Mobile Trends 2020

I was planning to write some article on the mobile trends on this year based on news-feed from MWC 2020 mobile event, but MWC canceled because of Coronavirus COVID-19. And so some other events.

Here are some trends:

It seems that smart phones seem to have as much excitement when a new model is released. Usually there is no new feature that renders the latest model an absolute must-have. Apart from potential prestige, there’s usually very little difference to the user whether the phone cost $300 or $1200.

People still remember the failed promise of foldable phones and 5G. For those 2019 had been a year of failed promises.

Along with foldable displays, the fifth generation of networking technology was touted as being the next big thing in the mobile business. It seems that year 2020 will be a real test for 5G if it will really take on or fails to full-fill the big expectations. This year will be the real test for 5G devices as the 5G device mass market has not yet really started. Read more on that on my 5G trends 2020 post.

The smartphones market was valued at USD 714.96 billion in 2019
. It was expected to reach USD 1351.8 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 11.2%. But it seems that this year does not meet those expectations, as IDC expects Smartphone market to drop 2.3% in 2020 due to coronavirus. COVID-19 outbreak is expected to result into 10.6 percent drop in the first half of 2020 and China’s smartphone market will drop by nearly 40 percent year over year in the first quarter. The SMEs in the phone industry, especially retail channel partners, will see the biggest effect.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kännyköiden liikeanturit kolmen valmistajan temmellyskenttä

    Ranskalaiselle Yole Developpementilla on oma tutkimusyhtiö, joka on selvittänyt älypuhelinten liikeantureiden valmistajia. System Plus Consulting purki kaikkiaan 114 älypuhelinta. Niiden sisuksista löytyi pääasiassa kolmen valmistajan liikeantureita.

    Viime vuodelta mukana oli 54 älypuhelinmallia. Kun ne avattiin, 43 prosentissa oli STMicroelectronicsin liikeanturi, TDK Invensensen anturi 27 prosentissa ja Bosch Sensortechin 17 prosentissa. Muille jäi näin 10 prosentin marginaalinen siivu jaettavaksi.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nokia Is Re-releasing Its Classic ‘Brick’ Phone For 20th Anniversary

    The iconic Nokia 6310 ‘Brick’ has been re-released with a revamped design for its 20th anniversary.

    Despite an upgrade in specs, those over the age of 25 will be delighted to know that the phone will, indeed, feature the legendary ‘Snake’ game that many of us would play on our parent’s phone back in the day.

    First launched in 2001, the seemingly indestructible 6310 was later updated in 2002 as the 6310i, before being discontinued in 2005.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Teratavun muistit tulevat myös Androidiin

    NAND-bittien kysyntää kasvattaa vahvasti se, että puhelimiin integroidaan yhä enemmän muistia. Applen uusi iPhone 13 Pro toi ensimmäistä kertaa tarjolle teratavun tallennustilan. TrendForce arvioi, että Android-leirin lippulaivat seuraavat perässä teratavun muistein ensi vuonna.

    Keväästä asti NAND-muistien hinnat ovat olleet nousussa, koska kysyntä on kasvanut nopeasti eivätkä valmistajat ole pystyneet nostamaan tuotantoaan riittävän nopeasti. Tutkimuslaitos TrendForcen mukaan normaaliin palataan ensi vuonna ja NAND-bitin hinta lähtee taas alaspäin.

    Tutkimuslaitoksen mukaan NAND-valmistajat tuottavat ensi vuonna markkinoille 31,8 prosenttia enemmän bittejä kuin tänä vuonna. Muistien kysyntä kasvaa edelleen vahvasti, 30,8 prosenttia.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Musiikin kuuntelu digitalisoituu – kännykästä ykköslaite

    Kännykkä on pian ohittamassa pian radiokuuntelun musiikin osalta, kertoo Teoston ja musiikkituottajien uusin selvitys musiikinkuuntelusta Suomessa. Lisäksi yhä useampi suomalaisista on valmis myös maksamaan striimatusta musiikista – niin premium-palveluista kuin keikoistakin.

