so some other events.

Here are some trends:

It seems that smart phones seem to have as much excitement when a new model is released. Usually there is no new feature that renders the latest model an absolute must-have. Apart from potential prestige, there’s usually very little difference to the user whether the phone cost $300 or $1200.

People still remember the failed promise of foldable phones and 5G. For those 2019 had been a year of failed promises.

Along with foldable displays, the fifth generation of networking technology was touted as being the next big thing in the mobile business. It seems that year 2020 will be a real test for 5G if it will really take on or fails to full-fill the big expectations. This year will be the real test for 5G devices as the 5G device mass market has not yet really started. Read more on that on my 5G trends 2020 post.

The smartphones market was valued at USD 714.96 billion in 2019
. It was expected to reach USD 1351.8 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 11.2%. But it seems that this year does not meet those expectations, as IDC expects Smartphone market to drop 2.3% in 2020 due to coronavirus. COVID-19 outbreak is expected to result into 10.6 percent drop in the first half of 2020 and China’s smartphone market will drop by nearly 40 percent year over year in the first quarter. The SMEs in the phone industry, especially retail channel partners, will see the biggest effect.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Google ja Samsung ilmoittavat yhdistävänsä älykellojen käyttöjärjestelmänsä. Googlen Wear OS:stä ja Tizenista muodostetaan uusi alusta, joka lupaa enemmän suorituskykyä ja pidemmän toiminta-ajan akulla. Uudella alustalla ei ole vielä virallista nimeä.

    Samsung kertoo, että jo sen seuraava Galaxy Watch -älykello toimii uudella yhdistetyllä alustalla. Käytännössä tämä tarkoittaa, että Tizen-pohjaisen älykellojen aikakausi loppuu. Samsung kuitenkin lupaa vanhoihin älykelloihinsa päivityksiä luvatun mukaisesti.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Saksalainen Pepperl+Fuchs tarjoaa räjähdysvaarallisten tiloihin Ecom Instrumentsin koventamia tabletteja ja älypuhelimia. Ne avaavat yrityksen mukaan uusia mahdollisuuksia hakea digitaalista tietoa missä tahansa. Kehitteillä olevat älylasit tuovat pian huoltokohteisiin asiantuntijoiden virtuaalisen avun ja neuvot entistä helpommin.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Eurooppalaiset teleoperaattorit luovat kännyköille uuden ekoluokituksen, joka kertoo muun muassa kuinka korjattavissa tai kierrätettävissä puhelin on laajempien ympäristövaikutusten kannalta. Suomesta mukana on teleoperaattori Telia, joka on kaupannut jo aiemmin kierrätettyjä Recycled-puhelimia. Mukana on operaattoreiden lisäksi 12 laitevalmistajaa.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    SIMO-arkkitehtuuriin perustuva tehonhallinta auttaa kutistamaan älykellon vaatiman tehonsyötön pienempään tilaan paremmalla hyötysuhteella. Sen ansiosta Maximin MAX77654-tehonhallintapiiri tuottaa enemmän tehoa pienemmässä koossa, mikä pidentää kellon toiminta-aikaa ja mahdollistaa pienemmän laitetoteutuksen.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Skin Displays Will Give Wearables Their Independence

    Stretchy, thin, bright, water-resistant displays that stick to skin without adhesives are going to start appearing in coming years. They’ll be on the hands and arms of not just the elderly but also on those of athletes, travelers, hipsters, and early adopters. They’re going to unobtrusively update runners and cyclists on heart rate and hydration needs, ultraviolet exposure, and even show maps of the route ahead. They’ll be used to send secret messages between friends and lovers. The fashion-forward will undoubtedly flash messages and vital stats at each other at parties and festivals. Such a display might even share emotional cues with observers, suggesting that you are interested, anxious, available, or excited. Depending on the setting, it might foster friendship, deeper communication, or splendid isolation.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    S. Shah / Engadget:
    Samsung and AMD are collaborating to build Exynos mobile chips featuring RDNA 2 graphics that will support ray tracing and variable rate shading

    Samsung and AMD have been working together on a GPU since 2019 and today we’re getting another major update on the partnership. As part of its Computex keynote, AMD revealed that the Exynos mobile system-on-chip will feature RDNA 2 graphics technology that should deliver a significant upgrade to flagship mobile devices. Details are currently scarce, but we do know that the next-gen mobile GPU will support ray tracing and variable rate shading.