    Kaikkiaan radio on silti edelleen ylivoimaisesti suosituin musiikin kuuntelun väline Suomessa. Siitä pitää huolen koko maan kattava fm-radioverkko useine kanavineen sekä ilmaiseksi tarjolla olevat ja Ylen Areena sekä muut yleisradoyhtiöiden verkkolaajennukset, joita voi kuunnella myös kännykän kautta. Suomalaisista on 60 prosenttia radiota autossa viimeisen vuorokauden aikana. Erityisesti kuunteluun käytetyssä ajassa radio on selkeä ykkönen. Puhelin ottaa kuitenkin radiota kiinni musiikinkuuntelulaitteena kovaa vauhti.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nokia Is Re-releasing Its Classic ‘Brick’ Phone For 20th Anniversary

    The iconic Nokia 6310 ‘Brick’ has been re-released with a revamped design for its 20th anniversary.

    Despite an upgrade in specs, those over the age of 25 will be delighted to know that the phone will, indeed, feature the legendary ‘Snake’ game that many of us would play on our parent’s phone back in the day.

    First launched in 2001, the seemingly indestructible 6310 was later updated in 2002 as the 6310i, before being discontinued in 2005.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Google lowers Play Store fees to 15% on subscription apps, as low as 10% for media apps

    Google is lowering commissions on all subscription-based businesses on the Google Play Store, the company announced today. Previously, the company had followed Apple’s move by reducing commissions from 30% to 15% on the first $1 million of developer earnings. Now, it will lower the fees specifically for app makers who generate revenue through recurring subscriptions. Instead of charging them 30% in the first year, which lowers to 15% in year two and beyond, Google says developers will only be charged 15% from day one.

    The company says 99% of developers will qualify for a service fee of 15% or less, as Google is also further reducing fees for specific vertical apps in the Play Media Experience Program. These will be adjusted to as low as 10%, it says.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ben Schoon / 9to5Google:
    Pixel 6 Pro review: an impressive flagship with excellent cameras, all day battery, and charging speeds up to 30W, but fingerprint sensor is “not super quick” — 2016 marked a major year for Google, with the launch of Assistant and its first self-made smartphone, the Google Pixel.

    Pixel 6 Pro Review: The flagship Google needs right now is the one buyers deserve

    Sam Rutherford / Gizmodo:
    Pixel 6 review: fantastic cameras and great battery life but Tensor SoC lags Snapdragon 888 in multi-core tests and in-screen fingerprint reader could be faster

    The Pixel 6 Is So Good, Why Buy Anything Else?

    With unmatched software, tons of high-end features, and the best cameras you can get on a phone for just $599, Google’s flagship is a steal.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Wall Street Journal:
    Comparing Pixel 6, iPhone 13, and Galaxy S21 pictures of people with darker skin tones, most felt Pixel’s were accurate but preferred Samsung’s

    Google Built the Pixel 6 Camera to Better Portray People With Darker Skin Tones. Does It?

    The new Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro claim to have the ‘world’s most inclusive camera.’ Here’s how it stacks up against Samsung’s Galaxy S21 and Apple’s iPhone 13 Mini

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Uusi koodekki pidentää korvanappien toiminta-aikaa

    Korvanapeissa halutaan usein jo cd-tasoista, mielellään häviötöntä ääntä, mutta tehonkulutuksen kutistaminen on edelleen toinen tärkeä tavoite. EDA-talo Cadencen uusi DSP-piiri tukee Bluetooth-standardiin hyväksyttyä vähävirtaista LC3-koodekkia, joka tekee nyt tuloaan laitteisiin.

    LC3 (Low Complexity Communications Codec) standardoitiin Bluetooth SIG:n toimesta viime vuonna. Tämä Fraunhofer-instituutin ja Ericssonin yhdessä kehittämä koodekki tuli korvaamaan BLE-yhteyksien paljon parjatun SBC-koodekin.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    4G katoaa myydyimpien listalta

    Tänä vuonna jo noin joka neljäs suomalainen on hankkinut 5G-puhelimen. Operaattorien tuoreet myyntilistat kuitenkin osoittavat, että vain 4G-verkossa toimivien laitteiden myynti on romahtanut.

    Esimerkiksi DNA Kaupan toimitusjohtaja Sami Aavikon mukaan lokakuussa 2020 DNA:n myydyimpien puhelinten listalla oli vain kolme 5G-puhelinta. – Nyt tilanne on jo täysin toinen, sillä listan puhelimista enää vain kolme on 4G-mallisia.

    DNA:n lokakuun kärkipaikoille nousivat Samsungin ja OnePlussan mallit. Myydyimmäksi puhelimeksi nousi Samsung Galaxy A52s 5G, joka on noussut edeltäjänsä tapaan kuluttajien suosioon. Toisen sijan listalla otti Samsung Galaxy A32 5G. Kolmannella ja neljännellä sijalla ovat OnePlussan Nord-mallit: OnePlus Nord CE 5G ja OnePlus Nord N10 5G. Näiden valmistajien lisäksi listalta löytyy myös Applen 11-, 12- ja 13-sarjan mallien lisäksi kaksi Xiaomin Redmi-mallia.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mikä on kaikkein tehokkain Android-puhelin?

    AnTuTu on suosittu Android-puhelinten suorituskyvyn mittausohjelmisto. Nyt sen kehittäjät ovat raportoineet, mitkä ovat tämän hetken tehokkaimmat luurit. Kymmenen tehokkaimman listalle on päässyt vain puhelimia, joista löytyy Qualcommin Snadragon 888 -piirisarja.

    Snapdragon 888 julkistettiin jo vuosi sitten joulukuussa Qualcommin Tech Summit -tapahtumass

    Piirisarjaan on tehty vuoden aikana yksi päivitys, joten kaikkein tehokkain versio on SD 888 Plus.

    Tehokkain on pelipuhelin Black Shark 4S Pro, jossa muistia on 16 + 512 gigatavua. Sen noteeraus testissä oli 875 902 pistettä. Listan kakkosena on samalla piirisarjalla varustettu Nubia Red Magic 6S Pro, jossa keskusmuistia on 12 gigatavua.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Qt on valmis isoon kasvuun, panostaa myös mobiiliin

    Suomalainen Qt tunnetaan työkaluista, joilla voidaan luoda käyttöliittymiä laitteistoriippumattomasti. Tänään yhtiö kertoi World Summit -tapahtumassaan uudesta 6.2-alustastaan. Sen myötä Qt on valmis ottamaan ison hyppäyksen eteenpäin. Kännykkäkin kiinnostaa taas yhtiötä.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Qualcomm Upgrades Mobile Roadmap to Deliver Increased Capabilities Across Snapdragon 7, 6 and 4 Series

    Four New Snapdragon 5G and 4G Mobile Platforms Expected to Launch Commercially in Q4 2021

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    DSP increases audio/voice processing, while prolonging battery life in wearables and other small devices.
    Read the full article:
    #EDN #DSP #AudioDSP

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Apple ordered to comply with court’s decision over in-app payments in Epic Games case

    A federal judge has ruled that Apple can’t push back the deadline to update App Store policies, as previously ordered in the court’s decision on California’s Epic Games v. Apple lawsuit. Though Apple largely won that lawsuit when the judge declared that Apple was not acting as a monopolist as Epic Games had alleged, the court sided with the Fortnite maker on the matter of Apple’s anti-steering policies regarding restrictions on in-app purchases. The court’s original ruling stated that Apple would no longer be allowed to prohibit developers from pointing to other means of payment besides Apple’s own payment systems, but Apple wanted that decision put on hold until its appeals case was decided — a delay that would have effectively pushed back the App Store changes by a matter of years.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Samsung tuo älypuhelimiin 64 gigatavun keskusmuistin

    1,3 kertaa nopeampi. Näin kehuu Samsung uusinta älypuhelinten 16 gigabitin LPDDR5X-muistiaan. Kun aiempi LPDDR5-muisti pystyi siirtämään dataa puhelimen prosessorilla 6,4 gigabittiä sekunnissa, yltää uusi versio 8,5 gigabittiin sekunnissa. Samalla maksimikapasiteetti kasvaa 64 gigatavuun.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    John Koetsier / Forbes:
    Some subscription app developers suspect Apple is buying Google ads that send users to their apps in the App Store, to protect its cut by decreasing web signups — Apple is secretly buying Google ads for high-value apps to collect potentially millions of dollars in subscription revenue, multiple app publishers have told me.