    AMD is leaving it to Samsung to share more info about the chip and the products it will be used in. “The next place you’ll find RDNA 2 will be the high-performance mobile phone market,” AMD CEO Lisa Su said on stage at Computex Taipei. “AMD has partnered with industry leader Samsung for several years to accelerate graphics innovation in the mobile market, and we’re happy to announce that we’ll bring custom graphics IP to Samsung’s next flagship mobile SoC with ray tracing and variable rate shading capabilities. We’re really looking forward to Samsung providing more details later this year.”

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Huawei Launches a Range of New Products Powered by HarmonyOS 2
    Nearly 100 devices to support HarmonyOS 2

    [Shenzhen, China, June 2, 2021] Huawei launched a range of smartphones, smart watches, and tablets powered by its new HarmonyOS 2 operating system today, including a new version of the HUAWEI Mate 40 Series and HUAWEI Mate X2, the HUAWEI WATCH 3 Series, and the HUAWEI MatePad Pro.

    At today’s event, Huawei also released the HUAWEI FreeBuds 4, its next-generation open-fit Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) wireless Bluetooth earbuds, and two high-end monitors, the HUAWEI MateView and the HUAWEI MateView GT. The company took this opportunity to announce that roughly 100 other Huawei devices – including both smartphones and tablets – will be upgraded to run on HarmonyOS 2, giving consumers access to a seamless intelligent experience across multiple devices in all different types of scenarios.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:
    Nokia-brändillä matkapuhelimia tekevän HMD:n liikevaihto putosi viime vuonna. Samalla tappio kuitenkin kutistui selvästi. ”Olemme olleet viime kesäkuusta lähtien kannattavia”, sanoo toimitusjohtaja Florian Seiche.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Hartley Charlton / MacRumors:
    Apple details iOS 15 features: notification summaries, Live Text in photos, new ways to share in Messages, cross-app drag and drop, updates to Weather and Maps — Apple today previewed iOS 15, the company’s next major update for the iPhone, featuring new video calling capabilities …

    Apple Announces iOS 15: First Look at New Features

    Apple today previewed iOS 15, the company’s next major update for the iPhone, featuring new video calling capabilities, improvements to Messages, user statuses, a smart notification summary, and more.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Benjamin Mayo / 9to5Mac:
    Starting with iOS 15, iPhones can be traced via the Find My network even while powered off or after factory reset — With iOS 15, your iPhone is still traceable through the Find My network even when the device is powered off. It seems that with iOS 15, the phone is not really fully ‘powered off’ …

    iOS 15: Find My network can still find your iPhone when it is powered off, or factory reset

    With iOS 15, your iPhone is still traceable through the Find My network even when the device is powered off. It seems that with iOS 15, the phone is not really fully ‘powered off’, it stays in a low-power state and acts like an AirTag, allowing any nearby iOS device to pick up the Bluetooth signal and send back its location.

    This also means if your iPhone runs out of battery during the day, you still have a chance of finding its location for several more hours. In fact, Apple says the location tracking will even keep working whilst the phone is reset to factory settings with Activation Lock enabled.

    Apple informs users about this new behaviour with an alert dialog when the newly-updated iOS 15 iPhone is running low on power for the first time.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Monica Chin / The Verge:
    Apple says HomeKit accessory makers will be able to integrate Siri voice control into their devices later this year

    Apple introduces Siri for third-party devices
    Plus, new features for the HomePod Mini and Apple Watch

    Siri is finally coming to third-party devices. Apple announced at its WWDC keynote that HomeKit accessory makers will be able to integrate Siri voice control into their products starting later this year. The voice assistant will be routed through a HomePod if the devices are connected to your network.

    Apple hasn’t released a comprehensive list of devices and brands that will support Siri. The company demoed it on an Ecobee thermostat during its WWDC keynote presentation. It also announced support for Matter — a new interoperability standard that has big players like Amazon, Google, and Samsung on board — will come with iOS 15.

    Apple also revealed a number of smaller smart home features. Home Keys, which allow you to remotely lock and unlock doors by tapping your iPhone or Apple Watch, are coming to Wallet app, as are work keys and hotel keys.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Benjamin Mayo / 9to5Mac:
    Unlike with previous iOS releases, Apple will let users choose to stay on iOS 14 and still receive security updates, even after iOS 15 is released

    Apple will let users stay on iOS 14 and receive security updates, even after iOS 15 is released

    For the first time, Apple will allow users to stay on the previous major version when iOS 15 ships in the fall. Users will have the choice to stay on iOS 14 and receive important security updates, or upgrade to iOS 15 to take advantage of all the new features.

    iOS always has high levels of adoption from its user base, but some groups prefer not to upgrade right away. With this new feature in place, those people will no longer miss out on bug fixes and security updates.

    The development of this capability was first reported by 9to5Mac earlier this year.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    James Vincent / The Verge:
    Apple announces updates to Siri, including processing audio on-device by default and making the assistant more responsive

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Microsoft patents a unique Under-Display Camera solution for phones and Surface tablets

    2022 will be the year Under-Display Cameras enter the mainstream, but companies are still facing the challenge of meeting expectations regarding camera quality from the front-facing camera.

    Microsoft has patented a unique solution which they call a Logo Camera.

    Their solution would use an array of 4 cameras, and uniquely each camera would only be monochromatic and tuned to one of the 4 primary colours. This would allow most of the overlying colour pixels in the screen to be invisible to the camera.

    Microsoft then proposes to use some of those pixels as a colour filter for the camera, which would be active when the camera is active.

    This would show up as a pattern of colour on the screen overlying the lenses, which in Microsoft’s case would conveniently form a flag pattern, the logo of the company. This would of course also conveniently act as a camera active indicator, which is important for privacy, especially with unobtrusive under-display cameras.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nearly 2% of the 1,000 highest grossing apps on Apple’s App Store are SCAMS that have conned consumers out of an estimated $48 MILLION, report warns

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Samsung kutisti kännykkäpiirinsä RF-osan

    Samsung on esitellyt kännykkäpiireihinsä uuden RF-etupään, joka ensimmäistä kertaa valmistetaan 8 nanometrin prosessissa. Tämä mahdollistaa entistä pienempien modeemipiirien kehittämisen ja lopulta yhden sirun radion toteuttamisen älypuhelimiin.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mitchell Clark / The Verge:
    Google unveils features for Android including end-to-end encryption for RCS-based one-to-one chats in Messages, starred messages, emoji mashup suggestions, more — Earthquake Alerts in more places and better accessibility — Google has announced seven new features for Android …

    Google adds E2E RCS encryption to Messages, emoji mashup suggests, and more for Android
    Earthquake Alerts in more places and better accessibility

    Google has announced seven new features for Android that it says will help improve accessibility and make Assistant Shortcuts more useful, among other things. The new features announced today are:
    End-to-end encryption for Messages

    Google announced that RCS chats sent through the Messages app will now be end-to-end encrypted. The feature was rolled out in beta last November, but it seems that Google is now releasing it for everyone who has access to RCS.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mishaal Rahman / XDA Developers:
    APK teardown of new version of Google Play Services suggests that Google is working to build an Android device network like Apple’s Find My — Because Apple tightly controls the iOS ecosystem, they’re able to build a massive, crowdsourced network of devices that can help locate other devices.

    Google may be working on an Android version of Apple’s “Find My” network

    Because Apple tightly controls the iOS ecosystem, they’re able to build a massive, crowdsourced network of devices that can help locate other devices. Apple, like many other companies, recently released a Bluetooth tracker, and thanks to the Find My network, the AirTags are arguably the most effective tracker on the market. The only other company that can build a network of devices as large as Apple’s is Google thanks to the existence of the Google Play Services app on nearly every Android device. It seems that Google recognizes this fact and is preparing to build its own crowdsourced network of devices.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mobiilisovelluksen hinta liikkuu yleensä noin 10 000–50 000 eurossa. Paljon riippuu halutuista toiminnallisuuksista, valitusta teknologiasta ja toki myös projektin toteuttajasta. Isot, kansainväliset sovellustalot toteuttavat yleensä hintavampia projekteja, ja mobiiliapplikaation hinta voi kivuta satoihin tuhansiin euroihin.