    Apple Quietly Buying Ads Via Google For High-Value Subscription Apps To Capture App Publisher Revenue

    Apple is secretly buying Google ads for high-value apps to collect potentially millions of dollars in subscription revenue, multiple app publishers have told me. Apple is placing the ads without the app developers’ consent, and Google won’t delete them, they say.

    The cost: potentially millions of dollars in lost revenue. Plus, high advertising costs for their own campaigns.

    It’s a form of ad arbitrage, they say, and it’s been going on for at least two years.

    Impacted businesses include major brands such as dating apps like Tinder, Plenty of Fish, and Bumble, media giant HBO, education and learning publisher Masterclass, and language learning service Babbel. The ads don’t disclose that they are from Apple and would, to most observers, simply look like ads from the brands and app publishers themselves that happen to go right to the App Store. They do, however, have similar tracking links with near-identical parameters that indicate one agency is likely placing all of them.

    “Apple is trying maximize the money they’re making by driving in-app purchases that people buy through the Apple Store,”

    The obvious question, of course, is: Isn’t Apple advertising your business a good thing?

    They are literally paying to find you more customers. Isn’t more customers something that you want? Wouldn’t you want Apple to keep doing this, and do even more of it?

    Perhaps surprisingly, according to multiple major mobile brands, the answer is no.

    “It’s hurting developers’ businesses,” one said. “You’re building your growth based on what you think a customer is worth, and if a customer is worth 30% less, your margin is gone.”

    Some subscriptions are worth hundreds of dollars a year. Those might be for training classes, education, fitness, or dating apps. Apple’s cost to run an ad might be $5-10 for each successful sign-up, and the revenue can easily be $50 or more.

    “The customer doesn’t know,” a source said. “The user doesn’t know that $54 is going to Apple, not the developer.”

    There are additional costs as well, beyond the dollars.

    When people buy access to a service via a subscription in an iOS app, they are essentially Apple’s customers. For privacy reasons Apple does not provide much information about them to the apps or businesses that run the apps. That means it’s hard to do customer service, address issues, or solve any problems.

    “The user experience is much worse,” a marketing executive from one company told me. “When you buy with the developer, they have a relationship with you … when you buy from Apple: sorry, you’re Apple’s customer, not ours, and if you have a problem with a subscription … we can’t really help them.”

    In addition, when multiple parties bid on the same ad slots, prices rise.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jon Porter / The Verge:
    Samsung releases Android 12-based One UI 4 for the Galaxy S21, S21 Plus, and S21 Ultra, with new theming options, keyboard tweaks, and privacy settings

    Samsung releases Android 12-powered One UI 4 for Galaxy S21 phones
    With older phones and tablets following ‘soon’

    Samsung is making its One UI 4 software update available for the Galaxy S21, S21 Plus, and S21 Ultra starting today, the company has announced. The update is based on this year’s Android 12, was released in public beta in September, and adds new theming options, keyboard tweaks, and privacy settings.

    The new features coming with the latest version of Samsung’s software should look familiar to anyone who’s been keeping up with Android 12’s upgrades. First up is a Material You-style overhaul, including the ability to change the operating system’s color scheme based on your chosen wallpaper, and there are also redesigned widgets. New privacy-focused features include a Privacy Dashboard that keeps track of how often apps are requesting sensitive information from your phone, and there are also new indicators that show when the phone’s camera or microphone are in use.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Chaim Gartenberg / The Verge:
    MediaTek announces the Dimensity 9000 mobile chip, which uses TSMC’s 4nm process and supports 5G without the faster mmWave standard, WiFi 6E, and Bluetooth 5.3

    MediaTek’s new Dimensity 9000 flagship could compete with Qualcomm’s top-tier Snapdragon chips
    MediaTek’s new SoC is its most powerful yet

    MediaTek has just announced its latest flagship processor: the Dimensity 9000, the company’s most powerful chip ever that looks like it should be able to go head to head with the best chips that more popular competitors like Qualcomm and Samsung offer.