    Karkeasti arvioiden voisi sanoa, että noin 5 000 eurolla saa prototyypin eli käytännössä visuaalisen version sovelluksesta. Tässä vaiheessa mitään teknistä toteutusta ei siis ole tehty, vaan UI/UX-suunnittelija rakentaa sovelluksen mallityypin.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Motorola teki ”teininkestävän” puhelimen

    Kun pitää skeitata, keulia pyörällä, ajaa mopolla tai muutenkin olla jatkuvasti liikkeessä ja pitää älypuhelintaan löysässä taskussa, laite putoaa ennen pitkää jollekin kivetykselle. Puhelinten korjausbisnes on toki kasvava ala, mutta Motorola ajatteli, että teinit tarvitsevat pomminkestävän puhelimen.

    Uusi Motorola defy -sarja on kehitetty yhdessä Bullitt Groupin kanssa, joka suunnittelee matkapuhelimia todellisiin ääriolosuhteisiin. Defy-mallisto tarjoaa yhtiön mukaan ”kaikki kuluttajien tarvitsemat suojausominaisuudet” tinkimättä suorituskyvystä, tehokkuudesta tai akunkestosta.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jon Porter / The Verge:
    London’s mayor says the Underground will have mobile coverage by the end of 2024 across its entire system, including some popular stations by the end of 2022

    Entire London Underground to receive mobile coverage by end of 2024

    Popular stations like Oxford Circus, Euston, and Bank will connected by end of 2022

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Well, the Samsung Exynos 2200 is not to be competing with the Snapdragon 888.


    In the current mobile phone market, apart from Huawei and Apple, only Samsung has been working hard to develop self-developed chips. In the past two years, it has gradually narrowed the gap with Qualcomm chips. Currently, Exynos 1080 and other chips in the mid-range market have outstanding performances. At the same time, Samsung has been exploring new technologies on its flagship chips. The company aims to overtake Qualcomm’s Snapdragon series flagships. Now it seems that the company has really done it with the Samsung Exynos 2200.

    Well, the Samsung Exynos 2200 is not to be competing with the Snapdragon 888. This is because Qualcomm is already preparing a new flagship, Snapdragon 895. However, there are reports that Snapdragon 895 SoC can not achieve a 40% increase relative to the SD888.

    Exynos 2200 will also usher in a huge upgrade in CPU. This chip will use a new generation of three-cluster architecture. It will come with a Cortex-X1 super core, three Cortex-A78 medium cores, and 4 Cortex-A55 small cores.

    The Samsung Exynos 2200 chip can not only compete with the Snapdragon 895, it will even have the opportunity to sit side by side with the Apple A15.

    According to reports, the Exynos 2200 will come with Samsung’s new video accelerator. This chip will be the basis of the flagships, Galaxy S22 series. According to rumors, the chip will use the 4nm LPE process technology.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    National Geographic’s underwater video shot with Galaxy S21 Ultra looks amazing

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How to Add More RAM to Your Android Device with a MicroSD Card
    UPDATED FEB 05, 2021
    Running out of memory on Android? Here’s how to increase RAM on any Android phone or tablet.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tiesiitkö, että kännykkäsi kestävyys on saatettu testata suomalaisella pudotustesterillä. Niitä valmistaa Salon toimiva Konepaja Heinä, jonka tuorein laite on Drop Tester DT2000n, jonka toiminnasta on haettua myös patenttia.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Chris Welch / The Verge:
    Verizon launches “Verizon Adaptive Sound,” a spatial audio feature available first on new Motorola devices, with support across hardware and streaming services

    Verizon has its own version of spatial audio and it’s already pushing it on phones
    It’s already being added to existing Motorola devices

    You know spatial audio is having quite a moment when wireless carriers decide to create their own implementations of it. Verizon has announced a new sound feature it’s calling “Verizon Adaptive Sound,” and the company claims it “produces a brilliant spatial surround experience regardless of what headphone, soundbar, or earbud brand you use or what application you’re watching or listening to.”

    The audio trick, which Verizon says has been in the works since 2019, is coming to Motorola phones first, including the new Motorola One 5G UW Ace that goes on sale July 8th. The Motorola Edge Plus also just received a firmware update that seems to add this feature, as noted by Droid Life.

    Verizon Adaptive Sound is integrated right into the settings menu on Android devices in the sound section. From there, you can adjust sliders for treble, bass, voice enhancement, and spatial surround sound. For those who’d prefer to ignore VAS completely and hear everything as normal, it can toggled on or off in settings.

    Verizon Adaptive Sound is based around “an innovative software and cloud-based solution,” a spokesperson said.