    Where previous top-tier Dimensity chips (like last year’s Dimensity 1000) were still less powerful than contemporaries like Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 888 or Samsung’s Exynos 2100, the new Dimensity 9000 is coming out of the gate to make a case for 2022 Android flagships.

    The new Dimensity 9000 is the first mobile chip to be built on TSMC’s 4nm process, in addition to using Arm’s new v9 architecture. It’s also the first announcement CPU to use Arm’s new core designs: a single Cortex-X2 performance core clocked at 3.05GHz, three Cortex-A710 cores at 2.85GHz, and four Cortex-A510 efficiency cores at 1.8GHz. The GPU, meanwhile, is a 10-core Arm Mali-G710, along with MediaTek’s fifth-generation APU with six total cores for AI processing (which the company says offers four times the performance and power efficiency compared to its previous generation).

    As one might expect for a modern smartphone chip, the Dimensity 9000 offers an onboard 5G modem with support for the 3GPP’s Release 16 specification. Notably, though, the new chip still lags behind competitors by only offering built-in sub-6GHz 5G support, without the faster mmWave standard. The Dimensity 9000 does claim to be the first smartphone to support Bluetooth 5.3 and will work with Wi-Fi 6E, too.

    It’s likely that MediaTek won’t be alone for long when it comes to using the latest Arm technologies — Qualcomm, for example, is widely expected to announce a successor to its Snapdragon 888 chipset at its annual Snapdragon Tech Summit on November 30th.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Apple to begin do-it-yourself repair program for iPhones, Macs next year

    The tech giant says it will publish repair manuals and allow everyday customers to buy the same parts and tools certified technicians and repair shops use.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Your Smartphone May Soon Be Able To Detect Hidden Spy Cameras
    This new ability is thanks to the addition of a time-of-flight (ToF) sensor to many new models. The sensor helps a smartphone analyze depth information about a scene that’s being photographed. It does that by beaming out a laser. The laser bounces off objects and then returns to the sensor, and the phone can then analyze the data that’s been gathered and use it to optimize camera settings. A team of researchers discovered that the laser from the ToF sensor can do more than produce better-looking pictures. It turns out that the intense beam causes abnormal reflections when it hits something like the lens of a camera.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    OnePlus kehittää kolmeen osaan taipuvaa puhelinta

    Taipuvia puhelimia on demottu ja tuotu markkinoille vaihtelevalla menestyksellä. Hollantilaisen LetsGoDigitalin mukaan Suomessa suurta suosiota nauttiva OnePlus olisi patentoinut puhelinmallin, joka aukeaa kolmeen eri näyttöön.

    Taivuteltavia puhelimia ovat aiemmin esitelleet Samsung, Xiaomi ja Huawei. Suurempaa kansainvälistä suosiota on saavuttanut lähinnä Samsungin uusi simpukkamalli Galaxy Z Flip 3. Muilla malleilla on lähinnä kokeiltu Kiinan markkinoita. Googlen Pixel Foldkin on laitettu toistaiseksi jäihin.

    Huhujen mukaan Oppo olisi tuomassa ensimmäisen taivuteltavan mallinsa esiin vielä tämän vuoden aikana. “Oppo Find Fold” on tiettävästi malliltaan samalainen kuin Galaxy Z Fold 3, mutta 8 tuuman sisäänpäin taittuvalla näytöllä.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tämä 7 vuotta vanha puhelin saa yhä päivityksiä

    Fairphone tunnetaan vastuullisuutta korostavana hollantilaisena älypuhelinvalmistajana. Nyt yritys kertoo, että se jatkaa päivitysten tarjoamista kuusi vuotta vanhalle Fairphone 2 -älypuhelimelleen. Laitteelle on tarjolla Android 10 -päivitys julkisena beetaversiona tästä päivästä lähtien.

    Vuonna 2015 julkaistu Fairphone 2 on yksi harvoista älypuhelimista, joille julkaistaan edelleen ohjelmistopäivityksiä. Fairphonen yli seitsemän vuoden tuki on ainutlaatuista ja Android-älypuhelimissa harvinaista. Kun Fairphone 2 tuli markkinoille, siinä oli Android 5. Sen jälkeen laite on saanut Android 6-, Android 7.1- ja Android 9 -päivitykset.

    Fairphone 2 sai jälleen päivityksen ilman mikropiirivalmistajan tukea. Fairphone teki tällä kertaa yhteistyötä Fairphone-yhteisön kanssa välttääkseen ongelmia, joita esiintyi Android 9 -päivityksen kanssa, minkä vuoksi Android 10 -päivitys saatiin toteutettua nopeammin.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Haavoittuvuus Mediatekin piireissä uhkasi miljoonia Android-käyttäjiä

    Tietoturvayritys Check Pointin tutkimusosasto löysi jokin aika sitten haavoittuvuuden taiwanilaisen Mediatekin valmistamassa älypuhelimen sirussa. Haavoittuvuus löytyi piirien audioprosessorin sisältä. Jos haavoittuvuuksia ei olisi korjattu, ne olisivat saattaneet antaa hakkerin salakuunnella Android-käyttäjää tai piilottaa laitteeseen haitallista koodia.

    MediaTekin piirillä oli erityinen AI-prosessointiyksikön (APU) ja digitaalisen signaaliprosessori eli DSP-piiri, joka prosessoi audiodataa. Sekä APU:ssa että audio-DSP:ssä on mukautetut mikroprosessoriarkkitehtuurit, mikä tekee piiristä ainutlaatuisen ja haastavan kohteen tietoturvatutkimukselle.

    Tietoturva-aukkojen hyödyntämiseksi olisi pitänyt tapahtua seuraavaa: Käyttäjä asentaa haitallisen sovelluksen Googlen Play-aupasta ja käynnistää sen. Sovellus käyttää Mediatekin omaa rajapintaa hyökätäkseen kirjastoon, jolla on lupa keskustella ääniohjaimen kanssa. Sovellus, jolla on järjestelmäoikeudet, lähettää viestejä ääniohjaimelle suorittaakseen koodin ääniprosessorin laiteohjelmistossa. Vasta tämän jälkeen sovellus pystyisi kuuntelemaan audiota.

    CPR ilmoitti vastuullisesti havaintonsa Mediatekille. Löydetyt kolme haavoittuvuutta korjattiin ja julkaistiin lokakuun 2021 Mediatekin tietoturvatiedotteessa.

    Mediatekin mukaan ei ole todisteita siitä, että haavoittuvuuksia hyödynnettäisiin tällä hetkellä.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 1: Inside the Next Android Powerhouse
    The chip that will power the US Samsung Galaxy S22 offers improved camera and 5G capabilities.

    Qualcomm today announced the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, its first chip in a new naming scheme and the likely processor in Samsung’s US Galaxy S22 and the OnePlus 10 phone series.

    “The new class of experiences Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 delivers can transform flagship devices with breakthrough 5G speeds, professional-quality cameras, intelligent personal assistants, and elite gaming rigs,” Qualcomm said in a blog post.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sam Byford / The Verge:
    Oppo unveils Air Glass, a 30g “assisted reality” wearable that projects 2D info into the user’s FoV with a claimed three-hours usage, coming to China in Q1 2022 — Coming to China early next year — Oppo has announced the Air Glass, an AR device that’ll go on sale early next year.

    Oppo announces Air Glass ‘assisted reality’ device
    Coming to China early next year

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Vlad Savov / Bloomberg:
    Oppo unveils the MariSilicon X, a 6nm smartphone chip produced by TSMC that it says can process real-time RAW images, debuting in its flagship phones in Q1 2022

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Älypuhelin tunnistaa sinut kävelysi perusteella

    Plymouthin yliopistossa tehty tutkimus kertoo, että älypuhelimesi tunnistaa sinut kävelysi perusteella noin 85 prosentin varmuudella. Mikäli kävelet oikein nopeasti, puhelin tunnistaa sinut 90 prosentin varmuudella.