    That’s on the vague side, so I’ve asked the carrier for more specifics on exactly how it works and what it does. Is this just some kind of gimmicky, fake virtual surround effect? Or does it mix down Dolby Atmos channels (when available) to make the sound profile, similar to Apple’s spatial audio?

    Apple spatial audio works with AirPods earbuds and the AirPods Max headphones to create immersive surround sound — with head tracking — when watching TV shows and movies in supported apps. The company has more recently added spatial audio to its Apple Music service, though the results are very inconsistent.

    Verizon’s big talking point seems to be universal support across hardware and streaming services. But until we can give Verizon Adaptive Sound a try ourselves on one of these Moto devices, we can’t say how it compares to existing approaches.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kaikkien tuntema SIM-kortti on vuosien varrella kutistunut koko ajan pienemmäksi, mutta seuraavaksi fyysinen kortti katoaa kokonaan. Nokia vauhdittaa osaltaan kehitystä tuomalla markkinoille iSIM Secure Connect -ohjelmiston uusien 5G-mobiili- ja IoT-palveluiden mahdollistamiseksi.

    Nokian ohjelmisto on toimittajariippumaton eSIM- ja iSIM-käyttäjien etähallintaohjelmisto. Sulautettu SIM (eSIM) ja integroitu SIM (iSIM) ovat tekniikoita, joita käytetään käyttäjien ja laitteiden todentamiseen matkapuhelinverkoissa. Toisin kuin fyysiset SIM-kortit, eSIM ja iSIM voivat tallentaa ja hallita useita tilausprofiileja etänä.

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Samsung’s next Galaxy Unpacked device lineup may have been entirely spoiled in huge new leak
    New phones, watches, earbuds, and a date: August 11th

    We might now know a lot of what’s coming at Samsung’s next Galaxy Unpacked event thanks to a series of tweets from noted leaker Evan Blass. It seems like the event could be a big one, as Blass tweeted a long thread with GIFs of two new Galaxy foldables, a new Galaxy FE phone, two new Galaxy Watches, and even a set of new Galaxy Buds. He also says the event is set to take place one month from now on August 11th.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Chinese wearables maker Zepp Health to release next-gen chip and operating system
    Yvonne TangJuly 12, 2021

    Chinese smart wearables maker Zepp Health announced Monday that it will release its next-generation Huangshan chip and develop its own operating system on July 13.

    Zepp Health says its OS is more user-friendly, better suited for watches and better able to leverage the value of wearable devices.

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    änä vuonna jo 70 prosenttia älypuhelinten muisteista on nopeaa UFS-tyyppiä (Universal Flash Storage) ja useimmiten vielä uusinta 3.1-standardia. Kioxian uusin muisti näyttää, mihin ollaan menossa: nopeus kasvaa 30-40 prosenttia ja samalla piirien paksuus – vai pitäisikö sanoa ohuus – putoaa alle yhteen millimetriin.

    Kioxia ilmoitti aloittaneensa näytepiirien toimitukset uusissa 256 ja 512 gigatavun UFS-muisteissa, jotka tukevat standardin versiota 3.1. Piirit on pakattu koteloihin, joiden mitta korkeussuunnassa on 0,8 tai 1,0 millimetriä.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai / VICE:
    Profile of Andrey Shumeyko, who advertised internal Apple docs and devices on forums while being an Apple informant and who says Apple took advantage of him — He spent years inside the iPhone leaks and jailbreak community. He was also spying for Apple. — Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Arm on ilmoittanut, että sen älypuhelinpiirit muuttuvat ensi vuonna täysin 64-bittisiksi. Tämä tarkoittaa, että puhelimet eivät enää tue 32-bittisiä sovelluksia. Mitä käyttäjän pitää tehdä maailman nyt muuttuessa 64-bittiseksi? Onneksi ei oikeastaan yhtään mitään.

    64-bittisyys ei ole mitään uutta älypuhelimissa. Jo vuonna 2013 Apple toi iPhone 5s -mallissa markkinoille ensimmäisen 64-bittisen prosessorin. Android-leiri seurasi pian perässä, mutta tähän asti Arm-pohjaisissa puhelimissa on voitu käyttää sekä 32- että 64-bittistä koodia. Nyt 32-bittisyys jää Arm-piireissä vain sulautettuihin mikro-ohjaimiin.


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