    Plymouthin tutkijoiden tekemä tutkimus on julkaistu Computers & Security -lehdessä. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana 44 koehenkilöä, jotka kantoivat puhelinta mukanaan viikosta 10 päivään. Samalla puhelimen liikeanturin ja kiihtyvyysanturin data tallennettiin. Testin aikana kerättiin yli 4000 näytettä anturidatasta.

    Real-world smartphone-based gait recognition

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, Qualcomm’s premium 5G mobile platform, packs a modem-RF system that boasts 10-Gbps download speeds.
    Read the full article:
    #EDN #5G #snapdragon #Android #smartphones

    Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, Qualcomm’s premium 5G mobile platform, packs a modem-RF system that boasts 10-Gbps download speeds. The system-on chip also offers Snapdragon Sight, a collection of premium camera features, including one of the first 18-bit image signal processors in the mobile arena.

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How Does This App Blow Out Candles?

    I show you how an app can blow wind out of your phone enough to blow out candles.

    The most amazing thing about this channel is how many ideas for videos he comes up with. Sometimes, the explanations are simple and sometimes they reveal some complex or hidden phenomenon, but the result is always fascinating. In addition to being very technically knowledgeable, The Action Lab is extremely creative! It inspires millions to learn about science and to be curious.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    OPPOn uusi tekoälyprosessori on tehokkaampi kuin Applella

    Kiinalainen OPPO on julkistanut uusia tuotteita innovaatiopäivässään Shenzhenissä. Yksi yllättävimpiä uutuuksia on MariSilicon X -nimellä julkistettu älypuhelimien kuva- ja tekoälyprosessori. Ehkä yllättävintä on se, että OPPO on kehittänyt Applen A15-prosessorin NPU-yksikköä suorituskykyisemmän piirin

    OPPOn mukaan piiri kykenee laskemaan neuroverkkoja 18 TOPSin teholla (biljoonaa operaatiota sekunnissa). 6 nanometrin prosessissa valmistetun sirun lukema on kova, sillä uusimpien iPhone 13 -puhelimien ylivertaisena pidetty NPU-yksikkö yltää lukemaan 15 TOPS.

    OPPOn mukaan uusi prosessori tulee markkinoille ensi vuoden ensimmäisellä neljänneksellä Find X -sarjan tulevassa huippumallissa.

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Springboard: the secret history of the first real smartphone (Full Documentary)

    A decade before Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone, a tiny team of renegades imagined and tried to build the modern smartphone. Nearly forgotten by history, a little startup called Handspring tried to make the future before it was ready. This is the story of the Treo.

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kisa kiihtyy älypuhelimien piireissä

    Qualcomm, Samsung ja Apple tiedetään tehokkaimpien älypuhelinprosessorien valmistajaksi – ainakin nyt kun Huawei on poissa pelistä – mutta moni uusi yrittäjä haluaa haastaa ne. Taiwanilainen Mediatek on onnistunutkin siinä erityisesti halvemman luokan 5G-puhelimissa, mutta seuraava haastaja näyttää tulevan Kiinasta.

    Kyseessä on Unisoc, joka tunnettiin aiemmin nimellä Spreadtrum. Sen piiri löytyy HMD Globalin uudesta Nokia T-20-tabletista, mutta uudet puhelimien piirit ovat erittäin mielenkiintoisia. Esimerkiksi Tanggula T770 -piirisarja on markkinoiden ensimmäinen 6 nanometrin EUV-prosessissa valmistettu älypuhelinpiiri.

  34. Tomi Engdahl says:

    BlackBerry phones to stop working as company finally pulls plug

    BlackBerry phones, once the height of mobile devices, are finally being shut off.

    The company announced that services for the older devices will be brought to an end on 4 January. At that point, they will “no longer reliably function”, BlackBerry said, and will be unable to get data, texts or make phone calls, including to emergency numbers.

    It is just the latest in a series of endings for the once equally beloved and hated name, which helped drive the mobile revolution and was at the forefront of business and technology. While the BlackBerry has been declared dead a number of times before, the latest move means that the phones themselves will actually stop working.

  35. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Allison Johnson / The Verge:
    Samsung unveils Galaxy S21 FE, with a 6.4-inch display, Snapdragon 888, 120Hz refresh rate, triple-lens rear camera, and a 32MP selfie camera, starting at $699

    The Galaxy S21 FE officially joins Samsung’s crowded midrange lineup

    There’s now even less room between the ceiling of the A-series and the floor of the S-series

  36. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kif Leswing / CNBC:
    Apple became the first company to reach a $3T market cap when its stock hit $182.86, tripling its valuation in under four years, before closing at $182.01 — – Apple hit a market cap of $3 trillion, tripling in valuation in under four years. — The milestone is mostly symbolic …

    Apple becomes first U.S. company to reach $3 trillion market cap

  37. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Apple shipped an estimated 22% of global smartphones in Q4 2021, down from 23% in Q4 2020, followed by Samsung at 20%, Xiaomi at 12%, Oppo at 9%, and Vivo at 8%

    Canalys: Apple retakes top spot in global smartphone market in Q4 2021

    Apple accounted for 22% of worldwide smartphone shipments in Q4 2021, thanks to strong demand for the iPhone 13. But overall shipments for the quarter grew just 1%, as vendors faced supply chain problems and a resurgence in COVID-19 cases. Samsung took second place, down from the top spot in Q3 2021, with a market share of 20%. Xiaomi maintained its third-place position with a 12% share. OPPO and vivo completed the top five with 9% and 8% shares respectively.

    “Apple is back at the top of the smartphone market after three quarters, driven by a stellar performance from the iPhone 13,” said Canalys Analyst Sanyam Chaurasia. “Apple saw unprecedented iPhone performance in Mainland China, with aggressive pricing for its flagship devices keeping the value proposition strong. Apple’s supply chain is starting to recover, but it was still forced to cut production in Q4 amid shortages of key components and could not make enough iPhones to meet demand. In prioritized markets, it maintained adequate delivery times, but in some markets its customers had to wait to get their hands on the latest iPhones.”

  38. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Original ‘iBeer’ iPhone app made creators $20,000 a day

    It was a simpler time when the App Store opened in 2008. But while most novelty apps like fart noise ones faded away quickly, “iBeer” lasted much longer.

    According to a new Mel magazine interview with its magician creator, it also began long before the invention of the App Store.

    “I built the very first iteration of this mechanism for the Palm Pilot,”

    The app is on version 11.4, and has been since 2017. It’s free to download, and there are in-app purchases that turn iBeer into a milk, soda, or wine.

  39. Tomi Engdahl says:

    I Killed Google and My Phone Almost Died

    I set out on a journey to sidestep Google’s version of Android and instead use free, private, and secure open-source alternatives on my phone. I made some stupid mistakes, including potentially bursting into flames, but I learned a lot along the way.

  40. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Smartphone Addiction Linked To Changes In Brain Structure

    If you spend your days chasing “likes” with your head buried in your smartphone, your brain structure might be subtly different from those who keep their tech use to a minimum.

    Researchers from Heidelberg University in Germany have found that “smartphone addiction” is linked to lower amounts of gray matter in certain parts of the brain, including the insula and temporal cortex. People with dysfunctional smartphone use also showed reduced activity in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region implicated in a broad range of behaviors and cognitive processes.

  41. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Razer Phone Cooler Chroma review: It enrages me that this even exists
    Every now and then a product comes along that is so ill-conceived it boggles the mind.

    Our Verdict
    Not every product is for everybody, but this product is for nobody. It’s at least well-built and does indeed cool your phone, but the laundry list of downsides should preclude anyone from even considering a purchase.

    Phone Cooler Chroma. A product well-built but so ill-conceived on every level that it makes me mad just to know it exists. This is a solution in search of a problem; a product that is both expensive and useless. But don’t worry, it also makes using your phone for anything at all a much worse experience, too!


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